One of my favorite bloggers, Cathy of Noble Pig, posted a recipe for Snickerdoodle ice cream recently—one she had adapted from Recipe Girl. Snickerdoodles have always been one of my very favorite cookies, so imagining that flavor in a bowl of ice cream was quite a sweet little fantasy. I wanted dairy-free Snickerdoodle ice cream.
Reading Cathy’s version and looking at all her photos inspired me to go out and get a new ice cream maker immediately. Well, actually, reading everyone else’s wonderful ice cream recipes the last couple of months had already inspired me, but it was Cathy’s recipe and a looming deadline that pushed me to action.
You see … I’d already decided that my entry for the August Go Ahead Honey, It’s Gluten Free! CHILL OUT theme would be ice cream. CHILL OUT is the clever and so-o-o-o appropriate theme chosen by this month’s host—delightful and energetic Kim Hopkins over at The Food Allergy Coach. What better way to chill out on these 90-degree days than a nice bowl of cold, freshly made ice cream?
Before I move on, let me just say that I really love how everyone is carrying on this great gluten-free blog carnival that Naomi Devlin (Straight into Bed Cakefree and Dried) started early in 2008. There have been so many terrific bloggers (including the wonderful Naomi herself) who have hosted since then—with some really enjoyable themes and the best recipes.
You can find last month’s GAHIGF roundup, Make Me A Happy Camper, right here at gfe. If you’re in a cooking/baking rut and looking for some new ideas, check the posts out for gluten-free recipes (many are free of other allergens as well), stellar photos, and some entertaining reading material, too.
Back to the Snickerdoodle ice cream (sorry, I know you can’t wait!) … If you eat dairy, I’m sure Cathy’s recipe is fantastic as is, but I wanted to make dairy-free Snickerdoodle ice cream.
I’ve been trying to eat more dairy free and we have lots of gfe readers who are also dairy free. Plus, I was hosting my support group meeting last night and several members eat dairy free in addition to being gluten free.
My initial thought was to just replace the whipping cream and half and half in Cathy’s recipe with coconut milk. I knew it had to be full-fat coconut milk to give the same type of body/thickness that true dairy would offer. (I’ve never been much into “Lite” versions of anything anyway.) But, I wasn’t sure about the amount of coconut milk.
I winged it using 3 cups versus the 3 ½ cups of dairy ingredients used in the original. Luckily, that amount seemed just right with the final ice cream coming out with a great consistency, and you could probably even get by on slightly less if you were low on coconut milk.
Let me tell you, this ice cream is truly luscious. You get the taste of Snickerdoodles with the added richness of coconut. The dairy was not missed at all.
Everyone just loved this ice cream—it disappeared quickly! It was either eaten by itself or as a topping for the scrumptious homemade berry crisp that our dear Jennifer brought. Oh, and you can call this ice cream whatever you like … here are two more possibilities in the recipe title, or perhaps you can come up with one of your own. Enjoy!
Dairy-Free Snickerdoodle Ice Cream Recipe
Dairy-Free Snickerdoodle Ice Cream
What could be better than those cinnamon-sugar, old-fashioned cookies called Snickerdoodles? Well, Snickerdoodle Ice Cream, of course! This recipe is gluten free and dairy free, and absolutely luscious!
- 1/2 cup granulated sugar
- 1/2 cup packed light brown sugar
- 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon (I also love Penzey’s Extra Fancy)
- 1/8 teaspoon ground nutmeg
- 3 cups canned full-fat coconut milk, chilled (I used 2 cans)
- 1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract] (you can easily make [your own vanilla)
- In a large bowl combine granulated sugar, light brown sugar, cinnamon and nutmeg. Stir. Add coconut milk and vanilla extract and mix until smooth. (A hand mixer works fine.)
- Pour the cold mixture immediately into the ready (already frozen) tub of your ice cream maker and freeze according to the manufacturer's instructions. Mine was ready in 30 minutes. (Check at 20 minutes though in case yours freezes more quickly.)
- Scoop ice cream into a freezer safe-container. Freeze.
Adapted from Noble Pig
Stay tuned for more variations and additional gluten-free and dairy-free ice cream recipes. Gluten-free ice cream is pretty easy to find at any grocery store, but not all stores carry dairy-free ice cream.
And, if they do, there still might be other factors (e.g., cost, taste, other ingredients that you don’t tolerate like soy) that would encourage you to make your own. Remember that coconut milk can usually be purchased more economically at Asian markets.
