Today’s Blueberry Banana Foamie, aka Blueberry Banana Smoothie, is my latest attempt to become fond of blueberries. I admit it … I’m still working on my love of blueberries.
Well, I should say that I’m still working on my love of several fruits. Even the beloved strawberry. It’s a texture and seed thing you see. Yes, I made a stunning Blueberry Honey Pie with Honey Whipped Cream last year and I—and everyone else—truly enjoyed it.
Especially Mr. GFE … who set a new personal record for pieces of pie consumed in one sitting. In the end, I just handed him the pie plate and a fork. This is a man who usually declines dessert day in and day out. But I digress.
Still, I hadn’t been compelled to buy more blueberries until a few days ago. I had commented on Debi’s lovely Peaceful Purple Ice Cream that blueberries still weren’t really my thing. Debi replied: “No blueberries for you? So sad, Shirley! I hope the time comes where you do like them.”
Well, I pondered Debi’s comment and thought to myself that my chances of learning to love blueberries were pretty slim unless I actually did start eating them. I decided to start with a recipe where texture wouldn’t be a concern—a smoothie.
I made my recipe simple as well as naturally gluten free and dairy free. I added some coconut water, almond milk, banana, soaked dates, and blueberries to the blender and blended at high speed for a minute or two.
The resulting beverage was light and foamy; I loved it. And while you could sip some coconut water, drink some almond milk, eat a banana, and snack on some blueberries and even dates, this “foamie” is a much better delivery method for all!
I love that this foamie is such a treat, but so healthy, too. One always feels extremely satisfied when those two requirements come together.
Oh, and if over the course of the day you drink the whole blender full, it’s no big deal at all. In fact, it’s a good thing.
I’ve also made a blue-green variation of this Blueberry Banana Foamie using only a super ripe banana, a handful of baby spinach, and doubling the amount of coconut water.
No almond milk or dates were needed. Never be afraid to play around with smoothies or “foamies,” but if you need some “one size fits all” type guidance, Nancy (The Sensitive Pantry) has a great little formula for making Simple Summer Smoothies! I also like Kim’s (Cook IT Allergy Free) printable 4-Step Smoothie Building Formula. (I printed it out and taped it to the inside of the cabinet above my blender because sometime I get in a smoothie “rut” and forget ingredients that I have on hand that would be ideal smoothie additions.)
Here’s my original Blueberry “Foamie” recipe. Enjoy!
Blueberry Banana Foamie (aka Blueberry Banana Smoothie) Recipe
Blueberry Banana "Foamie"
![When you want a smoothie that's lighter, go for this Blueberry Banana Foamie (aka Blueberry Banana Smoothie). It's a wonderful way to start one's day or have an afternoon pick me up! [from]](
Just a handful of ingredients make this Blueberry Banana Foamie, which is lighter than most smoothies because light and refreshing coconut water is used.
- 1 cup coconut water
- 1 cup almond milk
- 1 frozen banana
- 2/3 cup blueberries, washed
- 2 dates, pitted (use soft, fresh dates or soak them for a non-raw version of this recipe; see notes)
- Add all ingredients to blender. Blend 1 to 2 minutes until ingredients are incorporated enough for your taste. Sip away!
*Dates that have dried out and hardened some should be soaked in boiling water for 5 minutes or so, drained, and then added to the recipe.
Originally published June 24, 2011; updated July 23, 2018.
Kay Guest says
Alas, no blender… but maybe, one day!
Also, I must tell you, on Memorial Day this year, a neighbor gave my Daddy that beautiful flag cake, you know the one, with strawberries for the red and blueberries for the blue… It was so pretty, but he took one look at it, and said, “Kay, you can have the part with the blueberries, that’s all yours!” (Of course, he said this after the nice neighbor had gone, MUCH TOO POLITE to say this in front of her!) Don’t we just love our Dads!
Shirley says
Kay–It shocks me every time you say you don’t have a blender. I couldn’t live without mine! Maybe I’ll have a blender giveaway one day. 🙂
Such a sweet dad story, dear! I would have said the same. LOL I just made a blueberry buckle I loved though 😉 … stay tuned. And yes, of course, we love our dads!
