For Day 13 of March Muffin Madness, it’s Gluten-Free Old-Fashioned Molasses Muffins from Michelle Brazeau of Michelle’s Gluten-Free Kitchen.

Gluten-Free Old-Fashioned Molasses Muffins from Michelle’s Gluten-Free Kitchen
Don’t they look delightful? I’m here to tell you that they definitely are!
Michelle is another one of our terrific gluten-free Canadian bloggers. She is an important presence in our gluten-free community. From sharing her excellent recipes to critical news (I often learn about gluten-free products being recalled and more from Michelle) to discussion posts (e.g., Does Eating Gluten Free Have To Be Expensive?) and more. Read about Michelle in her own words here.
Some of my favorite recipes of Michelle’s are Perogies (yes, gluten-free perogies! video here), Prosciutto-Wrapped Chicken, Sushi (with video), Green Onion Cake (some of you may know this type of bread as bannock or fry bread), and Lemon Loaf. Her Sour Cream Pie Crust also earns raves (shown here as the crust for her Strawberry Rhubarb Pie recipe).
She also does an amazing job of making my gfe recipes look even better! Here are her photos and presentation of my Banana Kahlua Cake, Crustless Coconut Pie, and Pizza Dip.
Michelle’s advocacy happens on a daily basis but she really goes all out for special events such as Celiac Awareness Month (which is May of each year).
Last May, she highlighted other advocates in the gluten-free community in two ways. First, she had a series of very quick presentations that she created and shared on Instagram. (I was very honored to be included!) Here are a handful of those presentations that I personally enjoyed below but you can quickly check out the whole series here.
~ Casey Cromwell @collegeceliackc
~ Tricia: Gluten Free Watchdog
~ Canadian Celiac Association @ccaceliac
Michelle also did some outstanding live interviews with gluten-free advocates during Celiac Awareness Month. Below are the ones that I was able to watch. These videos are still available via the video section of Michelle’s Facebook page as well as her YouTube account if you’d like to view them.
They’re all leisurely chats so, while most of us don’t always have dedicated time to sit and actually watch, they can also be great to listen to while you’re doing other things, like washing dishes, chopping veggies, or brushing your dog. You know the same kinds of things you do when you’re listening to your favorite podcast or a book on Audible!
~ In Johnna’s Kitchen ~ Michelle and Johnna cover a lot of topics that will interest all of us, including differences between shopping for gluten-free products in Canada versus the U.S., the varied challenges of eating out, the ongoing issue of finding safe oats and products made from them, and how varying labels and terms really matter to our community. Plus, what Johnna says at the very end to Michelle is something all of us feel!
~ Gluten-Free Globetrotter ~ Erin offers advice on how to determine where you can eat safely. She shares her step-by-step process before she will eat at a restaurant. She also makes excellent points about crowd-sourced apps, which many in the gluten-free community use on a regular basis. Erin recounts some experiences with restaurants, including one with a restaurant that said they had a completely gluten-free kitchen but then taught a class on making gluten-full pizzas in their kitchen and another run by a celiac that still had many red flags.
~ Tasty Meditation ~ Jessica talks to Michelle about her thyroid journey, which includes eye issues due to Graves’ Disease. Jessica always speaks so candidly and thoughtfully. I know you will appreciate what she shares.
Be sure to follow Michelle on her blog, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, and Pinterest.
Back to Michelle’s Delicious Gluten-Free Old-Fashioned Molasses Muffins
Michelle says: “Did anyone here grow up on molasses cookies? My grandma used to make these absolutely huge, moist, molasses cookies. They had that strong, rich flavour from blackstrap molasses, and no other cookie I’ve had since has lived up to that flavour. I think I’ve recreated it in this gluten-free muffin recipe though. They are moist and rich, and so delicious.”
I don’t often get to make MMM recipes before the event is over but when Michelle agreed to participate with her recipe before MMM kicked off, I decided I wanted to try them using my Two-Ingredient Gluten-Free Flour Mix.
When she made them, she used a gluten-free all-purpose flour mix that was primarily bean flour-based. I wanted to make sure my rice- and corn-based flour mix would also work.
I’m thrilled to say that it did. In fact, I have made them twice—thus far! Mom, my gluten-free aunt, and I all heartily approved of Michelle’s Gluten-Free Old-Fashioned Molasses Muffins when made with my flour mix!
I honestly believe that these muffins will be terrific when made with any gluten-free all-purpose flour mix but we do need to remember that every mix will yield slightly different results as far as texture and taste. Even different colors and appearances for the finished products and perhaps a different yield.
For example, Michelle got 16 muffins out of her recipe and I got 12 out of my “version.”
Such differences are a given with gluten-free baking but I think we tend to forget this fact. Perhaps that thinking is a holdover from our gluten-full baking days when almost all of us were simply using gluten-full wheat-based white flour every time we baked. That common denominator really did mean that the recipe results would be exactly the same each and every single time we baked.
I hope that we’ve all learned by now that “different” doesn’t mean not good when it comes to gluten-free baking. I may prefer a recipe made using my flour mix, Michelle may prefer another mix, and somebody else may prefer a completely different mix.
