It’s time to share my Special Zesty Turkey Breast with you. Slow Cooker Special Zesty Turkey Breast. Only a handful of ingredients.
Special ingredients. Ingredients that create a fabulous turkey breast that your family and guests will demand over and over again.
This recipe is another one that I spied somewhere, tried, loved, and I’ve been making ever since. I have no idea where the recipe came from originally. (If only I’d known I was going to blog, I would have saved all my recipe sources and also would have taken tons of food photos along the way.) I actually have two turkey breast recipes that I cook in the crockpot (slow cooker).
One is the turkey breast that everyone expects—traditional, moist, and juicy with typical flavors and only two ingredients. Yes, a Super Easy Turkey Breast with classic flavors.
The other—the one featured here today—still has simple flavors, but its flavors pack a punch. Son always refers to it as the “special” turkey breast.
He’s been enjoying this recipe since he was much younger. So, although you will see that this turkey breast has strong flavors, it is still possible for kids to love it. (Of course, he was also the kid asking for Swiss cheese at the deli counter when he was three.)
It is another one of those recipes like my fabulous pork butt (aka The World’s Best and Easiest Pulled Pork) where you’ll want to stand by the crockpot and get a fork and just eat until you are satisfied, then you’ll leave, then you’ll return and eat some more, then you’ll leave, then you’ll return … you get the picture. Of course, you won’t do any of that if you are making this dish for guests.
When anyone approaches the crockpot, you’ll brandish your large fork “spear” and say very firmly, “Step away from the crockpot.”
I’m serious. You’ll need to do that to protect this turkey from being eaten and/or contaminated by family germs before your guests arrive. Of course, first time out, you might be safe. They won’t know that this is a special turkey breast.
But, after the first time you cook it, all bets are off … brandish the kitchen utensil—trust me on this. Now when you look at the ingredients below, you’ll never believe that they will produce a turkey breast so irresistible that you will have to defend it, but it’s true.
I encourage you to give this recipe a try, even if you have a vinegar “phobia.” When you walk through the door at the end of the day, the somewhat pungent smell of this turkey breast will greet you. When you bite into this turkey breast, you’ll discover that it’s rich, briny, and peppery all at the same time … and more than slightly addictive. I’m eating some cold for breakfast right now. Just delicious.
It’s best to have a plan for your leftovers (if there are any), and this special turkey breast makes leftover ideas easy. I’ll make turkey quesadillas for one meal. The leftover turkey meat will make excellent quesadillas because of its outstanding flavor.
I also love topping a salad with this turkey breast. I’ll have a nice salad today using a variation of my Kathi’s Great Salad Recipe (in this case, spinach, romaine, cole slaw mix, walnuts, and dried cranberries) with just a tiny bit of salad dressing on top.
Divine. It’s the best salad you could possibly have.
Another day will be a turkey salad (like chicken salad, except with turkey) just chopping the breast meat and adding some mayo, sweet relish, finely chopped onion, and a tad of Dijon mustard. The turkey breast adds amazing flavor to this basic salad.
I will be making this turkey breast and the traditional one on Thanksgiving. Because we typically eat in the early afternoon, I usually just get up very early, throw the turkey breasts in the crockpot as directed, and then go back to bed.
It works for me. Even when I arise, I can attend to other matters because the turkey breasts will not need any additional attention. I don’t know about you, but I love that fact!
These turkey breast recipes also work for other holidays like Christmas and Easter. Or simply when you want to feed a group or your family with leftover turkey ensured.
Sampling of gfe Reader Reviews:
~ “After I made yours last year I am not about to try another. It was scrumptious!”
~ “OMG! There’s that recipe again!!! The best turkey EVER! Special Zesty Turkey Breast is the way to go!”
~ “I made your special turkey breast for Thanksgiving. It got rave reviews. I don’t think I’ll ever fix turkey any other way. This is my first GF holiday season.”
~ “Have done this three times now. Absolutely delicious and the kids (picky picky) love it. Easy and divinely scrumptious.”
