Today’s post is about my gluten-free extreme (gfe) cookbook giveaway. Extreme because I’m sharing so many amazing gluten-free cookbooks with you at once, as well as this Gluten-Free Individual Cornmeal Pizza Crust recipe (which comes from one of these terrific gluten-free cookbooks). Extreme (for me) because I’m sharing somewhat short and sweet reviews, but altogether the shorter posts still make for an extreme-ly long post.
Remember … I lost all my photos except for recent ones and ones I’d already saved to my blog, so I had to look elsewhere to fill in a few gaps. Extreme because each cookbook below is being given away. There are eight cookbooks so, when the giveaway ends there will be eight lucky and happy gfe readers!
UPDATE: All giveaways are now closed.
~Gluten Free in Five Minutes by Roben Ryberg
An enthusiastic gfe reader, Deb, sent me an email raving over this cookbook. Serendipitously, a week later I received an email asking if I’d like to review the cookbook. I enthusiastically said yes … as long as I could do a giveaway.
As you may have surmised from the title, this is a cookbook with recipes made in the microwave. Unlike some other microwave cookbooks, which use specialty yogurts and baby foods, Roben’s cookbook uses almost all “regular” ingredients and not that many of them at once. Of course, as the title indicates, each recipe is made in 5 minutes. (Sometimes they do require additional cooking after the microwave time though.)
Such is the case with the pizza recipe, which you’ll find at the end of this post. I substituted coconut oil in place of the canola oil and topped my pizza with Daiya mozzarella-style “cheese” to make a 6-inch, dairy-free pizza just for me—delicious! FYI: I also made a version subbing almond flour for the cornmeal–which also turned out great!
And here’s reader Deb’s very helpful review of Gluten Free in Five Minutes:
“My son (18) will be child #3 heading off to college (sadly he is freaked out by the eggs and cheese pizza crust, but will eat it if we don’t mention what crust it is–haha). He and I are testing recipes from Roben Ryberg’s new book, Gluten Free in Five Minutes. Amazing … so fun and great-tasting results. Roben uses mostly single flours (white or brown rice flour, cornstarch, cornmeal or sorghum).”
~ The Allergen-Free Baker’s Handbook by Cybele Pascal
I met Cybele (Cybele Pascal Allergen-Free) for the first time recently. We didn’t get to chat much (it was quite a busy event!), but she always had a smile for me and everyone else visiting her at the author’s table.
Cybele exudes confidence when it comes to baking allergen free, so it’s not really surprising that her very popular baking cookbook garners 5 stars on Amazon. Lucky for you and me, she had a few copies of her Baker’s Handbook left as the event came to a close. I offered to take two off her hands—one for a giveaway for my gfe readers and another one for my support group’s library—and she generously agreed!
The subtitle of her book is “How to Bake without Gluten, Wheat, Dairy, Eggs, Soy, Peanuts, Tree nuts, and Sesame.” There are 100 gluten-free and vegan recipes.
Sadly, I didn’t get to make any of Cybele’s recipes, but two that I still really want to make are Chocolate Chunk Blondie Bars and Orange Chiffon Cake with Orange Rum Sauce. Note that this giveaway copy is signed by Cybele!
~ The Ice Dream Cookbook by Chef Rachel Albert
This book by Chef Rachel is absolutely wonderful. There are 280 pages of 80 gluten-free, dairy-free recipes … ice cream, sauces, and other desserts, and each with several variations. I’d heard about this cookbook since it came out a few years ago—before Chef Rachel sent me a copy to review and offered to sponsor a giveaway.
I’ve made one recipe from this cookbook so far … Roasted Banana Rum Ice Dream. When I tasted the results right out of the ice cream maker I couldn’t believe how incredibly good it was. Ice dream indeed, I thought. But I handed Mr. GFE a bowl to get his opinion.
I wish I could show you a video of his reaction, but his words and my description of his reaction will have to do. “Woooow,” he responded after his first bite. Then he took another bite. He looked at me with raised eyebrows and quietly, but firmly repeated, “Wow” again. A few minutes later, he said “This stuff is grrreat.” And he was so right!
If you’re new to gluten-free, dairy-free, and healthier eating, you’ll especially appreciate that Chef Rachel devotes the first 75 pages to “What You Need to Know to Get Started” … Essential Ingredients & Shopping Tips, Equipment, and Essential Techniques.
~ The Garden of Eating by Chef Rachel Albert
This cookbook by Chef Rachel is subtitled A Produce-Dominated Diet & Cookbook. It’s a weighty tome—almost 600 pages! There are three parts: Principles & Practice (history and “preparatory” info to the recipes and meals), The Recipes (divided by category—250 naturally grain-free and dairy-free), and Appendix (more resources, menu ideas, etc.).
This is quite an impressive book. I went for the Practically Paleo Cobb Salad and loved it! This cookbook will definitely have you eating more produce and eating healthier in general, and that’s something most of us are striving for daily.
~ Good Morning! Breakfasts Without Gluten, Sugar, Eggs, or Dairy by Ricki Heller
I’ve never been shy about my extreme fondness for Ricki (Ricki Heller) and her amazing recipes. Now she’s come through with the cookbook that everyone is looking for when it comes to breakfasts. Those of us who know Ricki were not surprised to hear that Ellen Degeneres even recommends Ricki’s earlier book, Sweet Freedom.
Back to Ricki’s current book, Good Morning! Breakfasts … so far I’ve only made Sweet Potatoes with Sweet Almond Sauce, but oh my, are they good … and good for you—my favorite combo! Most recipes in this cookbook are unique to the book, but here’s one you can also find on Ricki’s blog—Giant Upside Down Apple Pancake.
Sweet Potato with Sweet Almond Sauce from Good Morning! Breakfasts from Ricki Heller
~ Artisanal Gluten-Free Cupcakes by Pete and Kelli Bronski
I’m a longtime fan of Pete and Kelli’s (No Gluten, No Problem). Their blog was one of the very first I followed when I started reading gluten-free blogs. Just like their debut cookbook, Artisanal Gluten-Free Cooking (which I highly recommend for folks getting started living gluten free, and anyone else who’s gluten free), the second book in their “Artisanal” series does not disappoint.
