My dear friend Elana Amsterdam’s new cookbook, Gluten-Free Cupcakes: 50 Irresistible Cupcakes Made with Almond and Coconut Flour, arrived Friday (courtesy of Elana and 10 Speed Press). Yes, 50 cupcake recipes! Cupcakes that run the gamut from seemingly simple, like a gluten-free Vanilla Cupcake, gluten-free and vegan Chocolate Cupcake, or even today’s gluten-free Marble Cupcakes, to decadent, such as German Chocolate Cupcakes.
There are even savory cupcakes, aka muffins, like Scallion Goat Cheese Muffins. And irresistible is right! I haven’t had a cupcake since going gluten free and I already have several other great cookbooks in my queue for review. Yet I couldn’t resist dropping everything and making cupcakes.
After reading Elana’s introduction and the comprehensive section on equipment, ingredients, measuring, and more, I flipped through the recipes one by one. So many gorgeous cupcakes, but it was the lovely chocolate and vanilla swirls of the Marble Cupcakes that caught my eye.
As you can see, the photo shows some that are frosted and some that are unfrosted. Elana reports that one of her sons like them without frosting; the other likes them with frosting.
I went for the no-frosting option and was perfectly happy with the results. Even Mr. GFE happily indulged, although with Elana’s cupcakes, indulgence is a relative thing.
The ingredients for these cupcakes are healthier choices such as almond flour, coconut flour, eggs, grapeseed oil, cocoa powder, coconut milk, fruit, nuts, and agave nectar.
I used our bees’ honey instead of agave nectar to make these beautiful marble cupcakes—a delightful mix of vanilla and chocolate goodness.
Note that the bright orange yolks from my friends’ free-range chickens actually made the vanilla batter a yellow-orange when I made this recipe, which makes them look like Halloween cupcakes!
Elana and 10 Speed Press have graciously allowed me to share this recipe with my gfe readers—woohoo! You can also see the gorgeous photo from her Gluten-Free Cupcakes cookbook I referenced above, which again, shows both the frosted and unfrosted versions.
Gluten-Free Marble Cupcakes and Chocolate Frosting Recipe
Gluten-Free Marble Cupcakes (courtesy of Elana Amsterdam and Ten Speed Press; photography by Annabelle Breakey)
Elana says: "My son helped me create this Marble Cupcakes recipe for my second book, Gluten-Free Cupcakes, when he was 10 years old, and it's an all-time kid favorite! Swirled with vanilla and chocolate batter, they're delicious topped with my Chocolate Frosting but indulgent enough to be enjoyed without any frosting at all!" Recipes reprinted courtesy of Elana Amsterdam and 10 Speed Press. Cupcake sweetness: Medium; Frosting sweetness: High Frosting makes 1 1/4 cups. Who would guess that this super-rich and thick chocolate frosting is vegan? Frost over everything, or simply eat it with a spoon, like I do.Gluten-Free Marble Cupcakes and Chocolate Frosting
Vanilla Cupcake Batter
Chocolate Cupcake Batter
Vegan Chocolate Frosting
Chocolate Frosting
Karen@Cook4Seasons says
Yippee! Elana is indulging us with yet another compilation of tasty treats which are not only delicious, but actually good for you:) Can’t wait to try some of the recipes…in due time. On a spring cleanse right now, but I see my just desserts!
Shirley says
Hi Karen–Elana treats us so well, doesn’t she? Pun intended! Seriously, I love making her healthy recipes! These were so very good. 🙂 Just FYI, when you’re done with your spring cleanse, if you don’t have Elana’s book on hand by then, come back to this post to get the recipe as I got permission to add the recipe for the cupcakes and the frosting, plus a photo from the book. Enjoy!
Kim (Cook IT Allergy Free) says
I can attest that this is one of my favorite cookbooks yet. My kids have already put sticky notes on all of the ones that they want me to make (I think more of the book is tagged now than not). What a great review Shirley! And your cupcakes look beautiful!!
