This post is a bit of a catch-all in that it’s about my Two-Year Blogiversary, the New Year, and a wrap-up of my 25 Days of Christmas event.
Something you probably don’t know about me is I have a thing for calendars. I absolutely love a good calendar. Luckily, Mr. GFE shares my passion. In fact, he says that’s how you can tell if a diner or a family-style restaurant is a good one … by the number of calendars from local businesses on their walls. He said it shows that the local businessmen frequent the restaurant and offer up a calendar to the owners at the end of the year in gratitude for all the good meals they’ve been served.
Oh, he also says you can tell if such a restaurant is good by the number of pick-up trucks in the parking lot. So if he sees a lot of pickup trucks, we stop, then we look at the calendars behind the counter, and finally, I survey the menu for gluten-free options. So far this method has worked well for us over the years, even after going gluten free.
Flourless Chocolate Cake for My Blogiversary (imagine two candles!)
Anyway, we have calendars everywhere in our house. In the kitchen alone, there are four. Plus, there’s one in the hall, two in the living room, another in our bedroom, and one in our guest room/computer room. I have a daily perpetual inspirational calendar on my end table in the living room near where I hang out with my laptop. There’s usually even a calendar in the bathroom, too, and we both have more calendars at our places of work. All of our calendars cover various subjects and many are gifts each year from family members and friends.
This year I received the 1,000 Places to See Before You Die wall calendar from one of my best friends, Kathi. I’ve got a spot just perfect for it and I’ve already been drooling over the photos and dreaming of more travel adventures. Previously, Kathi gave me the book by the same title and the journal. I’m not really one to journal (blogging is as close as I come to that, and it’s pretty close!), but I do love to use the journal to take notes on trips to share in future blog posts, although I’m still always behind on those.
Kathi also gave me a tiny Women’s Wit Calendar that one can stick on the refrigerator or set on a desk. Each day a different quote is shared from a famous woman. Of course, I had to flip through and read some of them. Most are just entertainment; some are truly inspiring.
I also received a Charles Wysocki Americana wall calendar. Wysocki’s calendar is on my wish list every year. Each month, I find myself uplifted by the simple, beautiful, and often whimsical portrayals of life.
A friend who is a passionate nature photographer made a desk calendar of her best photos using Snapfish’s services. With black and white backgrounds and her stunning photographs of lotus blossoms, magnolia leaves, rose blooms, and more, this calendar will spiff up my desk and brighten my day.
I also order four Virginia Wildlife Calendars from the Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources each year—one for my father, one for us at home, and one for each of us at work. We can see the sunrise and sunset info, low tides and high tides, see what’s happening in the local wildlife world (on January 10, the deer will start losing their antlers and on the 15th great horned owls and bald eagles begin nesting), see full moons (waxing and waning), and, of course, enjoy gorgeous wildlife photos.
But the calendar that suits today the best is a perpetual calendar that my husband’s buddy gave him many years ago. It’s a little flip calendar with a quote or inspirational saying done in calligraphy. Admittedly, at the time, it seemed like an odd gift from one guy to another, but it’s given us joy and/or cause for reflection daily, year after year. Yesterday’s message seemed appropriate for my 2-year blogiversary here at gfe. I already shared the message on my gfe Facebook page, but want to repeat it here.
“Merry is a word for Christmas. Happy is a word for New Year. Thanks is a word for all year.”
The most important word in that quote is “thanks” … thanks to all of you for being gfe readers. While I can ramble on in my posts here at gfe (as evidenced by my sharing on calendars!), reply to comments here and have some great exchanges, get on my gluten-free soapbox on my gfe Facebook page (or just share the latest day in and day out), and do some rapid fire tweeting from time to time, it’s harder for me to put into words what gfe means to me and what all of you—who make connections with me here and elsewhere—mean to me. I truly hope that you know how much I appreciate you from all those exchanges and interactions, but, again, thanks. Thanks so very much.
As far as the 2-year blogiversary itself, I still can’t believe it. Where did the time go? It’s been a very good 2 years, but in many ways, I feel like gfe is just getting warmed up.
