Today kicks off my annual Suite of Sweets for Sweethearts (SSS) event by sharing my Pomegranate Sherbet recipe. I’m excited!
This event is exactly as it sounds. It’s all about sweet treats for your sweethearts.
You supply the Sweethearts—your husband, wife, partner, son, daughter, friend … any and all of the folks you love so much—and I’ll supply the Suite of Sweets for them.
I’ll share at least five new sweets recipes this week … maybe more … all gluten free and some “more free” as I like to say. But I’ll get to more on the SSS event in a minute, first I want to take care of some gfe housekeeping duties.
I had hoped to share some last minute Super Bowl ideas with you before the big event yesterday, but that obviously didn’t happen. Blame it on another allergy/food issue. I’d been suffering from a pretty nasty headache for the better part of the last several days.
While headaches are a rarity for me since going gluten free and usually incited by accidental “glutening,” this one was not. I finally figured out yesterday morning that the coconut water I had hurriedly picked up at the store the other day—a different brand with different ingredients—contained sulfites.
I’ve occasionally had problems with sulfites over the years and had managed to mostly stay clear of them until now. When my headache, which was somewhere in the middle between a “sinus headache” and a “migraine” and had eased overnight, quickly kicked into high gear after one glass of my morning smoothie, I finally connected the dots.
So if you have issues with sulfites and preservatives like I do, remember to always check out the ingredients in coconut water unless it’s a brand that you know is 100% coconut water. Lesson learned, but the hard way.
You might have being wondering what’s going on with The GFE Gluten-Free Virtual Support Group. When I last mentioned it, I said I’d be “back in a day or two” to tell you about that.
Well, sometimes when I say “in a day or two,” in reality, it’s similar to my husband saying “the other day.” His “the other day” could have been weeks earlier. It’s all relative.
As that old saying goes, time flies. The GFE Gluten-Free Virtual Support Group is still coming. The first one will be held on Tuesday, February 28, a week after my actual February support group meeting is held here. I will share more details closer to the date, but for planning purposes the food theme will be Foods You Love (or Love Making for Others). More to come …
To properly launch my annual SSS event, I’m sharing my pretty in pink, perfectly-suited-for-Valentine’s-Day Pomegranate Sherbet recipe—POM Sherbet for short— today. While some folks think of ice cream and sherbet only during the summer months, we enjoy them year round.
Simple sherbet has always been a light and refreshing party favorite for our family. Son even treasured it as a special indulgence with magical healing powers when he was feeling a bit puny.
I make all my ice cream recipes dairy free these days, which I think makes for lighter, more enjoyable ice cream, but dairy-free sherbets are even lighter and more refreshing. Of all my sherbet recipes, this POM Sherbet—that I created a few years ago—is the easiest and quickest from start to finish because there’s no peeling or cutting of fruit involved, just a combining of liquids and then churning in one’s ice cream maker. (Note: You can even make ice cream and sherbet without an ice cream maker using these instructions from David Lebovitz. I tried his method recently and it requires some time, but it works very well.)
The tart pomegranate flavor in this sherbet is wonderful and it’s perfect to kick off my Suite of Sweets for Sweethearts event because of its gorgeous pink color. What a lovely and healthy way to indulge the sweet Valentines in your life! You do have more than one, right?
Here’s your gfe recipe for refreshing, “pretty in pink” sherbet. I hope you’ll be here every day this week for another Sweet for your Sweethearts!
Pomegranate Sherbet Recipe
Pomegranate (POM) Sherbet (Dairy Free)
This Pomegranate Sherbet is light and refreshing. The tart flavor in this sherbet is just wonderful!
- 2 cups of POM Wonderful pomegranate juice, chilled (or other 100% pure pomegranate juice)
- 1 can full-fat coconut milk, chilled
- ¼ cup honey (or agave nectar for vegan option; more of either if you omit stevia below---see notes)
- 7 drops liquid vanilla crème stevia (optional, see notes if you wish to leave it out)
- Mix all together well (using blender, or bowl and your mixer) and pour into frozen tub of ice cream maker. Churn about 25 minutes.