I was lucky enough to be offered a pre-release review and you can actually read my review comment on the back cover of their delightful and appropriately diminutive cupcake cookbook. I’ll share it with you now: “The Bronskis cover all the classic cupcake flavors and then move on to cupcakes that actually make one a bit ‘weak in the knees.’ I mean who can resist cupcakes called Poached Pearfection, French Toast, Hot Fudge Sundae, Orange Dreamsicle, and Dulce de Leche? So put on your apron, grab your muffin tin, and get baking, you’re in for some divine cupcakes!” And I stand behind that. These are definitely some divine cupcakes … and there are color photos of every single recipe.
Pete and Kelly use their signature flour mix and other mainstream ingredients like eggs, granulated sugar, butter, sour cream, buttermilk, and cream cheese. But don’t despair if you can’t eat any of those ingredients, because they also include a section in the book titled, “a guide to refined sugar-free, dairy-free, and egg-free baking.” As you would expect, in this section they give the substitutions necessary to make all of their recipes fit any one or all of those requirements—that’s a very nice bonus for those with additional intolerances or preferences!
I made their Sweet Potato Walnut Cupcakes most recently. It was easy to make these cupcakes dairy free and refined sugar free using coconut oil, coconut sugar, and coconut yogurt. I’m not sure how their taste compared to the muffins in the original version, but there was nary any complaining in our house … especially with the “buttery,” sweet, and crunchy topping of walnuts, coconut oil, coconut sugar, and cinnamon. Finally, the giveaway copy of Artisanal Gluten-Free Cupcakes will be signed by both Pete and Kelli!
Sweet Potato Walnut Cupcakes from No Gluten, No Problem (Photo courtesy of The Experiment Publishing)
~ The Gluten-Free Asian Kitchen by Laura B. Russell
This soon-to-be-released cookbook from the Portland food columnist and gluten-free food blogger, Laura Russell—is generating LOTS of excitement, and understandably so. After all, Asian food is one category that requires lots of caution from gluten-free diners. Wheat-based soy sauce is the main culprit in Asian dishes, but personally, I’ve also found that gluten-full flour is also added for thickening sauces more and more in Asian dining establishments.
Laura gives us the info and the recipes we need to make Asian dishes at home that are gorgeous and delicious, but not difficult to make. Everyone I’ve chatted with about the book has been initially smitten by the cover photo of Gingery Pork Pot Stickers, also known as Asian dumplings. The rest of the photos in the book are just as tantalizing.
Now I must confess that my schedule has not allowed me to make a single recipe … yet. When I make one of Laura’s recipes in the near future; I’ll share (with permission). I’m thinking of these Roasted Pork Meatballs.
Reprinted with permission from The Gluten-Free Asian Kitchen: Recipes for Noodles, Dumplings, Sauces, and More. Copyright © 2011 by Laura B. Russell, Celestial Arts, an imprint of Ten Speed Press and the Crown Publishing Group, Berkeley, CA. Photo Credit: Leo Gong.
Individual Gluten-Free Cornmeal Pizza Crust
This cornmeal pizza crust makes this thin crust pizza a little unconventional. The crust is somewhat gritty in texture (in an understated way) due to the texture of the cornmeal and mild in flavor. I think you will enjoy it! From the book Gluten-Free in Five Minutes by Roben Ryberg. Excerpted by arrangement with Da Capo Lifelong, a member of the Perseus Books Group. Copyright (c) 2011.Individual Gluten-Free Cornmeal Pizza Crust
Originally published August 20, 2011; updated March 26, 2022.
Stephanie says
Wow, what a great selection! I want the Allergen Free Baker’s Handbook, please please please 🙂 Looks amazing!
gaile says
OOO! They all look awesome, but I’ve had the GF Asian Kitchen on my Amazon wish list for a while now, and would love a copy of that one! thank you for the awesome opportunity!
dani lassen says
I seriously would love any of them!!!! Just starting to create me gluten free arsenal:)
dani lassen says
I seriously would love any of them!!!! Just starting to create me gluten free arsenal:)
Posted on Facebook
Susan Johnson says
Me, me, me! Pick me! LOL… Seriously any of these look like a great addition to the kitchen!
alisa joy says
Oh, The Gluten-Free Asian Kitchen…absolutely! I already do a lot of substitutions (because I LOVE asian food) but it would be great to see what a pro does.
alisa joy says
i posted about the give-away on facebook (and tagged you).
again, i’d LOVE the GF Asian Kitchen!
jen says
The GF Asian Kitchen! Please!
brenda brill says
Whatever book you choose for me….will be my first GF Cookbook.
jen says
I liked you on Facebook!
GF Asian Kitchen!
jen says
I am now following you on Twitter!
GF Asian Kitchen!
jen says
AND i shared the giveaway on my FB page!
GF Asian kitchen please!
Beth W. says
I let my eight your old son with Celiac read through the list himself and choose one to wish for and he wants “Artisinal Gluten Free Cupcakes.” If we win it, we will love it. We have the Bronski’s first book and it is fantastic. Thank you for your consideration!
Mary says
Oh how I would love either the Allergen Free Baker’s Handbook or the Simply Gluten Free Desserts!!
Dorothy says
They all look great. I would love Simply Gluten Free Desserts or Gluten Free in Five Minutes.
Dorothy says
I like you on facebook.
KarenO says
I would love The Garden of Eating cookbook since I’m eating grain free/gf while I’m losing weight (45 lbs so far!). Looks like that book has lots of recipes with proteins & veggies, which is right up my alley! Thanks for such a great giveaway!
KarenO says
I also follow you on facebook! (The Garden of Eating cookbook, please!)
Margaret T. Breese says
GFE has been “liked” on FB for awhile…:)
All the cookbooks look great,but the “GF in 5 minutes” tops my list !!!