My intent with gfe has been to spread the word on living gluten free easily—gfe. I think that living gfe has happened for some, but more folks need to know that one can live gfe by focusing on whole, real foods; some mainstream foods that are gluten free; and just a few gluten-free specialty products.
Following that approach, one can make simple, but wonderful recipes and meals, that don’t break the budget, that keep one healthy, and, basically, just keep life saner. I still get emails and messages weekly from folks who have just been diagnosed as celiac or gluten intolerant who tell me they can’t afford to eat gluten free or they can’t handle eating gluten free.
I know that following the gfe approach can solve both issues because I also hear from folks who are following the gfe approach and consider it a lifesaver. They tell me they are finally enjoying food again and focusing on what they can eat versus what they cannot, that they are finally enjoying the holidays with their families, that they are no longer worried that they will be able to afford their gluten-free food, and much more.
I am humbled by your feedback and just the fact that you are here! Please continue to tell people about gfe.
If you’re like me, you’d like others to avoid any heartaches that you’ve had to go through on your gluten-free path. And, even those who aren’t gluten free can benefit from following the gfe approach. But enough, already, I want to wish all of you the happiest of new years!
I lift a virtual “glass of cheer” to each of you. May 2011 bring you hugs, health, and happiness! All of those truly do go together.
Finally, the 25 Days of Christmas event is complete. It took me the 31 days of December (plus time today) to do it and there were some glitches along the way, but it was fun and I hope you enjoyed it. All the links are shown below and include a variety of posts. Several posts went up in the last few days, so please make sure you didn’t miss any.
Day 1 – Gluten-Free Holiday Giveaway Galore x 10—Giveaway of the new book, Mommy, What is Celiac Disease? plus, gluten-free treats and fun stuff.
Day 2 — Guest Post from Debi Smith (Hunter’s Lyonesse)—My Journey Back to Healthy Living
Day 3 — Corn and Butter Bean (or Lima Bean) Casserole for A Gluten-Free Holiday
Day 4 — Little Cayman Beach Resort Review
Day 5 — 20 (Plus) Thoughts on International Food Bloggers Conference
Day 6 — Nutiva Products (Coconut, Hemp x 2, & Chia) Review and Giveaway
Day 7 — Reindeer Antlers Punch for Share Our Holiday Table
Day 8 – Flourless Pecan Sandies (Gluten Free, Grain Free, Dairy Free)
Day 9 — Volcano Pancake and Other Breakfast Fare Plus Allegro Marinade
Day 10 – The Palate Peacemaker’s Pecan Butter & Pumpkin … Uh Oh … Cake!
Day 11 — Kitchen Table Bakers Crisps Review and Giveaway
Day 12 — Guest Post: Linda Etherton (formerly Gluten-Free Homemaker)
Day 13 — The Spunky Coconut Grain-Free Baked Goods & Desserts Cookbook Review and Giveaway
Day 14 — Sweet and Crunchy Snack Mix and Classic Spicy Snack Mix (Make Great Gifts … Even Last Minute)
Day 15 — Winners, Gluten-Free Holiday, and Super Short Roundup
Day 16 — Review: Bakery on Main Granola and Granola Bars
Day 17 — Review and Giveaway of Ricki Heller’s Desserts Without Compromise
Day 18 — An Unexpected Christmas Blessing
Day 19 — Food for Christmas at My House This Year
Day 20 — Review: Oskri Organic Bars
Day 21 — Giveaway of Stephanie O’Dea’s More Make It Fast, Cook It Slow Cookbook
Day 22 — Quick and Easy New England Clam Chowder
Day 23 — Review: Handy Gluten-Free Crab Cakes
Day 24 — Giveaway of Elana’s Pantry Gluten-Free Almond Flour Cookbooks, Totes, and T-Shirt
Day 25 — Pom-Bom-Spice-Tini Cocktails Have More Than Teeny Effect
Originally published January 2, 2011; updated January 13, 2024.
