Truthfully, I still love making my own holiday gifts, usually simple but much-appreciated ones for friends and family members. These Gluten-Free Sweet and Crunchy Snack Mix and Gluten-Free Spicy Snack Mix recipes have been here on gfe since almost the beginning. I figured it was time to resurface these recipes so you could make them for your loved ones.
Mr. GFE’s beloved aunt and uncle, “Skeets” and “Hoss,” respectively, really only wanted one gift from us every year for Christmas. That was my Sweet and Crunchy Snack Mix. It was not a traditional Christmas gift, but it was an outstanding one. Snack mixes are usually spicy and salty, but this one (shown below) is a mixture of sweet and salty, plus crunchy, of course (all good snack mixes should be crunchy!). They absolutely loved it! I wasn’t totally surprised as it’s irresistible and addictive but the fact that they wanted only this gift spoke volumes!
Gluten-Free Sweet and Crunchy Snack Mix
Think of a lovely light-tasting snack mix, but with chunks of caramelized goodness alternating with salty bites. This snack mix has long been not only a family favorite for holidays but also a much-enjoyed treat by friends at our many of our parties over the years. At Valentine’s Day parties, Christmas open houses, family graduation events, and the like, it always made an appearance!
My Spicy Snack Mix originally used Chex cereal. It does not now. In full disclosure (it’s always WYSIWYG here at gfe—i.e., What You See Is What You Get), I’ll remind you that I’ve gotten sick every single time that I have eaten the “gluten-free” Chex cereals. Some others report the same on gluten-free forums and blogs. And yes, it’s a gluten reaction. It’s not the flu, it’s not another food issue, etc.
I spoke about this reality before when I shared my trip to General Mills, aka Betty Crocker Central. The fact is, I don’t recommend ANY General Mills products that are labeled gluten free.
I stated that before General Mills introduced their “gluten-free” Cheerios products and I’ve stuck by it. I was very vocal when General Mills first introduced these products, especially so after so many in the gluten-free community were made ill by them.
Truthfully, there has never been a time when I have checked the Cheerios Facebook page—either their main timeline or their Communities section—and not found a report from someone who lives gluten free getting ill from their products. There are always new reports of illness there. Always.
Read more about the extremely serious issues with gluten-free individuals being sickened by “gluten-free” Cheerios. It’s been several years since that post was written but sadly—and outrageously—nothing has changed with the situation.
So please use non-General Mills gluten-free cereal to make these recipes truly gluten free and gift or snack away!
Gluten-Free Sweet and Crunchy Snack Mix Recipe
Gluten-Free Sweet and Crunchy Snack Mix Cooling
Gluten-Free Sweet and Crunchy Snack Mix
While spicy and salty snack mixes are common, it's this Sweet and Crunchy Snack Mix that makes my family and guests happy!
- ¾ cup butter (or non-dairy equivalent)
- ¾ cup brown sugar (or coconut sugar)
- 4 cups gluten-free Rice Squares cereal
- 4 cups gluten-free Corn Squares cereal
- About 10 ounces of small gluten-free pretzels (optional, but preferred)
- About 10 ounces of salted, mixed nuts (or your favorite kind of nuts; we usually prefer cashews)
- Preheat oven to 250 degrees Fahrenheit.
- Cut butter into slices and place in a large roasting pan. Place in oven for one minute until butter melts.
- Remove from oven and stir in brown sugar well.
- Add other ingredients individually, stirring well, but somewhat gently (to prevent breakage), after each addition.
- Bake for one hour, stirring well but gently every 15 minutes.
- Cool mix for about 10 minutes before serving. (See notes for the best way to cool this mix.)
I used a gluten-free store brand of cereal. If you are not gluten free, you can actually use Crispix, but gluten-free readers, please know that Crispix is not gluten free because it contains barley in the form of malt flavoring. (Update: Although barley is no longer shown in the ingredients for Crispix, there are other ingredients of potential concern and this cereal is still made on shared lines with wheat-based cereals.) If you know of another square, crispy cereal that you can safely eat, you can substitute that. I do not use any General Mills products because, despite their gluten-free label, I and many others in the gluten-free community have been sickened by them.
