This post is linked to Friday Foodie Fix–Pasta.
When one experiences the wonder of adoption, one just has to share the experience—the love … the joy … the feeling of belonging. No, I’m not talking about bringing any little ones into our home. (Son is 22 now; my child-rearing days are behind me.) Instead, I’m talking about Sea’s (Book of Yum) Adopt a Gluten-Free Blogger program. Sea started this event quite some time ago as a way for gluten-free bloggers to get to know each other and to promote awareness of other gluten-free blogs. I had read about her event, and in my reading of other blogs, I’d seen where folks had been adopted, but I hadn’t really looked into all the details. Then last month, I followed a trackback link from my blog to Alta’s site, Tasty Eats At Home, which has become one of my very favorite blogs in just a short time. (Alta cooks with real food and is always up for a cooking challenge. One of my favorite Tasty Eats features is Kids in the Kitchen where she spends quality kitchen cooking/baking time with her children. You won’t want to miss Alta’s blog!) To my delight, Alta had adopted ME as part of Sea’s program. Boy, did I feel special! I was thrilled and grateful for Alta’s post with her extremely generous words. It was also a treat to see Alta’s variations on my chicken tenders and perfect pound cake. I immediately knew I just had to pay this kindness forward.
A whole list of wonderful gluten-free blogs ran through my mind. There really are a huge number of them now, and all of them have something to offer depending upon your gluten-free needs and wants. Thankfully—and thanks to Sea—this is a monthly event, so I’ll have many more opportunities to adopt great gluten-free blogs. For this month, I’ve selected the blog, No Gluten, No Problem (NGNP), which is a collaboration of the amazing husband-wife team of Pete and Kelli Bronski. I’ve been following their blog for well over a year now. Kelli is a veteran of the hospitality and restaurant world. She’s a little bit more behind the scenes these days, with their young daughter Marin. But, occasionally, we’ll see her baking genius, as we did recently with Cream Puffs. It’s Pete who is usually out front and center on the blog. He is an award-winning writer who enjoys cooking greatly, and has since childhood. He’s also an endurance athlete. He and Kelli’s foray into gluten-free cooking began when he was diagnosed with celiac in 2007.
Their blog’s subheading reads: Travel, Adventure, Commentary and Fresh and Delicious Recipes in a Gluten-Free World. As the main writer on their blog, Pete shares their latest cooking adventures, offers tips to athletes on gluten-free beverages and energy treats for competitions (and even provides some insight into preparing for and succeeding in such events), posts restaurant reviews (at home and on the road), offers information on the latest research on celiac and related topics, and, of course, treats us to their culinary creations. Pete and Kelli’s blog is really a collection of a little bit of everything, and I mean that in the very best way.
Friday Foto is also a favorite NGNGP feature of mine. Some recent Friday Foto posts have been Grilled Old Bay Shrimp, Pan-Fried Dover Sole, Baguette, and Mussels in White Wine Broth. Hungry yet? You will be when you see the photos!
There were so many possible NGNP dishes I could make. But two events popped up that helped me finalize my selections. A girlfriend invited me to join her at her river house for an overnight stay with another one of our girlfriends. Then Diane (The W.H.O.L.E. Gang) issued the Great Gluten-Free Pasta Challenge. Well, you know how I just have to respond to a challenge (e.g., Eating My Words)! So, pasta it would be.
Pasta is actually a favorite of Mr. GFE’s. I enjoy it, too, but I admit I haven’t missed it greatly since going gluten free. We do enjoy gluten-free pasta from time to time, but not too often. However, I’ve always been intrigued by the idea of making my own pasta. Everyone swears that homemade pasta and packaged pasta are worlds apart. That’s the reason that Italian restaurants that make their own pasta (like Mangia Mangia from my Key West trip report) are always packed. Could I do it I wondered? Pete swore making homemade pasta was so easy and his recipe did look simple. The photos were very appealing to say the least. There are several posts on NGNP on pasta … their basic recipe for making homemade pasta, another on making ravioli using the original pasta recipe, and finally a recipe post on gnocchi. I followed the basic recipe (varying their signature flour mix slightly due to intolerances to other ingredients) and then cut my pasta into wider noodles, perhaps a little wider than fettucine. Scroll through the photos below … I DID IT!