Zoe says
Happy Blogiversary and a Happy New Year to you, Shirley! I love that quote you shared – so true and inspirational at the same time. As well as you thanking us, we should also share in this thanks as we are blessed to have you and your words, your voice, and your constant support and encouragement. Although it’s only been two years, I must say that I really can’t imagine the blogosphere without you. I hope to meet you someday in person. 🙂
Shirley says
Hi Zoe–Wow, how can I adequately reply to those beautiful words?! You humble me, my dear. Truly. Such a sweet and generous thing to say … all of it, of course, but especially not being able to imagine the blogosphere without me. You are too kind. And, even before you said all that, I wanted to meet you, too! 😉
cheryl says
Happy 2 years and thanks so much for all you do for the Celiac community, online and in person! Here’s to another happy healthy year for you and yours.
Shirley says
Hi Cheryl–Whenever I see your name pop up, I think OMG, I have to get Cheryl’s thank you honey in the mail! 😉 Thanks so much for the lovely anniversary wishes and such nice new year wishes, too. Hope that next time we interact, it will be real and not Skype! 🙂 Happy 2011, Cheryl!
Lexie says
Phew! Have you collapsed, yet? Something tells me, no. Your “31” Days of Christmas was so much fun to follow! Lot’s of bloggin. And happy anniversary/birthday to GFE. You have been a major inspiration to me, thank you!! Oh and one question: “Hey calendar queen, what day is it?” Hee hee!
Shirley says
Hey Lexie–Haha … well, I just took a short snooze with the new pooch and you’ll notice I haven’t posted in a few days. 😉 Thanks for all your kind words, dear. The funny thing is every time someome tells me those things, I’ve always been thinking the same about them. And, you are no exception! You inspire and awe me daily, my dear. Can’t wait to catch up with you in person this year! And, hey, did I just read that you are thinking about writing a coobook? Very cool!
My calendar addiction continues … I just realized we didn’t get our usual free calendar from our newspaper carrier and I’m not happy. Got one of those small year at a glance thingies … those just don’t cut it! LOL, but true!
Debi says
Happy Blogiversary, Shirley! May there be MANY more to come! 😀 *hugs*
Shirley says
Hi Debi–Thank you! Many more to come … hmmm, one just thinks of blogging a post at a time most of the time. Okay, sometimes, it’s about 10 posts at a time for me, but I don’t think way ahead usually though. Still, I have so much to say/share/cook that I will have to keep blogging awhile. 😉
Hugs back!
Tia says
Last year at this time, I thought I knew what was going to happen. Well, some things turned out how I thought and others… not even close. But in a great way. When I started blogging, I had no idea the wonderful people I would meet. You and Heidi found me, somehow, and consequently introduced me to more wonderful friends.
Thank you! Thank you for you friendship, support, kindness, and philosophy. I have slowly switched my own (and family’s) eating philosophy to the gfe approach. And, we are much better off for it.
I am very much looking forward to our get togethers this year. And, I am looking forward to many more. And many more amazing posts from my favorite gluten-free mom.
Happy Blogiversary! Here’s to many, many more to come. Cheers!
Shirley says
Tia–You’re such a dear! You’ve given me all those things and more, and I so appreciate them! I love that you are doing the gfe approach with your family. Once you start following it, you just can’t imagine doing it any other way, right? Who wants to worry if they have product x, y, or z on hand? and if it will taste good? be worth the money? etc.
We have such an amazing network of gluten-free bloggers, don’t we? 😉 I just want to fly all over the country to stay in touch with everyone. Looking to as many “IRL” meet-ups as we can muster in 2011. 🙂
I’ll try to keep the posts coming on a regular basis … taking a bit of a break to get reacclimated at the moment. Happy New Year, dear! xoxo,
Kalynskitchen says
Congratulations on the 2 year anniversary!
Shirley says
Hi Kalyn–Thank you so much for the anniversary wishes AND for being such a great blogger and setting the bar high! You always inspire over at Kalyn’s Kitchen. 🙂 I truly appreciate all the support you’ve given me/gfe via BlogHer articles/roundups, too.
Happy 2011!
