Full disclosure: The calendars provided for this review and giveaway were provided free of charge from Diane Eblin at The Whole Gang, but the opinions expressed here are my own.
2012 Cookbook/Recipe Calendar from The Whole Gang.
UPDATE: This giveaway is now closed. Congratulations to the winners who have all been contacted!
I hope everyone who was celebrating Thanksgiving last week had a relaxing and delicious time with family and friends! We sure did and I’m thankful for that, and I’m thankful, too, that I get to come back to gfe and talk to you guys every week!
It’s inevitable for most of us that as soon as we finish that last bite of our meal, our thoughts turn to the holidays and “who’s on our list” and “what are we going to get for Aunt Mary? little Susie?” this year. I’ve mentioned before that I’m addicted to calendars. Well, it’s not just me. Mr. GFE loves them, too. Friends know that cool calendars are the perfect gift for us. We especially love calendars that not only offer up a pretty picture each month, but also give us information that we can use or which inspires us. So I was delighted when my friend Diane of The Whole Gang sent me one of her 2013 Cookbook Desk Calendars.
It’s a beautiful calendar that comes in a CD case, which opens to form its own stand/display case. I love that I can place this calendar anywhere I want … on my kitchen counter, on the end table by “my spot” in the living room, on my desk at work. Hey, I like to look at food just about any time and any where! And Diane’s photos of the 12 recipes are just stunning. When making the recipes, I can easily pick up my calendar from its current spot and take it into the kitchen. I can view the recipe while the calendar is in its display mode or I can close the case so that I can still see the recipe, but it will be protected from splatters. I love that protection because I am a messy cook!
I’ve either made or tasted several of these recipes (made by Diane herself!) already. They are all fantastic! All recipes are gluten free and dairy free, and are easily modified to be vegetarian, vegan, or paleo with Diane’s simple instructions. We all get into our own cooking ruts, so to speak. Won’t it be fun to have a calendar that inspires us to make at least one new dish a month? Diane also has a pretty neat bonus for you. The calendar comes with a Secret access code for a hidden page full of insider tips, tools, resources & 28 additional recipes on The Whole Gang website!
Diane has a Cyber Monday special going on today (Monday, November 26) only. If you order today, you will get free shipping! That is true for any size order (wholesale orders are excluded). These calendars would make terrific gifts for anyone on your holiday gift list; e.g., friends who love to cook, friends who want to learn to love to cook, family members who already have everything, teachers, mail carriers, and hairdressers. I’m sure you’ve already thought of a few folks (in addition to yourself!) who would love receiving this calendar! Diane offers discounts for orders of 10 or more, and with today’s Cyber Monday special, these calendars are a great way to check lots of folks off your list at bargain rates.
Finally, perhaps the best news of all for three lucky folks, Diane is offering THREE of my gfe readers an opportunity to win one of her calendars!
Amanda Spencer says
I think I should win because,frankly, I really want to.:o)
Amanda Spencer says
I already follow gluten free easily and The Whole Gang on Facebook.
Tina Dowell says
I think I should win this because I’m always looking for delicious gluten free cooking inspiration and this is pefect!!
Lisa says
I think I should win because I am the cook of the house and I need to learn all the “tricks of the trade” for the cooking for my boy.
Lisa says
I already follow “Gluten Free Easily”
Lisa says
And… I just subscribed to your “All Gluten-Free Desserts” (Wow! whata great site!)
Jacqlin says
I think I should win because I neeeeed this 😉 and I would certainly use it!
Lisa says
For the last one… I shared the link on my Facebook to your contest entry link for all myn “people” to go to!
Jacqlin says
I am following you on Twitter!
Jacqlin says
Liking gfe on facebook!
Jacqlin says
Yes, I am now following The Whole Gang on facebook!
Suzanne R says
I’d like to win so I can give it to my friend whose husband has recently been diagnosed with celiac. He is not happy about his new eating “restrictions” & I think some yummy recipes might change his mind.
Shirley says
Hi Suzanne–I am sorry that you didn’t win for your friend, but hope that you will still be able to offer some advice and help to your friend for her husband. I advise folks to first make a list of all their favorite foods and dishes and see which ones are already gluten free (it can be surprising to see how many are), and then take a look at the others that can be adapted with simple substitutions. My printable tip sheets that are focused on meals and gluten-free products can be really helpful in that regard. Hope that helps!
