Vitamix S30 High Performance Personal Blender
I’m giving away a Vitamix S30 High Performance Blender! Now let me share the full disclosure—and admittedly you might think this giveaway is as hokey and tacky as it gets, but in the words of Popeye, “I yam what I yam.” You see I won this beautiful Vitamix S30 High Performance Blender from Chocolate-Covered Katie a few months back. And I was thrilled. But ever since I received it, I’ve had doubts if I really needed it. So I didn’t open the box right away, and even after I did, I didn’t pull out all the pieces and “fire it up”, so to speak.
You see I already own a “full-size” classic Vitamix (which dear gluten-free blogging friends gave me) and I’ve loved it. When my gluten-free girlfriends came for my annual gfe retreat a few weeks ago, we finally broke out the S30 Personal Vitamix and gave it its inaugural run. But it only got used once—to make a green smoothie. I used it again today to make this Morning Mocha Monkey Smoothie. Yum. But I digress. A bit. It was while sipping the smoothie and pondering life that the idea for this Saturday Surprise! giveaway hit me.
I’ve been on a new mission in life of late, to reduce the things in my life—both physical and mental distractions. I’ve been doing this off and on for a while, but the mission has taken on a new life the last 2 months. I started following the blog, Becoming Minimalist. The author’s story spoke to me. This post made things even clearer; I don’t want to continue to be a “Stuff Manager.” A while back on Apartment Therapy, I read that the best tip for decluttering your closets was asking yourself the question, “Would I buy this today if I were shopping?” (The original question came from Lifehacker.) The shortened “Would I buy this today?” gets right to the point. With non-material things, it’s more of a “Would I sign up for this today?” type of thing. If you need to declutter in all phases of your life, not just your closets, not much passes that test, folks.
I truly want to make my life as simple as possible so I can live my life and not worry about stuff so much, and especially not have more than I really need. I even gave away my KitchenAid Stand Mixer recently. In all the years, I’d owned it, I’d used that about twice, too. (Yep, I know, I’m not a typical foodie or food blogger. I’m pretty basic when it comes to kitchen tools. A good wooden spoon is my favorite.) So I have decided to face the fact that I really don’t need the Vitamix S30 High Performance Blender. As beautiful and wonderful as it is. Sigh. As I said, I already have the “full-size” Vitamix, a 5200 Super Healthy Lifestyle model. So if I’m being honest with myself and following my new minimalist path, I really don’t need the smaller Vitamix. Okay, that’s probably the longest disclosure in blogging histor
This S30 Personal Vitamix is ideal for one person or a couple, or the person with a small kitchen and/or limited counter space, or the person who needs the “to go” container full of blended goodness as s/he heads out the door to work; to drop the kids off at school, soccer practice, etc. So I’m pretty sure that one of my loyal gfe readers could really put this blender to excellent use, so if you don’t mind a Vitamix S30 High Performance Blender that’s been used exactly twice—and afterwards thoroughly cleaned and returned to its original packaging—then throw your name in the hat for this baby. And thank you for helping me with my ongoing decluttering/purging for a simpler, more joyful life!
More Photos and Details on the Vitamix S30 High Performance Blender In This Giveaway
Like I said earlier, the Vitamix S30 is a personal size blender that’s ideal for the person on-the-go. It comes with two BPA-free containers: one 40-ounce container for small batches and one 20-ounce blend-and-go beverage bottle with a flip-top lid. Even with the 40-ounce container in place on the base, the unit will still easily fit under your upper kitchen cabinets. You can use this blender to whip up individual portions of smoothies or make small batches of soups, sauces and dressings. It’s great for chopping herbs and vegetables as well. Like a classic Vitamix, but smaller in many regards, but the fact that you can make your smoothies, salad dressings, cold soups, etc. right in the Tritan To Go container and then remove the base and use the flip-top lid and be out the door is the coolest!
As is true with the full-size Vitamix, you can use hot ingredients in the 40-ounce container to make hot beverages, soups, and sauces. Incidentally, the smaller container is double insulated to maintain the temperature of the contents.
While this S30 Personal Vitamix comes with only one personal container, the Tritan To Go Cup, if you’re purchasing one, you can get a package that includes two personal containers. Or if you win this one and have more than one family member making their own tasty concoctions to go, you can purchase additional containers.