Ricki says
Thanks so much for this yummy recipe, Shirley! So glad to see your entry on the SOS Page. And thrilled that you liked blueberries in this. I’m with Debi–I love them so much it makes me sad to think that not everyone enjoys them the way I do. (At some point down the road, you’ll be eating them straight up, I just know it). 😉 And kudos for adding that spinach, too. Thanks for a great entry to the SOS Challenge! 😀
Shirley says
Hi Ricki–I might squeak another one in for the SOS challenge … we’ll see. 😉 I’m getting better about blueberries every day. Still prefer them in something to eating them raw, but that may change as you say. Oh, and I’ll add spinach to anything. I used to hate that years ago, too. LOL
Debi says
LOL Oh my gosh, Shirley. Firstly, thanks for the link love. Secondly, I’m so glad you’re trying them out! I had to do the same thing when I went to a whole foods diet. I realized my choices would be limited if I still refused to eat beets, mushrooms, and peas. And look at me now. Love ’em! Although I admit that I’m still picky about the peas. They absolutely cannot be overcooked or I won’t eat them My current food I’m eating to tolerate, cashews.
Way to go, Shirley! 😀
Shirley says
Hi Debi–You’re welcome, but thank you! You’ve challenged me and I’m rising to the challenge. 🙂 I loved a variation of Maggie’s Blueberry Buckle this weekend, so I’m progressing nicely. 😉 And peas … I ADORE peas, so that’s one I don’t understand at all. LOL We are funny creatures, aren’t we? And cashews? Another fave of mine. Again, we’re funny beings …
Ina Gawne says
OOOOHHHH, your blueberry foamy looks fabulous! I love, love blueberries…especially in smoothies. Have some waiting to go right now, yum! Great idea of using pitted dates too, triple yum!
Shirley says
Hi Ina–I’ve been using pitted dates for a while in beverages when a sweetener is needed, but Maggie came up with the brilliant idea of soaking them. Otherwise, my blender might have been kaput by now. Seriously! And on the blueberry love, seize the time for blueberries, right? 😉
Carol, Simply...Gluten-free says
I understand about berries, I am not a fan myself but I do like blueberries the best. This foamy sounds delish!
Shirley says
Hi Carol–I’m so surprised! You make lots of berry goodies. I feel better now. 🙂 Maybe we can learn together. I’m going to make more foamies. Light smoothie fare so to speak!
InTolerantChef says
I taught myself to loooove cilantro and basil, I just decided that if so many chefs loved them they must have something good going for them. Good luck with the blueberries, this is a great medium for slowly introducing them, yumm…
Shirley says
InTolerant Chef–Bravo on learning to LOVE cilantro and basil! I’m still learning on cilantro, but have always loved basil. And I’m already liking blueberries much, much more. 🙂
Jennifer says
I bought almost every kind of berry today to make a frozen yogurt….now thinking I am going to try this recipe! It just sounds good and good for your inside! Thanks!
Shirley says
Hey Jennifer–Homemade frozen yogurt is always divine! This is a very light drink. Let us know if you tried it and what you think. 🙂
Angie Halten says
Blueberries definitely are not my favorite berry, but I know they are a ‘super food’ so I force myself to eat them. Your foamie sounds like a great way to get all the benefits of the berry without tasting all the mealy insides!
Shirley says
Hi Angie–All of us blueberry “anti-fans” are coming out of the closet! 😉 Yep, no mealiness with this foamie. Or with the baked blueberry recipe I made this past weekend. Stay tuned for that one!
Nance says
I’m no fan of the blueberry, Shirley. But there is a magical thing that happens when you partner them with lemons. I make a lovely lemon blueberry pound cake, and I bet you could stomach that pairing with a little tweaking of some recipes yourself. Lemon ricotta pancake with blueberry topping? Lemon sorbet with blueberries? Ready, set…GO!
Shirley says
Hi Nance–So good to see you here, dear. 🙂 Lemon blueberry pound cake does sound quite lovely. And your other options also sound nice. I think the key factor for me as I’m still “progressing” is that there are not TOO many blueberries. 😉 Thanks for both the encouragement and the recipe ideas!
Carla @ Gluten Free Recipe Box says
Thanks for the tip on soaking dates! I never thought of that. I soak my almonds that I use for raw almond milk which I often put in my shakes, but dates – didn’t think of that! That would make it much smoother! Yeah!