- When you remove the POM sherbet from the ice cream maker, it will still be somewhat soft. You can scoop it into a container and freeze for about a half hour to an hour longer to have a firmer sherbet. Or you can spoon some into a glass, stir well, and insert a straw for a slushie. You will love this recipe either way. The last time I made it, we drank small glassfuls in slushie form and then we enjoyed the firm sherbet later. It’s a good compromise for those wanting just a little taste the moment they hear the ice cream maker stop!
If you want to omit the stevia, you can increase the honey (or agave nectar) to 1/3 cup. Taste the blended mixture before adding it to the ice cream maker. Add additional honey (or agave nectar) and/or stevia if needed.
Ina Gawne says
Shirley – this recipe looks fabulous! Next weekend I will be making a Pomegranate Citrus glaze chicken when we have company. Your Sherbet recipe will be the perfect dessert! Can’t wait…thanks for sharing! 🙂
Shirley says
Hi Ina–Thank you, dear! I checked out your post on your test run on your chicken with Pomegranate Citrus glaze–WOW! I could imagine how fabulous that tasted from seeing your photos and reading how much you and your hubby loved it. 🙂 A POM pairing sounds like a great idea to me. 😉
Shannon Brown says
My mouth is watering. I really like the taste of pomegranate but don’t have it often. I need to correct that. I’d also like Ina’s recipe for her chicken glaze 🙂
Shirley says
Shannon–I tend to go through pomegranate phases. Throwing a few bottles of POM juice in my grocery cart usually gets me going for a while. 😉 Ina’s recipe is up; follow her link to check it out!
Shannon Brown says
I followed the link and her chicken also looks wonderful. I’m going to have to pick up some POM juice and give these both a try. Thanks!
Shirley says
Shannon–Glad you found Ina’s recipe. I think many of us will be making that one! I don’t buy POM all the time, but I get a lot of mileage out of it when I do. 😉
The Celiac Husband says
Sulfites can be horrid. Or Nitrates for that matter.
The town we call home here in France installed a water purifier because of high concentration of Nitrates.
Shirley says
The Celiac Husband–Hey there! Yes, both totally stink. Kudos to your town for taking that concern seriously and looking out for its citizens!
Hallie @ Daily Bites says
Can’t wait to see the week unfold with your SSS treats, Shirley! I remember that sherbet from last summer…good reminder for me to make it. 🙂
Shirley says
Hi Hallie–Thanks! I’m always excited to see how my events unfold, too. 😉 Right now, I’m trying to find one of the misplaced recipes. LOL So glad this sherbet appeals to you. I love it!
Megan Holder says
An ice cream maker is definitely on my list of things to get. This looks sooo good and will definitely satisfy my “ice cream” fix. Thx for sharing Shirley!!! 🙂
Shirley says
Hi Megan–It’s a very worthy purchase for sure! This sherbet is such a lovely light treat. I hope you enjoy it if you give it a try. 🙂
Beth @ Tasty Yummies says
This looks amazing!!! I absolutely LOVE coconut milk based ice creams! They are the best. This one looks so refreshing and creamy.
Shirley says
Hey Beth–Thanks! I totally agree on coconut milk based ice creams. I love them so much more than dairy ice creams. They are pretty foolproof in my opinion, which I love. 😉
Linda says
My sister has a lot of trouble with sulfites. Not just when it’s added, but also foods that have them naturally. I’m glad you figured out the problem.
Your sherbert looks gorgeous! I’m looking forward to this suite of sweets!
Shirley says
Hi Linda–Ouch on your sister’s issues with sulfites … especially the naturally occurring sulfites. That would be really tough. I’m happy my sleuthing eventually figured out the issue. Eating few “products” does help with that detective work.
Thanks re: the sherbet and SSS … it’s always fun to do each year!
Jane says
Your pictures are gorgeous! It is recipes like this that make me want to get an ice cream maker … I hope you are feeling better!