I do want to try this recipe again using honey instead of sugar, or at least part honey. Oh, and Mr. GFE thought this recipe would be wonderful with some rum added to it for a frozen drink. LOL Yes, I think he’s probably very right on that point!
And, I’ve already got peaches in the freezer for another adaptation of an ice cream recipe that a reader, Sandy, graciously shared in comments recently. Last, my friend’s husband, the maker of the excellent lemon basil ice cream that I mentioned recently and definitely an ice cream guru, has also shared some of his ice cream tips with me and I’ll be applying those to gluten-free, dairy-free ice cream recipes.
Oh, the fun … now why didn’t I buy this ice cream maker back in early summer?
Not just gf, but gfe!
Originally published August 26, 2009; updated July 21, 2018.
Heather says
Yum! I recently posted an ice cream recipe (no ice cream maker needed) and I think someone else posted one recently too. We must all have ice cream cravings 🙂
Shirley says
Hi Heather!–Great to see you here at gfe as always! Can’t wait to check out your recipe (I’m behind on visiting all my sweet blogging buddies of late!), and how cool that no ice cream maker is needed. I made a no-ice cream maker recipe before from CoconutGal and just loved it. I know many people haven’t gotten an ice cream maker yet. I got mine with a 20% off coupon from Bed, Bath, and Beyond—yippee. 🙂 I’m not sure what your weather is like, but we’ve had some very hot days and that certainly inspired me!
Thanks for stopping by and commenting!
Katrina (gluten free gidget) says
Love this! I will definitely be trying this recipe out soon.
Shirley says
Hey there, Katrina–Thanks so much! I think you’ll really enjoy this recipe. 🙂
Diane-thewholegang says
Oh this looks good. It’s so funny you wrote this up for the Chill Out theme. I was working on a new ice cream recipe too. Are you sure you’re not my long lost sister. I love coconut milk ice cream. Your Snickerdoodle sounds so tempting. Time for another trip to the grocery store for more coconut milk. No one said I can’t have a few containers of different flavors in the freezer. 🙂
Shirley says
Diane–I have a feeling there will be several of us who will post ice cream recipes for the CHILL OUT theme. I’ll certainly be waiting to see your recipe! I have been using a lot of coconut milk lately, so I definitely need to stock up. We could very well be long lost sisters, except for that part where you said you could stock up with different flavors in the freezer … I could never do that. I’m just not disciplined enough. 😉 I’ll have to keep making the ice cream when I have a group at my house or someone to share it with—know what I mean?
Have a great day, pseudo sis!
Ali says
Wow, sounds delish Shirley! Love the spices you added. I think it is wonderful you are experimenting with dairy-free recipes! ‘Tis the season for “ice cream”!!! 🙂
Shirley says
Hey, Ali!–The spice part came right from Cathy. She’s wonderful at creating recipes. 🙂 I was pretty pleased for my first run of the ice cream maker. BTW, I think we can legitimately call even dairy-free ice cream, ice cream, because it’s frozen (i.e., ice) and there is cream, it’s just a coconut cream. 😉 And, whatever we call it, it’s very, very good! I do want to do some experimenting with recipes similar to the ice cream ones you’ve made though Ali … ones with non-refined sugars or less sugar.
Tyra says
This recipe sounds delicious! I am new to gfe and I have recently given up ice cream due to how bad I feel after eating it. Looking forward to more recipes!
Shirley says
Hi, Tyra!–I’m happy to see you here at gfe–welcome! So many of us can identify with what you’ve shared regarding dairy. Coconut milk is such an easy and delicious way to make dairy-free ice cream. 🙂 I have a quite a few recipes here at gfe that are naturally dairy free or can be made dairy free easily (dfe! LOL), so take a look around … by category or do a search. I’m all about recipes that are easy, taste great, and don’t make you feel like you’re deprived.
Thanks so much for commenting! Now I must check out your blog more … I think its title shares the goal we all have: Journey to Health and Happiness!
Lori @ RecipeGirl says
Hey There! So glad you liked this too. I’m a snickerdoodle fanatic & I try anything snickerdoodle 🙂
It’s so funny that I’m coming across your blog this AM because my son just told me about 5 minutes ago that his new friend at school has to stay gluten free. Will add yours to the list that I’ll recommend to his Mom!