Are you impressed? I was. My girlfriends were as well. Thank you, Pete and Kelli! And, they were right … making homemade pasta using their recipe is not hard at all. This dough was easy to make, easy to roll out, easy to cut; it didn’t fall apart at any time (even when cooking!); and it tasted wonderful. Next I’ll be trying their ravioli recipe. To top my pasta, as you can see from the photos, first I sautéed some Baby Bella mushrooms in olive oil, which makes for a lovely vegetarian meal. But, my friend, who was the main chef for the evening (her river house kitchen is best used by one person at a time) prepared Shrimp Marinara Sauce—another recipe of Pete and Kelly’s—as I read the directions out loud. She chopped and sauteed … first, onions and garlic in olive oil; then shrimp; and finally, diced tomatoes with basil, oregano, salt, and pepper. This recipe is very easy to make, but offers simple, sensational flavors. This specific recipe is not on their blog, but instead comes from their cookbook, Artisanal Gluten-Free Cooking, which came out last fall. However, their marinara recipe shown here at NGNP is the same, just without the shrimp.
Upcoming girlfriend time also required a dessert. I wanted chocolate and I wanted a dessert that was both easy and travel-friendly. Again, I turned to Pete and Kelli’s cookbook. The answer came in the one-word recipe that met all my requirements and always appeals to everyone—brownies! Pete and Kelli’s recipe calls for butter; however, I needed dairy-free brownies as my one friend avoids dairy. Therefore, I used a combination of olive oil, coconut oil, and cocoa to take the place of the butter and unsweetened chocolate. The resulting brownies were fantastic—dense, dark chocolate, with just a bit of a coconut undertone.
Head over to Pete and Kelli’s No Gluten, No Problem blog and take a look … I know you won’t be disappointed. But, here’s the best part, you can also head over to my Out and About page to read my (and others’) review of Artisanal Gluten-Free Cooking!
Not just gf, but gfe!
Lauren says
Isn’t pasta fun to make? I need to do it more often! This recipe looks fantastic =D.
Shirley says
Hi Lauren–Thanks so much! It was incredibly fun. I see lots more pasta in our future. Mr. GFE will be thrilled! 🙂
Courtney says
Just out of curiosity, how much flour/eggs did you use for how many people, and which gf flour blend did you use? I read their recipe and yours doesn’t look like you used brown rice flour, it looks white. And it looks deee-lish!
Shirley says
Hi Courtney–Welcome to gfe! 🙂 I used 3 cups of gf flour mix and 3 eggs per the recipe. That served the three of us, but with other food as well, as you can see from my photos. However, that does go along with Pete’s general guidance that he gave in the original post … about 3/4 cup to 1 cup flour per egg per serving. And, I agree that in my photos, it all looks like white rice flour, but I did use brown rice flour, too. I used slightly more white rice flour in my usual gluten-free flour mix than brown rice flour. I’m glad you asked though because it gives me an opportunity to mention that Pete and Kelli now use their custom gf flour blend in the cookbook for all their gf pasta. They were having issues with the consistency of tapioca products, so decided to omit that from their recipe. (I’ll have to update my post slightly.) Their current signature blend includes brown rice flour, sorghum, potato flour, potato starch, and xanthan gum. I subbed my white rice flour/cornstarch mix for the total amount of sorghum (I can’t do sorghum), potato flour, and potato starch. That meant I used slightly more of the white rice flour mix than brown rice flour. Hope that long-winded answer helps! Mine does look like traditional pasta, doesn’t it? And, yes, it’s delish! 😉 Thanks for taking the time to comment! 🙂
Katrina (gluten free gidget) says
That pasta looks amazing! I’m intimidated by the very thought of making it myself. Is it really that easy?
Iris says
Wow! I AM impressed!
