Today it’s all about World’s Easiest and Best Pulled Pork. Which I think you’ll see is an ugly duckling kind of story.
I can’t say I am superstitious. I am known to exit via a different door than I entered, I love black cats, and so forth, but I do think you go for good luck whenever possible.
That, and the fact that I do love good pork had me cooking this recipe for the World’s Easiest and Best Pulled Pork using a Boston Butt in my crock pot yesterday. To properly help usher in the New Year.
A Google search led me to this explanation for eating pork for the New Year. (Of course, there are all numbers of explanations on why we eat pork … cabbage, black-eyed peas, and such.) This version regarding pork said the tradition is a Pennsylvania Dutch one.
“One eats pork on New Year’s Day because it’s a time to look forward and pigs cannot look back. Therefore, pork is for good luck. Also, a side note, that supposedly a Pennsylvania Dutchman would never eat chicken on New Year’s Day because they can scratch backward.”
Whether it’s true or not, it’s amusing. Especially the part about the chickens.
The pork butt recipe I use came from the newspaper many years ago. I have no idea who the originator was or what the recipe was originally called.
I dubbed it the World’s Easiest and Best Pulled Pork simply because it is! I have found numerous variations online, but not the exact recipe I use.
Most are more complicated than this beloved standby recipe. It has only three ingredients and it is fabulous!
Yes, you read that right … THREE.
You don’t even have to measure anything. Trust me, you will be very happy with the smells coming from your crock pot all day and later when you are standing beside it, eating the delicious pulled pork with a fork (or, gasp, your fingers) straight out of the crockpot.
I am certain that you will find yourself agreeing that it really is the World’s Easiest and Best Pulled Pork!
While I often eat my pulled pork by itself or with potato chips as shown, sometimes I make one of these homemade roll recipes.
Ugly but Absolutely Delicious
This pulled pork is a gorgeous light brown and delicate and succulent. Make it yourself. I am pretty certain you will feel incredible gratitude and good luck will follow!
Happy New Year to all!
World’s Easiest and Best Pulled Pork Recipe
World's Easiest & Best Pulled Pork
This three-ingredient recipe--the pork butt and two more ingredients--also goes by its nickname, Fabulous Pork Butt, at our house! It's naturally gluten freeΒ and loved by all.
- one Boston (pork) butt (see notes)
- light brown sugarΒ
- Worcestershire sauce (Lea & Perrins is the best to use--it's gluten free in the U.S.)
- Place pork in crock pot.
- With fingers, smoosh brown sugar all over exposed surface. ("Smooshing" means you are just patting some brown sugar onto the surface.)
- Then shake Worcestershire sauce (from the bottle) over the brown-sugared surface until all is fairly well covered. (You won't be using huge amounts, maybe two tablespoon or so if you want to measure and spoon over the surface. The shaking out part is fun though and you can't go wrong with any amount.) I like to use enough Worcestershire sauce to moisten as much as possible of the brown sugar.
- Cook for 8 - 10 hours on low until pork falls apart or pulls out easily when you test it with a fork. If you get impatient or want to jumpstart the recipe, turn up the crock pot to high for a bit. A general rule of thumb is that one hour of cooking on high equals two hours on low. If I am going to use high mode, I normally do that at the beginning and then turn the crock pot down to low for slow cooking for the latter part. )
- Voila! Your ugly pork butt has just transformed itself into the most beautiful pulled pork! But, more importantly, it's yummmmmmmmmmmmyyyyyyyy ... the yumminess factor is like Pi--nobody knows how far "out" it really goes. LOL
- Extract meat from crock pot and serve with your favorite sauce (see sauce recipe below this one) on gluten-free rolls, with a green salad, chips, cole slaw, or whatever. I just eat mine in a bowl with some potato chips on the side usually. Last night, I just ate the pulled pork in a bowl. Fabulous. Once again, it earned its name. We'll be having it for lunch and dinner today for sure and we'll be very happy to be eating these "leftovers."
A pork shoulder or pork roast will work, also, but Boston Butts often go on sale for as little as $.99 per lb and they are usually huge ... plus, there is almost no waste, just the bone and fat that falls away.