Shirley says
Hi Carla–That’s Maggie’s (She Let Them Eat Cake) idea on soaking dates! I got it from her Almond Dream Smoothie when I adopted her. If you want even smoother beverages, I’d soak them longer. I think Maggie may have said 15 minutes, but I don’t mind tiny chunks and my blender is still going. 😉
Heidi @ Adventures of a Gluten Free Mom says
Looks delicious Shirley! I understand the “seed thing,” both of my sisters have issues with the seeds in raspberries and blackberries…personally though, I love the seeds!
Here’s an idea for blueberries (assuming you like to eat frozen foods), frozen blueberries are awesome! Not the prepackaged frozen blueberries, but fresh blueberries that you freeze yourself…my kids eat these like crazy in the summer, as well as frozen grapes.
Shirley says
Hi Heidi, aka the seed queen! Glad to know there are more out there like me. 😉 We had friends that used to make the most wonderful milkshakes and ice cream from their goat’s milk and berries we helped them pick, but I SO wanted to strain those seeds out! LOL
Frozen fruit “poppables” sound good! Jules just suggested freezing all fruit upon buying. I had some blackberries in my fridge that we found had already “expired” when we went to use them. I was embarrassed and I felt so guilty! 🙁
Maggie says
You are so amazing Shirley. You don’t leave anyone or anything out 🙂 Thanks for the link love and sharing this delightful summer beverage! Mmmmm.
Shirley says
Hi girlie–No, I’m not, but thank you! Happy to share what/who I can … always. 😉 I really like this light and tasty, plus healthy beverage, dear. Will always especially love you for the date soaking tip! 🙂
Sharon M. says
Hi Shirley,
I’ve been making my share of foamies lately, too! My blender was collecting dust on the counter until I recently revived my love of these cool treats! Such a coincidence. I was just thinking this morning, while drinking my foamie in the car, that it was..well..rather foamie! I’ve been using raw cacoa powder for its reported high magnesium content among other ingredients similar to yours. Happy summer! Hugs,
Sharon M.
Shirley says
Hi Sharon–It’s so good to see you! Yippee on foamies, huh? I love using raw cacao powder, too. I just got some from iHerb. Next time I need to add some to this foamie for sure. Chocolate makes everything better, plus there’s the added nutrition you cited. 😉
Happy summer back! Hope your girls are doing well. 🙂 Hugsss,
Kim (Cook IT Allergy Free) says
Your creativity and how you manage to tie in to everyone else’s posts is just amazing and totally brilliant! You are one special lady, my friend! This “foamie” looks fabulous. I actually really enjoy blueberries, so I think I would just love it even more! And I love your tip for soaking dates. I have done that for quite a while now and it really makes a difference in how nice they blend up, even with my high speed blender!!
Big hugs to you! xoxox
Shirley says
Hi Kim–It’s always great to hear from one of my super fans/friends–thank you so much! 🙂 That’s Maggie’s tip on soaking the dates. She’s so smart and makes REALLY good smoothies always. As a blueberry fan, you might want to add even more to this “foamie.” 😉
Linda says
We’ve been eating lots of blueberries. I’m glad you have learned to enjoy them a little too. I like the dates in this recipe. I’m going to give that a try.
Shirley says
Hi Linda–I’m making such great progress with my blueberry eating! This foamie and a wonderful blueberry banana buckle will do that for a girl. 😉 If you need some extra sweetness in a smoothie/foamie, dates are really a great solution. Somehow it just feels wrong to add other sweeteners to those beverages when they are so healthy, you know?
Alta says
Okay, so I’ve never heard of a foamie before this. I’m guessing it’s considered a foamie just because it’s, well, foamy? Regardless, it sounds delicious! I love blueberries, personally – Whole Foods recently had a deal on organic ones – $1.99/pint. I bought the limit – 12 pints! Gave away half to family members, ate as many as I could possibly stuff in my face, and froze the rest. I’m a big fan of having them in the fridge and just eating them as I open the fridge to get other things.
Shirley says
Alta–Honey, this is the advantage of blogging … we can make up anything we want! 😉 We got the power! LOL I think foamie really fits this beverage because it’s just so frothy and foamie–I love it! 🙂 Woohoo on the great blueberry deal and sharing, too … fantastic! Some dear friends and support group members just left me their homegrown blueberries. I’m making another blueberry banana buckle tonight for camping. 😉 Great idea on fridge snacking … so much healthier that what folks usually reach for!