When: Tuesday, September 18, 6:00 pm
Where: Shirley’s Home in King George, VA (Note: Please email Shirley for directions if you are local and plan to attend.)
What: Sunny Busby, who is a delight, will speak on Healthy Lunchboxes. Sunny blogs gluten free and dairy free at And Love It Too. For the second year in a row, she’s hosting the Healthy Lunchbox series. She kicked off the series here and it lasts for 31 days, so be sure to head over and check out all the posts. As I write this, the series is only half way through. (I’m subscribes to Sunny’s blog so I won’t miss a post.)
Sunny, who is also the mother of five children, will share her considerable lunchbox expertise—as well as tips from the gluten-free bloggers participating in the series—when she Skypes in from Texas to join us. One of the main questions that I get asked from those new to gluten free is what do I pack for my or my child’s gluten-free lunch? Some time later after being gluten free for a while, those same folks look to healthier, gluten-free lunches, so I think Sunny’s presentation will be much appreciated and very timely with the new school year just underway when she speaks.
Per usual, we’ll begin our meeting with our always delicious group meal that’s focused on whole food, real food, and recipes made from it, with the emphasis on naturally gluten free. For this meeting, let’s contribute dishes, beverages, etc. that would also make great and healthy lunchbox fare. So, for example, if you are bringing a dessert, maybe you’d like to share your favorite homemade granola bars with us. Of course, most any healthy gluten-free food, also makes a great healthy lunch. I expect that we will have many wonderful gluten-free dishes, with many also being dairy free, refined sugar free, vegetarian, etc. Please bring your recipe or a listing of your ingredients/label to show what your dish contains to keep those who have other food intolerances safe.
Lucy’s Cookies will be providing samples of their cookies (such as Maple Bliss, Chocolate Chip, Oatmeal, Cinnamon Thins, and Sugar) as well as their new Brownie Cakes for us all to try.
Hope that many of you will join us for all!