Slow Cooker Special Zesty Turkey Breast Recipe
Once this Special Zesty Turkey Breast steps in for the usually dry flavorless turkey breast, you'll never go back! I use a 6-qt oval crockpot. Turkey - Bone-in turkey breasts work best, but I’ve used boneless before and enjoyed them. If the turkey breast poundage is significantly less, just adjust amounts accordingly. If the turkey breast is larger, these ingredient amounts will probably still be sufficient. I used a 6 ½ pound turkey breast this time around and used the amounts as shown. Seasoning - Sea salt is my preference, but I was out of it. Fresh ground pepper is also wonderful, but it takes a while to grind 2 tbsp, so I went with already ground pepper. The salt will naturally settle to the bottom in the measuring cup, so stir even as you are pouring the oil mixture over the turkey breast. However, if some salt does settle and remains in the cup after you’ve poured the oil mixture over the turkey, just pour the remaining salt evenly over the breast (you may need to use a spatula). Serving - After your breast is cooked, spoon a small amount of the “juices” over the breast meat that you’re serving. It will keep the meat moist and flavorful. Likewise, remove some of the juices to save with the leftover meat to keep it moist and flavorful. This is a very moist, juicy breast, but if you don’t save any of the juices with the meat, the meat can dry out.Slow Cooker Special Zesty Turkey Breast
Originally published November 18, 2009; updated November 24, 2024.
Diane-The WHOLE Gang says
How did you know I guard my crockpot with my fork as I eat? I’ve done that with the pork butt. I’ve never cooked a large turkey breast in the crockpot but I’m going to! That looks amazing. I love the addition of the vinegar. Maybe I’ll make two smaller ones at the same time. One for me, one for everyone else! Love the progressive dinner party. I’m having lots of fun seeing what everyone is cooking up.
Shirley says
Diane–Ha ha … I don’t know … you are pretty generous … I bet you are one of those moms who grabs a chunk of delicious meat from the underside and puts that in a bowl just to satisfy your “kids.” 😉 The wonder of turkey breast in the crockpot is reason enough to buy one of these nice big oval crockpots, believe me! Incidentally, one friend also uses this recipes for large roasting chickens and she said it works great. 🙂
The progressive dinner party is a blast … I’ll be looking forward to the sides today and then tomorrow—desserts!
Johanna B says
I was looking for a GF easy recipe for turkey for this TG. I love the sound of this one on your blog. My daugher will love it. I’m newly diagnosed with Celiac (like two weeks on Friday).
BTW I added you to my blogroll.
Shirley says
Hey Johanna–Welcome to gfe! I’m so glad you like the sound of this turkey breast and that your daughter will like it—we really do, so I’ll be anxious to hear back. 🙂
Thanks so much for adding me to your blogroll! I look forward to getting to know you and your blog better. 🙂 I tried to comment there about Oikos, but my comment got lost. Just wanted you and others to know that Oikos IS gluten free. You can read more here, but they are certified by GIG’s Gluten Free Certification Organization which I love because they certify to 10 ppm or less. I have no issues with the GFCO-certified products. So enjoy your Oikos again!
Hope the gfe concept will make your transition to eating gf a little bit easier! Thanks so much for stopping by … hope to see you often. 🙂
Jennifer R. says
Shirley, this sounds awesome! I LOVE cooking in my crockpot. But, it will have to wait… parsley was on my list of foods to avoid for 3-6 months 🙁 (and I love parsley too!).
Shirley says
Hi Jennifer!–My first thought was substituting tarragon, which I still believe you could do, but in a much lesser amount. I love tarragon chicken, but it is a stronger flavor. However, I was interested in whether or not there was a fairly equal substitute for parsley, since it’s so mild. One suggestion I found online several times was celery leaves … just chop up all the leaves from a bunch of celery. Clearly you wouldn’t have as much as the original recipe calls for, but I think it would be plenty. Other thoughts are much smaller amount of basil or oregano. And, last, just leave out the parsley … I think this recipe would still be great without it. Go with what sounds best to you, dear, and give it a try. 🙂 Please report back if you do … good or bad. 😉
Thanks so much!
Stephanie O'Dea says
LOL on guarding the crockpot!!
I *love* it that your favorite turkey recipe involves a slow cooker. This sounds divine. I’ve got to make 4-5 turkey breasts Monday for 60 kindergarteners—this sounds super easy and I have everything on hand.
xoxoo steph
Shirley says
Stephanie–Ha ha, I thought you’d like a slow cooker recipe! I did tell you that I own about eight of them myself, didn’t I? I like to entertain and a girl needs her crockpots for that. 🙂 But, I’m not the crockpot lady like you are!! LOL
I’m tickled you’ll be making this recipe! I would be worried except it’s one of 4 or 5. You know how fickle kids can be sometimes about flavors. I really hope it works out and that you and the kids enjoy it! Yes, I try to be super easy as much as possible. 😉 I think I’ll post the other, even easier turkey breast recipe (also in the slow cooker) that I make tomorrow.
Ali says
Shirley – I have to say that this recipe sounds amazing and I plan on trying it sometime this fall or winter! I would have never thought to add that much vinegar; I bet the meat is so tender! I am sure many of our readers will enjoy your recipe!