If you are avoiding high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), as many of us are these days just to ensure better health, both the Worcestershire sauce and ketchup mentioned here contain HFCS. (Update: There are more HFCS-free options available since I wrote this post.)
This recipe makes a lot. That means you can serve a big family or a huge gathering of guests, freeze some for future delectable and easy meals, make some equally fabulous pork fried rice, put a good bit aside to take to a friend who just had a baby ... you get the picture. )
Tasty Sauce Recipe
If you need additional spiciness, you can make the following multipurpose sauce that the famous household guru Heloise shared years ago. It works great for pulled pork, steaks, or anything that needs just a little bit more zestiness or some tang. (Prepared barbecue sauces can work fine, too. Just ensure they are gluten free, if needed.)
Again though, most of the time, I don’t even use any sauce on my pulled pork. By itself, it is just fine. It’s that tasty!
This tasty two-ingredient multipurpose sauce comes from the famous household guru Heloise.Tasty Sauce
Therese says
This sounds delicious! We love pork shoulder and as a matter of fact, I have 3 in the freezer now because they were on sale for .99 lb.
There are so many great ways to prepare it! One crockpot method we use is to place coarsely chopped onion in bottom of pot, add pork shoulder, chicken broth, cumin, salt, garlic, whatever else sounds good to you. Squeeze an orange or two into the pot and cook away. We like to place this in corn tortillas and eat but I think it’d be great in a dish with some soft polenta, the juices ladeled over all.
Thanks for the recipes, Shirley. I think pork shoulder will be on the menu this week!
V-Grrrl says
Oh yes, the day I discovered that those cheap and nasty-named pork butt roasts were one of life’s hidden treasures was a good one.
They love the crock pot, take any kind of sauce, feed a crowd, and make you look like a Domestic Goddess even if you’re really just a Throw Something Together kind of cook!
Shirley says
Therese–Onion, cumin, garlic, and orange with pork … what’s not to like about that combo? I just finished eating my own fabulous pork butt for lunch and, yet, I am still salivating over your recipe! And, placing that mixture in corn tortillas or over polenta … either would be delicious. Watch out, there may be a run on pork butts and shoulders at the store! LOL Seriously, I love going to the freezer and pulling out the makings of such a meal. The other ingredients are usually ones we have on hand. There are some Christmas oranges on the counter as we speak …
V–“Nasty-named pork butt roasts” … you’ll get a kick out of this. When I went to one photo website and searched on pork butt, I got a warning message about looking for inappropriate and possible sexual content! What a hoot! Guess the pork factor didn’t rule out sexy. LOL And, we all know you are a Domestic Goddess of sorts … now, don’t pretend otherwise. Swamp cake comes to mind. π
glutenfreeforgood says
Great (and easy!) recipe you have here. Wow, it sounds wonderful. My son loves “pulled pork” sandwiches and this looks to be an easy way to create them. Also, pork is WAY high in B vitamins. It’s definitely good stuff, so don’t shy away from good pork. Yum, this does sound good. No need for a photo, my mouth is watering just imagining the smell in the house after hours in the crock pot. I’m definitely going to do this next time I go skiing. I love to come back to a wonderful smelling house and dinner ready and waiting.
Shirley says
Melissa, I’m so glad you shared the vitamin B info. Encouragement to eat this delicious pork is exactly what we need–I appreciate you being our “resident” nutritional therapist! And, yes, the pork would be perfect at the end of one of your ski days.
One thing I should mention for all to consider, too, is never forget you can just cook in your crock pot overnight if timing doesn’t work out for a day of cooking. I’ve done this a lot when I wanted to take a meal to a co-worker or friend near my work place or make a meal for a work luncheon. I usually have more energy and focus at night than I do first thing in the morning, too. LOL I’ve also been known to prepare everything in the crock and stick it in the refrigerator overnight. With slow cooking, it doesn’t affect the crock pot any and it gives a slightly slower start for a longer day of cooking–something that comes in handy for us working girls. (Many crock pots today have the automatic turnoff and shift to warming feature, but not all.)