Here’s a video from Williams-Sonoma that shows all the great features of the S30 Personal Vitamix. There’s also a fun, much shorter video on Amazon (click on link and then click on last image icon on left side of page) that features the family shown above and demonstrates the “grab and go” aspects of this blender.
This giveaway ends Sunday, September 14, at midnight Eastern. The winner will be randomly selected via Rafflecopter. There is one mandatory entry plus one optional entry for those who want an additional chance.
Good luck! (NOTE: Be sure to read disclosure at the beginning of this post before entering this giveaway.)
UPDATE: This giveaway is now CLOSED. The winner is Jacki. Congrats, Jacki! Her answer on what she’d make first in her Vitamix was:
“Chocolate smoothies (w/ spinach and banana) Yum!”
Dana Coughlin says
I would make green smoothies for my afternoon slump time-I just can’t get them smooth enough and this would be fantastic!
Jacqui Judd says
I would make a blueberry coconut kale protein smoothie!!
Robin says
I would love this!
Mary Moran says
We make smoothies all the time. Would use it daily.
Jessica Ritter says
I would make an almond milk and banana smoothie
Cheryl Harris says
how awesome of you to do this, Shirley! (pls don’t enter me)
Lisa B says
I wanna make hummus, hummus, hummus and more hummus! Oh dear Rafflecopter, pick me, pick me.
SherriS. says
Just a comment – not for the contest.
Good for you Shirley! I just bagged up a lot of my unused clothes and almost all of my high heels (that were in very good condition) because I don’t wear them anymore. I want more open space in my life. Goodwill can pass it on for me.
Allicia says
I would make a chocolate banana milkshake. Mmm
Emily says
I’d make homemade coconut milk!
Danielle says
I would make some juice with carrots, beets and ginger.
Laurel says
I’d make a smoothie of course! I thought you liked yours so well you were giving one away. Way to walk the walk though.
Jackie R. says
A delicious smoothie.
Annette Huffman says
I would use it to makes smoothies for my husband, using kale, peaches, yogurt, orange juice and water.
Joan says
I’d have to try some peach ice cream. Yum!
C Moore says
I would make a banana Berry smoothie!
Melissa says
I think I’d be a little naughty and make a peanut butter chocolate shake
Leora Homel says
KarenO says
I would make a breakfast smoothie.
klk says
I’ve heard great things about Vitamixes… I’d make a LOT of berry smoothies with the berries growing on my deck!
Christine says
My 16 year old son is gf/df and since he only gets up 20 minutes before we have to leave for school, I would make him an almond milk and fruit smoothie for some protein during the day.
Arielle says
I need a blender again, mine has been broken for months and I don’t have the money to buy a new one, so sad! I just need my breakfast smoothies again 😀
Danyell says
I would make a smoothie recipe called ” Beet Potatoe Pie”
BJMarley says
I would give this to my daughter so she could make smoothies.
Lauren says
I can’t wait to see how the blender makes green smoothies with kale!
Melanie QR says
I’d make our mango peach berry smoothie.
Every time we make it with our current personal blender, we are left with chunks of fruit. For ONCE I’d like to get a proper smoothie, lol
Lana M says
I would make my family’s favorite beet smoothie. My current blender isn’t doing it’s job anymore.
Vicky C. says
I love green smoothies with celery, cucumber, spinach, and green apple.
Misty says
I would make my coffee protein smoothie! The blender I have now is on its last leg, so I need to replace it ASAP.
Karen O says
I would make some type of smoothie. I don’t have anything to make good ones right now.
JEA says
I would make a banana, strawberry, almond butter, coconut water & protein smoothie please please please pick me 🙂
Susan says
I would make an almond milk and fruit smoothie or maybe a green smoothie first. This would be so handy for the many times I babysit grandchildren or attend day long meetings and activities or when the rest of the family is enjoying a meal containing gluten.
Mama Marilyn says
We purchased our Vitamix Blender in 1988 (when our first 3 children were young). It was used daily for all of these years. It finally bit the dust last year… Made it’s last smoothie and in a puff of smoke, grinded to a halt. Time for a new one and The S30 is a perfect size, now that we too have downsized! The first recipe I would make is ‘Broccoli Soup’ from the Vitamix cookbook… which was the first recipe we made back in 1988!
