When: Monday, August 18, 6:00 pm
Where: Anne and John Mikszewski’s home; 13173 Kings Highway; King George VA 22485; 703-587-5970
What: This meeting will be a potluck with no theme and no presentation. However, if you have any topics you’d like to discuss or questions on gluten-free living in any area, bring them to the meeting or email them to me and we’ll be sure to address them at the meeting or plan a future meeting focused on them. I know that several of you are new to our group and gluten-free living and, therefore, you might have some specific concerns. Note that we usually have a good number of foods/dishes that are also dairy free, vegan, etc. However, if you eat “more free” than gluten free, be sure to bring something you can eat, just in case.
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