KDJones says
PORK IS SEXY I like some butt and I am a little superstitious so this one sounds good to me. I will have to give it a try some times. I need a bigger crock pot. Shirley, LOL
Shirley says
KDJones–LOL All NC boys are crazy about pork … you guys roast a pig at the drop of a hat! π Excellent point on the size of the crock pot. I used an oval 6-qt crock pot for this pork butt. On a rare occasion, if I get a smaller pork butt, I can use my West Bend oblong slow cooker, but it’s still has a 6-qt capacity. Shop now … there are some good deals out there. Report back after you’ve tried the recipe. I promise it will become a Jones family favorite!
noble pig says
And this is why i have chosen the noble, noble pig. Always good luck! Unfortuneatly I made a prime rib yesterday…oh well!
Shirley says
Cathy–Thanks so much for stopping by! Well, of course … I wasn’t even thinking of Noble Pig ( when I posted my fave pork recipe … how silly of me. π Prime rib. π Looking forward to you posting that recipe on your site. So many of your recipes are naturally gluten free … GFE, that’s what we are looking for!
Kay Niedenthal says
Pork – the new health food. I’ve been waiting my whole life for this!
Shirley says
LOL, Kay. Glad to make your day! We have to thank Melissa for educating us on the merits of pork! … I mean other than the obvious, tasty ones.
Nance says
Boston butt slow-cooked with plenty of sauerkraut was the New Year’s Day dinner at the Dept.! And leftovers make great sandwiches. If you have a Dutch oven, it’s even better.
Shirley says
See … you had a GFE meal! That’s how easy it can be.
Dutch ovens are great. I especially like it when camping buddies bring Dutch ovens up to our mountain property and cook in the campfire for us. Well, that only happened once to date, but the experience was wonderful. The stew our friends made was incredibly good. (This same couple had a mobile antique cabinet that helds spices just for camping!)
Katie says
Hello all I am an internet friend of Shirleys for almost 9 years.
I truly believe I am gluten intolerant. I am trying to eat gluten free right now.
Are their people out there who are gluten intolerant but have never been formally told by the Dr’s they are.
I have had thyroid problems, cancer, cannot lose weight, can eat a whole loaf of bread and not feel hungry but feel really bloated. I feel awful I MEAN awful if I eat pasta. I am overweight and cannot get it off.
I am so loving all the Gluten free blogs listed.
Karen Kallay says
Shirley your website is very professional looking and attractive! The Waiting story is a real grabber. And what I think I like best of all is the stated purpose of making gluten-free living EASY. I’m looking forward functional tips on things like
* Preparing to be a dinner guest: how much do you quiz the cook beforehand? Do you say anything or just bring your own food? etc
* Working with the food server at a restaurant.
* Most effective ways to promote gluten-free goods at grocerery stores, coffee-houses, pastry places, restaurants (list of email addresses to community relations office of corporate offices of chains?).
* Lists of places that have made gluten-free provisions, by state and city, perhaps through an existing website service.
* Recipe for a gluten-free mix that can be used to substitute for wheat in any recipe.
* Ditto for soup or gravy thickener.
* The easiest best way one can text for gluten tolerance.
These are some of the things that you have already provided our local group and that helped me navigate new waters and feel more confident and even “normal” while I was at it.
Shirley says
Karen–Thanks so much for all the warm fuzzies! π We can all do GFE, truly we can. Thanks for the “to do” list. I’ll try to work my way through it with the aid of our knowledgeable readers and their suggestions. I think most of these topics will easily work their way into the blog posts and discussions. Have you made a list of all the meals (entrees, side dishes, etc.) that you have always loved that are naturally GF or can easily be GF? That’s a powerful and uplifting task. I highly recommend it. Look forward to your input and “challenges” in the future. π
Shirley says
Katie–I am so glad to see you here again. I hope some others will respond to your query soon with details on their own experiences. In the interim, please let me offer info based on some other folks’ experiences … our support group members’, friends’, and what I’ve seen on other GF blogs. In an ideal world, all of us who have gluten issues could take a celiac test and get a firm diagnosis and proceed on a happy path to being gluten free and well. But, many still find they have a hard time convincing their doctor to test them, or they get tested and test negative, or they don’t have insurance to cover the cost of celiac testing (gold standard is blood test and biopsy–not inexpensive), and so forth. A lot of these folks do other testing for gluten issues; e.g., sensitivity testing, gene testing. They often find validation there for their gluten issues, although some of this testing is controversial because it is not always accepted through the medical community. However, many people are grateful to get that validation, get the impetus to go gluten free, and see the symptoms go away and their health return over time. Still others do the research, hear a convincing presentation on the harmful effects of gluten, and decide just like that to go gluten free and never look back! We have several families who belong to our support group who went that route. They are healthier and happier than they have ever been.