Rachel says
Wee love smoothies but my blender is not the best
Susan W. says
I would make my mixed berry yogurt smoothie.
yvonne says
I would try to make a non dairy ice dessert. OR….maybe try a nut butter…hmm maybe a bisque…
Needless to say, I have lots of things I want to make in it 🙂
Janet says
Yay! What an awesome giveaway!
I would make milkshakes 🙂
Aili Galasyn says
I would give it to one of my daughter who is extremely sensitive to gluten. She cannot afford to buy one herself and must prepare single portions of food for herself. It would simplify her life.
SJ Roragen says
First thing I would make (and EVERY day thereafter) is our apple green smoothies. Yum!
Shannon McKenty says
I’ve wanted a Vitamix for so long!
Brenda says
I would make the best green smoothie from the contents
of my refrigerator.
Isa says
I’ve wanted one of these for.ev.er. I’d be using it more than twice!
Joanne Williamson says
Have heard so many good things about the Vita Mix.Would love to have one for so many different things..
Mary Zimpel says
I would make hummus with NO lumps! Seriously – I have been eating healthier for the past six months and it has made a big difference in my life. This would just make things a tad easier. Love your pages, Shirley!
Beverly says
This is awesome, Shirley…thank you!!! I am also reducing my responsibilities as a stuff manager, but this would be very useful to me! The first thing I’d make is my morning smoothie and it would be mch faster & effecient than my current cheapie blender!!!
MC says
This would be amazing for making individual portions of soups and smoothies!
Joy says
The sky the limit. Smoothies, soups etc. There is no end to what we could make. Thank for the opportunity to win the Vitamix S30.
Gail says
The first thing I would make if I had this lovely blender would be a kefir smoothie!
Cindy W. says
OMG! I just love the disclosure, Shirley. Since you are an online friend to all of us it’s no different than a friend passing on something she can’t use. 🙂 I would make some kind of smoothie involving raspberries. Thanks for the giveaway!
Jill says
Something with pumpkin and spices!
JL says
I would make a green smoothie!!
Susan says
I have wanted a personal size for ages! The big one is too big form my space and my budget! My daughter swears by her full size and this is just the ticket for my smaller needs. BTW-loving the cookbooks from you and the Decadent Desserts you recommended recently-you and your site have helped my GF journey so much!!
Emily Garner says
This would be such a blessing for my family and me right now. Individual smoothies from fresh veggies and yummy fruit from a Vitamix- dream.come.true!
Joy says
I would make a pina colada protein smoothie!!
Tina says
I need this! My cheapo blender leaks and doesn’t have a lid!
Jacki says
I love hand-me-downs 🙂 who didn’t have a big sister that got to wear the cool sweater first? Chocolate smoothies (w/ spinach and banana)Yum!
Jennifer Weinberg says
I would love to make some butternut squash with the new crop that is appearing at my local Farmer’s Market!
robin says
I would make a yummy almond milk smoothie!
Vivian Garcia-Bruno says
I would make my 12 yo. birthday girl whatever smoothie she wants….We just broke a blender and she had been requesting a personal smoothie making blender for her b’day.
Peggy moser says
I would love to make smoothies to get more nutrition in my diet. I love our idea to live with only that which you need.!
Angela Simmons says
I’ve heard great thing about the Vitamix but haven’t had the money to invest in one yet. I would put it to good use!
Pat @ Elegantly, Gluten-Free says
I’d start with a peach smoothie, then maybe some balsamic maple salad dressing.
sande g says
I love your idea of down sizing your total life… As I was always taught if you don’t use something in a year give it to someone who will make use of it….That is my motto for life… I also use this motto with my time, if I’m being lazy I get out & volunteer more.. Helping others is the most rewarding careers there is …pay not great but self esteem soars above all other jobs in life!!!!
I would love to own the vita mix & to share the rewards with others …..
Susan says
i would make a high protein breakfast smoothie!
Leslie says
I have a full size Vitamix that I love, but my husband uses it in the morning to steam his milk for his multiple cups of coffee. If I need it, I have to wait until he is through. If I win this one, I can make my smoothies without the wait!
Courtney says
We would LOVE this! We make smoothies almost every day in our house.
Carina says
I would make coconut milk and coconut butter!
