We’re going to celebrate this holiday season totally gluten-free.
Why? Well, we know how important it is to serve safe & delicious food at the holidays. We want to help as many people as we can do just that this holiday season.
“We” includes our gracious and lovely hostess, Amy (Simply Sugar & Gluten Free), and five of her long-time gluten-free bloggy friends (read on to see complete listing). I’m so grateful to be on this list and in such great company!
And, the “we” of course also includes you! If our fabulous readers weren’t here reading, commenting, and linking, it just wouldn’t be a true holiday celebration.
Here’s the scoop …
On Thursdays in November and December, a different gluten-free blogger will host a link-up event where you can share your best gluten-free holiday dishes. The linky will be open until the following Wednesday at 10:00 pm CST.
Every week we’ll have a giveaway, too. You can link up or leave a comment to enter. Giveaways will be revealed soon. (You will love these giveaways! I’m so happy to report that they fit my gfe approach, too. Amy offered a pretty good hint over on her kick-off post here.)
Dates & Themes:
November 4th – Healthier Through The Holidays at Diet, Dessert, & Dogs
Let’s all get off to a healthy start this holiday season. Bring Ricki your favorite healthier dish that won’t pack on the pounds. Of, maybe you can share your top tips for staying slim when there’s tempting food everywhere.
November 11th – Thanksgiving Favorites at gfe–gluten free easily
Share your favorite gluten-free Thanksgiving dish from appetizers to desserts right here at gfe. We want to see your stuffing, turkey dishes, pumpkin pie, mashed potatoes, cranberry jelly…anything Thanksgiving goes. (To our Canadian friends – please share your Thanksgiving dishes, too! We know you have already celebrated your Thanksgiving this year, but we’d still love to have you join in with the special dishes you enjoyed that day.)
November 18th – Gifts of Good Taste at Tasty Eats at Home
Who doesn’t love a gift made with love? Share your favorite foodie gift that’s gluten-free. Have a fabulous way to pack a yummy treat? We want to see that, too.
December 2nd – Holiday Entrees & Side Dishes at The W.H.O.L.E. Gang
Bring your family’s favorite entrees and sides. Diane will be ready for them all. For those who observe Hanukkah, we know that Hanukkah starts on December 2nd this year, but still hope to see some of your favorite dishes in this roundup.
December 9th – Holiday Breakfast & Brunch at Ginger Lemon Girl
A warm, cozy breakfast or brunch is a wonderful way to start off the holiday. This is a great time to help someone else by whipping up your fabulous gluten-free cinnamon rolls or a crumb-topped coffee cake and sharing your recipe.
December 16th – Holiday Desserts at Simply Sugar & Gluten-Free
Just like it sounds—bring your favorite gluten-free Christmas desserts for everyone to share. Cookies, pies, truffles, cakes, and candies … we want to try them all.
So, get your recipe box out and start browsing … then get in the kitchen and start cooking for the best ever gluten-free holiday!
If you’d like to share this event on your blog, simply right click on our event badge at the top of this post, save it to your desktop, and upload it to your blog. We’d love for you to share this event with your friends!
Maggie says
Sounds fun! It’s a good kick in the pants to get us thinking ahead – I like it! See you there.
Shirley says
Hey Maggie–Oh, it will be fun! I’m so glad you are going to join. From participating in a similar event with Amy and others last year, I have to tell you that it’s like a countdown to Christmas, which can be good or bad depending upon how prepared one is. LOL But, it’s really almost all good … only procrastinators like me will feel anxiety. 😉 I’m happy to be hosting early … Thanksgiving, but will participate all along the way! 🙂
nicola stockmann-tannerfors says
Looking forward to this. Will definitely contribute a recipe or two. Thanks for the great summary!
Shirley says
Oh, Nicola, it will be wonderful to have you join in! You have Amy to thank for the great summary … I just did a few Shirley tweaks. 😉
Tia says
Well, I got yours and Amy’s post in my email box at the same time. (I didn’t even bother reading your intro this time. Just came straight over.)
Hmmmm….. I’ll have to think about this one. Most of my “recipes” are from my mom or MIL. (I had to prom is long ago to not give out the stuffing recipe, which easily switched to gf. Sorry. The only way I could get the recipe. She’ funny like that.)
But, if I can’t come up with anything, I will definitely be checking out everyone else’s.
Tia 😛
Shirley says
Hi Tia–No worries on not sharing a family recipe … I wouldn’t do that either. 😉 But, don’t think that you can only share traditional recipes that have been around forever … feel free to invent new dishes that work for the holidays. That’s what we all do anyway, right? A little of the old and a little of the new. 🙂
I hope you’ll join us for sure … in whatever way that works out for you. 😉
Lael Hazan says
What a great idea! I’m looking forward to reading about everyone’s recipes.
Shirley says
Hi there, Lael!–So good to see you again, roomie. 🙂 I tried to reply earlier and my Virgin Mobile connection let me down. “Blogging” en route to our mtn property can have its ups and downs. 😉 I’m glad you like the idea … it will be such fun! Please feel free to link up some of your naturally gluten-free favorite holiday recipes, too. I know you guys have recipes like that, because I’ve seen some amazing ones over The Educated Palate. 😉
Kristina @ spabettie says
I am excited for this… I’ve printed this out and will plan ahead for the weeks I will be out of town… I can’t wait ! 😀
Shirley says
Hi Kristina–Oh, it will be fabulous with you participating, dear! You have my mouth watering daily over at your site. 🙂
Happy Saturday!
Tanya says
Hi Shirley, We have been serving completely gluten free meals – including all holiday meals for the entire family since 2001. I can’t believe it has been 9 years! We have been doing it so long that our holidays are filled with our “traditional” dishes. We feel so comfortable with our menus that I have not even been feeling the urge to seek out and try new recipes this year – although, truthfully, I am always reading new recipes like a good novel and trying them when the time arises. I look forward to your next month of more inspirational gluten free ideas! Thanks for all your work in our gluten free world!
Shirley says
Hi Tanya–So nice to see you again! 🙂 How awesome of completely gf holiday meals since 2001! New or old is hard when it comes to holidays, because a person can only eat so much. LOL Sometimes the holidays are the only times we eat certain dishes, yet new recipes are always calling to us. 😉 I have a friend who reads cookbooks entirely for pleasure. I read restaurant reviews even if I know I’ll never be in a certain area or never go to a particular restaurant. Food descriptions and recipes just call our name, huh?
Special thanks for the sweet words, dear!