Major, major kudos to you for going gluten free! So many of the issues you mention could well be related to gluten issues. For example, bloating, observed after consuming gluten, is a common complaint. Again, I hope some others will weigh in. Kay from Gluten Free Kay did an excellent post just the other day on what led her to be gluten free. You can check it out here. Remember all of us can have different symptoms, but usually there’s some overlap. Hope this helps a bit!
Could you folks who have gone gluten free without a diagnosis (or know someone who has), please share your knowledge with Katie? Thanks!
Kay Niedenthal says
Hi Katie,
My health has improved DRAMATICALLY from going gluten free, even though many, MANY doctors found nothing wrong with me. I spent an entire year following their advice, submitting to gobs of tests, taking their meds, spending enough money to buy a used car, and getting worse by the minute.
When they all told me I should lose weight, you know, for my health, I tried the strict South Beach regimen for three weeks. Lost one pound. Sheesh!
After a lot of internet research and (perhaps) a sign from God, I decided to try a gluten free diet. I started feeling better immediately, even though I made a lot of glutenous mistakes. I lost probably ten pounds while making mistakes in the first five months. When I cleaned out my house and got rid of all possible contamination, the pounds started falling off like crazy. I’ve lost 20 more since last May.
I think wheat was kind of like heroin for me. And wheat made sugar kind of like heroin as well. I am amazed that my body now recognizes and is satisfied with foods that are good for me. Eating right is not the challenge it has been all the rest of my life. The cravings are GONE! I eat three balanced meals every day. I am never hungry. Mindless eating is a thing of the past. Although socially, it’s still tough for me to watch others indulge in recreational overeating.
I was sick and puffed up for five years while I let doctors try to find out what was wrong with me. I asked every doctor, “Could all these symptoms be caused by one thing?” Every single doctor said, “NO!” They continued to treat my symptoms individually with expensive meds that made me sicker. I was frustrated and hopeless and sick and broke.
My life is mostly back to normal health these days. Hope has returned. Energy has returned. I wish the doctors would give me all my money back. Ha ha!
Check out my recent post about my first year gluten free on my blog:
Hope you take the plunge and find it works for you! Half-way won’t work. And nothing works overnight. Your body needs time to heal, but it really wants to heal!
Katie says
Shirley thanks for the info
I am just plodding along with all this. I do feel better less bloated as well. I have a cracker that I found and LOVE. It has made this so much easier. OMG I just cannot believe it.
They are Mary’s Organic Crackers. Gluten,free . They provide that crunch when you need it.
I will keep trying to learn about things.
Katie says
Thanks for responding to me. I have actually read your blog before. WOW. I know that I need to do this.
Tell me about cross contamination. I am new and need to know LOL
I am finding things I can eat that I like. I have gotten a memebership at a fantastic gym ( snazzy and a treat for me) I am eating gluten free ( or trying) and I hope that it helps me to feel better.
I am so encouraged when I read peoples stories.
Shirley says
Kay-Special thanks for sharing your story here and doing it so well! I know that many reading will draw parallels to their own personal experiences. The “happily ever after” ending is the best part, of course! I think many of us with gluten issues are incredibly surprised how good we can feel after going gluten free. We never knew it was possible! Re: the addiction you and many others feel, it’s REAL … read here:
Katie-You’re doing great! All of us go through a learning experience for several months. It’s not long before it becomes second nature to eat GF, especially if your approach is the GFE one. Gluten Free Steve shared in one of his posts that the nutritionist he initially consulted with told him that going GF is like learning a new language and it takes some time to learn it. That is such a great analogy. We wouldn’t expect to learn a new language overnight and the same is true of going GF. Going GFE makes it all easier IMO because you don’t have to learn a ton of new products right away. You focus on all the foods you know and love that are naturally GF and add in some specialty items that fill particular voids. Your new find of Mary’s Gone Crackers is a perfect example. These products can be great in that regard, but I suggest that you still concentrate on naturally GF snacks because they are readily available at all stores. There’s nothing worse than being addicted to even GF foods and running out of your “stash” and not being able to easily get any more. Nuts, apples, bananas, carrots, and such are readily available any time and are both nutritious and satisfying. As far as trying to be GF, we all make some mistakes at the beginning, but the more proficient we get, the more our body responds and the better we feel.