Shirley says
Hi Lori–Welcome to gfe … from one snickerdoodle lover to another! Your recipe adapted to be dairy free was wonderful. 🙂
Thanks very much for adding my site to your list to help out your son’s friend and his mom. I hope she’ll get some great sources from you and others to make the transition to eating gluten free much easier. 🙂 Thanks so much for stopping by and commenting, Lori! Love that fig bruschetta recipe you posted … some gluten-free baguettes and I’m there. 😉
glutenfreeforgood says
Gosh, you’re really on a roll with some good treats! I also love the “print recipe” option. 🙂
I’ve been indulging in way too much ice cream this summer, but it sure is fun. Peach, beet, rhubarb, vanilla, blueberry — now snickerdoodle! What a bunch of quirky creams! I love it though. It’s amazing how easy making ice cream is. Definitely GFE!
Love it, Shirley! I’ll give it a try.
Shirley says
Hi Melissa–Thank you! I know you’ll love this one. 🙂 You’ve made all the colors of the rainbow … well just about, I’m sure you will have them all soon. You’re right—making ice cream is so easy and definitely gfe! And, I think your peach syrup or Ali’s blueberry syrup would be wonderful on our homemade ice cream. 🙂
Pam says
Wow, great flavor for ice cream…yumm!
Shirley says
Hey there, Pam–Nice to see you! I agree … I just couldn’t resist this Snickerdoodle flavor when I saw it on Noble Pig’s and Recipe Girl’s sites. 🙂
Thanks for taking the time to comment!
Tina Turbin says
I really love your site here and really feel what you are saying is truly helpful. I have a site and blog which has the sole intention to help others and inform others about the diagnosis of Celiac Disease and information about Gluten Intolerance etc. I also review companies and products, interview companies and write Articles on these topics. I’d love you to visit my Gluten Free site and blog and write me back. I would be interested in having you as one of MY recommended links and maybe you can do the same for me. What do you think? The more of us out there helping the better! Tina Turbin
Shirley says
Hi Tina–Welcome to gfe! Thanks very much for your kind words and letting others know about your site. I agree that there can’t be too many great gf blogs because we all add something to the mix and readers look for gluten-free info from different perspectives. I’m behind on visiting my favorite blogs, but I’ll check out yours when I can. I think I visited it once before, but too briefly. So many great blogs and only one of me … we all know how that goes, right?
Thanks again for stopping by,
Tina Turbin says
HI Shirley,
You ARE on top of things. OH boy, this ice cream is a winner! I now want to try it with a hint of coffee. Ever try that? Thanks! Yes, let me know what you think of my site when you have time: Tina Turbin
Shirley says
Tina– 🙂 Thanks! I do like some coffee in my ice cream even though I’m not a coffee drinker. Perhaps that will be a modification the next time I make this recipe! Since this was my first batch of homemade ice cream, I have so many possibilities yet to explore—life is good. 🙂
Have a great Saturday evening!
Amy Green - Simply Sugar & Gluten-Free says
I love making ice cream, too. It’s more fun for me than anything else in the kitchen. I’m always trying to put flavors into ice cream…it never turns out bad. I’ve perfected a few and keep working on some others but I must say I love them all. It’s not unusual for us to have 4 or even 8 different flavors of homemade ice cream in the freezer at once.
Snickerdoodle is a fabulous flavor. I’d love to have a big bite. Thanks for sharing this!
Shirley says
Hi Amy!–Those are very enouraging words! Especially since that was my first time using my new ice cream maker. I loved your post where you shared your love of making ice cream and frozen yogur and, of course, the recipe for the Lemon Meringue Frozen (Greek) Yogurt. Wow! I haven’t tried it yet, but want to for sure. Of course, I’m still pondering that Kitchen Aid ice cream attachment you mentioned (which I didn’t know existed) and the fact you said you like it better than a Cuisinart ice cream maker.
Please let us know if you make a version of the Snickerdoodle using agave … I’d be very interested in that recipe, too!
Jenn says
Wow this looks so good! I’d have never thought to make ice cream out of coconut milk!
Shirley says
Hey there, Jenn!–There are so many gf, df bloggers who make ice cream using coconut milk, I just had to follow their lead! There’s also the ready-to-go coconut milk ice cream, Coconut Bliss, that folks rave over. I’ve tried some and it was good—lighter, but satisfying. It’s made with agave so many people really like that factor. I want to experiment with agave some, and, of course, with using honey from our bees.
Thanks so much for commenting! You’ve got some great dishes over at your blog as usual! Like I said there, I will be looking forward to your experimentation in the kitchen given your latest “feeding the family” challenge. I love your attitude on that! 🙂
Lauren says
Yum. This looks soo good!! I love the sound of snickerdoodle and coconut in ice cream mmmm =D.