Cassidy @ Cassidy's Craveable Creations says
I would make smoothies all the time! I have a nutribullet, which I love, but I’ve put it through the ringer and I can tell that it will need to be replaced soon!
Bobbi Scott says
I would make a Mocha Banana Coconut smoothie, and save whatever I couldn’t finish in the freezer for an ice cream treat later!!! Yummalicious!
Dori says
I’m like you, Shirley, I have a vita mix that I love! So, if I won this giveaway, I would pass it on to my newly married daughter! Thanks for your generosity.
Consuelo Mueller says
I would make a green smoothie!
Judy McClelland says
I would make smoothies! and lots of them. 😉
Sonja Beuskens says
I would make… my protein smoothie…
i’m nursing a kiddo with tons of allergies, so started doing hemp protein shakes to help me not feel like i’m dying. But my blender doesnt grind it up so i’m left with grit in my cup, lol.
Karen Parish says
I would make my favorite spinach breakfast smoothie!
Alicia says
strawberry and mango smoothie 🙂
Karen says
I didn’t know vitamix made personal blenders. This is great!
Sara Mandal-Joy says
OH, I would love this….
Moriah C says
I make smoothies for my three girls for breakfast and one fir me at lunch so smoothies would be the first thing I’d whip up for sure. Thanks for the awesome giveaway
HS says
I’ll make green smoothie.
Teri Bailey says
Thanks Shirley! What a great surprise on a Sunday!
mOLLY says
I would make my Breakfast smoothie, than my lunch smoothie and than my evening smoothie. I’m sure it would be able to handle that and more. Can’t wait if I where to win it. would be happy, happy, happy.
Thanks for sharing with with us.
Stacy L says
Cheryl K. says
The first thing I would make would be a healthy smoothie or ice cream type smoothie! Thank you for this chance to win such a fantastic product.
Tessa@tessadomesticdiva says
I would sharing this with my sister who desperately needs a high performing blender with all the blending she does!
Marcie says
I would love to make my homemade almond milk in it. My Ninja blender leaves to much pulp. Thank you for doing this giveaway!
Carol Kendall says
Hi, I am a missionary in Guatemala and would love to be able to make smoothies and other such “stuff”. By the way we are too cleaning house. After the recent death of my mother and cleaning her house…we decided now is the time to give things away! Thanks for all of the ways you encourage me!
Deborah Dorris says
I would use it first to make my own natural smoothies so they can be smoother and creamier.
Brad G says
Have been wanting a Vitamix. Think I’d make butternut squash soup, or something else that would be great to make warm.
ALso think it would be great to blend up the ice cream I am planning to make.
susan reed says
My smoothies are always chunky not smooth! I need this!
Carolyn says
I would make a coconut mango peach smoothie. YUM!
Ashley Burgess says
I’ve always wanted to do juicing, so I would love to make juices and smoothies. I struggle to eat as much veggies as I should, so making some green smoothies and juices could be a great way to get some more vegetables into my diet!
sarah says
creamed carrot soup!
Deanna says
If I win this one, I’ll get rid of my cheap off brand one. 🙂 I think that prevents me from having too much stuff.
Tara says
I NEED this!!!
Theresa says
If I win it will make a fast job of dressings and protein shakes & smoothies. Thank you for this opportunity!
Becca says
I would make a strawberry and cacao nib smoothie!
patricia says
I would make a raspberry smoothie.
Stephanie says
I’d use this every morning to make smoothies for hubby and myself.
Sheryll Ziemer says
What a fun machine! I’d make more smoothies. My husband just said he wants to start drinking them too…..
Kathleen says
Making smoothies!
AJ says
I would love this & could never afford it! Thanks for doing this.
Brandae says
I’ve been trying to simplify/declutter too and find that giving away the nice things that will truly bless others is a blessing to me too! Best wishes as you continue your journey – I definitely don’t want to waste one more moment being a stuff manager!
Carla S says
I would make a pina colada or blueberry smoothie first.
Sarah says
I love my green smoothies!! Would also try soup!
Monica F says
Awesome blender!
Genia says
I’d make smoothies every morning!
Elizabeth says
I would make my own nut butters
Kim says
This looks like a great blender. I would like to win it. Thanks!
Leigh Miller says
I’d make pumpkin soup to bring in the “cooler” weather. Or a blueberry smoothie from my leftover crop. Whatever I make, I’m sure it will be fast and easy with the Vitamix.
nancy says
I would love this – trying to be more healthy
Julie L says
I’d make some green smoothies for breakfast!