Shirley says
Hi Jane–You are always so complimentary … thank you! 🙂 An ice cream maker is the gift (or purchase) that keeps on giving. 😉 I bought mine with a 20% off coupon at Bed Bath & Beyond, which made it very affordable and when you consider the cost of dairy-free ice cream, it’s actually paid for itself many times over.
Susan says
So sorry to read about your headaches Shirley. I’m sure you were relieved to discover the culprit. Looking forward to your week of sweets!
Shirley says
Thanks, Susan! It was a few days that reminded me of many of the same “pre-gluten free.” Although this time, gluten wasn’t the culprit, I was reminded of how my gluten-free life is infinitely better. 🙂
Hope you are enjoying the sweets so far! 😉
Kim (Cook IT Allergy Free) says
Yay! I love your SSS event! Cannot wait to see what is in store for us! I love this recipe. My neighbor is leaving town for a couple of weeks and brought over a huge jar of pomegranate juice. I am just thinking now that I will make this with it! 😀
Shirley says
Thanks, Kim! You have absolutely the coolest neighbors! My neigbhbors borrow eggs and can be counted on to borrow a cup of sugar if needed, but I don’t think any of them have ever purchased pomegranate juice. That is a fabulous gift! Enjoy … especially if you make this sherbet! 🙂
Maggie says
You are amazing Shirley! SSS! What a good idea, you’ll be busy this week 🙂 I am allergic to sulfites too. It’s a bummer, especially if you like to drink vino! This sherbert sounds and looks perfect for Valentine’s Day! Thanks for sharing.
Shirley says
Thanks, Maggie! You are one of my very best cheerleaders. 🙂 Boo on sulfites, huh? Thanks for the sherbet love! I do like naturally pink foods, especially desserts. 😉
AMDeis says
Nom-nom-nom! I think I am falling in love with you. 🙂 AWESOME looking recipe!!!!!!!!
Shirley says
Hey AMDeis!–LOL You are sweet! Thanks so much, dear. Hope you’ll enjoy the rest of the week. 🙂
Ricki says
Love the idea for this event, Shirley! And of course I’ll look forward to anything sweet. 😉
So sorry about the coconut water effects–we have to be so careful about what we eat! Glad you’re better now. 🙂
Shirley says
Thanks, Ricki! I look forward to this each year. It seems I always have an abundance of sweet recipes. 😉
I think coconut water should be only coconut water … blech on preservatives being added. 🙁
Kay Guest says
You never cease to amaze me. This recipe sounds SO GOOD!
It just makes my mouth water thinking about it.
Shirley says
Hi Kay–Awww, you always say the nicest things! Thanks, dear. It’s very tasty, but light–love that! 🙂
Amber says
Oh my Shirley, this recipe is screaming my name! See, I freak out about desserts of this sort the way my husband freaks out about chocolate. I’m seriously drooling over this. I am going to make this tomorrow night for sure! I’m posting a V-Day inspired recipe tonight and this is will be the perfect compliment. I’m so excited!!! Kids are going to love this one too.
Hugs to you Shirley and I hope you are feeling better. I suffer from the same thing (I can’t drink sulfite wine because of it). Take good care of yourself. You’re so in-tune with your body.
P.S. Oh, and I see you linked up to our blog hop! So glad to have you! Thank you for sharing.
Shirley says
Hi Amber–LOL on the two ways of freaking! Well, I should have enough of both kinds of recipes to freak you both out this week. 😉 Hope you made this sherbet! I love it! 🙂 With a family, the portions won’t be too big, but that’s a good thing, right? 🙂
I’m fine now and I will be very cautious about sulfites in the future. Had the problem years ago, but then it seemed to go away. Boo on its return! I think the longer that one is gf, the more “in tune” we can become. I’ve been better at figuring out causes of my issues than doctors ever were. Seriously.
Happy to link to your new event! Hugs,
Amber says
Hi Shirley,
Glad you’re feeling better!