I usually use Ener-G Foods small pretzel twists because they are just the right size, as well as nice and crunchy. I use one whole bag of their product.
For the cooling process, I open two brown paper grocery bags, inside surface exposed (one on top of the other), on the counter. I pour the mix onto the opened bags and using a wooden spoon, spread it out for cooling. This method also helps absorb any excess butter. You can also sub in soy-free Earth Balance (pink/red tub) if you like. I think this mix could be wonderful if made with coconut oil instead of butter but I have not yet tried it.
This recipe makes a lot of snack mix so you’ll need to halve it if you don’t have a large roasting pan or similar baking pan to bake the snack mix in. I highly recommend that your baking pan have high sides.
Adapted from Taste of Home magazine.
Gluten-Free Classic Spicy Snack Mix Recipe
This Classic Spicy Snack Mix is my variation of the well-known snack mix. I prefer to use gluten-free store-brand cereal instead of the well-known brand as that product and other products labeled "gluten-free" from this company ha I usually use Ener-G Foods small pretzel twists because they are just the right size as well as nice and crunchy. I use one whole bag of their product. I open two grocery bags, inside surface exposed (one on top of the other), on the counter. I pour the mix onto the bags and spread it out for cooling. This process also helps absorb excess butter. I haven’t yet tried it, but I think this mix could be wonderful if made with coconut oil instead of butter. This recipe makes a lot so you’ll need to halve it if you don’t have a large roasting pan or similar baking pan to bake the snack mix in. I highly recommend that your baking pan have high sides. You can see from the photos that the containers that held the nuts (as well as other suitable containers, like large Frito “tins”) were used as my gift containers. It’s easy to wipe them out well after they are used, store away until needed, then wrap them in wrapping paper (great way to use those small scraps!), fill with snack mix, and then top with a label and bow. Glass jars and tins may also be used. (However, the glass jars and bottles shown in this photo are ones that I used for Honey Butter and Homemade Vanilla Extract.) Children can definitely help with these activities. Don’t obsess over the gift packaging being "just so". Uncle Charlie will get a much bigger kick out of little Becky's wrapping efforts than he will out of the package that you wrapped so perfectly. Plus, the snack mix gets eaten pretty quickly and the container often gets tossed just as quickly. Finally, even a fairly small container of these snack mixes will be welcomed---either as part of a larger gift package or in a stocking. Everyone likes to have their “own” snack mix even if they don’t receive a big container. Add these snack mixes to your holiday gift giving and you'll be giving a great homemade gift and make your holiday giving less of a chore!Gluten-Free Classic Spicy Snack Mix
Day 1 – Gluten-Free Holiday Giveaway Galore x 10—Giveaway of the new book, Mommy, What is Celiac Disease?, plus gluten-free treats and fun stuff.
Day 2 — Guest Post from Debi Smith (Hunter’s Lyonesse)—My Journey Back to Healthy Living
Day 3 — Corn and Butter Bean (or Lima Bean) Casserole
Day 4 — Little Cayman Beach Resort Review
Day 5 — 20 (Plus) Thoughts on International Food Bloggers Conference
Day 6 — Nutiva Products (Coconut, Hemp x 2, & Chia) Review
Day 7 — Reindeer Antlers Punch (A Spiked Holiday Cocktail!)
Day 8 – Flourless Pecan Sandies
Day 9 — Volcano Pancake and Other Breakfast Fare Plus Allegro Marinade
Day 10 – The Palate Peacemaker’s Pecan Butter & Pumpkin … Uh Oh … Cake!
Day 11 — Kitchen Table Bakers Crisps (Now Called Parmesan Crisps) Review
Day 12 — Guest Post: Linda Etherton’s Personal Gluten-Free Story
Day 13 — The Spunky Coconut Grain-Free Baked Goods & Desserts Cookbook Review
Full disclosure: I was one of the gluten-free bloggers who attended the General Mills Gluten-Free Bloggers Summit in November. Most of my expenses were paid for by General Mills for that trip. The opinions expressed here are clearly my own.