Shirley says
Hi, Lauren–Great to see you, dear! Thanks so much for your approval … I was pretty darned pleased at that combination of flavors myself. Now if all the other flavors I try can live up to the success of that one! 😉
Brian says
I saw this at Noble Pig as well, I started drooling. I don’t have an ice cream maker so I just made snickerdoodles and mixed them into vanilla soft serve. I really need an ice cream maker! Looks great Shirley!
Shirley says
Hi, Brian–Did you notice Cathy’s and my ice cream are completely different in color? That surprised me a bit, but both are very appealing and gooood I’m sure. Hey, great idea on your invention! Isn’t that like “cookies and cream” ice cream, which is one of those that we gf folks have to steer clear of? Not this time, huh? 🙂
Yes, get an ice cream maker … you are such an inventor in the kitchen, you’ll have a blast with it! Then we can all benefit from your frozen experimentation. 😉
Thanks so much,
Ellen says
I’ve been trying to make GF and DF ice creams for the last few months. I haven’t had much luck until recently when I realized that it works best to make the ice cream in a blender, then freeze until firm, then let sit on the counter for a few minutes, then blend to soften. I have had no luck using an ice cream maker though I’m tempted to buy a new one and see if I have better luck!
Shirley says
Hey, Ellen–I’m glad you figured out a workaround solution. Hmmm, I’d be temped to get another ice cream maker and try again, too. Do you have a Kitchen Aid mixer? I just found out from Amy at Simply Sugar & Gluten Free, that there’s an ice cream attachment for those. She says she likes that much better than the regular ice cream maker.
Thanks so much for stopping by and good luck!
Shirley says
Hi, Sonia–Good to see you again! Wow, those are some very gracious words–thank you!
Hope all is well with you … thanks so much for stopping by!
Jennifer R. says
Mmmmmm… Mmmmm… good! Sorry to have missed this at the meeting last week!! I think an ice cream maker will be on my wish list now 🙂
Can’t wait to try this!!
Shirley says
Hi, Jennifer–We missed you! GF/DF ice cream might become a new feature at our meetings. That way I get to enjoy, but not overindulge. 😉 I think you’d have a blast with an ice cream maker. I purchased a Cuisinart one at Bed Bath & Beyond with a 20% off coupon, but others, like Amy, are fans of the Kitchen Aid ice cream attachment (also available with one of those coupons).
Thanks so much for taking the time to comment! Hope your time at the beach was great. 🙂
noble pig says
You converted it! How awesome Shirley! Very nice!
Shirley says
Hi Cathy–It was really easy to convert. (I have more confidence now on doing that.) It’s not quite the same color as your wonderful dairy version, but the taste was fabulous. I’m still remembering it fondly! 😉
Thanks so much for stopping by and commenting!
CoconutGal says
I. am. drooling.!!! Shirley this sounds just lovely! I would’ve never thought of Snickerdoodle in ice cream! Such a fabulous combination. Coconut milk is going into the fridge now. I must make this! And I say who cares you just bought the ice cream maker now! You can experiment with fall flavors! Pumpkin pie ice cream? Yes please!
Shirley says
Hey CoconutGal!–I was so pleased the way this ice cream turned out. I’m sure you’ll love it! Let us know … especially if you use alternative sweeteners. Okay, now you’ve got my mind going into overdrive. Do you know that I am an absolute pumpkin lover? I’ve already been coming up with the pumpkin pie recipe in my head. I can’t wait to try that. I’ve got several more ideas in mind, too. There’s no stopping me now!! LOL
Sharon Mc. says
I had yet to find a GF/DF ice cream that rewarded both my sweet tooth and my tummy as much as this recipe!Store bought ice creams just never satisfied that craving and seemed to bother me in one way or another. This recipe couldn’t have been easier. I had been intimidated at using my grandmother’s “old fashioned” ice cream maker that requires rock salt and ice and this recipe motivated me to give it a try. It was definitely worth it. Homemade ice cream that the entire family enjoyed. I can’t wait to experiment with other flavors! Pumpkin Pie as mentioned above and mint chip. Yummy!!