Shirley says
Kim–I love the idea of your kids going through Elana’s book and flagging the recipes they want to make! Another great way to get kids excited about real food. I still remember how your big guy helped you make your version of Elana’s chocolate chip cookies. That was so sweet and they were so good. Cookies made with a little helper always taste a little sweeter! 😉
Thanks, dear! I don’t think you can go wrong with the marble cupcakes … unless you make the classic vanilla … or the strawberry … or the lime …
cheryl says
That looks simply fantastic (both the cupcake and the book!!( I am looking forward to it, and appreciate the review.
Shirley says
Hi Cheryl–I know … don’t they now? 😉 They were! Thanks, Cheryl! I know you’ll love Elana’s book. 🙂
Zoe says
They look lovely, Shirley! I looked through the Amazon preview, although I didn’t see any recipe for vanilla cupcakes. (Maybe it’s because I didn’t sign in?) Anyway, I have requested this book at my library and am waiting for it to come in; it’s on order. Unless I enter a giveaway, well, then I might get it sooner! 😉
Shirley says
Hey Zoe–Thanks so much! You don’t have to logged in to Amazon, but you do have to keep paging through until the end for the vanilla cupcakes recipe after you click on First Pages well below the book description. I admit that it’s tricky. Just so you know, after the post went out, I got permission to add the recipe for the cupcakes and the frosting, and now there’s a photo from Elana’s book, too. 🙂 So you can have a proper preview now! Enjoy! Good luck on giveaways, too! 😉
Debi says
Now I want to drop everything and make cupcakes! If only I had space in my kitchen to add that to what I have going on right now. *sigh* Another day…
Shirley says
Hey Debi–Well, did you do it? Drop everything? Or did you resist? I must say you’ve been pretty busy of late … blogging like a mad woman! Love it! 🙂 Not sure if you saw that I added the recipes for the cupcake and the frosting, courtesy of Elana and 10 Speed Press. Oh, and there’s a super gorgeous photo, too!
Kay Guest says
What beautiful, beautiful cupcakes! I bet they taste as good as they look. Thanks for getting the recipe for us and thanks to those who allowed it!!! Sigh, wouldn’t the world be a better place with more cupcakes? Here’s a great t-shirt: All you need is love, but a little chocolate doesn’t hurt!
Kay Guest 🙂 “Swirl in figure eights” Boy Howdy, that sounds like fun!!
Shirley says
Hi Kay–They are beautiful and easy—my favorite combo as you know! 😉 So I’m very grateful to Elana for the preview of her book and the recipes and photo to share! 🙂 I like your t-shirt idea, dear. Sounds like you could make a small fortune with it. Need any investors?
Thanks so much for being a gfe supporter day in and day out! xo,
Diane-thewholegang says
OH man, those look amazing. Now I want some right now. How long does it take to make these?
Shirley says
Hey Diane–Only 20 minutes and you’ll be in the heaven between chocolate and vanilla—truly the best of both worlds! 🙂
Gigi says
These are so pretty! I love when recipes from a cookbook or blog are easy to replicate.
I know the unfrosted marble cupcakes will be a favorite with my girls…they actually prefer no frosting on most cakes/cupcakes. I’ll just take the frosting, thank you! ;0)
Your review did justice to the beautiful, healthy food that Elana makes!
Shirley says
Hi Gigi–Thank you! Sounds like you’ll be making both versions, just like Elana serves to her boys. That’s a good deal for sure! 🙂
Still loving your epic series! Hugs,
Ellen @Gluten Free Diva says
Shirley – we are twins! We both made and blogged about the same Marble Cupcakes from Elana’s new cookbook. Weren’t they fun to make? I especially loved swirling them with the toothpick. And you are so darn right about how healthy they are – you can’t feel guilty eating cupcakes that are made with such healthy ingredients, that’s for sure. Great review!