Originally published December 15, 2010; updated December 3, 2022.
Wendy @ Celiacs in the House says
So tempting, but I am one of those who needs zero gluten. Too bad, because I was one of those who preferred the Chex Mix to the cookies at Christmas. I go for the salty and crunchy over the sweet and gooey anytime.
Shirley says
Hi Wendy–Yep, I’m right there with you on the zero gluten. I’d love to try Kim’s suggestion though and use Health Valley Crunchem’s to see how those go. Her “no reactions” comment makes them worth a try … will definitely seek those out. I looked online and the closest store that carries them is an hour away, so Crunchem snack mix probably won’t happen this year. 🙁 Salty and crunchy is such a fabulous combo in both these snack mixes and I miss them. 😉
Hoping for safe, salty, crunchy snack mixes for us both in 2011!
cheryl says
Hi Shirley,
That’s interesting…I thought GM had dedicated facilities and hopefully they decide to go the extra mile and start testing, too. I’ve heard of similar experiences What was their response to your comments? How sweet of you to make the mix for your family!
Shirley says
Hi Cheryl–General Mills considers their separate part of the buiding to be a “dedicated environment” and I believe that’s where all their gf baking mixes are made. BUT, other products labeled gf are NOT processed in this dedicated environment and order of processing and cleaning lines comes into play. To be clear, General Mills says they do ELISA5 testing to ensure gluten levels are less than the 20 ppm requirement proposed by the FDA. Most of the General Mills’ staff and contractor personnel were very receptive to our comments, but it remains to be seen what will happen. Carol Shilson from UCCDC also stated that they recommend GFCO certification, so I’m keeping my fingers crossed! This is one of the very few products that I consider unsafe for me, but that I am happy to make for my family. However, if there was gluten flour flying or anything involved like that, fuhgeddaboutit! 😉
Carolyn says
I have/had those very same tins! LOL!
Shirley says
Hey Carolyn–Wow, I’ve never met anyone else who has had them! We are kindred spirits! 🙂
You’ll be at LCBR on Friday—have fun!!!!
Mandy says
Love the chex mix! Such a great snack! Esp around the holidays.
Shirley says
Hi Mandy–Welcome to gfe! 🙂 Yes, snack mixes seem extra special this time of year. Both of these mixes go pretty quickly, but I’m partial to the sweet and crunchy version myself. 😉
Kim - Cook It Allergy Free says
Shirley, I know I am so behind on your series this month, but I will go back and catch up now that I can come up for air a bit. We love making mixes like this all of the time. I actually use the Health Valley “Chex” cereal (Called rice cruch ems, I think). (Shirley here: This product is no longer made.) They look and taste like Chex, but we have no reactions to it in our house. Thank you for sharing these yummy snack gift ideas! I have not made these yet this season. Maybe this would be a good time to start! xoxo
Shirley says
Hi Kim–No worries, dear … I’m behind on my own series! LOL No need to catch up. Thanks so much for mentioning the Health Valley Crunch’ems. (Update: This cereal is no longer produced.) They aren’t sold locally, but I will definitely look for some when I venture further away from home to WF and the like. I’d love to make my snack mixes for our Valentine’s Day party using them. 🙂 Make the sweet and crunchy mix … we love it!
Hope life is continuing to settle down for you, but I know that’s unlikely given the approaching holidays. 😉 xoxo,
Linda says
My mom always makes a Chex snack mix, and I know it is something my son misses. I don’t think he’s tried the gf Chex, but based on other reactions, I don’t want to risk it. Like you said, hopefully we’ll be able to eat it in the future.
Shirley says
Hi Linda–Did you see Kim’s suggestion to use Health Valley Crunchems? I think we should try those in the snack mixes. As soon as I find some (not sold here locally), I’ll do so and report back. 🙂 Son would love them, too.