Jacqlin says
I shared this giveaway on facebook, pinterest, twitter and google.
Polly says
Three of our six kiddos have been diagnosed with Celiac Disease in the past year. We are always looking for recipes to help adjust to this new way of living for our family!
Polly says
Subscribed to your new delicious sounding website!
Kristen says
I should win because there are two celiacs at the holiday table and we both need new recipes!
Amelia says
I love calendars – especially ones that have great photography! I have been eating GF for 21 weeks and would love to try out the recipes!
Cindy W. says
I would love to win the cookbook calendar because I think it would be inspiring to try new recipes – and break out of my routine recipes.
Cindy W. says
I subscribed to your new dessert blog via email.
Emily says
I’ve subscribed to your new dessert blog via RSS feed!
Emily says
I’d love to win because I’m a newly diagnosed Celiac and I need all the help I can get!
Loretta | A Finn In The Kitchen says
I want this because I have the saddest decor ever and this would spice things up!
Loretta | A Finn In The Kitchen says
I like gfe on Facebook.
Loretta | A Finn In The Kitchen says
I like The Whole Gang on Facebook!
Loretta | A Finn In The Kitchen says
I shared on Pinterest.
Loretta | A Finn In The Kitchen says
I subscribed to your dessert blog’s feed.
Carolyn says
I need this calendar for inspiration!
Carolyn says
I follow you and the Whole Gang on Facebook.
As should everyone!
Carolyn says
I subscribe via e-mail to All Gluten-Free Desserts … All The Time
April says
Because I will definitely use it, both as a calendar and for the recipes! Thank you so much for the giveaway! 🙂
April says
Shared on FB!
April says
Liked on FB!
April says
Dorothy says
I would like to win to help my family enjoy more gluten free meals and to keep me on track as to which day it is! 🙂
Alena M says
I’d like to win so I can give this to a friend who could really use some ins[iration!
Alena M says
Already like GFE on FB
Alena M says
Already like Whole Gang on FB
Alena M says
Just subscribed to your new site!
Bina says
I love this calendar! I live away from home so it’s a great way to countdown my days till I go home while keeping myself healthy with some recipes! Thanks!!
Not to mention that I love the new dessert web! And share it with all my folks!!
Marilyn says
I’m subscribed and I think I should win because I really need help. Between gluten intolerance, diabetes, and vegetarians, it’s getting more and more difficult to cook. YEEKS – pick me!
Arleen says
I need this calendar! There is no wall space in my kitchen, so if I want to use a ‘normal’ calendar, it has to be hung inside a cabinet. A calendar in a CD case is just perfect! And it’s full of Diane’s recipes, too…
Arleen says
I follow gfe and The Whole Gang on facebook.
Arleen says
I am subscribed to Gluten-Free Desserts. Thank you for collecting these yummy recipes for us GF-ers to try and putting them all together like this. Love it!
Sarah says
I would love to win this because I just started a gluten-free dairy-free diet & could really use the recipe ideas! Plus I love calendars!
Shirley says
Hi Sarah–I’m sorry you didn’t win this giveaway, but wanted to offer you some ideas on living gluten free and dairy free. My printable tip sheets are under the Getting Started tab on my site. They are focused on gluten free alone, but can be really helpful to “newbies.” They will help you think about living gf in a new way, thinking of all the foods and dishes you can eat. When you get in that mindset, you can take the next step and focus on the gluten-free, dairy-free options there. Take a look at my Recipe Index, too.
Best of luck … hugs,
Angela Sommers says
Well I certainly want to win this calendar, and I am already subscribed to both of your blogs, follow you on facebook and twitter, and I now follow the Whole Gang, both blog and facebook.
You know I would not only be thrilled to win, but I will certainly make the recipes!
NIV says
I would love to win the calendar so that I can easily lookup the recipe instead of running to book or web.
NIV says
I follow GFE and Wholegang on FB.
NIV says
I have subscribed to All Gluten Free Desserts.. All the Time. Thanks for the give away.
Jeeun says
I’m gluten-free, dairy free, corn free. I don’t cook/bake. I keep hoping these recipes will inspire me to try!
