Today, Friday, is the last day to get the paleo bundle for FREE and I don’t want you to miss out, so I want to highlight my favorite parts of this freebie offer. You get all that’s shown above, but here are some of the items that I think most of my gfe readers will be interested in.
When you consider that individually, these resources can run anywhere from a few dollars to anywhere from $20 to $50, getting them ALL for free—a $1,000 value—is pretty phenomenal! Grab them all and use them all, or simply whichever items you want.
I’d want to grab any one of those books above for free for sure, but the ones shown below would also be terrific to have. The first one shown, Family Camping Handbook from Katie Kimball, has long been a favorite of mine and I’m starting through several of the others now.
Even if you’re only interested in one or two of these, grab the bundle so you can get them! Note: Remember that paleo means grain free, so by default any paleo recipes are naturally gluten free. (Always verify gluten-free status of ingredients, of course. That holds true for any recipes you use.)
Click HERE to grab your bundle.
Heather says
Just downloaded mine! ?
Shirley Braden says
That’s great, Heather! Enjoy! 🙂