Kudos on all you are doing! If you’d like to read more stories. Click on the link on the sidebar on the right for the National Foundation for Celiac Awareness then What is Celiac? and you’ll see personal stories. They are all so different, yet so inspiring.
Here’s some very quick info on cross contamination. There’s the possibility of cross contamination with store-bought products. For example, if a GF cereal is made in a facility where gluten-containing cereals are made, there’s the possibility of cross contamination. Mainstream oats (like Quaker and McCann’s) have been tested and contain wheat from cross contamination. (GF oats are available from four companies that I am aware of, but a small percentage of folks with gluten issues can’t tolerate oats. I, myself, can only have small amounts from time to time.)
There’s the possibility of cross contamination at home unless you have a completely GF household. For example, someone in the family may use a knife to get some mayo and spread it on a piece of bread. Then, he/she inserts the knife in the jar once more leaving the bread crumbs behind. You use mayo the next time not knowing and accidentally consume some gluten.
In restaurants, there are many possibilities for cross contamination without education of staff. For example, your eggs may be cooked on the grill where a grilled cheese was just cooked. For that particular order, you can request that your eggs be cooked in a clean pan.
Can’t get it all here in one comment, but I’ll be in touch and I am sure it’s a topic we’ll cover time and time again in the future.
Tiffany says
Oh wow! My hubby will love this! Actually, I will love it too π Can’t wait! Oh, and I hope you don’t mind if I link to you π
Shirley says
Tiffany–Welcome to GFE! Thanks so much for stopping by. You’re right, you both will love this fabulous pork recipe! LOL Thanks so much for linking to me–must go check out your blog immediately! π
Steve says
That looks like an easy way to do pulled pork. I absolutely love boston butt. Since I grew up in NC, I am partial to slightly more involved methods – check out my NC pulled pork (
I also have the great fortune of living in Alexandria VA, about a mile from a farmer’s market where the Babes in the Wood ( guys sell their forest fed pork. It is expensive, but I will never go back to grain fed by choice. This pork makes grocery store pork taste like tofu. If you can get local meat that is fed the food it wants to eat naturally, the taste (and nutritional and moral value) is WAY better.
But, no matter what kind of pork you get, low and slow is always the way to go!
Shirley says
Steve–I think NC guys tend to like a vinegar-based barbecue better. Your barbecue sounds like it’s full of complex and fantastic flavors.
I just checked out the Babes in the Wood site. What a surprise that their farm and business is in Dilwyn, VA. (That’s where some of my husband’s family is. It’s a very small town. One of his mother’s first cousins was the mayor of Dilwyn for many years before he died a few months ago.) The forest-fed approach does make sense (the whole hunter/gatherer thinking for animals as it applies to them) and I greatly appreciate their other requirements as well–no hormones, antibiotics, artificial colorings, flavoring, or preservatives. BTW, I had a friend years ago who raised pigs and sold the meat. She fed them just about anything it turns out, including a LOT of stale bread. The meat had NO taste whatsoever.
Thanks for sharing this info. When I am in one of the locations where I can purchase their products, I definitely want to try them! Shirley
glutenfreeforgood says
What’s with exiting from a different door than the one you entered through? Haven’t hear that one? I always learn something new at GFE. π
I always make traditional pork and green chile posole on New Year’s Day, as it brings good luck for the upcoming year. Hey, you do whatever you can to make things work! Food is a perfect conduit for that.
Speaking of food, your pulled pork sounds delightful. My chef/son will love this as he’s into pulled pork like nobody’s business. I’ll pass it along!
Thanks, Shirley. Another good one!
Shirley says
Hey Melissa–Thanks for commenting on this much older post! There are so many superstitions really. Sometimes Mr. GFE won’t go out a different door than he came in. I think it depends on what kind of day he’s had. I don’t know the origins … will have to investigate.
