Longtime gfe readers will remember that March Muffin Madness has been a pretty regular event for several years here on gfe. If you’re not familiar with the event, it’s exactly what it sounds like—an event where we go mad about muffins! Gluten-free muffins, of course. Absolutely delicious gluten-free muffins.
Some of you have assumed that because we’re already well into March that it’s not going to happen this year. Some of you have expressed major disappointment at the thought of no March Muffin Madness. Well, I have some really fantastic news for you! March Muffin Madness is happening this year, and it’s going to be better than ever!
This year’s March Muffin Madness (hereafter, referred to as MMM in this post) is going to coincide almost exactly with that other March Madness event. You know the one, right? The March Madness where there are no muffin recipes and lots of folks’ hearts get broken along the way. Hehe. Admittedly, if you’re a big sports fan, you might not appreciate my sentiments. So the MMM kickoff will happen this Sunday, March 13.
The launch will be our equivalent to the other March Madness’ “Selection Sunday.” On Sunday, I will tell you which blogs are participating in this year’s MMM and tell you exactly how the event will be conducted this year. Like I said it’s better than ever! I will also tell you this. In addition, to an overall giveaway of items that are sure to be on your wish list (and which you can enter daily), there will also be daily giveaway prizes of some really terrific items. Not only will there be delicious gluten-free muffin recipes, there will be 75 prize winners during MMM!
Okay, you’ll want to check back on Sunday to learn the rest of the details and follow along each and every day! And if you’re now in the mood for some delicious gluten-free muffins—and, honestly, I’m always in the mood for a good muffin!–by all means do take a look at the muffins shared in the last MMM event. Here’s a sampling shown below. This year’s event will feature all new and equally amazing recipes, of course!
This event is linked to Allergy-Free Wednesdays.
Angela says
Thanks Shirley to put my worries to rest – I am so looking forward to it, and your post makes me inexplicably happy!
There just is something so happy about a muffin………
Shirley Braden says
Angela–I love that you are sooo looking forward to March Muffin Madness! 🙂 I adore a good muffin and it’s so much fun to see the recipes that the participating bloggers create, plus … prizes!!
audrey @ unconventional baker says
Happy to hear it’s going ahead! Can’t wait to see all those muffins <3 Thanks for keeping us up to date 🙂
Shirley Braden says
Audrey–I’m working out the final details now! Things never go off quite as planned, but we’ll be ready to go on Sunday and this should be a really terrific event overall. 🙂 So happy to have your new cookbook (with videos!) included in the daily giveaways. Everyone is going to be so happy to see it!!