Trish says
Worcestershire sauce is NOT gluten free, I am not sure if some brands make it GF, but most are NOT
Shirley says
Hi Trish–Lea & Perrins Worcestershire Sauce is most definitely gluten free as is stated here on their site. I hate that it contains HFCS, but I do use it occasionally. Last I knew, French’s brand was also gluten free, but I will check on that and report back. You raise a good point though, and I will update the post to show “gluten-free Worcestershire sauce.”
Thanks for your input!
Shirley says
Trish–I just checked French’s brand of Worcestershire sauce again, too, and it’s still gluten free. So you can use either of those if they are available in your area.
Valerie says
I love chex mix but I don’t make it very often cause its so delicious and addicting. But its a very good gift idea if you don’t know what to get for a loved one or friend.
Shirley says
Hi Valerie–It looks like you are new here … welcome to gfe! 🙂 Don’t we always reserve delicious and addicting for special occasions like the holidays? 😉 But, you are so right, if one makes it, one will eat it … rapidly. Yes, folks love these snack mixes and they are so much better to give as gifts than highly processed popcorn and the like.
Happy Holidays!
Lexie says
Just hit the “print” button! Will make a batch tonight. I would take Chex Mix over most cookies. Thanks for posting this and reminding me to make some!
Shirley says
Hi Lexie–Hope you made a batch or both recipes and have been enjoying them! These mixes only get made once or twice a year in my house and Son and I can’t eat them, but I’m excited about Kim’s suggestion on using Health Valley Crunchems. 🙂
Hope your holiday preps are going very well, dear! xo,
Alisa Fleming says
Yum! Another classic from your kitchen Shirley.
Shirley says
Hi Alisa–Awww, a sweet comment—thank you! 🙂 Try the Sweet and Crunchy version … most folks are not familiar with that one, but love it once they’ve tried it. 😉
Nancy says
Shirley, This is a real blast from the past. I never tasted the sweet version of the mix but the savory, spicy version was served for over the Holiday season for literally decades. It fell off the radar when I developed a sensitivity to gluten around 2005. Never thought to try to make a gluten free version. I’ll be ordering the proper ingredients to make this again. Thanks for sharing!
Shirley Braden says
Hi Nancy–We used to enjoy the savory and spicy version so very, very much (people would gravitate towards it at parties!) and later the sweeter version. I hesitated to bring these recipes to the forefront because I don’t want to publish any recipe that encourages readers to use General Mill’s unsafe cereal products. I do hope you enjoy the gluten-free spicy redux! 🙂
Happy holidays!
Nancy says
Shirley, There appears to be a conundrum. After leaving your site I started to look for the ingredients. Health Valley Crunchem’s is no longer produced according to an online search. I wasn’t able to find any similar gluten free products (aside from the General Mills products). Guess I could see if I react but I’d rather not do that. It was a nice idea but thinking I’ll just wait until an alternative product becomes available. I still appreciate the memories your posting brought back for me.
Shirley Braden says
Nancy–I was baffled by your comment and was thinking, wait did I recommend Health Valley Crunchems in the post? Did I link to that product somehow? The name wasn’t even familiar to me. But now searching comments, I see that they were discussed and recommended in comments and I took part in that discussion. I will add notes to comments to let folks know those are NOT an option. I was specifically considering using Walmart’s corn squares and rice squares cereals (both are labeled gluten free and ingredients appear safe) in these recipes but admittedly, have not yet tried them. Thanks so much for giving me the heads up! Also, I definitely would NOT recommend trying the GM version of these products.
Nancy says
Wow, thanks for all your input. Funny these cereals didn’t come up even when I did a general gluten free rice or corn cereal search on Walmarts’ site earlier. But now I look up the cereal you describe and it pops right up. So my next visit to Walmart I’ll be all set. Thanks again!
Shirley Braden says
You’re welcome, Nancy! 🙂 Search results can be so wonky!