Diane-thewholegang says
Shirley, Happy Blogerversary. You have accomplished so much in such a short time. I love your gfe approach and the way you share with everyone. We share the same philosophy on real foods and we’re not afraid to tell people about it. I love traveling with you and this year I am going to travel down to visit you!
I wish you much success in your 3rd year of blogging and speaking on the gfe way. Lots of love-Diane
Shirley says
Hey Diane–Thank you so much, my traveling buddy, real food “raider” friend, and lost sister! 😉 Now that we have a collie again, the similarities just continue on. 😉
I still can’t believe you were in my neck of the woods last week and it didn’t work for us to get together … next time for sure! Now you have some concept of where I live. LOL
Here’s to all our fantastic adventures for 2011! Love and hugs,
Beth says
Happy, happy blogiversaryday, Shirley! Here’s to many more wonderful years!! Now time to put your feet up and relax! You’ve really spoiled us with all of the wonderful daily posts : )
Shirley says
Hi Beth–As I’m reading, my feet are up and I’m relaxing … basking in the love from all of my sweet blogger friends and reader buddies! You guys make it truly worthwhile! 🙂
I don’t think you’ll have any problem at all following the gfe approach for how you eat. You’ve been making so many goodies (sweet and savory) lately, and you’ll just tweak them to use less specialty products. There are so many rewarding things about that approach. I look forward to reading about your success in that area and all your new recipes in 2011.
Beth says
Oh, and I love your focus on whole foods and naturally gluten-free foods, by the way. Since I am gluten-free and sugar-free, I sometimes find I run up the grocery bill on all of the specialty products I buy. One of my New Years resolutions is to make more accessible, naturally gluten-free foods. Thanks for being a reminder and an inspiration on that front!
Audrey J says
Shirley, Happy Blogerversary!
Hope you continue to succeed with your Blog and spreading the word on living GF.
Shirley says
Hey Audrey–Thank you for taking the time to leave such a sweet message! It’s truly wonderful to have readers like you. 🙂
The Teenie Foodie says
Oh that cake looks incredible… perfect to celebrate you 2nd blogiversary! Congrats!
I also love calendars… especially ones from art galleries or photography calendars. I look at mine everyday so I want it to be a nice picture! Sounds like an awesome calendar that you have 🙂
Love the message, just sent it to all my friends. thanks!
Teenie Foodie
Shirley says
Hey Teenie!–Okay, the truth is that cake IS incredible. I haven’t had it since February 2009. It’s not something one eats often. 😉
Thanks so much for the blogiversary wishes, dear. Oh, I love those type of calendars … that’s why I can’t stop at just one or two calendars. It’s a serious addiction. LOL
Amy @ Simply Sugar & Gluten Free says
You’re not much older than me!! I had no idea. Thought you’d been around much, much longer. Happy blogoversiary!! Wishing you many, many more years of success and happiness GFE style. Thank you for being such a great friend.
Much love,
Shirley says
Hi Amy–Oh, honey, I’m much older than you! But gfe is not that much older than SS&GF. 😉 And, I was amazed when you celebrated your first anniversary, remember? It seemed like you had been around much longer, you were so polished, organized, and prolific, so I guess we are thinking alike. 🙂
I so appreciate your friendship and all our blogging adventures together! Thanks, dear! Love and hugs,
Kay Guest says
Hey Shirley! Happy Anniversary for the 2nd year of your blog! I enjoy it so much, not just for the writing and recipes but for the great photographs too. I also love calendars. In fact, I have a Beatrix Potter one that I have had in the same spot since 2004! The nice thing about that is that for 2011, the days will finally be correct! 🙂 Since you also love children’s books, I can only conclude that we must be kindred spirits! I am grateful for you and your blog. Kay
Shirley says
Oh, Kay, Beatrix Potter!! We are kindred souls … I decorated my son’s nursery in Peter Rabbit. (He just turned 23, but we still have a lot of the Peter Rabbit stuff from those days. I made crib bumpers, etc.) Love Beatrix Potter and dream of visiting her home in England one day. Remember the movie biography with Renee Zellweger? That was such an enjoyable movie. And, I’ve done similar things with calendars … you just flip to a month where the days work out. 😉 Yes, it’s hard for me to give up really nice calendars.