Katrina says
I would teach my 12 year old smoothie addict to use it first thing!
Emily says
I would make smoothies as well as homemade vegan cashew cheeses!
Amy says
I’ve been eyeing the heavy duty blenders for a while – I’m hoping to win one at some point instead of having to buy one so I don’t feel so guilty about the investment!
Leah says
This would be an amazing blender, and I don’t have a blender at all!
Diana R. says
I would make a green smoothie and nut milks. Thank you so much for the giveaway.
Becky McGill says
I would make turmeric and ginger smoothies to help with my inflammation.
Kimberly Hedges says
We use our blender EVERY single day! Frozen banana smoothies or sauces or veggie purees it is so important, but it leaks out of the bottom! We’ve already replaced the canister once, but I guess we are outside the average blender curve. 🙂 We’d love a high quality one!
Jenni P says
I’d LOVE to win this!!! Vitamix is a Vitamix!!
Lynne A says
I would love to win this. The first thing I would make is a smoothie in it 🙂
Emily says
I would love to have a Vitamix to use for making smoothies and soups in!
Edie says
Jen says
I would totally make a green smoothie! I’ve been experimenting with different fruits and green leafy veggies and they are all so yummy. Would love to try them with more berries and a vitamix! 🙂
Connie says
Love smoothies and I put in all the good extras…..flax seed, magnesium, and elderberry syrup
Hannah says
I drink a smoothie every day. Now if I can just get my kids on board with more veggies…this would work great!
louise says
i’d make homemade mango icecream!
Gretchen Slade Schlier says
Oh how I want one of these!!! I would make a Cherry Chocolate Shake from The Detoxinista, which would be a yummy treat!!
Kristy Bachnivsky says
I would make a smoothie with spinach in it!
Sheila Beadling says
The first thing I would make is pesto!
Cathy says
I would make smoothies!! I use a blender everyday, mine in in need of replacement and the vitamix would be wonderful to have!!
Joy says
I would give it to my mom who is waiting for her false teeth! Then make all the suggestions below after she gets them. 🙂
Sparkle Huston says
I would make healthy smoothies for the morning commute.
Lisa says
Gluten free dairy free caramel!!!!!
Laura O|Petite Allergy Treats says
I think more Pumpkin Seed butter! I do not own a Vitamix but have heard wonderful things.
Audrey @ Gluten-Free Vegan Love says
Hi Shirley — I’m not entering the giveaway as I already have a full sized Vitamix (which I love dearly and which gets used daily). Just wanted to say kudos on the de-cluttering efforts. I’m in the same boat — trying to convert to a minimalist, though it’s proving very hard in the kitchen as I love all my little baking gadgets and appliances. So I started with my closet instead 😉 . But I totally hear you and think it’s wonderful you’re sharing it with one of your readers. All the best to those entering!
dawn says
What a great size for portability!
Kristen says
I live in a quite-small house (800 SF) and have about 5 linear feet of counter space in my kitchen. This would be great for me! The first thing I’d make is salad dressing and after that I’d make smoothie.
Jessica Stewart says
I would make pumpkin seed butter! Yummmm!
angela y says
I would make some green smoothies!
Jill Ann says
My blender does not do well with ice so I look forward to making a thick blueberry/banana protein shake. 🙂
Nancy Lucarelli says
If I won this I would make breakfast smoothies to take to work with me!!!
Judy says
I would love a vitamix, but can’t afford it right now. This would be great! I’d use it to grind my own flours and make coconut milk.
Lori says
I would love to give this to my friend, who has started making the transition the a more healthy lifestyle. Single and living in a small apartment this would be perfect.
Alyssa says
With this blender I finally foresee lunch smoothies a success!
Lisa P says
I’d make a smoothie with coconut milk and blueberries.
Lisa says
I would make all kinds of vegan cheese!! There are so many healthy possibilities with this machine.
Indigo says
Will help me execute my new gluten free, healthy lifestyle. Very nice giveaway!
Renee S says
Better green smoothies!!
Venessa F. says
I would make hemp milk first.
Patricia Wojnar Crowley says
I would make a watermelon mango smoothie!
