I’m back with the second day of Suite of Sweets for Sweethearts. Today’s recipe is gluten-free Chocolate Fondue! This recipe is easily made dairy free and vegan as well—yay!
This recipe comes from Kim Maes of Cook IT Allergy Free. Thank you, Kim! (Update: Kim has so many outstanding recipes and info on Cook IT Allergy Free. However, she is no longer updating that site. Her new website is Healing the Gut.)
But before we get to the recipe and the giveaway for Suite of Sweets for Sweethearts, let me tell you a little more about Kim and Cook IT Allergy Free. Admittedly, many of you already know Kim as you should.
Gluten-Free Chocolate Fondue (Photo by Heather of Gluten-Free Cat)
She has a fantastic blog with simply amazing recipes that are easy to make, delicious, and good for you. Her recipe photos and invitingly written posts make you want to be in her kitchen with her chatting about romantic songs, making up silly poems, sharing some delightful girl talk, and, of course, cooking and eating.
Kim is a little bundle of sweetness; she’s always fun to be around. I could tell all that from her posts, but meeting her at the International Food Bloggers Conference last year and again at BlogHer Food in San Francisco confirmed it. We have stayed in touch ever since and become really good friends.
So when I found out that Mr. GFE and I were embarking on the epic road trip to help friends move cross country and we would be near where Kim lives before we flew back, I let her know. Of course, she invited us to stay with her and her family.
When the trip became a somewhat grueling journey and there were some “white knuckle” moments for me (and I wasn’t even at the wheel of the moving truck, aka “The Monster Truck”), in the midst of dessert (for real), I thought of Kim and her family’s “oasis” ahead. We weren’t able to keep to the original schedule so a meet-up with another friend had to be canceled, but from the beginning, we vowed to get to visit with Kim and her guys no matter what!
In the end, visiting with them was such a relaxing and enjoyable ending to our trip. Kim was the best, of course, and all her boys—young and old—are as terrific and loveable as she is! My favorite times were when we were alone chatting in her kitchen or side by side, laptops in use, on her sofa.
Kim’s Beautiful Kitchen
The Fireplace Area of Kim’s Kitchen–My Fave
Kim spoke about our visit on her blog where she also shared her succulent prime rib recipe. You’ll note that she was being such an excellent hostess and having so much fun with us that she didn’t get to take a photo of her prime rib. She resorted to using an iStock photo, but it doesn’t come close to accurately depicting her prime rib or mimicking Kim’s photo skills.
I got a photo below, but it doesn’t do Kim’s prime rib justice either. (I happily took the end piece as I prefer prime rib at medium doneness.) Here are a few more photos before I turn to what you’ll really be interested in—the giveaway and the recipe!
Kim Demonstrating Her Youngest Son’s Riding Toy
We Helped Kim Review a Blogger Friend’s Pesto Chicken Salad Recipe
Kim’s Prime Rib
Our Meal at Kim’s
Oranges, Soon to be Juice for Breakfast
Now for the Suite of Sweets, here’s Kim’s Chocolate Fondue recipe. Although February is the shortest month, it can also seem like the longest month. After the excitement of Groundhog Day (hey, stop laughing! Phil predicted an early spring; don’t diss Phil!) and Valentine’s Day, those last two weeks can seem like forever.
So how about a little bit of indulgence? I mean seriously. And don’t think that you have to wait until next Valentine’s Day or a special occasion to enjoy this fondue. Chocolate fondue means love to many people and gluten-free Chocolate Fondue for the gluten-free folks in your life is super special … don’t you believe that’s deserved any time?
Dipping Angel Food Cake Into Chocolate Fondue (Photo by Heather of Gluten-Free Cat)
To reinforce this point, when Kim came to my house for a retreat with other gluten-free blogging girlfriends the following summer, she made her fondue. And we dipped all the best stuff in it, as you can see—banana slices, whole strawberries, and amazing gluten-free Angel Food Cake. (Thanks to Heather of Gluten-Free Cat—sadly, her site is no longer active—for sharing these photos from our retreat!)