Shirley says
Hey Iris–Thanks! But, guess what … it’s just so easy. 🙂 Talk about looking like a rock star in the kitchen with little effort! ;-0 You should try making some. FYI–Diane also has another basic pasta recipe on her site for the Great Gluten-Free Pasta Challenge.
Wendy says
I have a problem. My sister in law is allergic to rice and will be staying with us for a week or two starting the 17th. All the pasta recipes I see include rice. Do you know of a flour that I can substitute that will work and taste good? She is so picky.
I really don’t want her cooking wheat pasta in my house if we can get around that. It’s bad enough I know she will have to have “real” bread for her and her family. But I have an area set up for that. And a designated toaster. (that’s the only gluten ingredient my husband brings in the house)
Shirley says
Wendy–Had to come back and address this question. Of coure, there are commercial gluten-free pastas that don’t contain rice. Some are made with corn, some are made with quinoa, and some buckwheat. So it makes sense that you could make a gluten-free, rice-free version. Pete and Kelli’s latest version uses their signature flour blend, which contains sorghum, so perhaps that could be used plus one of these other flours in place of the rice flour in the mix. I saw you left a comment at NGNP, too. Hopefully, Pete will have ideas for you as well. I’m totally with you on not cooking wheat pasta in my house.
BTW, have you tried Udi’s bread yet? That’s so good, it will make anyone happy. 🙂
Good luck with your experimenting! If I find any more recipes that meet your requirements, I’ll be sure to let you know.
Alta says
I totally forgot about Adopt A GF Blogger this month! Shame on me. It’s just been a crazy past few weeks. I’m excited to check this blog out – I’ve made GF pasta once, but it wasn’t that great, and yours looks superb! Congrats on jumping on board with the Adopt a GF Blogger program, and thanks so much for YOUR kind words!
Shirley says
Hi Alta–I believe we can do it all, just not all at once. 😉 I’m sure you’ll catch up with Adopt a GF Blogger later when you aren’t doing tons of other things. You stay plenty busy, and you just got back from vacation, too! I sure hope you have success with gf pasta the next time around … I was so very pleased with Pete and Kelly’s recipe. What fun to be able to make gf pasta at the drop of the hat, exactly the way one wants. 🙂 I’m especially excited about making lasagna. When making it homemade, you can just cut your pasta dough into a sheet to fit the pan (and make sure you have enough liquid in your recipe to cook the pasta). Very cool I think. Thanks so much and best of luck to you in the giveaway!
Lindsay says
Wow, I am drooling… but in a good way! That pasta looks awesome, like real pasta and not some gluten free gunk! I so want to try to make it now, thanks for the inspiration!
Maggie says
Wow Shirley you’ve totally inspired me. I’ve always wanted to make my own pasta but since we had to go gf I thought it would never happen. I am going to have to try this and send Diane a pic! You make it look easy (gfe!haha). I often use sorghum flour to replace rice flour so maybe Wendy could try that?
Thanks for the inspiration!
Shirley says
Hi Maggie!–Sometimes it surprises even me how far the gfe approach can take you! Soon, I’ll see a delectable pasta photo on your blog … I just know it. 😉 Thanks for the suggestion for Wendy. Since sorghum is used in Pete and Kelli’s current flour mix, which they use to make pasta, I do think it could be the main ingredient. Good luck to you in the giveaway!
Linda says
Quite a few years ago I did a pasta making demonstration at a support group meeting. Then better pastas became available and I got hooked on Tinkyada. I haven’t made it in a while, but it’s really quite easy, especially with a pasta machine to roll and cut the dough. Your pictures might motivate me to pull that pasta machine out again.
Shirley says
Hi Linda–I bet your demo was great! I’ve really enjoyed Tinkyada, but I have to say I enjoyed the flavor of this more. I really can’t wait to try making some other dishes like ravioli and lasagna. I’ve never used a pasta machine before; I’d be interested to see one in action. I haven’t met anyone who doesn’t enjoy pasta. I’ll keep an eye on your blog to see if you get inspired. 😉
Sagan says
The Adopt-A-Blogger Program is such a cute idea! And your pasta looks amazing. You sure know how to live an un-deprived life, Shirley 🙂
Shirley says
Hi Sagan–So nice to see you! Thanks! There definitely does not have to be deprivation living gluten free. 😉
Debbie says
I’ve been noticing more and more gluten-free options able at my local market. That’s a good thing:) I’m looking forward to seeing you back at Crock Pot Wednesday this week. Thanks for linking up last week and entering the giveaway.