Jenn says
wow amazing Shirley!!! I would love Pete & Kelli Bronksi’s book!
saretta says
It’s great that there are so many gf cookbooks out there. It’s about time! I prefer the kind that use regular ingredients, not baby food or other.
Sharon Stromer says
I would love the “Gluten Free in 5 Minutes” book! We are a busy
family of 8, with 3 celiacs in the bunch. It would be very well-used, I can assure you!
Melissa Friend says
What a great list of books – and yes, I do want them all, but if I have to choose one, it would be the “Ice Dream Cookbook.”
Thank you!
Melissa Friend says
I already “like” you on Facebook!
Melissa Friend says
I “tagged” you in a comment on facebook
Melissa Friend says
I am following you on twitter!
Melissa Friend says
I shared on twitter!
Heather Brandt says
The Allergen-Free Baker’s Handbook by Cybele Pascal is at the top of my list!
Heather Brandt says
I like GFE on fb 🙂
Heather Brandt says
I follow you on twitter as heatherbrandt.
Karen says
They all look great – but if I had to pick it would be Simply … Gluten Free Desserts. Love your site and all the encouragement.
Hazel says
The garden of Eating would be my first choice.
Susan says
I would love the book “Gluten Free in 5 Minutes”but….any book would do. What a great giveaway..
Angie S. says
I am such a huge fan of Carol Kicinski’s and would love her book! I would also love the GF Asian Kitchen… dumplings…yum!
Angie S. says
I like “GFE” on Facebook 🙂
Ricki says
Wow, this is an EXTREME-ly amazing giveaway! And thanks so much for including my book! Obviously I have my own book (ha ha) plus a few of the others, but I really *would* love The Garden of Eating! 😉 Thanks for hosting this, Shirley! Awesome.
Susan says
I like you on facebook.
Ann Koller says
All of the cookbooks look amazing! It would be a thrill to win one!!!! I also follow you on Facebook; I “liked” you a while back. Very useful information. I cook GF for my husband.
Paula Decaria says
I want them all!
Paula Decaria says
I like you on facebook.
Jennifer says
I DO want them all!
Hallie @ Daily Bites says
WHOA…This is insane! So many great books all in one mega-wonderful giveaway! I’d especially love Ricki’s. 🙂
Kalinda says
Wow Shirley, this is quite the giveaway. The Gluten-Free Asian Kitchen looks awesome. I had not heard of the Garden of Eating before. It’s a close second. Thanks for putting together an awesome giveaway.
Debbie Mazanek says
Any would be great. I’m on a wellness committee at work, and these books would be a tremendous help to food service dept. who serve both staff and students with gf issues. Thanks!!
Susan W. says
I have Gluten Free in 5 Minutes by Robyn Ryberg and I love the sandwich bread made with sorghum flour! I would also love to win any of the other books!
Suzanne says
I’d love to win The Allergen-Free Baker’s Handbook.
Suzanne says
I subscribe to GFE.
Suzanne says
I like GFE on FB.
Suzanne says
I follow you on Twitter.
Suzanne says
I tweeted.!/DucktorWho82/status/104939003098312705
Sherry says
I would like gluten free in five minutes.
Alyx says
As a busy mom of 3 school aged children we are always trying to find healthy GF breakfast options. I would love to win the Good Morning! Breakfasts without gluten, Sugar, Eggs, or Dairy. The Gluten Free in Five Minutes or The Garden of Eating will do just fine too:)
Julie says
The Gluten-Free Asian Kitchen sounds wonderful! I miss Chinese, Vietnamese and Thai food so much!
Julie says
I subscribe to GFE!
(The Gluten-Free Asian Kitchen sounds wonderful! I miss Chinese, Vietnamese and Thai food so much!)
Julie says
I’m a GFE FB fan!
(The Gluten-Free Asian Kitchen sounds wonderful! I miss Chinese, Vietnamese and Thai food so much!)
Catherine says
I would like The Ice Dream Cookbook. Thanks for this wonderful giveaway.
Julie says
I follow GFE on Twitter!
(The Gluten-Free Asian Kitchen sounds wonderful! I miss Chinese, Vietnamese and Thai food so much!)
Catherine says
I subscribe to gfe.
Julie says
I just tweeted about the contest!
(The Gluten-Free Asian Kitchen sounds wonderful! I miss Chinese, Vietnamese and Thai food so much!)
Bonnie says
I would enjoy “The Garden of Eating” or “The Allergen-Free Baker’s Handbook.” I just found your blog today on Google, and now follow you on Facebook and Twitter. I’m just starting out with eating gluten-free, so I can use the advice. Thanks.
Gretchen Schmitz says
I definitely want them all!
kim says
I would love to have Gluten free in 5 minutes!!!OR any of them!!!
kim says
I follow you on twitter! as kledford65
kim says
i subscribe to your blog!
kim says
I Like you on FB
kim says
i subscribe to GFE
kim says
I retweeted the giveaway!
Erica W says
I would LOVE any of the, but “Gluten Free in Five Minutes” really got my attention since those seem to be the hardest things for me to make w/out a lot of planning ahead of time… which I usually forget, so we just go w/out them.
Sarah says
Would love to win “Gluten Free in Five Minutes” for my Mom!
Sarah says
“liked” gfe on fb (:
Sarah says
tagged gfe on my fb (:
Sarah says
subscribed to gfe (:
Rebecca Ann says
The GF Asian Kitchen and the GF Cupcakes are at the top of my “to buy” list, but they all look great!
Danielle Engle says
They all look AMAZING, but I’d love to have
The Asaian cookbook… My poor husband is Japanese and
I can’t figure out what to cook that he will enjoy 🙂
Seth says
Gluten Free in 5 Minutes is at the top of my list! My wife and I are always looking for fast gluten free meals!
christine says
I of course would love to have all of them, but the one I really want is the Gluten-Free Asian Kitchen by Laura B. Russell. My family loves and misses asian cuisine, and have been looking for a good cookbook.
christine says
Already like on facebook
christine says
Already subscribe to GFE by email
Marie Huskins says
I would love a copy of any one of them…always like Ricki’s recipes…thanks!*crossing fingers*
MaryEllen says
The Garden of Eating by Chef Rachel Albert. That looks more like what I need now than anything! 🙂
Jen Young says
These cookbooks all are amazing, would love to put any of them to good use in my kitchen.