Melissa says
I would make avocado mousse
Sandi says
I have a full sized Vitamix, so I don’t want to take away from someone else who can really use this. I just want to say how generous and thoughtful I think you are. You are always thinking of your readers and how to help them first…be it a Vitamix or gluten free cookbooks 🙂
Philippa Gaywood says
I make this delish condiment with ginger, garlic, fresh coriander, chili, salt and olive oil. my always comes out lumpy (still yummy though) so this is what i’d make.
everything is crossed
Roxana S. says
Orange carrot juice for first thing in the morning :O)
Jessica H says
I would make a milkshake that my nut allergy daughter and my gluten allergy self can enjoy together!
Ina Gawne says
Shirley…I sooo hear you about wanting less “stuff” in life. I just cleared out my closet of clothes – long overdue! I was at costco today and they have the Vitamix on sale. But you know what? I love my 2nd hand 15 dollar Cuisinart…this thing is a gem! No more new stuff for me. Bless your heart for giving away a lovely blender to someone who might really get the best use of it! 🙂
Linda Gilbert says
I have no idea what I would make with this but would love to give it a go!
Susan says
I think I would make some Gluten Free crepe batter.
Carol says
I would love to win this!!
Jeanne says
I might try a milkshake!!
Shelley Johnson says
I have always wanted one of these. I have endometriosis as well as coeliac disease, and always try to eat the best way possible to ease pain and symptoms. I tend to fail though!
My first make would have to be a fruit and veg vitamin mix with water, a vitamin & mineral overload and tasty too!
Marsha says
I would make a fruit smoothie of some kind.
Molliw says
I would try a green smoothie. My sons and I adore “Green Machine” smoothies.
Danielle DaVault says
I love my morning green smoothies, but my blender doesn’t exactly blend. I always end up with a few big chuncks of raw kale that I have to choke down. I would totally make smoothies all day if I won.
Karen says
I would make a green smoothie for breakfast. The rest of my family don’t like them, so this size blender would be perfect.
Sharon @ What The Fork Food Blog says
I’d probably make a smoothie, I’m slightly obsessed with them right now!
Christine says
I’m so happy to have stumbled across your website! I’ve just started an anti-inflammatory diet and the resources you have here are awesome!!
Julie Geraghty says
I would make almond butter first!! My fingers and toes are crossed!!!
Jeanine says
Hmm…. I’d gladly take this off your hands, Shirley! ;)I’d make some smoothies for the kids first and foremost, but then a vanilla shake with some Kahlua for the husband & I. 😉
Diamond says
I would fist make a cup of chocolate almond milk!
Viki says
I would make a smoothie
Genee Davis says
I purchased one for my son and dil a year ago and she uses it everyday! I would LOVE to win this! So many items to make….including yummy smoothies!♡
noreen says
Thank you for your generosity! !!
Tammy L. says
Just bought some coconut cream so I think an intense coconut smoothie is in order
Megan says
Me and my boyfriend made smoothies all the time! Unfortunately our blender just blew out and since we are both saving for school haven’t bought another. One day we will eat our strawberry-banana-mango smoothies again.
Karen Sladden says
I would make GF Tomato soup!
Vicky Ables says
I would try all smoothies I could get my hands and mouth on if I had that
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine says
Smoothies in my dorm of course!
Jessica G says
A fruit and veggie smoothie!
Casandra L Farley says
I would love to try a green smoothie mine old one just does not have enough power to make it a smoothie. It is more like a chunkie!
Melanie Binkley says
To be truthful….
I would offer it as a silent auction item in the Master Food Preserver program. We are volunteers who get fully trained through a UCCE program and then we go out to the community and teach and guide projects on a voluntary group basis with kids at schools, retirement homes, community service and particularly low income areas. However we have to buy all our canning and fruit veg supplies to teach and so we are organizing a silent auction of similar items we all have or can get donated to help raise funds for this upcoming season! And I am doing the same thing Shirley! Good on ya!
Debra says
I would make “ice cream” with frozen bananas!
Megan Hart says
I would definitely make smoothies with mine!
Jill says
I would make your Morning Mocha Monkey Smoothie!!
Kate says
I hope I win so I can make healthily smoothies for me and my family!
Rachel says
Hummus…. hmmmmm!!