Dipping Items for Chocolate Fondue (Photo by Heather of Gluten-Free Cat.)
Gluten-Free Chocolate Fondue Recipe
Chocolate Fondue (Gluten-Free with Easy Dairy Option)
I can't think of any occasion that this gluten-free Chocolate Fondue wouldn't make special! Bridal shower, New Year's Eve, birthday party, Valentine's Day ... so many possibilities!
- 6-8 oz of dark chocolate (gluten-free and also dairy free, if needed), such as Trader Joe’s Dark Chocolate 72%, chopped into small pieces
- 3/4 cup canned full-fat coconut milk (or if you are not dairy free, than you can, of course, use an equal amount of heavy cream)
- a pinch of salt
- a variety of dipping goodies (in the picture at the top of this page, I used organic strawberries, organic cherries, bananas, gluten-free pretzel sticks, homemade gluten free brownies, and amazing homemade marshmallows but store-bought marshmallows also work.)
- Warm the coconut milk (or heavy cream) in a heavy-bottomed pan until small bubbles begin to form and it comes to a very light boil. Then add the chocolate pieces and gently whisk until melted, smooth, and fully incorporated.
- Immediately transfer to a fondue pot and keep it heated with a low flame, or serve straight from the pot (but it will start to thicken and harden after a while this way).
- Assemble all of your dipping goodies of choice and provide some utensils, such as fondue forks or bamboo skewers, to help you dip (or just use your fingers – especially among family)! Enjoy!
Shirley here: My aforementioned Perfect Pound Cake would also be great with this chocolate fondue. Gluten-free Angel Food Cake is also excellent for dipping!
Yesterday’s Suite of Sweets for Sweethearts post—Almond Chocolate Double Coconut No-Bake Cookies.
Originally published February 13, 2011; updated December 27, 2022.
Kim - Cook It Allergy Free says
Oh Shirley. What can I say? You are the sweetest ever and this post just makes me all teary and nostalgic for when you and Smokey were here!! It was such a wonderful visit and over entirely too soon. Thank you so very much for sharing your visit with such generous words. And, of course, thank you for this awesome review and giveaway of the app!! You are a special lady…..
Shirley says
Hi Kim–I just tell the truth! 🙂 I’m still nostalgic for our time together, too. Every time you share a recipe or what’s going on there, I can just visualize all of you guys and imagine hanging out with you!
Hoping more people will hear about this giveaway and enter! Your app is just fantastic and folks will love it once they get it.
Thanks, too, for your sweet words, dear. xoxo,
cheryl says
Wow. There’s something about those pictures that just pops off the screen. I’ve not played much with mimicream and it’s nice to know it works well in fondue.
Shirley says
Hi Cheryl, I agree on Kim’s house and food, including the chocolate fondue especially. 😉 All such goodness and yumminess. 🙂 I haven’t worked with mimic cream yet either, but many people do really enjoy using it.
Mir says
Wait, I’m entering to win apps, not to have you come make that fondue for me at my house?? 😉
Shirley says
Hey Mir–Clearly you got in the wrong line. 😉 Maybe the fondue gods will smile on you somehow though … or maybe you’ll win and have the recipe as part of your app and find out how easy it is to make. Then you can send me a photo and I’ll post it! 🙂
Mary says
Looks like you had a great time together! Nice pics, Shirley, you gave us all a glimpse of your visit. I LOVE Kim’s hearth room off the kitchen, what a cozy spot to dream-up new recipes!
And Kim, you must feel special having a visit from Shirley; such a special lady. Congrats on your app too, what an accomplishment to be proud of.