I have “liked” you on FB, am now following on Twitter and shared the link on Twitter also!
Jessica says
I would love to win! My 5-year old and I are both GF and CF as well including my being anti-candida. This would totally help!
Nicole @ Special Diet Creations says
All of the cookbooks look fantastic, but my pick would be Carol’s Simply…Gluten-Free Desserts. Her recipes and photography are fantastic and she’s such a lovely person as well.
Nicole @ Special Diet Creations says
I follow you on Twitter.
Nicole @ Special Diet Creations says
I subscribe to gfe.
Joan Meador says
I would love The Garden of Eating…but any would be great!
Joan Meador says
I subscribe to your blog.
Karen says
Simply Gluten Free or the cupcake book…or Cybele’s book…or any of the others….LOL. What a wonderful give away! Would love to win! I have a recipe for chocolate pots but it’s higher carb than the one you posted…which I will be trying with dark chocolate to see how that works out. I can’t imagine it wouldn’t be yummy!
Elizabeth says
The Gluten-Free Asian Kitchen is the book I’d like.With 3 out of 4 people having a different special diet our menu gets boring. We miss Asian food something awful. We would love to win this. I recently found your site and have made some great items from your recipes. Thank you for sharing. I also follow you on Facebook.
Elaine Prince says
Would love any of these, especially the Ice Dream Cookbook! Thanks for doing the giveaway!
helga jones says
Would love to win “Simply…Gluten Free Desserts”. One can never have too many GF dessert recipes:-)
Jenny says
I like GFE on facebook and love your posts!
Jenny says
I subscribe to gfe also 🙂
Jenny says
I follow you on twitter and think the GF in 5 minutes would be an awesome cookbook!
Suzanne says
I’d LOVE the Garden of Eating, but would like any of them.
Sara says
I would love any of these since I LOVE cooking and baking but would especially love the artisanal cupcake one!!
Sue Hampson says
Gluten Free Cupcakes would be my choice. Love cupcakes!
dori says
You had me at desserts! :o)
alli says
Cybele Pascale’s Allergen Free book *or* “The Garden of Eating”!!
Would love to win!!
Claudette says
What a wonderful giveaway! I would enjoy “The Garden of Eating” with “Simply…Gluten Free Desserts” a close second.
Claudette says
I also subscribed to GFE.
Sheryl B says
I would love to have any of these great books!
Diane Gallegos says
WOW! All the cookbooks look great! I’ve been looking for more Asian recipes recently hoping my husband would eat GF too,so I’m thinking I would really enjoy Laura B. Russell’s The Gluten Free Asian Kitchen…but so hard to choose! : )
Kathleen says
For me, Gluten-Free in Five Minutes would be awesome! Thanks!
Janet says
The Allergen-Free Baker’s Handbook sounds awesome!!
Renee says
I am interested in the GF in 5 Minutes cookbook to give to my newly gf friend.
Renee says
Already a fan on FB!
Renee says
And I am subscribed to GFE via email.
Renee says
I posted a link on FB…
Andrada shaw says
I’d love the breakfast book or a dessert cookbook.
Kate says
I “liked” you on facebook 🙂
Jeanette says
Oh my, I would love to add all of these cookbooks to my library! It took me a few visits to read through your extreme post as I didn’t want to miss any of it. My mouth is still watering after looking at all these gorgeous pictures! It is incredible how gluten free cooking has come so far, wish some restaurants would start using these recipes so it would be easier to eat out once in a while.
Cindy says
They all sound wonderful but the Asian cookbook would be a first choice and then the 5 Minute gf cookbook sounds interesting.
Cindy says
I subscribe to your blog via email. And love it I must say! (:
Jennifer says
I would love to win the “Gluten Free in Five Minutes” cookbook. I miss being able to make quick and easy meals!
Jennifer says
I follow you on FB.
Elaina says
I want them all, but especially the 5 minute one.
tina says
I hope I win Gluten Free in Five Minutes! Or Simply Gluten Free Desserts… they all look wonderful!
tina says
I am already a subscriber!
tina says
I already like GFE on Facebook, too!
cheryl says
that is pretty extreme! I would love Carol’s book. Her pictures are stunning, and I just haven’t gotten around to buying it yet.
How sweet of you to have such a huge giveaway.
Jennifer C says
I am definitely most intrigued by the Gluten Free in Five Minutes cookbook, but I’d love to have any of them.
Jennifer C says
I like “gfe” on Facebook. Thanks!
Susan R says
Well, YES, I want them all! But my top desire would be The Garden of Eating. I have wanted that for a v-e-r-y l-o-n-g time. 🙂
Susan R says
I subscribe to you by e-mail.
Leslie says
They all sound wonderful! I’d love to try Simply Gluten free desserts!
Leslie says
Subscribed to GFE
Leslie says
Liked on FB
marina says
I want all of them!!!! but I I have to pick one, Ice dream… at least right now, in a few minutes, my favorite might be another on 🙂
marina says
Im subscribed to gfe
marina says
I “like” gfe on Facebook
marina says
I follow GFE on Twitter
marina says
I shared on Twitter with @Shirleygfe in my tweet
marina says
I posted on Facebook
Shelley says
I’d love to have The Gluten Free Asian Kitchen. I must try those meatballs…they look amazing!!!
Shelley says
Subscribed via Google Reader!!
marina says
I just want to say, I put all these in my wish list on amazon, at least the ones that were avaiable. they are all awesome! I doubt I will win because I just won the totally amazing book Totally together, which I read cover to cover as soon as I ripped off the packaging! but Its worth a try, these are some a mazing books!
Karolina says
I would like the GF Asian Kitchen…but a lot of them sound terrific.