Trish says
Ummmmm- probably my favorite peanut butter banana smoothie – or a “blizzard” – I so miss cookies & cream blizzards from Dairy Queen 🙂
Ashley Hernandez says
I would make snack bars similar to larabars
Stephanie V says
I would make a blackberry coconut smoothie
Dawn says
I would make smoothies for my family every morning! 🙂
Eileen says
I love making smooth, smoothies and this would be great. I love your site!
Betty says
I love my breakfast smoothie, and have gone through 3 magic bullets already (just don’t last and the blade gets dull all to quickly) I would love to own this versatile machine!!!
Irene says
delicious green smoothies for my kids!
Karol says
I would make pumpkin hummus!
Ann Yetton says
I would make a detox smoothie for my husband and I. Then lots of great smoothies, soups, milks, everything!!!!
Janis S says
The first thing I’ll make is a green smoothie. My blender does an ok job of making smoothies, but I’d love to win this Vitamix so I can make GREAT smoothies!
Rhonda Kloster says
I would make a veggie drink with a little fruit and chia.
Michelle Thompson says
I would probably start with a fruit and veggie smoothie for me and all my children to enjoy!
Mmmmmmmmmm healthy yet delishhhh
Katrina says
I would make healthy smoothies and start feeling better. I am so Jazzed!
george buckley says
we already juice so this would take it to the next level
Hannah says
I would make an easy broccoli cheddar soup! YUM!
teddi says
I would make extra healthy smoothies while on chemo.
Judy says
I would love to have a vitamix to make my own flours & milk substitutes. I know I would save a lot and have more control of the ingredients, but the initial expense isn’t doable right now.
Megan Ancheta | Allergy Free Alaska says
I’ve actually never seen this version of the Vitamix! How cool is that?! It’s hard to list one thing I’d make, because there are SO many possibilities! But definitely lots of smoothies. And dairy free milks. LOL! 🙂
Faith says
What a cool product! I never knew there was a smaller Vitamix. This would be perfect for me as I don’t have a lot of counter space and I am short so, I don’t like to put things up. Thanks for the opportunity Shirley!
Jennifer Cox says
I’ve wanted a vitamix for soooo long. Oh the options that I could make….probably shrimp gazpacho. I need to use some of the tomatoes that a grew on my balcony this summer. 🙂
therese says
Shirley!!! I’ve just started getting back to facebook after a long hiatus. Hope all is well with you and the rest of the GFE fam. xo
I would make SO many things with the vitamix, where to begin? Dressings, green smoothies, soup!
Fun to “see” you!
Irene Fanciulli says
I would make a mango and banana smoothie which is one of my favourites and I would use it to prepare smoothies for breakfast before going to school
Vicky says
I would probably make my usual smoothie to begin with and then try several things is the book.
Lisa Rago says
I would send it to my daughter who is a cancer survivor and newly married. She is now 5 hours from me and misses my vitamix. Would love for her to be able to make healthy drinks and things again.
Lisa S says
I’d make a peanut butter banana smoothie!
Evelyn says
I’d make my daily banana-peanut butter smoothie: Almond or coconut milk, 1 sliced frozen banana, a spoonful of natural peanut or almond butter, a small spoonful of flax seed, a generous sprinkling of cinnamon, and a tiny pinch of sea salt. Yum!
Samantha says
I would love to make a green smoothie in this, I’ve tried in my traditional blender but it was a mess and just did not taste nice as it wasn’t powerful enough, I would love to be able to include the fiber in my green juices. Kale, Celery, Carrots, Green Apples and a little lemon and ginger wedge. Delish.
Becca Southwick says
I would love to win the vitmix. I’m using a blender. So I know the end product just isn’t the same. Thank-you for offering.
ellen casper says
I would make a berry protein smoothie,
Kelly Minyard says
I would make a Coffee banana smoothie.. my fave!
Gary says
Ooo – hard choice. Maybe a green smoothie. Or then again, maybe a chocolate/banana one. Of course a mixed berry smoothies would be lovely. But wait! I really like shaunie’s idea of a coffee banana smoothie. Yumm!
Beth says
Peanut butter banana smoothie 🙂
Rachel R. says
Why, oh, WHY, does Vitamix not make a personal-size “attachment” for their REGULAR blenders, like every other company out there? I, too, have a full-size Vitamix – and I hate pulling it out when I need to just make a smoothie for myself because I don’t like wash the bulky container just for 8-16 oz. (Plus it doesn’t *work* well with *too* small an amount.)