This pulled pork is just so easy, and more importantly so good! I fed it to Son, his friend, and Mr. GFE, and at some myself and there’s plenty left. Love that, too! I like it with just the flavoring from cooking, but we also use a little of the simple sauce. Hope your son likes it! A chef son and a fly fisherman son … good profession indeed. π
Posole is good, too. My friend from New Mexico makes it with a choice or red or green chile. She always serves it at her Christmas open house, but my favorite things she makes is rolled tacos. OMG, heaven!
Vee says
Wow, this looks yummy! Cooking in a slow cooker or crock pot is such an easy way to cook, and limited washing up! Not sure what pork butt is though.. maybe in Oz we have pork rump?? I will have to check this out so I can make this dish! Thanks!
Shirley says
Hi Vee–Welcome to gfe! π Thanks so much for the kind words! Yes, slow cooking is wonderful, especially for pork. I think pork butt and pork rump would be very close, if not equivalent. A pork shoulder will even work. Hope you enjoy the recipe!
All the best,
robyn says
Yum! Found you by searching gluten free pulled pork! Your site looks fab and I will bookmark and be back to read more after I get this in the crook pot, easy peasy works for this busy mom!
Shirley says
Hi robyn–Welcome to gfe! π Thanks so very much for the kind words!!! I hope you’ll find some more great recipes and posts on gfe, and fingers crossed that you loved the “easy peasy” pulled pork (he,y that’s what I should have called it in my post!). π
Look forward to seeing you more here!
PattyBoots says
I watched my mother suffer with GI issues my whole life. It was diagnosed as “ulcerative colits”. Back in the 60s, they’d just chop another piece of your intestines out trying to find SOMETHING to alleviate the misery. She lived with a colostomy bag for over 20 years and then finally had it converted to an “internal colostomy” and had that for ANOTHER 20 years. She lost all her teeth by 18. They removed her gallbladder at 37. She died young, by my standards, anyway, at 67. She had Sjogren’s and Reynaud’s and very early menopause.
I thought I’d escaped it all, with an iron gut and never being sick. Until I hit the “pause o’ men”. I got the gene test which came back positive for both the DQ2.2 AND DQ2.8 genes (which means a 31x more probability of developing celiac disease and at the very least a predisposition to gluten intolerance). I should have gone GF then, permanently, but was stupid enough to have the tests. The blood tests came back negative, as did the biopsy (though the gastro I went to I will NEVER GO BACK TO), and nobody would listen to me. I’ve had Hashimoto’s for years. Ding, ding, ding.
I’ve been off gluten since the last Thursday of September 2011; it’s been a very, very long haul. I am finally, finally starting to feel there’s some light at the end of the tunnel. The GI issues that suddenly cropped up have resolved; the neurological issues are very, very, very slow to get better.
Sorry if this is long, but, you know, I wish my mom was here so I could get her to at least try GF – although I know in my heart her response would be “Why the @@*#! would I want to @@*! do that? That sounds like it would @@*!! suck!” π
Shirley says
Hi PattyBoots–I’m sorry you’ve been through so very much personally and with your mom. Wow. It’s heartbreaking to look back and think “if I’d only known.” And even though you know what your mom’s response to the suggestion of a gf diet would most likely be, you still wish you had the chance. I know she would have benefitted from your wonderful gf cooking if she were still with you, dear. I’m so very glad you are doing better. And you are right … neurological issues can take much longer to heal. IMHO, you probably also need supplementation for those specific issues to heal, and per the guidance of a good healthcare professional. I am so proud of all you’ve done so far! It can be a tough adustment, especially with doubts and a long road of healing.
Lisa Whitley says
Sounds delish! We have been a fan of the great old Boston Butt for many years for BBQ but I’ve never used these seasonings…I usually load the crock pot with onions and a little garlic or seasoning spice….will certainly have to give this a try! Thanks for always sharing wonderful ideas and great recipes!
Shirley says
Lisa–I hope you’ll try this one. It’s so simple and so incredibly good. I’ve converted many with it! π Thanks for the lovely feedback, dear!
Jen G says
Looks delicious! We use Hunt’s ketchup at our house because it is free of high fructose corn syrup and free of citric acid, also. I does contain “natural flavoring,” though, so if you’re sensitive to those kind of things you will want to check on that first.