Karolina says
I already subscribe to GFE.
Karolina says
I already “like” GFE on facebook.
Heather says
I would be stoked to get gluten free in five. Sounds amazing!
InTolerantChef says
I couldn’t possibly choose between such gluten free fabulousness! They all look and sound amazing.
Cheryl ayres says
Im on a quest to learn how to prepare meals for a wide range of allergies & intolerances. Our extended family now encompasses many. Id love a copy of Allergy Free Baking or the Garden of Eating. I have some from Ricki and they are wonderful
Cheryl ayres says
Folloing on facebook and twitter
Kim says
I would love to win any one of the books they all look great but I don’t own so microwave so that one wouldn’t be too handy.
Michelle says
I have you ‘ liked’ on facebook.
Michelle says
Of course I would like them all, but I would especially love gluten fee in 5 minutes. Being new to gf for my daughter, I need lots of quick recipes since we are usually on the go. My second choice would be a cupcake our dessert cookbook…being 9 yrs old & invited to parties we always ned to bring our own dessert.
Penny says
I’d love to win any except Cybele Pascal’s (which I already own and LOVE!) and the 5-Minute one (I avoid the microwave whenever possible) and the Asian cookbook (we have a soy allergy in the family).
Pick me! Pick me! 😉
Penny says
I follow gfe on facebook
Penny says
and i subscribe to gfe – i have you featured in the sidebar of blogs i follow in my own blog
Amber says
The Allergen-Free Baker’s Handbook has been on my “to-buy” list for ages…but since I haven’t had a chance to see many of the others, I’d be excited for any of them!
Amber says
I subscribe to GFE.
Amber says
I follow GFE on twitter.
Amber says
I “like” GFE on facebook.
Laura says
I would absolutely love “Simply…Gluten-Free Desserts”, but all of them look wonderful!
Melissa Lawler says
Definitely the gluten free asian kitchen. I have been experimenting on my own, but would LOVE this book!
Melissa Lawler says
I subscribe to your email.
Melissa Lawler says
I like you on facebook.
Melissa Lawler says
I follow on Twitter. MsMissy62
Melissa Lawler says
I shared the giveaway on facebook.
Melissa Lawler says
I tweeted the giveaway.
The Gluten-Free Extreme (GFE!) Cookbook Giveaway—Eight Awesome Cookbooks, Eight GFE Winners! @Shirleygfe
Jennifer R. says
wow, what a giveaway, Shirley! I’d love the GF asian one — I have a few of the other ones. Would love to do more “ethnic” dishes for my family — and as you know, I’m not a big into baking. 🙂 have an awesome month!!
Jennifer R. says
i like gfe on fb
(gf asian cookbook)
Jennifer R. says
i subscribe to your blog
(gf asian cookbook)
thanks Shirley!!
Teresa says
I want the Gluten Free in 5 Minutes! 🙂
Gina says
I want the Gluten-Free in Five Minutes, that’s my kind of cooking!
Gina says
I follow you on Twitter. I’m @moneywisemoms
Gina says
I Liked you on FB 🙂
Gina says
I’m subscribed to you through RSS reader (not email).
domestic diva says
The Garden of Eating would definitely be my top choice, followed by Ice Dream, then the Allergen Free, then the others fall into place.
Michelle says
~ The Ice Dream Cookbook by Chef Rachel Albert ~Would be heaven if I won this!!!! (Although…I would love to have any of those wonderful books!)
Michelle says
LOVE my emails from gfe 🙂 Subscribed
Michelle says
I follow you on Twitter too 🙂 @micki_freese
Michelle says
Shared giveaway on FB and tagged gfe 🙂
Michelle says
Oh…and OF COURSE I “like” gfe on Facebook 🙂
megan says
so many amazing cookbooks! i would love the artisanal gluten-free cupcakes or the good morning! breakfasts, they both sound so great!
megan says
i am subscribed to GFE
megan says
i liked gfe on facebook
Heather Miller says
I’m super excited about Gluten Free in Five Minutes because some nights after a long day of work, trying to fit in exercise and attending sports games I’m just too exhausted too spend a lot of time in the kitchen!
Rachael Weber says
What an amazing givaway! My top choice would be the Garden of Eating. It sounds amazing, and I would definitely love to be inspired to eat more veggies and grain-free. 😉 The Gluten Free Asian Kitchen also sounds amazing! Thanks so much for this opportunity to enter. You always have such great resources.
Amie Lamb says
I would soooo love to have Any and or all of these cook books. I have five children and all five including my self have recently diagnosed with ciliac and also a dairy and egg allergy. I am finding learning to cook for them very challenging. My kids are very picky and it always has to be fast. These books would be such a help to me. Already a FB fan and love it!
Diane M says
My favorite cookbook is Artisanal Gluten Free Cupcakes! I loooove cupcakes!
Diane M says
I “like” Gluten Free Easily on Facebook.
Diane M says
I follow you on twitter as cobblehillgal
Diane M says
I subscribed to your RSS feed.
Beverly says
Following a gluten free vegan diet, Good Morning! Breakfasts Without Gluten, Sugar, Eggs or Dairy is top of my list. 2nd is The Allergen Free Bakers Handbook.
Nina says
The Ice Dream cookbook is at the top of my list (although I’d be happy to win any of them).
candy says
I prefer Gluten Free in Five Minutes at top of my list and The Gluten-Free Asian Kitchen second on my list.~Thanks
Shari Regan says
The ALL sound great!!
Shari Regan says
I’ve “liked” you on facebook.
Danielle Bree says
I am a Mommy of 3 Boys. I would LOVE..LOVE..LOVE the Gluten-Free in 5 Minutes!! I have MANY..MANY Health Issues, so the EASIER it is for Me, the Better!! It will also be nice to Actually EAT and Eat things that taste GOOD!! Thanx & GOOD LUCK to ALL!!
Cindy says
Of they all sound great. I actually have The allergens free handbook. I would love to have Gluten Free in 5 Minutes. We have many in our family who need to eat GF. Fast and easy is always good on a buy day.