~ Mary
Shirley says
Hi Mary–Thanks so much re: the pics of mine. It does help to have such good material. 😉 The hearth area is super lovely, isn’t it? I’d “live’ there I think. 🙂
Thanks for all your kind words, Mary, but I was surely the one on the winning end of our visit. Kim is such a dear and her app is a work of love that everyone can benefit from! As you said, she should be very proud. 🙂
Alisa Fleming says
I love the pictures from Kim’s house! Not a bit surprises me … the perfect kitchen and sitting room, Kim being a goofball, it all fits!
I wish I could use her app, but alas, no iphone, ipad, or otherwise.
Shirley says
Hi Alisa–Haha on the goofball comment! She was sooo funny on that riding toy! And, you’re right about everything else … it’s so fitting to Kim.
Glad to know I’m not the last person on earth without “i” capability. 😉
InTolerantChef says
Isn’t it wonderful how a blog can bring people together? Sharing the love and knowlege makes living with InTolerances so much easier. Lovely story about your time together.
Shirley says
Hi InTolerant Chef–Absolutely, I totally agree. This blogging and gluten-free journey has brought so many wonderful people into my life and given me so much! 🙂 I’m so glad you enjoyed the post–thanks!
Maggie says
Oh Shirley! I loved this post – and not just because I got to see Kim’s gorgeous kitchen! It was so fun to read about your visit and see pics. Cute! I can’t wait until Mimiccreme gets to Canada – my kids would love to try this fondue! xo
Shirley says
Hey Maggie–It’s fun to get a sneak peek into our favorites’ kitchens, huh? It was a very special time even though it was brief. It’s often surprising what’s not available in Canada and differences in the same product when it’s sold in Canada versus the U.S. I bet you could make a dairy-free version of fondue with coconut milk. I love its qualities; there’s not much I don’t think coconut milk would work for. 😉
Thanks! xo,
Diane-thewholegang says
First of all I’m moving in with Kim. That is a beautiful kitchen and house. Oh and can I ride your son’s toy. FUN!
Hmm, that chicken salad looks really good and familiar.
I have Kim’s app and I love it! Everyone with an iphone or ipad needs that app.
Oh and I’ll be right over for the chocolate fondue. Man I’m just going to run away. Be there in a few days!
Kim - Cook It Allergy Free says
Diane, that is YOUR pesto chicken salad!! LOL We all loved it! I think I may have to steal Shirley’s photo of it for my review,though, since I never got a picture of it-too busy gabbing with Shirley and Smokey. At least I have pics of some of the other things I made of yours!
And, you can come crash my pad for as long as you want. Carson will even share his riding toy with you. It is a Plasma Car and it is way too much fun! You would be a perfect fit for it!
Shirley says
Hey Diane–Everyone would love to move in with Kim and rightly so! She and her family and her house are all so inviting. 🙂
I wondered if you’d recognize that chicken salad. I didn’t want to spoil the surprise or Kim’s upcoming review, but now that the truth is revealed … oh, dear, what yummy chicken salad–thank you for creating that recipe!
Thanks too for sharing your review of Kim’s app. It’s always nice to hear from someone who has first-hand experience with a product.
Oh, what fun it would be to have a fondue party … one day! 😉
Mary C. says
Thanks for the giveaway!
Shirley says
Hi Mary–Nice to see you again! Thanks for entering the giveaway. 🙂
Shannon J. says
Well, this is one app I don’t have and I’m pretty sure it’s more relevant to my current life than say, Angry Birds or Coin Toss. Crossing fingers…
Shirley says
Hi Shannon–It looks like you are new here–welcome to gfe! 🙂 We all have our diversions, don’t we? 😉 Yes, this app would be great for you and all. We’ll see what comes up with the random number generator …
Florence P. says
This app sounds fantastic, would help me out quite a bit when food shopping and preparing weekly meals.
Shirley says
Hi Florence-I know we’ve seen each other on Twitter, but welcome to gfe! 🙂 Yes, this will be a great resource for anyone. I so appreciate you tweeting the giveaway, dear!