Shirley says
Hi Debbie–My favorite gluten-free options at the market are the ones that have been there all along … real food. 🙂 It’s nice to have a few gf specialty items though. I do buy some crackers and other things like pasta.
Thanks so much for the reminder on the your weekly carnival! I went back to the archives and pulled out an oldie, but goodie again. 😉 I’ll be using the crockpot a lot more if this early summer-like heat prevails …
glutenfreeforgood says
I love Pete and Kelli’s cookbook although I haven’t taken on homemade pasta yet. I’m impressed, Shirley. This looks wonderful. And although it’s not even 6 AM yet, I WANT one of those brownies. They look decadently delicious!
By the way, it’s snowing here again. Blowing snow, blizzardy and unspring-like, to say the least. And here you are, off to Asheville. I’m soooo jealous! Have fun and safe travels, my friend.
Shirley says
Hi Melissa–Great to see you, especially as a fan of Pete and Kelli and their cookbook! 🙂 The pasta was great. I’m adding it to my repertoire when I return from my mini vacation with the girls. 😉 Oh, yeah, the brownies … a winner. I’ll share my variation at a later date. Until then, you’re safe … unless you pull out your copy of their cookbook and make your own version. 😉
Snow??!! It’s 81 in my living room right now. Seriously. I’m surviving by the grace of the ceiling fan blowing on me. I hate air conditioning so I’m determined NOT to turn it on. It’s supposed to really cool down by Friday though, here and in Asheville–yippee. (But, no snow … I hope!) Thanks for the good travel wishes! Yes, you would love Asheville … very gf and earth friendly, funky, fun, etc.
Jen says
Those noodles look delicious!!! Thanks for the comments re: Crohn’s and diet, I LOVE to hear that other people are doing the same thing I’m doing and that it WORKS! In the beginning I was afraid it wouldn’t but I feel better today than I have probably ever in my life. 🙂
Shirley says
Hi Jen–Thank you! 🙂 If not for Pete and Kelli’s recipe, I could not have made that pasta.
I was happy to stop by your blog and give you some positive feedback on being med free with the help of diet while having Crohn’s. That’s word that needs to be spread. Not a single doctor around here discusses diet for Crohn’s. It’s always meds and surgery. It doesn’t have to be that way for everyone (probably most). You are living proof!! Keep spreading the word, Jen! You are amazing! 🙂
Wendy says
I just wanted to thank you so much for the suggestions to making gluten free pasta with out rice. I thanked Pete and Kelli too.
I may not get industrious enough to do it while they are here, I’m getting really scared they are going to poison me the whole time they are here. With a toddler and little snacks like Cheerios being carried around. I’m just shuddering.
But I’m going to try the Quinoa pasta. And use it as a side dish more often.
Then when they leave I think I’ll try and make my own pasta with Kelli and Pete’s flour mixture subbing rice flour with quinoa flour and see how that turns out, for a night we have them over!
I wrote a than you comment to them, but didn’t give them so much detail…hadn’t thought it out so much!
I’ll let you guys know how it works!!
Thanks again for all the help! You’re the best! And so are your readers! Thanks for all the suggestions!
Shirley says
Hi Wendy–The gluten-free community is a very helpful one, isn’t it? Love that! 🙂
Yes, please keep yourself safe while you have gluten-eating visitors. I’ll keep my fingers crossed that all will go well. Remember you can protect your space and yourself without being difficult. Sometimes we forget we need just as much protection as someone who is allergic to peanuts. The reaction might be different (not anaphylactic), but the “foreign invader”—in this case, gluten—is still harming our bodies.
Best of luck with family and pasta! I’m very happy to help. 🙂 And, I agree, my gfe readers are the very best!