Michelle Key says
I would love to own ANY of these. Thank you so much for the chance to win one of these. 🙂 I love cooking for my special kiddo!
jessica says
I would love the gluten free Asian Cooking book – we love asian food!
Stephanie says
Oh man! Such a great giveaway! The books I would love to have the most are: Carol’s GF Desserts, Garden of Eating, Artisanal GF Cupcakes (drool!), GF in Five Min, or GF Asian Kitchen! All of these books look fantastic!
Stephanie says
I am subscribed to your blog.
Stephanie says
I also follow you on Twitter.
Stephanie says
And Facebook 🙂
Laura Mitchell says
I totally want all of these! I am 9 weeks GF and could use all the help I can get! 🙂
Kelley watts says
i do want them all 😉 but would have to choose The Garden of Eating as my top choice
MonsterAteMy says
I’d love to win a copy of The Allergen-Free Baker’s Handbook (though most of the other ones look great too!).
Stephanie says
Oh Shirley!! They all sound like great cookbooks. If I had to choose a favorite, it would be GF in 5 Minutes or GF Asian Kitchen. I thought I would never get to eat pot stickers again. Can’t wait to try that recipe!
Shari G says
I recently purchased the Allergen Free Baker’s Handbook after finding it recommended on a post. It has many treats I look forward to making!
Heather @ Shrink to Fit says
Woah – hard to pick just one! But I think I’d have to choose “The Garden of Eating” – because it appears to be more my style!
Linder says
That Gluten-Free Asian Kitchen sounds amazing! I would like to have it.
Karen Kraus says
OMG – I was away and would have been so mad if I missed this opportunity.. thank you for the long time given to comment. I love them all and having been diagnosed at the same time for Celiac and no Dairy it has been really tough sometimes, then I was told no Soy or Almonds..leaving me with rice milk or Coconut milk. So I could really use some new ideas from some of these books.
PS – love this blog
Edie says
Wow! What’s not to like about any of these? I’d be thrilled to own any one of them, but I’m sure my stepson would be ecstatic about any of the baking/dessert cookbooks. 🙂
Karen says
Gluten Free Asian Kitchen or The Allergen Free Baker’s Handbook. We love Asian food. Actually the baking handbook may be just what I need this week (I’ve got three birthday cakes to bake, and cupcakes to take to school.) It’s our first gluten-free CAKE WEEK (three birthdays in 4 days)
Shannon McKenty says
Hi Shirley,
Much as I would love all of them (or any!), I would prefer to win “Good Morning! Breakfasts…”.
This is a beautiful post! Good job!
Sally says
Would love to win the “Allergen-Free Baker’s Handbook” or “Gluten Free in Five Minutes,” but would be thrilled to win any of the above!
Sally says
Subscribed to GFE. 🙂
Melissa says
They all sound wonderful! I think the GF in 5 Minutes would be my top pick, but I also would love to try the GF Asian Kitchen book as well. Like the last person said – pot stickers!!!!
Melissa says
Also. I already follow you via RSS.
Melissa says
And Twitter (melissa_kck).
Melissa says
And Facebook.
Alisa Fleming says
Hmm, well I already have several of these, but would love GF in 5 minutes!
LaLa says
The Gluten-Free Asian Kitchen plzzzz
Kristen says
I’d love ANY of these. Surprise me!
Lindsay says
Any or ALL of them 😉 I especially think the 5 minute cookbook would be just GREAT!!!
erica says
With so many food intolerances, I’m running out of ideas! Would loooove to win ALL of them!
Jenne Griffin says
Because this lifestyle is new I could use them all. It hasn’t been easy cooking with these allergies
Dawn Aye says
I want them all!!
Dawn Aye says
I am following on Twitter
Dawn Aye says
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Dawn Aye says
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Dawn Aye says
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Karen says
Any of these would be amazing! Thanks for the opportunity!
megan holder says
Being that I am new to the gluten-free/dairy-free lifestyle, I was SO excited to see the cookbooks that cater to exactly what I’m looking for!!! Any of these that are both GF and DF would be PERFECT for my new lifestyle. I am very grateful to have found Shirley and her support group. I look forward to learning so much about this amazing lifestyle. Thank you!
megan holder says
I am a follower of GFE on Facebook. Love reading the posts!
Stephanie says
Honestly wish I could have all of them but I am especially excited by The Gluten-Free Asian Kitchen by Laura B. Russell.
Stephanie says
I like “Like” gfe—glutenfreeeasily on Facebook
Stephanie says
I also follow you on Twitter
Molly Ongaro says
I would LOVE the Garden of Eating! Truly inspiring! Thank you for this giveaway!!!!
Nicole Hanse says
Of course any of these would be absolutely wonderful. I am beginning an allergy-free food group in my area and any of these would be great to share with my group.
The Allergen-free baker’s handbook would be my preference if I needed to pick one.
Molly Ongaro says
I am subscribed to gfe 🙂
Molly Ongaro says
I follow you on Twitter 🙂
Molly Ongaro says
I “like” you on Facebook!
Nicky Swenson says
I would love to have the Gluten Free in 5 minutes cookbook! Great contest idea!
Nicole Hanse says
Just shared with my friends on Facebook. 🙂 Thank you for the opportunity to share this generous giveaway.
Nicole Hanse says
Just like your page on facebook. Cannot wait to get posts in future.
Christine says
Would love, love, love the Allergen Free cookbook. I’ve had my eye on it for some time now since my 3 year old DS has multiple food allergies. Otherwise, Good Morning or Ice Dream would be next on my list. Thanks so much for all you do.
Christine says
Also liked you on FB!
Saliah Kako says
I would love to win one of these lovely books! The gluten free lifestyle is new to our family. What a tough choice, but I choose ‘The Ice Dream Cookbook’.
Saliah Kako says
I ‘like’ you now on FB. So I get to select a second choice? If so, I think ‘Gluten Fre in 5 Minutes’ looks super too!I love how few ingredients are needed for the recipes!