Thank you for sharing with us on AFW! I made your Pom ice cream tonight! So good! I added just a splash of lemon and used agave for the sweetener. It reminded me so much of frozen yogurt, which I haven’t had in years. Thanks for the wonderful recipe. And your cookies look divine. 🙂
Shirley says
Hi Amber–It was my pleasure to participate. Now I just need to find time to check out all the recipes folks have shared there. Quite an impressive number for a very new event–woohoo for all of you who are leading AFW!
So glad you made the POM sherbet and enjoyed your variation! I have made it with lemon juice before when I wanted it more tart. 😉
Those cookies are appreciated very much when I make them!
Kristina says
oh my! I will be making this – you know I love all things PINK and have been having my own Valentines fun!
so sorry about the headache – I know first hand how debilitating they can be. 🙁 I hope you are feeling 100% again!
Shirley says
You, my dear, are THE QUEEN of all things pink, and not just that demure pink, but the “in your face” hot pink or that almost Pepto Bismol pink. LOL I love that about you though! 😉
A headache can make one really appreciate the days without headaches, which now are almost all days. Feeling fine now!
InTolerant Chef says
How yummy, I’m very fond of pomegranate juice and this is a great sounding recipe. I can well believe your sons claims of healing powers 🙂
Shirley says
InTolerant Chef–Another POM lover! Hope you enjoy this sherbet if you give it a try. 🙂 All those antioxidants certainly work their magic, don’t they? 😉 If one can achieve that with sherbet, then life is especially good. 😉
Katrina (GF Gidget) says
That’s the worst! I bought hummus once that had gluten in it. It’s so awful! Glad you’re feeling better though. I can’t wait to try this recipe. I added it to my pinterest board!
Shirley says
Hi Katrina–Thanks, dear … for everything! It’s always fun to see one’s recipes pinned. 🙂
Rogene says
I love to make ice cream. It’s getting harder to make with our other food restrictions. Will have to see if I can make a substitution in this for our needs.
Shirley says
Hi Rogene–Making ice cream is really fun, isn’t it? I love all the possibilities! I’ve found my ice cream recipes to be very adaptable with different sweeteners, etc., so I am hopeful your variation will work well. 🙂
Shelley Alexander says
Hi Shirley, this ice cream looks delicious! I am a holistic chef and I enjoy finding blogs that use whole real ingredients. Pomegranate is one of my favorite fruits, thanks for sharing 🙂
Shirley says
Hi Shelley–So glad we’ve connected here and on Twitter! Thanks so much for introducing yourself and welcome to gfe. 🙂 Being a holistic chef is awesome. I’m sure your clients are thrilled with how you take care of them and you must be very proud of what you do!
Carol says
So pretty! Love it!
Shirley says
Thanks, Carol! I like pretty and I know you do, too. 😉
Michelle @ The Willing Cook says
I just wanted to pop over and thank you also for sharing this recipe at Allergy-Free Wednesdays! What a perfect Valentine treat that my whole family can love. Be sure to check back next week for the featured recipes and to link up again.
Have a great weekend!
~AFW Hostesses
Shirley says
Hi Michelle–It’s great to meet you, and welcome to gfe! 🙂 It was my pleasure to join in to the event. Congrats on the successful start of Allergy-Free Wednesdays! It looks like everyone will find many recipes that will work for them in the roundup. 😉
Hope to see you next week! Enjoy your weekend, too. 🙂
Laura @ Gluten Free Pantry says
This dessert looks incredible! I am always looking for wonderful homemade ice cream recipes to make for my family. I can’t wait to make this treat for Valentine’s Day next week! I am pinning this 🙂
Shirley says
Hi Laura–Welcome to gfe! 🙂 I hope you and your family will enjoy this sherbet. Many thanks for the pin, and congrats to all of you who are hosting AFW!
Jeanette says
I love pomegranates (juice and the seeds) so this recipe is right up my alley.
Shirley says
Jeanette–I bet this sherbet would be pretty dressed up with some pom arils! 🙂
Amber says
I’ve featured your awesome recipe this week on Allergy-Free Wednesdays!
