When: Tuesday, May 15, 6:00 pm
Where: Shirley’s Home in King George, VA (Note: Please email Shirley for directions if you are local and plan to attend.)
What: We have the pleasure of having Donna Hetrick of Lifestyle Fitness and Nutrition join us as our speaker. “As a certified clinical nutritionist and personal trainer, Donna P. Hetrick works with clients to improve overall health, achieve a greater sense of vitality and achieve a healthy balance in an unbalanced world.” She holds a diploma in Nutrition from the American Academy of Nutrition and is both a Certified Blood Chemistry Analyst and a Certified Clinical Nutritionist. She is a member of the International and American Associations of Clinical Nutritionists and maintains a proficiency in exercise instruction, nutritional counseling and holistic wellness by attending workshops and ongoing study.
We heard Dr. Tom O’Bryan talk passionately about gluten sensitivity in the Gluten Sensitivity and Celiac Forum (via DVD) a while back and heard him repeat over and over that we need to not only go gluten free, but also to “Heal the gut, heal the gut, heal the gut!” Unfortunately, Dr. O’Bryan did not tell us how to heal the gut in that particular presentation and while we all have some knowledge on this topic, we’ve been wondering ever since what the best way is to heal the gut. Fortunately for us, Donna Hetrick is going to tell us how to heal the gut. This presentation is another one I’m really looking forward to. It’s not an over-dramatization to say that hearing Donna’s presentation could be life-changing for those of us who are still trying to heal and keep other illnesses and symptoms at bay. If you’d like to learn more about Donna before out meeting check out her website and her blog. (Special note: Many thanks to Lynne Wood for finally connecting me and Donna, so we could set up her presentation!)
We’ll begin our meeting with our always amazing group meal. The food theme for this meeting will be, appropriately, healing foods. If you’re uncertain what that means in even the most basic way, here’s a great roundup on healing foods and recipes here to give you some ideas.
Read the complete summary of this meeting by clicking this link to my follow-up GFE Gluten-Free Virtual Support Group Post.