Kay Guest says
Hey Shirley! This pasta recipe looks really good to me. You’ve promised that if it isn’t easy then you won’t have it on gluten free easily, so I trust you! I can’t wait to let you know how my hubby loves HOMEMADE pasta! (And your photos are really good too, nice and close up.) Thanks again. Kay
Shirley says
Hi Kay–Thank you, my ardent gfe supporter! I’ll be keeping my fingers crossed that you’ll have success. 🙂 I see that Pete and Kelli just added their signature flour blend to their site (which is fairly close to what I used), so I’m going to update the post with that link. I appreciate the kind words on the photos. I always stress over those! Still wanting a better camera … soon, I hope.
Kay Guest says
Oh my goodness, I forgot to say thank you for listing all the other gluten free sites listed above. I have a feeling they will be inspriring! You know, I wouldn’t comment on here so much, if you didn’t have such doggone good-looking recipes! 😀
Kay Pest….I mean Kay Guest!
Shirley says
Hi Kay–LOL on Kay Pest … but, I NEVER think of you as a pest. I truly appreciate you being a loyal gfe reader and taking the time to comment. You always leave the nicest comments for me. What girl doesn’t appreciate those? 😉
Anna says
hearing about the connections made through gluten free bloggers almost makes me want to start my own blog (if only i had the time and a good name!). i’m fascinated by the pasta you were able to make. while i’ve tried gluten-free sweet potato gnocchi, i’d LOVE to be able to make my own fettuccine! thanks!
Shirley says
Hi Anna–Nice to see you here at gfe again! The connections are truly amazing. We’d love to have you join us. 🙂 I’m great at coming up with names (or so I’m told), but that time thing I struggle with, too. LOL
Gosh, sweet potato gnocchi sounds fabulous! I think that fettucine will be easy for you after that. 🙂 I’m updating the post to include the link to Pete and Kelli’s signature flour blend which they just posted. It’s pretty close to what I used. (I had to do some substitutions due to other intolerances.)
Please report back if you give the fettucine a try! Thanks.
Jenn says
Great job with your pasta, it looks great!!!!
Chelsey says
I made a variation of your pound cake into muffins,they were delish! Very good.
Can’t wait to get my hands dirty and make some pasta like you too. Hearing you say “I did it” gives me the confidence that yes, I to can make it work. 🙂
Shirley says
Hi Chelsey–You did an amazing job with those pound cake muffins! 🙂 Now I’ll have to try some. I bet you’ll have great success with gluten-free pasta!! Can’t wait to hear. Thanks for letting me know that my words helped … sometimes I’m unsure if I’m too over exuberant. 😉 LOL
Peter Bronski says
Hi Shirley,
Thanks for “adopting” us! You were one of our earliest blogging buddies when we first started NGNP in mid-2008. I really value our friendship and the camaraderie between GF bloggers.
The brownies and pasta look great! Lately, I’ve been making the fresh pasta into lasagnas. But seeing your pics, I think it’s time to go back to my roots and make some fettucine. =)
Have a great trip with your girlfriends!
Cheers, Pete
Shirley says
Hi Pete–It was my pleasure to “adopt” you! 🙂 Thanks so much for offering your cookbook for this giveaway and for your kind words. I think all of us gluten-free bloggers feel that bond and are extremely grateful for it.
Yes, I must make the lasagna just to try the pasta in sheets! I’m assuming that you don’t precook that, but instead ensure that there’s enough liquid to properly cook it during the baking of the lasagna as a whole.
The trip was fantastic! Just trying to catch up now. 😉
Anali says
I want to jump into those plates they look so good! Lucky bloggers to get adopted by you!
Shirley says
Hi Anali–So nice to see you! 🙂 I enjoyed some fabulous food with my gf girlfriends that weekend … well, that’s always the case really. 😉 We’re very lucky.
Thanks so much for stopping by … need to visit Anali’s First Amendment soon!
tan says
s darkened, so be sure to be safe rather than sorry, and don. Now
apply your basic lotion again, to the areas mentioned before.
Moving to some sunny place can be an effective means to get an all round glow.