It’s also important to heed warnings that come from baking experience. If a gluten-free recipe creator states that her recipe will not work with Gluten-Free Flour Mix X, listen. Even if Flour Mix X is the one that you regularly use.
Gluten-Free Old-Fashioned Molasses Muffins Recipe
Gluten-Free Old-Fashioned Molasses Muffins

Michelle said she re-created the strong rich flavour from her grandma's beloved molasses cookies in these Gluten-Free Old-Fashioned Molasses Muffins by using blackstrap molasses. She says "they are moist and rich, and so delicious. I hope that molasses flavor brings back wonderful memories like it does for me."
- 2 cups gluten-free all-purpose flour mix
- 2 tsp xanthan gum
- 1 1/2 tsp baking powder
- 1/4 tsp baking soda
- 1 tsp sea salt
- 1 tbsp ground ginger
- 1 tsp ground cinnamon
- 1/4 tsp ground allspice
- 1/4 tsp ground cloves
- 1/2 cup brown sugar, packed
- 1/2 cup unsalted butter
- 2 large eggs
- 1/4 + 1/8 cup blackstrap molasses
- 1 cup buttermilk (Shirley here: You can sub in homemade “buttermilk” as I did; see notes)
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.
- Mix flour, xanthan gum, baking powder, baking sofa, sea salt, ginger, cinnamon, allspice, and cloves together in a large bowl, being careful to break up any flour or slice clumps. Set aside.
- In a medium bowl, cream brown sugar and butter together. Add eggs, molasses, buttermilk, and vanilla, blending well between additions.
- Add liquid to flour mixture, and whisk until well combined.
- Line 16 cups with parchment paper liners.
- Evenly distribute batter between muffin cups.
- Bake for approximately 15 to 20 minutes, or until toothpick inserted in middle comes out clean. Oven times will vary.
To make one cup of homemade buttermilk, add one tablespoon of vinegar (white or apple cider) or lemon juice to the measuring cup. Fill to one cup measure. Stir and let sit a minute or so. Making buttermilk from buttermilk powder (using instructions on product) is also an option.
Today’s MMM Prizes
All giveaways are now closed. Thanks to all who participated!
~ Cookbook
~ Gluten-Free Baking for Beginners (one winner; sponsored by gfe)
I love this cookbook from Johnna Perry of In Johnna’s Kitchen so much that I’m giving away another copy in today’s giveaway! You can read my short review from her Gluten-Free Taste of the Tropics Muffins post the other day or read my full, detailed review here on gfe, which includes some of the fantastic recipes I’ve made from Johnna’s cookbook.
~ Resource Book
~ Coming UnGlutened: A Memoir on Going Against the Grain, Living Gluten Free, and Retaining Good Health (one winner; sponsored by gfe)
This personal gluten-free story comes from my friend Delise Dickard. You can read my full review here and an earlier guest post by Delise, that was a bit of a precursor to her memoir. I’ve never read a personal gluten-free story that didn’t resonate with me and Delise’s is one of the best, with elements of humor, world travel, all-too-familiar trips to doctors seeking answers, and more.
~ Baking Ingredients
~ Blackstrap Molasses (16 ounces) (one winner; sponsored by gfe)
Grand Prize Giveaway
All giveaways are now closed. Thanks to all who participated!
Originally published March 26, 2023; updated April 8, 2023.
Lynn says
I would like to win the Gluten-free baking for beginners cookbook.
Tanya Adams-Clute says
Not only do I love Molasses cookies but the smell alone is heaven. Can’t wait to try these!
John Clute says
They have to smell heavenly while baking,must try
Debbie Beck says
Love all the prizes & would be happy with any of them. The recipes are excellent & am going to try all of them!! Color me happy!!
Nancy says
This sounds like a muffin I used to make many years ago (pre gluten free days) These will be on our menu soon!
patricia says
I would love the molasses to make those nice looking muffins ! I will try to make them egg free.
Cat says
I’d love the cookbook. Gluten free baking is still the hardest part.
Sandra Squire says
Looking forward to winning theses awesome prizes!
I will be making muffins soon.
janet says
Can’t wait to make this – I love molasses cookies, muffins, anything!
Very minor point – note that recipe does not say what to add to the vinegar or lemon juice to the 1 cup measure. I’m sure we all know it’s milk, but just mentioning that for inexperienced bakers and recipe accuracy. 🙂
Shirley Braden says
Janet–That option is only if you’re substituting for actual buttermilk and you would do it any time before you added the homemade “buttermilk” when Michelle directs in the recipe.
Suzanne R says
Thank you for introducing me to Michelle. Just visited her website, where I especially enjoyed her post about things to make with rice paper. I would like to win the gluten free baking for beginners book.
Sharon says
I would choose the molasses since I just ran out over the holidays! My family loves molasses cookies and I’m sure these muffins would be a hit!
Colleen says
Would love to win the GF Baking for Beginners.
Nancy G says
Gluten Free Baking for Beginners. Was diagnosed in 1989, but can always use GF recipes!
Beverly Maiers says
The recipes you share with your blogger friends are always so creative. I remember my grandmas molasses cookies too!
Cassandra D says
I would like to win Blackstrap molasses.