Michele says
I would love to win 🙂 I am new to gluten free and need all the help that I can get!
Thank you and all those like you that put this information out there, you are truly appreciated.
Shirley says
Hi Michele–As I was just saying to Jenny, please check out the Getting Started tab on gfe. There are printable tip sheets there that are really helpful to “newbies.” They will help you think about living gf in a new way, thinking of all the foods and dishes you can eat. Once you start thinking that way, life really does get easier. 🙂
Thanks for the kind words, dear! Hugs,
Leslie says
Would love to win. Can never have too many gluten free recipes.
Jenny Snow says
Would love any help I could get with this gluten free lifestyle. I feel so much better but am frustrated with the limitations on me now.
Shirley says
Jenny–Forgot to say, please check out the Getting Started tab on gfe. There are printable tip sheets there that are really helpful to those who are starting out. They will help you “re-frame” your thinking to all the foods and dishes you can eat. Once you start thinking that way, life gets much easier. 🙂
Jenny Snow says
Plus my family is coming up to Washington DC in the spring and we are planning on staying near Fredericksburg. Maybe we could meet!
Shirley says
Hey Jenny–That would be great! I’m about 16 miles from Fredericksburg. Fredericksburg is what we call “town.” Shoot me an email closer to the date and we’ll see what we can figure out. 😉
Tiffany says
I think I should win because I love calendars! I’ve got a serious case of OCD and planning things makes me so happy – a calendar would be a lovely addition to my obsession!
Tiffany says
I’m following gluten free easily on facebook!
Cathy B*****y says
I have limited counter space and desk space so winning this would be a blessing as it is small and beautiful.. love that it comes in a cd case! this is a very special gift. I love taking foodie photos and love finding great new glutenfree recipes.. just saw your GF crustless pumpkin one tonight and will try that soon. thanks so much for the opp and the review!
Cathy B pbprojecthope at yahoodotcom
Cathy B*****y says
already follow GFE on FB!
Cathy B*****y pbprojecthope at yahoo dot com
Cathy B*****y says
new subscriber to the Whole Gang on FB!
Cathy B*****y pbprojecthope atyahoo dotcom
Cathy B*****y says
new subscriber to all Gluten free desserts..all the time! via email
Cathy B*****y pbprojecthope at yahoo dot com
Candace S. says
Because I’m just starting to really live gluten free.
Candace S. says
Following GFE on Facebook (Candace Selph)
Candace S. says
Following The Whole Gang on Facebook (Candace Selph)
Candace S. says
Subscribed via email
Candace S. says
Shared on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/candaceselph/posts/376391249116763?notif_t=like
Margaret says
I would love to win this calendar for my desk at work. Co-workers are always asking me for recipe/cooking advice and a recipe calendar full of great healthy gluten free recipes would be a very nice reference to show them!
Shelley Orenstein says
I follow gfe on facebook. What a great give away. i, too, am a messy cook, so this calendar with recipes intrigues me.
Margaret says
I follow both of you on Facebook (margaret karen is the screen name) 🙂
julie wyatt says
Love “Liking you” on Facebook!!!
Beatriz says
Hello, I would love to win because I have recently been diagnosed with celiacs and a dairy intolerance. I have a passion for cooking and now that I am GFE I want nothing more than to create delicious, healthy GF and DF meals to share with my friends, family and eventually a GF restaurant! This calendar would be an AMAZING resource!
I follow gfe and the whole gang on Facebook(and I follow the blogs) I have shared on all the social media and have subscribed to your new website. Thanks so much!
alena m says
Thank you so much Shirley! I am so glad I won. This is going to be such a great gift for my friend!
April says
Shirley, thank you so much! I’m so excited to win this calendar! Thanks again! 🙂
Shirley says
Hi April–Congrats again! I bet you’ve received your calendar already and are enjoying it! 🙂
Happy Holidays!
Margaret says
Thank you!! I never win anything so I am very excited. Looking forward to making the recipes and sharing them with my coworkers. 😀
Shirley says
Hi Margaret–It’s so much fun to win, isn’t it? 😉 Hopefully, you’ve already received your calendar from Diane and enjoying looking forward to a delicious 2013! 🙂
Hope you have a wonderful holiday season!