Florence P. says
Just tweeted about the giveaway. http://twitter.com/#!/Flowee1
Sharon says
The fondue recipe looks great. Sounds like you guys had a great time!
Shirley says
Hey Sharon–It was the best visit for such a short amount of time! I didn’t get treated to that fondue (next time … haha … or I’ll make it myself!), but everything Kim fed us was fantastic, of course. I just realized I didn’t even mention that fab chocolate chip cookies that she and her older son made for us–yummmy!
Jennifer says
That app sounds wonderful! I’d so love to win one! Thanks for the opportunity! Hope I win! 🙂
Shirley says
Hi Jennifer–Welcome to gfe! 🙂 So glad you stopped by to enter the giveaway! 😉
Jennifer says
Thanks, Shirley! I recently came across your blog and Facebook page when I was searching for gluten free places to eat in Key West. It was a great help! Thanks! We ended up eating at Caroline’s Cafe. I put a link to your blog on my Key West page. 🙂
Shirley says
Hi again, Jennifer–Well, how cool is that!!! Thanks so much for letting me know. I’m really glad you were able to eat at Caroline’s safely. Checked out your homeschooling site; it’s fantastic—very inspiring! 🙂
It’s funny because another gluten-free friend was just telling me that in his research on eating gluten free in Key West, my post kept coming up. That’s good motivation for me to get some more of my travel posts done. Sometimes I get home from a trip, get caught up in life, and then forget to do a post (or feel it’s too late).
Thanks again, Jennifer!
Jennifer says
Yay!!!! I didn’t realize that I had won! Yay!!! Can’t wait to get it loaded. Thanks again!
Jennifer Ellis says
I just downloaded the app and it is wonderful!!! Thanks so much for the opportunity to win it!
Kim - Cook It Allergy Free says
Jennifer! I am so glad that you like the App!! Congratulations on being a winner! Let me know if you have any questions about it! 😉
Wendy @ Celiacs in the House says
I absolutely loved this post, Shirley. I already have the delightful Miss Kim’s app, so don’t enter me. Just wanted to say how fun it was to read and see Kim’s kitchen. Now I know why she wanted to trade her green dish towels from the BlogHer Food swag for the red ones I got. Do I spy one of them in the fondue shot?
Shirley says
Hey Wendy! Playing catch up here with comments … thanks so much for saying you loved this post! 🙂 Sharing Kim had to be a naturally great post; after all I was working with such wonderful material. Love her, her house, her family, her recipes, her app, etc. Can’t answer the question on the dish towels though. Kim will have to chime in on that one. 😉
Kim - Cook It Allergy Free says
Wendy, LOL!! The red dish towel is NOT in the fondue pic…BUT I just noticed that it is in the picture of my kitchen. It is stuck to the side of the fridge! 🙂 See? I did put it to good use! Thanks for the swap, my friend!
Jenny says
Turned out super yummy! I’ve been missing fondue and almost made some with dairy just to have it! This is much better. 🙂 Thanks!!
Shirley says
Hi Jenny–It looks like you are new to gfe—welcome (although belatedly)! 🙂 Special thanks for sharing your review of Kim’s recipe! Now I’m thinking that one of the future meetings of my support group needs to be a fondue party, with both sweet and savory fondues. Yum.
Penny says
My child has an iPod touch – will the ap work on that? If it will, please enter me! 🙂
Shirley says
Hi Penny–Yes, the Cook IT Allergy Free app works with the iPod Touch! 🙂 Will update my post to show that for future reference.
Johanna B says
I love Kim’s kitchen. It would be such a pleasure to cook in there. I read her blog regularly.
Shirley says
Hi Johanna–Yes, it’s such a great feeling to be in Kim’s kitchen. Sunny, bright, spacious, and more. 🙂 I’ve seen you over at Kim’s blog … it’s wonderful to visit there and see what she’s been making in that fabulous kitchen, isn’t it?
Linda says
Don’t enter me. I wouldn’t be able to use it, but I think it’s a great idea.