Shirley says
Hi, Sharon–Thanks so much for taking the time to comment! Now I can officially welcome you to gfe. 🙂 I’m just so happy that the dairy-free version of this naturally gluten-free ice cream made the grade for you. I’ve tried the store bought ones myself and know exactly what you mean. Bravo for pulling out the old-fashioned ice cream maker of your grandmother’s. It’s so easy to plug in the electric one, but using your grandmother’s that requires rock salt and ice is a special act of creating … and remembering. I actually saw pumpkin pie ice cream over at Amy’s Simply Sugar & Gluten-Free site. Hold onto your hat … she made pumpkin pie ice cream sandwiches! They are just gorgeous. I think her recipe could be adapted to dairy free fairly easily, too. 🙂 Now, that mint chip … I’m for that, too. Best possible use of mint in my opinion! 😉
Thanks again for commenting … it’s so helpful when folks report back as to whether or not a recipe actually works for them! Of course, I like the YES, IT DOES! replies best. 😉
Carol says
Made this for my daughter’s graduation party-it is delicious! Excellent in a rootbeer float! Thank you!
Shirley says
Hi Carol–First, I’d like to welcome you to gfe, and second, thanks so much for the wonderful review! 🙂 I just love that this recipe was a hit at your daughter’s graduation party. Now I’m wanting a root beer float! 😉
SunnyB @ andloveittoo says
I cannot wait to try this, Shirley! I love making coconut milk ice cream…might try this with palm sugar or coconut nectar. It sounds heavenly!
Shirley says
Hey Sunny–Thanks, dear! I made this recipe a few times long before I knew about the wonders of palm and coconut sweetening. I’m sure it will be fantastic when made with either. I can’t wait to hear about your success! 🙂
j3nn says
I have been dying for something cinnamon-y for days now and this would take care of that! Yum! That looks so creamy and I bet it smells delightful.
Shirley says
Hi j3nn–It’s good to see you again! I don’t think I’ve ever officially welcomed you here. I’m happy to have you as a gfe reader! 🙂 This recipe is a really good one if I do say so myself. You can up the cinnamon if needed. You can taste the mixture before pouring it into your ice cream maker as it’s a vegan recipe. That’s always nice. 😉 Hope you enjoy your cinnamon-y ice cream!
Clarissa says
Hi Shirley!
This Snickerdoodle Ice cream sounds yummy! I love anything that is snickerdoodle. I do not have an ice cream maker, so could it be put into any plastic tub/container to put in the freezer? Is an ice cream maker really necessary in making any of these gf/df ice creams? What are the advantages of having one? Does the ice cream come out any better than when just using a hand mixer?
Thank you!
I love your recipes and website.
Shirley says
Hi Clarissa–Great to see you again and thanks for all the sweet words! I’m sure you will love this ice cream if you’re a “snickerdoodle anything” fan. 🙂 It’s really hard to adequately explain the merits of an ice cream maker. I consider it a necessity for making easy and delicious dairy-free ice cream. You mix the ice cream ingredients before you add it to the ice cream maker so its main merit is not mixing. Yes, it does mix as it churns and freezes the ice cream, but it’s not a high-dollar mixer, at least not in my opinion. You can make ice cream without an ice cream maker as David Lebovitz describes here, but it’s time consuming in my opinion and certainly doesn’t offer the same “ease” that an ice cream maker offer, plus I doubt that the results are as creamy. But do give his method a try and see what you think. Please let us know your thoughts if you do give that method a try! 🙂
Audrey @ Unconventional Baker says
Love the simplicity of this, Shirley. I bet it really does taste like snickerdoodles. I miss those a lot! I used to make a killer gluten, egg, and dairy-free version, but now that sugar is out too, I haven’t had them in ages. Maybe having them in ice cream form is the easy solution 😉
Shirley says
This ice cream really does taste like Snickerdoodles, Audrey! It’s a real treat. 🙂 Knowing your talent with reinventing recipes so readers can enjoy them, I’m absolutely certain that you can make a version of the cookies that you will love. But until then slightly adapting this recipe to work for you might be an easy way to get your Snickerdoodle fix. 😉
April J Harris says
You had me at Snickerdoodle! This looks amazing, Shirley. I do enjoy Noble Pig’s recipes. I make her Baked Brie every Christmas. Thank you so much for sharing your dairy free version! I so appreciate your support of the Hearth and Soul Link Party. Have a lovely week!
Shirley Braden says
Hi April–Snickerdoodles have one of the best flavor combos ever, right? I’ve always been told they were the original cookie. 🙂 Thanks for sharing the recipe and hosting Hearth and Soul! Now I will need to look at Cathy’s baked brie recipe. Baked brie is one of my favorites but Mr. GFE is not a fan and Son is dairy free. Not sure about the rest of the family … hmmm.
Helen at the Lazy Gastronome says
Thanks for sharing at the What’s for Dinner Party.
Shirley Braden says
Hi Helen–Thanks for hosting What’s for Dinner! I saw so much goodness there this week!