Thanks so much for the sweet words, Kay! I’m very grateful for you as a gfe reader!
Maggie says
Happy Blogiversary GFE and Shirley! I too had no idea you were so young in the blogging world! Impressive. I am so glad I found you – you’re amazing Shirley. Truly amazing, and I can’t wait to meet you this year. I am a bit of a calendar person too – nothing compared to you! My Mom buys me a new one every year. On December 30th I realized that she hadn’t bought me one yet (it’s usually a Christmas present). GASP! Well she got right on it and bought me a great one, called Simplicity. Lovely sayings and beautiful photographs. I’m lost without my calendar. xo
Shirley says
Hi Maggie–Yes, I’m just a youngster! Hey it’s fun for that to be true on some level! 😉 You are overly generous with your sweet words as always, but I sooo appreciate them. 🙂
Ooh, on the Simplicity calendar … must look that one up! The calendars that are left are on sale …
I know … we get to meet at the end of April … now that will be cool! Btw, just saw an adorable photo of you in a polka-dot apron on FB! xo,
glutenfreespinner says
Happy Blogiversary to you shirley and GFE! You’re a great role model for all of us bloggers out there, always beautifully and tastefully done.
Happy New Year and Continued Success!
Shirley says
Hi Mary–Awww, thank you for those very, very kind words! Now if I could just take some photos like yours. Those chocolate financiers of yours rocked my world! And, that was just from seeing your photos … and drooling, lots of drooling. 😉
Happy New Year to you, too! Hugs,
Linda says
That’s funny about the calendars and about picking a restaurant! Happy new year and happy blogiversary! I hope we can get together some time this year.
Shirley says
Hey Linda–Hubby has lots of funny tidbits of wisdom like that, but the calendars and pick-up truck clues do work! On our last two road trips, we found two great restaurants that way. 🙂
Dear, wanting to see you is one of the things making me try to figure out if I can go to BHF again, despite that very busy month. Of course, you’re only about 70 miles away from me, but sometimes that can seem very far away. 😉
Thanks so much for the blogiversary wishes! Hugs,
Ricki says
Happy Blogiversary, Shirley! What an amazing contribution you’ve made to the GF community in these two short years. Congrats on your wonderful blog, fabulous recipes, and all you’ve given to other bloggers (of course I’m thinking of myself here!) and your readers. Here’s to many more fruitful years of blogging and the gfe approach! (Oh, and more calendars–never enough calendars!) 😉
Ricki xo
Shirley says
Hi Ricki–You really make a girl feel super special on her blogiversary. 😉 (And, I don’t care how corny that sounds!) All your words are incredibly appreciated, Ricki! You’ve given me as much or more with DDD, your recipes, and friendship … I mean it.
LOL on more calendars, but yes, please. Now everyone will see me as calendar-obsessed girl. 😉 Thanks for everything! xo,
Kim - Cook It Allergy Free says
Wow! Here I am thinking I am on top of 2011 and I realize I already missed your 2 year Blogiversary!! What an amazing 2 year warm up you have had. Especially since year 3 is going to explode even more!!
I have to laugh, by the way, at Smokey’s method of restaurant patronizing! It reminds me of my Father-in-Law and Stepdad. They both have similar methods. LOL
And, now I thanks to a hint here, once I can get my act together to do it right, I will have a little surprise for you! 😉
You are an amazing friend, mentor, and confidant! I look forward to what this year holds in store for you, and all of us in the gf community! And I really look forward to all of the time we will get to spend together!