Shirley says
Hi Ellen–They were so much fun to make! I liked the dolloping and the swirling parts. 😉 Thanks for telling me not to feel guilty. I ate more than my share of those marble babies. Guilt is a wasted emotion anyway, right?
Thanks, dear! Loved your review, too. 🙂
Alisa Fleming says
Wow Shirley, those came out amazing! I’m so eager to try some of these cupcakes once we get settled. I’ve got some bags of coconut flour waiting!
Shirley says
Thanks so much, Alisa! I’m pretty proud of how they turned out. Elana makes us all looks so good, doesn’t she? 😉 Can’t wait to make these for Easter dinner which I’m hosting!
InTolerantChef says
I must have this book! I might buy extras for my friends so they have no excuse for just giving me a piece of fruit for dessert anymore.
Shirley says
Hey InTolerantChef!–I agree … you MUST have this book! And I love our logic … yep, it’s important to teach others how to feed us … well and safely. Fruit is great at home for a snack. Not so much fun for dessert when others are eating the good stuff (albeit gluten-full … uggg … don’t need that). This cookbook would help all of you! Such a bargain, too. 🙂
InTolerantChef says
Just ordered it from Amazon!
Maggie says
These look great Shirley! Lucky you to have an advanced copy, and lucky Mr. GFE to have you to bake them! I can’t believe you hadn’t had a cupcake since going GF. Now you’ll never go back 🙂
Shirley says
Hi Maggie–Yep, I am very lucky indeed! Okay, a bit of a confession … Mr. GFE didn’t get many of these. That’s as much of a confession as I’m making. LOL I haven’t really missed cupcakes so no need to bake them. That will all change now with this recipe and the rest in Elana’s book. 🙂 So you’re right … I’m not going back to my cupcake-less life. 😉
nicola @ gfreemom says
How funny. I’d never made cupcakes until C was declared gluten-free. My first – and very successful attempt – was using one of Elana’s recipes. I’m looking forward to the book. Thanks for this great review!
Shirley says
Hi Nicola–I guess there are cupcake families and non-cupcake families. It seesm like Elana and her new cookbook will have everyone “crossing over.” 😉
Thanks, dear!
Mary says
These look great! Any suggestions on brands for the dark chocolate chips? I usually buy Enjoy Life chocolate chips, but they aren’t 73% cacao.
Thanks for posting the recipe!
Shirley says
Hi Mary–They are delicious! Elana is a genius with almond and coconut flour recipes. 🙂 This recipe is hers, so I can only go by what she has used in the past on her blog for dark chocolate 73% chocolate “chips” and that was Dagoba Organic Chocolate Drops I believe. You can see them here at Amazon: Another idea would be to simply use a favorite dark chocolate bar with the percentage cacao that you want and break it into pieces. Since you are melting the chocolate anyway, that would work just fine. Of course, any frosting of your choice would be fine. I have never frosted these before because I think they are grand on their own, but Son (the “birthday boy”) did ask about frosting today. 😉
Enjoy however you decide to make them! Hugs,
Marcie Peterson says
I would love if you would add this cupcake link to my Fabulous Cupcakes linky list. It is on the left hand column on my site. These look so good I am going to have to try them. Thanks, Marcie
Dyanne Spease says
Yum! This marble cupcake recipe sounds easy to make and delicious.
Shirley Braden says
Dyanne–It’s such an easy and wonderful recipe! Must make some while Son is home for Easter. 🙂
April J Harris says
What pretty marble cupcakes! They look delicious too, Shirley. Pinned. Thank you for sharing with us at the Hearth and Soul Hop.
Shirley Braden says
Hi April–Thanks! These are definitely a treat! 🙂
Delia White says
My daughter and I are allergic to coconut and almonds. Is there an easy substitute?
Shirley Braden says
Hi, Delia–No, there isn’t. You probably want to choose another gluten-free marble cupcake recipe, one that uses a gluten-free flour mix that is safe for you and your daughter. Hope you find a great one!