-Ali 🙂
Shirley says
Hi, Ali!–Hope you try it out soon and report back. 🙂 The meat is tender and flavorful. I love it warm or cold. I’m having some cold on my salad again today. Still, I wouldn’t mind having some of your beautiful salmon. Son and I love salmon, but Mr. GFE just tolerates it. LOL
Thanks for saying such kind things. I hope folks will give it a try and report back. I always love feedback!
This progressive dinner party is such fun!
glutenfreeforgood says
You’ve sold me on this recipe, Shirley. Especially the thought of how GFE it is. I love that about your blog posts! I’m already thinking of red chile enchiladas with the leftover turkey. I seem to add apple cider vinegar to a lot of things, so this will be second nature for me. I’ve already printed out the recipe! I can see why your son is a fan.
Love your little knit turkey, by the way!
Shirley says
Hi Melissa–Thank you! I think you’d really like it. Simple, but amazing flavors. 🙂 ACV is good stuff in my opinion. (I even use it for medicinal purposes with honey and hot water when I have a cold or scratchy throat.) This turkey would so awesome in red chile enchiladas … I’d like to come to that dinner, please.
I’ve had that little turkey for a very, very long time. A fellow teacher made it for me and I haven’t taught in 24 years (yikes). I think it’s silly and cute at the same time. He always make his appearance though. Next post I’ll share the turkey that hangs around that I’m not as fond of …
Hugsssss 🙂 ,
Brian says
I’m still working on putting my crock pot to use for other things besides chili and pot roast. This looks really really good. Thanks for sharing the recipe.
Shirley says
Hi, Brian!–Good to see you. 🙂 Once you start using your crockpot for other main meals (even side dishes and desserts), you’ll wonder why you waited so long. 😉 I’ve got an even easier turkey breast recipe for the crockpot up now, so choose one and give it a try.
Thanks for stopping by gfe!
Linda says
My kids are the ones with a vinegar phobia. I’ve had trouble with my crock pot being too hot and drying things out. Things are usually done in 3 hrs. on high and 6 hours on low. I only have a 4 qt. one, so I’m not sure it would work for this. I like the idea of using a turkey breast though. Thanks for linking to “What can I eat that’s gluten free?”
Shirley says
Linda–With all due respect, dear, you need a new crockpot. 😉 The new ones are amazing now. They even switch from cooking to warming at the appointed time—that comes in sooo handy. And, they don’t overheat like the old ones tended to do. Nice moist meals can be easily made. I’ve got another turkey breast recipe up so when you’re ready, you’ve got two of those to choose from. This latter one will probably please your family a lot more than the special turkey breast recipe. 🙂
William Beverly says
Thanks for writing about this. The holidays are particularly challenging for those of us who need to remain gluten-free. I found this same product a few weeks ago and then I developed a delicious recipe for stuffing… It is Gluten-Free Corn Chex Sage Stuffing for Roast Chicken or Turkey. The recipe is available at
Have a nice Thanksgiving!
William Beverly
Shirley says
Hey William–I am not getting your reference to a product re: this post, but I always thanks those who are trying to help others who are gluten free. I have to tell you that I’ve had a gluten reaction to the gluten-free Chex cereals every single time I’ve tried them, but there may be some readers who are interested. It’s true you can make great recipes from unexpected ingredients. 😉
Hope you have a nice Thanksgiving as well!
Johanna B says
I made your special turkey breast for Thanksgiving. It got rave reviews. I don’t think I’ll ever fix turkey any other way. This is my first GF holiday season. Thanks for the inspiration.
Shirley says
Hi Johanna–That’s terrific! I’m so glad you took the time to report back on the special turkey breast recipe. It sounds like you had a very lovely first gf Thanksgiving from your post! Anyone would be honored to be sharing in your meal. 🙂 Oh, and the little turkey cartoon is funny. 😉 Much easier to do the crockpot method though, don’t you think?
Thanks so much, Johanna!
William Beverly says
Hi Shirley — Thanks much for your information about reactions to “Gluten-Free Corn Chex”. I will alert my readers that this has happened… I hope it is not true for everyone and I am sad that it caused your reactions.
Shirley says
Hi again, William–It’s not just the Corn Chex, but any of the supposed gf Chex. I’m not alone. You can read more in comments here and I’ve seen similar comments elsewhere. I agree we’re in the minority, but we do exist. And, if it exists for some, shouldn’t it be a concern for all? Food for thought …
Kalyn says
Had to come and check this out and I think I will try making it with chicken breasts!!