Here’s the link to the other great recipe highlights:
Be Well,
Shirley says
Hi Amber–Thanks so very much for featuring my POM sherbet! Such a treat (pun intended)! 😉 The highlighted recipes do look awesome. 🙂
Ina Gawne says
Dear Shirley: I made this most luscious sherbert tonight for dessert for a big family dinner. A huge huge hit! Did a link back to you…thankyou so much! It was divine! 🙂
Shirley says
Ina–I had this moment of panic that I had never replied to this comment, but I see that I went over immediately and replied to your amazing and so generous post on this sherbet and more. Whew! Thank goodness, and thank you again, my friend! I hate it when I don’t reply to comments here right away or I just miss them somehow. 🙁
Big appreciative hugs to you, dear!
Viki says
Hi Shirley, is there a brand of coconut water and coconut milk that is sulphite and nitrate free you would recommend? I have psoriasis and suspect sulphites may have something to do it with.
Shirley says
Oh, Viki, I can’t believe that I missed replying to this comment from so very long ago. 🙁 I’m so sorry! For coconut milk, good choices are Native Forest and Thai Kitchen. Native Forest contains: Organic coconut milk (organic coconut, water, organic guar gum). Thai Kitchen contains pretty much the same ingredients. There are organic and non-organic versions of Thai Kitchen, with the latter being readily available in most grocery stores. For coconut water, Vita Coco Coconut Water is a great choice. It’s just coconut water. Vita Coco is only in the upscale stores in my area or, of course, I can order it online. I hope that helps. I can’t deal with the additives well either, and want to avoid them.
dee m says
Shirley I never buy already made juices. I have fresh pomegranates in my fridge. Do think I would have the same results if I juiced them for this sorbet? Looking forward to some yummy experimenting. We have been enjoying lots of fun combinations lately for coconut milk sorbets. 🙂
Shirley says
Hi dee–Yes, I think you’d have good results. Do you already know how to juice your pomegranates? I’m assuming yes, but if not there are YouTube videos. Here’s a good one on making your own pomegranate juice! I think that it’s easier to remove pomegranate seeds (arils) from the pomegranate underwater and one doesn’t have to worry about flying juice and stains then, plus the pieces of pulp and membrane float to the top. So I think I’d do a modified version of what this gentleman showed and the underwater method I learned. One would have to start with clean hands and cover the pom material in the bowl with the measure amount of water. Take a look at the video and see what you think, if you don’t already have your own approach. I love coconut milk sorbets and ice creams, too. Good luck! Please report back. 🙂
Cassidy @ Cooking Gluten (& Dairy) Free says
This looks beautiful! I make ice cream every 2 weeks year around for us, I will for sure make this!!! Thanks 🙂
Shirley says
Hi Cassidy–Thank you! Making homemade ice cream and sherbet is truly wonderful, isn’t it? I hope you enjoy this recipe. 🙂
April Harris says
Your Pomegranate Sherbet is beautiful, Shirley! I think the flavours sound so lovely too. It’s so nice to have a treat like this ready for summer celebrations. I like that it has so many healthy ingredients too – it’s a treat nearly everyone can enjoy! Thank you so much for sharing and for being a part of the Hearth and Soul Link Party. Have a lovely Memorial Day Weekend.
Shirley Braden says
Thanks so much, April! This really is one of my very favorite recipes because of both its appearance and taste. 🙂 Always happy to join in Hearth and Soul! Often knowing that it’s coming up inspires me to share or update a new post. So thanks for that! Memorial Day weekend is turning out to be very cold and rainy but it seems that many Memorial Days are that way. At least, we are inside and cozy. 😉
April Harris says
I am so glad you find Hearth and Soul helpful as well as inspiring, Shirley! I really appreciate all your support. I’m so glad you kept warm and cozy. We had a couple of cooler days for our Bank Holiday but yesterday was lovely. Take care and have a lovely week!