The fondue recipe looks good. I’ve only used Mimic Creme a few times. It’s good to know it works in this type of recipe.
Shirley says
Hi Linda–Thanks for stopping by, dear. When I eventually try Mimic Creme, I’ll be asking you the other ways you use it. 🙂
Pat @ Elegantly, Gluten-Free says
Although I don’t have an iphone or anything else starting with an ‘i’ (so don’t enter me), I have to say that I love this post — the story, the food, the kitchen, the riding toy…. I just had to comment about it all, but especially the kitchen. I think I’ve found the inspiration for our remodeling. But I probably won’t wait till that’s done before I try the fondue.
Thanks to both of you, Shirley and Kim!
Shirley says
Hey Pat–No “i’s” here for me either. 😉 Thanks so much for taking the time to leave this wonderful comment though. Kim’s kitchen is definitely inspiring … so open and beautiful in every detail. 🙂 Let us know what you think once you try the fondue!
Brittany says
Beautiful kitchen and yummy food! Looks like a great time all around!
Shirley says
Hi Brittany–It looks like you’re new here—welcome to gfe! 🙂 Yes, it was indeed a great time all around. Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment and entering the giveaway!
Beth says
I’d love to try out the app! I often use my iPhone for recipes, but there aren’t very many good gluten free recipes available.
P.S. That chocolate fondue looks and sounds dangerously good!
Shirley says
Hi Beth–I think this is your first time commenting at gfe–welcome to you! 🙂 I think you will love this app. I’m getting ready to run the random number generator for all the entries that met the deadline. And, don’t forget that every comment during Suite of Sweets gets you an entry in the final giveaway, which also includes this app. Finally, oh, yeah, on the fondue … dangerously good sounds like an accurate description! 😉
Carolyn Lang says
I would love to add the app to my iPhone as we avoid most common allergens at my house.
Shirley says
Hi Carolyn–Looks like you are new to gfe–welcome, and thanks for entering the giveaway!
Mary C. says
Oh yay!! Thank you so much! I’m super excited about this app!!
Kim - Cook It Allergy Free says
Yay! Congrats to all of the winners!! I will email you all in the next day with your Code to Download your App!
And thank you, Shirley, for your wonderful review and your fun re-cap of our visit!!
Shirley says
Kim–Thanks so much for sponsoring this awesome giveaway and also being a part of the final Suite of Sweets giveaway coming up! I know all the winners will enjoy their app now and in the future. It’s such a great and fun tool!
Oh, dear, you know how much I loved our brief, but special visit in your beautiful and peaceful surroundings with all your boys!
Nancy @ TheSensitivePantry says
Shirley – sounds like you had such a wonderful time with Kim and her family. I almost felt like I was there. Thanks for sharing the chocolate fondue. You may have guessed already I’m somewhat of a chocoholic. Have Kim’s app and love it.
Florence P. says
OMG, OMG! I just received an email stating I was one of the winners of the Cook IT Allergy Free app. giveaway! I’m so excited! Thank you so much! Can’t wait to start using it! 🙂
Kim - Cook It Allergy Free says
Congrats, Florence!! Hope you enjoy the App!! Let me know if you have any questions! 😉
Brittany says
Cool , I just won! I am so excited to try out the Cook It allergy free app! Thank you so much for the giveaway.
Kim - Cook It Allergy Free says
Yay, Brittany! I hope you have fun with the App. So glad that were a winner! 😉
Gigi says
This was such a fun post to read! I’ve been browsing through your site, and enjoying every second of it – my “treat time” this morning before the world wakes up around me. 🙂
Thank you for the wonderful recipes – I’m still making “that chili with the mushrooms” and still enjoying it!
Michele Morin says
Sounds as if you had a fantastic visit with your friend!
Shirley Braden says
Thank you! It was a very special time, Michele. And it’s an even more special memory of our time with these friends since I lost my husband.