Shirley says
Hi Kalyn–Others have used whole chickens before. I’m sure it will work with chicken breasts, but you may just need to adjust your cooking time of course. I’m anxious to hear what you think! One other blogger friend/reader made hers with balsamic vinegar. I’d like to try that, but I’m so smitten with the ACV version that I don’t know when I’ll get to the balsamic rendition. 😉
Eileen @ Phoenix Helix says
This recipe looks delicious AND it fits the paleo autoimmune protocol. So, thank you! I just started a weekly Paleo AIP Recipe Roundtable through my blog, and I would love it if you linked up this recipe. I’m trying to expand resources for the AIP community. Here’s the link:
Shirley says
Hi Eileen–Welcome to gfe! 🙂 I will admit this recipe is delicious. 😉 I love simple recipes and am happy when they work for the Paleo AIP so many of my friends can enjoy them and I enjoy them, too, of course. Very cool on your new roundtable for AIP recipes. I’ll definitely link up … thanks!
Raia says
I’ve never tried to slow cook a turkey before, sounds good though! Thanks for sharing it at Savoring Saturdays!
Shirley says
Well, it’s only a turkey breast, but a small turkey breast can be slow cooked, too. It’s definitely delicious. No fear of the turkey drying out either. 😉 I need to figure out what I’m linking up this week, Raia!
jason says
have done this three times now. absolutely delicious and the kids (picky picky) love it. easy and divinely scrumptious.
Shirley says
Hi Jason–Welcome to gfe! So happy to hear this recipe is a hit with you and even your picky picky kids! 🙂 You’ve made my day for sure. This is one of those recipes that folks are skeptical about, but once they try it, they never turn back. 😉 We’ll be enjoying it again this week ourselves.
Thanks so much for taking the time to comment with your review, Jason. Happy holidays!
April J Harris says
Thank you for sharing this wonderful Thanksgiving feast, Shirley! I love how you’ve cooked the turkey breast – it looks so moist and delicious. No wonder you have to guard the crock pot 🙂
Val says
I know this is an older post. I was wondering if perhaps boneless skinless chicken thighs would work for this recipe. It sounds wonderful, but I am at the point of the month were I have to use what I have in the kitchen. Maybe cut back on the oil by half since chicken thighs are fatty? I might just try that. It sounds so simple and yummy and this new mama to a preemie really needs simple.
Shirley Braden says
Hi Val–I’m not really sure I’d cut back on the oil by half. I would adjust the amounts on all the ingredients based on the total poundage of your chicken thighs and also adjust the cooking time some though. I *think* boneless thighs are going to cook a lot faster. I hope that your variation turns out well! Big congrats on your new little one!
Kiki says
Hi there, just a quick (maybe obvious) question. Are the cook times for a thawed turkey breast or frozen?
And, if it is thawed, have you ever put a frozen breast in the crock pot and did it turn out ok?
I’ve never been great at planning ahead to thaw something out the day before I want to cook it.
It’s always, “Man! I really want to cook that turkey! I wish I had put it in the fridge yesterday.”
Shirley Braden says
Hi Kiki–Welcome to gfe! 🙂 I hear you on not always planning ahead and wanting to just do whatever you want when you want! 😉 I have used a frozen turkey breast in this recipe and other slow cooker turkey breast recipes. Two things … First, when a turkey breast is completely frozen, it can be hard to find and remove the gravy packet that is in the cavity. Not all of those gravy packets are gf, of course, so you want to remove the packet carefully. With a frozen turkey breast, you will have to run hot water directly over and into the cavity until you can easiy remove that packet without puncturing it. Second, slow cooking experts recommend against slow cooking frozen meat because its internal temperature won’t get up to the recommended safe temp for a long time. All that said, yes, I’ve used a frozen turkey breast in this recipe before. I typically do that when I am home, first removing the gravy packet and then operating the slow cooker on High for the first 1 or 2 hours and then shifting to Low after that to help with the internal safe temp issue. Hope that helps!
Cheryl says
Hi Shirley,
This sounds so good! I’m thinking of adapting for my instant pot, but I’m new to that! any thoughts?
Shirley Braden says
It’s amazingly good, Cheryl! It’s hard for us to think of eating turkey any other way now. Readers tell me the same. This turkey is so flavorful and moist. However, I’m sorry to say that I’m no more versed in cooking in the IP than you are. I have one but I got it so that friends visiting and Son’s girlfriend could use it. That said, there are lots of basic IP recipes for turkey breasts. I would think that you could use one of those for the timing, etc. and still use my recipe for the rest. I honestly don’t know if you’d have to reduce the amounts of the oil and vinegar because you are using an IP vs a slow cooker but that might be needed. ? Sorry, I can’t be more helpful here. 🙁