It sure would be nice, though, to get the personal-size blender cup without having to take up nearly double the counter space!
I would make a smoothie for myself – full of the supplements (green foods, oils, etc.) I’m supposed to be taking that my kids won’t eat.
Chrissy H says
A blue green smoothie of course.
The Celiac Husband says
I have never seen this version!
Je m’appelle Peter
Brittany @ Delights and Delectables says
I would make a green smoothie… or use it to make baby food!!
Rella says
I would totally make my own nut butters with this!!
Tamra Hill says
There are several smoothies I would try right away. Need this to get more fiber/roughage, etc in my diet. In an easy and tasteful way.
Jeanine says
I would never leave my kitchen if I had a Vitamix. So many things to make!
Carol says
The first thing I would make would be something with strawberries — it would be refreshing and nourishing!
Tifany says
I’d make a cashew butter smoothie with banana and honey. Pure decadence!
Jillian T says
I’d love to make a breakfast smoothie using fresh strawberries.
Kristin @ Tastefully Gluten Free says
Having a small, but powerful blender would be wonderful in a small kitchen like mine!
Sara says
I so desparately need a new blender.
Carol says
Green smoothie is just waiting to be made!
Michelle says
I would make a small batch of some homemade nutella. My daughter is addicted to the stuff (she’s 28 so not much I can do about it) and I’d like to offer her a healthier alternative.
mguevara says
The first thing I would make is homemade coconut milk.
Pam says
I would make my first green smoothie with this vitamix getting on the road to healthy eating
Deborah Davis says
I hopped by from Gluten Free Fridays to enter this giveaway. I would make a delicious green smoothie and some pureed soups with my VitaMix.
Donna says
I would mix up a green smoothie, and I’m sure the kale would actually become part of the smoothie, rather than chunks floating around like it does when I use my old blender that we received as a wedding gift 36 years ago! 🙂
Martha says
Soup, soup soup
Anne pratz says
Start small maybe a smoothie? Possibilities are endless….
Mary says
I’ve never had a blender, so I’d have fun searching recipes to learn all the fun things it could be used for!!
Lisa says
I would make an almond, banana, chia, raw cacao shake with matcha tea and almond milk!
Julz says
Oh the smoothies I would concoct!
Becky Payne says
I would start making more breakfast protein smoothies. The personal blender I have doesn’t blend everything completely and I have heard great things about Vitamix ptoducts.
Amy says
I would make my daily green smoothie of OJ,Spinach, avocado,banana,mango and pineapple. YUM!
Laura Hofsink says
I would make smoothies. I love how these work as I have friends that have one. my blender just doesnt cut it. Would love to win this. 🙂
Deborah says
A smoothie. I haven’t made one since the ex got the blender.
GwenH says
I would make some homemade tomatoe soup with fresh tomatoes from my garden.
Georgia W. says
I would make cashew butter! =)
Susan says
I would love to make a pineapple banana smoothie..yummy!
Carolsue says
I would make a mango and strawberry smoothie
addie says
I would make cashew cheese or almond milk 🙂
kathleen says
love this! it would make the smoothest raw cheesecake!
Sarah says
If I won this Vitamix blender, the first thing I’d make is a super energy green smoothie.
Valerie says
Would LOVE this to make smoothies with!
Jen G says
First I would make green smoothies every morning, then I would try making sprouted almond milk! How exciting!
Molomatic says
I’d make a peanut butter smoothie. Yum!!
Jennifer Robins says
My Nutribullet just bit the dust! I’d LOVE to have another great kitchen tool!
Dee Fedor says
I would make Almond Butter.
Kathy says
I have had the worst luck with nutribullets, nothing works like vitamix!
Kathi Bezeredi says
I would make my own banana peanutbutter protein shake.
Stephanie says
I would make a green smoothie that wasn’t chunky and gross!!
Jacki says
I got notification that I was the winner of the Vitamix S30 High Performance Personal Blender. Eeeeee! I’m so excited. Thank you, Shirley.
Shirley says
Congratulations, Jacki! Thanks so much for responding so quickly and I love your enthusiasm, of course. I hope you will enjoy your new kitchen equipment! 🙂