Saliah Kako says
I am now subscribed to gfe. Woo hoo!
nazie says
My doctor just told me this morning to go on a gluten-free diet so I’m new at this and any help with any give-a-way would be great help but if I had to chose I’d like: The Gluten-Free Asian Kitchen by Laura B. Russell.
Stefanie says
Wow they all sound amazing I would love to win any of them, but I’m definitely eyeing The Gluten-Free Asian Kitchen
Stefanie says
I like you on FB
Stefanie says
I follow you on Twitter
SuS Longiaru says
GF in 5 minutes. I have all but tis one and the breakfast one. The best GF cookbooks out there!! Thank You!!
Christine says
The Garden of Eating since I need to find ways to add more produce to my diet.
Christine says
I like you on FB.
Christine says
I subscribe to you via email.
megan holder says
I tagged you and your page in a Facebook post this morning 🙂
Sabrina says
I would LOVE all of them, my almost 2 year old son has so many allergies and I am NOT a good cook! I never even cooked before we had children and now I have to in order to keep my sweet boy safe! We need new ideas!!! Hopefully, I can win one that has no egg, gluten, dairy, or soy!! Thank you 🙂
Caia says
Such a great giveaway and an extremely difficult decision on which cookbook – I would be delighted with any of them!
Caia says
Also, I subscribe via email and follow you on FB. Many thanks!
Linda Roesch says
I was just diagnosed with Celiac about 5 weeks ago. I would be happy with any of the GF cookbooks. I’m finding it a little overwhelming. Of course, I am partial to desserts. LOL
Jill says
So hard to pick just one. It is a toss up between Ricki Heller’s Good Morning! and Rachel Alberts The Garden of Eating. But The Allergen Free Bakers Handbook and Simply gluten free desserts look quite tempting too!
Elizabeth says
Ricki Heller’s book!
Kristin W. says
I’m not going to lie I want them all:)
Kristin W. says
I already like you on FB
Marne Renn says
I want them all!!!
Rachel says
Gluten free desserts!!! yum 🙂 that’s the one i want
melanie bergeland says
I would love to win The Gluten-Free Asian Kitchen by Laura B. Russell or Artisanal Gluten-Free Cupcakes by Pete and Kelli Bronski. seriously they all would be a delight to win.
Kimberly says
I would be thrilled to win the Garden of Eating!! But if I’m a runner up to that book, I’ll gladly accept the allergen free cookbook 🙂 I’m new to this way of cooking, and have a couple family members who have just been diagnosed with issues. Glad that I found your blog, even if I don’t win a book!!
Jaslyn says
I do want them all! But Roben Ryenberg’s GF in Five Minutes tops my list as a student, so many great recipes but so little time!
Adele says
My biggest challenge… making GF dinner buns, donuts, etc. Would love
~ The Allergen-Free Baker’s Handbook by Cybele Pascal
Jill says
I’m all for breakfast! Fast and easy or prepare ahead. Thanks for asking. How’s the website holding up with all the comments? : ) Jill
Gale says
Gluten free, wheat free, diabetic cooking, all provided my family with cooking challenges, any little bit of help whether from a cookbook or website is really appreciated….
Christina D says
The allergan free bakers handbook sounds great!
Cathy says
With an egg, dairy, and peanut allergy in our house ~ The Allergen-Free Baker’s Handbook by Cybele Pascal or ~ Good Morning! Breakfasts Without Gluten, Sugar, Eggs, or Dairy by Ricki Heller would be great additions to our home. So glad to have found this blog!
Sarah says
I ‘liked’ your gfe facebook page! This is an amazing contest!
Sarah says
I would love to win the book, The Garden of Eating by Chef Rachel Albert! It looks amazing and full of healthy and delicious recipes for anyone!
Sharmaine says
Great selection of Cookbooks! I am new to GF/DF cooking and baking. Although any of them would be great addition – I would enjoy reading/using The Garden of Eating by Chef Rachel Albert and The Gluten-Free Asian Kitchen by Laura B. Russell.
Beverly says
I would love to win all the cookbooks. I’m a subscriber to twitter and facebook.
cory says
i would love the allergen-free bakers handbook. as an avid baker, with many allergies, i am constantly adapting recipes. i love being able to see what others have come up with (literally!)
Christine Donovan says
I would love the Artisanal Gluten Free Cupcakes book!!
Diane Bramos says
I would love all except the Asian one (I ordered that sucker, just could not wait for Asian food). I would especially LOVE Ricki’s Breakfast book!!!
Diane Bramos says
I “LOVE” you on FB!! haha!!
Diane Bramos says
I follow you on twitter!
Diane Bramos says
I shared this link on Facebook!!
Audrey J says
It is a toss up between GF Asian or the Five Minute Cookbook. Although any of them would be great!
Audrey J says
I shared this link on Facebook!
Audrey J
Mona Solar says
I would really enjoy “The Garden of Eating”…would help me with a very restrictive allergy free diet. Thanks!
amy says
Pick me. I’ve been subscribingon FB for a long time. Just ordered a vitamix with the grain grinder since I try to cook gluten free.
shelley seidman says
hard to choose but i would love to win The Garden of Eating!
Mary says
I’d love any of them, but specifically, Carol’s Simply…gluten-free
Brenda W says
Wow! Amazing giveaway!! Any cookbook would be awesome 🙂
Katie says
Thanks for the extensive review and extreme giveaway. At the top of my list is “Gluten Free in Five Minutes” since I love to spend more time enjoying GF meals with my family than the amount of time it took to make them!
Sophia Kleiber says
Nice Giveaway. I’d love the Gluten Free Asian book or Peter & Kelly Bronski’s cupcake book.
Katie says
I am a faithful follower of @Shirleygfe on twitter.
Katie says
I am a faithful follower of gluten free easily on facebook.
Katie says
Just shared this giveaway on my FB page. (Mommy, What is Celiac Disease?)
Rebecca says
I would love any of the books, but the dessert ones would be at the top of my list.
