When: Tuesday, May 24, 6:00 pm
Where: Shirley’s Home in King George, VA
(Note: Please email Shirley for directions if you are local and plan to attend.)
What: We’ll share a gluten-free potluck Cinqo de Mayo meal together. (Our shared, safe, and delicious meal is what most members say is their favorite part of our meetings!) Then we’ll watch part of the video from the 2010 Gluten Sensitivity and Celiac Forum. This event was hosted by HealthNow Medical Center in Sunnyvale, CA. Dr. Vikki Petersen and her husband, Dr. Rick Petersen, run this well-respected center. Dr. Vikki and Dr. Rick, as they’re affectionately known, also co-authored the book, The Gluten Effect. You can read more about last year’s event and see a brief excerpt here for a “preview” of what we’ll be watching together.
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