Shirley says
Oh, Jen, I hate it when this happens! You left this comment over a year ago, but I missed it. π I’m so sorry. I appreciate the info, but I did a search and it seems that Hunt’s brought back its ketchup with HFCS π but kept the natural ketchup, too. Can you still find the one without HFCS? Sometimes healthier versions can be harder to find and ConAgra’s reason for bringing back the HFCS version was that the natural version was not as popular as the HFCS version. Of course, in the sauce recipe, the Worcestershire sauce contains HFCS as well. I haven’t found any without HFCS. I’m not going to worry about it too much though as I avoid it as much as possible in other ingredients. Thanks again for the info!
Patti Register says
Just had to comment on what a truly wonderful recipe this is – my husband had three bowlfulls before I could put the leftovers in the fridge! I do have another recipe I usually do for pulled pork in the crockpot, but this is so simple and the flavor is so good I know this will become a go-to recipe for me. Loved the sauce too. Thanks so much for sharing Shirley!
Shirley says
Hi Patti–Welcome to gfe! And what a great comment to get this evening–thank you! π Yes, I agree on it being a “go to” recipe. I love simple and easy, and I can have this started in the crockpot before I even give it a second thought. No cutting up of onions, etc.
We use that sauce all the time. I almost always have some in the fridge. If I don’t, it can be made up instantly because I keep those two ingredients on hand. Works great when meat comes out a tad dry or is not quite flavorful enough, and is great for dipping homemade chicken nuggets, too. π
Thank you again for taking the time to leave such a nice comment! π
Kate says
Heinz Organic Ketchup is listed as Gluten Free on the Heinz website:
It may have changed since you first posted this recipe. I had to check because organic is what I use. Thanks for the easy recipe.
Shirley says
Hi Kate–First, welcome to gfe! Second, thanks so much for the update with the link. When I published this post in 2009, the organic version was definitely not gf, which was baffling. I’m not sure when Heinz got smart and made it gf, but I’m so happy to hear that news! Thank you for sharing. I’ve updated the post. Hope you enjoy the recipe. It’s one of our favorites for sure, and I love the easy factor! π
Thanks on all!
Sharon says
Made this for dinner tonight and it was so good. I only use my slow cooker once in a while but this recipe reminds me that I should use it more often. It was so nice to have dinner prep done at 8am and not to have to think about it all day! I made a apple cabbage slaw and served it all over rice. So simple and easy and do good! Best part is it made a ton and I’ll be eating it all week for lunch. Thanks Shirley!!
Shirley says
Yay, Sharon! Everyone who makes this recipe loves it. The resulting pulled pork is better than any you can get at our local barbecue joints. Your meal sounds delicious! And, yes, it totally makes a ton. I always freeze some for a quick dinner later. π Thanks so much for sharing your review with everyone, dear. π
Renee says
Just wanted to let you know that your awesome recipe and gf tips/advice are still being appreciated years from the original post- thanks again! π
Shirley Braden says
Hi Renee–Welcome to gfe! I so appreciate you taking the time to leave your lovely comment! How did you know that I needed such sweet feedback today? π Thanks so much! I’m so glad that this recipe and my other info on gfe is helpful to you!
Therese says
Shirley, we enjoyed your delicious 3 ingredient pulled pork for supper last night, SO delicious! Mine didn’t come out quite as well as yours did because I used too much brown sugar, but I rescued it with a vinegar-y and peppery bbq sauce I had made weeks ago. We absolutely loved it. Served it in a bowl with fresh cole slaw. Wonderful! Thank you so much for this “whole is greater than the sum of its parts” recipe. Next time I’ll get it just right!
Shirley Braden says
Hey Therese–Yes, you can go a bit overboard with the brown sugar. I can eyeball this recipe now and add more Worcestershire sauce, if I see I’ve overdone it. Still … I always add a little barbecue sauce when serving this pulled pork for the contrast in flavors. I’m still intrigued by your homemade “fermented” barbecue sauce! So glad you came up with a hit dinner. π As you know, Mr. GFE has to have his cole slaw on his pulled pork, even if it’s my cheater version. π The combination of pulled pork sandwiches and cole slaw always works!