Shirley says
Hey Kim–Haha … “year 3 exploding” … I really like that imagery … I’m imagining fireworks and festivities! 😉
Good to know that Mr. GFE is not completely unusual! I’m pretty sure that a lot of men have very different ways of assessing restaurants than women do. As long as we end up eating good and safe food, I don’t care how they do it. LOl
Dearie, please don’t go to any extra trouble on our part with surprises and such (besides the trouble, I might be worried, too LOL)! I did just realize that because we’re not flying out, I can actually bring you a big jar of raw honey from our bees! 🙂
Finally, thanks for such sweet words and that huge vote of confidence! Together I think our gf community is changing the world. NOT an understatement at all IMHO.
See you in 2 weeks!!!! xoxo,
Pat @ Elegantly, Gluten-Free says
I am so glad I found you this year since you’ve brought some sanity into the often confusing issues of gluten-free living — along with a lively sense of what’s important and how to deal with it 🙂
Congratulations on your 2nd anniversary!
Hugs — and Happy New Year, too!
Shirley says
Hi Pat–Gosh, your words made my day—thank you so very much! Yes, bringing sanity in the gluten-free equation is exactly what gfe is about. I’ts exciting to celebrate 2 years under my blogging belt and look forward to more to come with wonderful readers like you. 🙂 And, others should know that you are embracing the gfe lifestyle all the time over at Elegantly Gluten Free!
Hugs, health, and happiness to you for 2011!
Melanie says
I’ve read you blog for a while and this is my first comment! The chocolate cake looks great!
Congrats on your Blog anniversary!
Shirley says
Hi Melanie–Well, let me welcome you “openly” to gfe! 😉 Thanks for being a gfe reader and for taking the time to leave such a nice comment! 🙂 Oh, and if you want to dazzle someone with chocolate lusciousness, DO make that cake!
Shirley says
Hey Melanie–I just checked out your blog, The Grecian Garden, and it’s great! I tried to leave a comment, but when I hit Submit, nothing happened. Hit Refresh, entered the comment again, hit Submit, and again, nothing happened. 🙁 Will see if I can subscribe and hope my comment will take next time.
nicola @ gfreemom says
Not sure I can imagine gluten-free without you. What did the world do pre-gfe? All of the comments above are a testament to what you have achieved. Happy Anniversary! Hugs. Nicola xo
Shirley says
Oh, Nicola, if you were here, I’d give you a big, super squeeze hug for those sweet words! A lot of the world is still pre-gfe, but we’ll keep spreading the word to simplify the lives of those who are gluten free. Thanks for all you do on that front with your terrific blog, gfree mom, and your thoughts and recipes shared there! I come away smiling every time I visit. 🙂 And, I’m totally loving your D-Tox January series!
Carol, Simply...Gluten-free says
Thank you for two wonderful years of fabulous blogging! I look for ward to many more and Happy New Year to you my friend. xo, carol
Shirley says
Hi Carol–You’re such a sweetheart and supportive friend–thank you! 🙂 Hoping to spend some time together in 2011! Hoping it brings all that’s good to you, dear!
Sarena (The Non-Dairy Queen) says
Happy Anniversary and Happy New Year! Here’s to many more great years!
Shirley says
Hi Sarena–Welcome to gfe! 🙂 I truly appreciate the anniversary wishes and the 2011 ones as well!
I’ve always loved your name/name of your blog, The Non-Dairy Queen … it’s just perfect. 😉 I just took a look again and your blog is so cleverly done with such delicious dairy-free (and many gluten-free) recipes. I’m going to check out nutritional yeast again and those doughnuts you made were awesome looking! All the best to you in 2011, too!
Katrina (gluten free gidget) says
Happy Blogiversary!!!! Here’s to many more! Cheers!
Shirley says
Hi Katrina–Great to see you! Many, many thanks for your enthusiastic blogiversary wishes! 🙂
Jill says
Happy anniversary, Shirley, I don’t know how you do it all. It must be true that when you do what you love it comes easy and is a joy. Blessing on you, your family and your work. Looking forward to pizza. : ) Jill
Shirley says
Hey Jill–Just realized that I read your very sweet comment with a big smile on my face and now days have passed without me replying. Thank you so very much! I still wish for more hours in every day, but the work itself both comes easy and brings me great happiness because I do love it so.
The pizza party will be fun! Look forward to seeing you as always! 🙂