Mary says
I have a daughter and a granddaughter who are both on gluten free diets. Any one of these cookbooks would be helpful to me in feeding them when they are here. Fingers crossed!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂
Alicia Pearlman says
I want them all! They all look great!
Beth says
I would take any cookbook except The Allergen-Free Baker’s Handbook by Cybele Pascal – I already own that one. 🙂 Thanks for such a great giveaway!
Beth says
I follow gfe on FB.
Anna says
Hi – I follow gfe on FB, am subscribed to gfe, and on the top of my list are two books: The Garden of Eating and Good Morning! Breakfasts Without Gluten, Sugar, Eggs, or Dairy. Thank you so much for this contest!
Janell Garwood says
I would love Artisanal gluten-free Cupcakes!!
Janell Garwood says
I “like” gfe on facebook!!!
Emily says
The Allergen Free Baker’s Handbook and Simply…Gluten Free Desserts are at the top of my list!
Maggi says
OMG, the gluten Free Asian Kitchen is REALLY what I want!!! No NEED! Before Celiac, I ate out at Japanese, Thai and Vietnamese places all of the time. Now, i need to learn to make it at home. Because if you thought getting your GF point across with a server was difficult, well…it is even more difficult when there is a language barrier and they have no clue what you are trying to avoid.
Maggi says
Already ‘like’ you on FB. 🙂
Maggi says
Alright, you’ve convinced me. I’m following you on Twitter now (@maggismith) tho, I still have to figure it out. 😉
dani lassen says
Following on Facebook
charlenacharlena says
Gluten free in 5 minutes. My girlfriend does all the cooking so Id like to find stuff I can make on my own while she’s at work.
Stacey Patton says
I love them all!!!
Jeanette says
Gluten Free Asian Kitchen sounds yum!
Danika says
Gluten Free in Five Minutes! I’m a student so I’m on a tight budget and I have no time. I need a new cookbook!
Jennie Jones says
Gluten Free in 5 Minutes looks perfect for my niece, but any cookbook would be fantastic.
Beth says
Awesome, Shirley! So many options. I am a cookbook freak (as my last blog post may have alluded to). Thanks for putting together an offering of gluten-free only selections, complete with pictures to boot!
Sweets By Vicky says
I thought I would go gaga over the sweets in the books but it’s the pizza and meatballs that’s got me feeling absolutely HUNGRY. 🙂
Tabitha Latham says
I would love to have any of these. I have a 13 year old daughter that we recently found out after many test and lots of money on those test that nothing was wrong with her. Except she kept pains in her stomach and a headache ALL the time. We went GF and no problems, when she started to eat gluten again, problems. Problem solved she is now newly GF and would love to have some cook books to help her out. Love your website and have “like” on FB. Thank you
Teslaca says
I’d love to have a copy of The Gluten-Free Asian Kitchen. Those meatballs look great! But any of these books would be welcome in my kitchen.
Teslaca says
Subscribed to Gluten-Free Easily via Google Reader.
Teslaca says
Following Shirley Braden @Shirleygfe on Twitter.
Teslaca says
Tweeted about your giveaway.!/teslaca/status/107125228336984064
Renee says
Gluten-Free in Five Minutes is on the top of my wish list! Good Morning! Breakfasts Without Gluten, Sugar, Eggs, or Dairy would also be nice.
Sharon says
I couldn’t choose…they all looked amazing!! I love cookbooks so I’d take any one of them happily!
Sharon says
I subscribe to your emails.
Sharon says
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Sharon says
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Sharon says
I tweeted the giveaway.
Sarah Weldy says
The Garden of Eating is at the top of my wish list 🙂
Sarah Weldy says
I subscribed via e-mail.
Sarah Weldy says
I “Like” gfe on Facebook 🙂
Kristy Grimes says
The breakfast one please!!
Sarah Weldy says
I shared about the giveaway on my Facebook.
Kristy Grimes says
I also like you on facebook
bren says
Gluten free in 5 minutes would be my first choice!
Mary says
I would love to have any of these!
Raj @ Flip Cookbook says
Fantastic! What a lovely giveaway. I’m up for any but would love The Gluten Free Asian Kitchen. yum!
Tracee says
Miss Shirley,
Great giveaway pot. I would love to own the Garden of Eating.
Tracee says
I also did a “Like” on Facebook. Thanks!
Debi says
I would want either Laura Russell’s book or Peter & Kelli’s. 😀
Debi says
I already subscribe to gfe
Debi says
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Debi says
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Debi says
I shared this giveaway on Facebook
Debi says
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Jessica says
Oh my, it’s so awfully hard to choose a favorite. I think I am most intrigued by Ricki Heller’s or Rachel Albert’s books. I love breakfast and the idea of gf as well as dairy and sugar free interests me.
Or maybe the Laura Russell one. Lol. So hard to choose.
Thank you!
Jessica says
I follow you on Facebook.
Jessica says
I follow you on Twitter and retweeted your giveaway. Thank you!
Sara Yen says
Hi. Thank you for doing this. I’m 2 weeks in to eliminating gluten and dairy, and still figuring this all out.
I would love The Gluten Free Asian Kitchen.
charlenacharlena says
Following on twitter. (: @_k1tty
Suni Ferrer says
I would love either the Allergen Free Baker’s Handbook or The Garden of Eating! Thanks for doing this giveaway!
SunnyB @ andloveittoo says
What a great giveaway, Shirley! I am torn between the Garden of Eating and the Gluten Free in Five Minutes (I am a busy mom, I see true value in that one!), ohhh…and Carol’s Dessert book, and Ricki’s Breakfast book (I have been meaning to buy that one for a while now)…and oh my, does that Artisianal Cupcake book look drool-worthy (that is another on my “I want to buy but haven’t yet” list)…My kids would love the Ice Dream book. I own the rest (and LOVE them!)…I guess you’ll just have to pick for me, lol!
SunnyB @ andloveittoo says
I follow GFE on Facebook
SunnyB @ andloveittoo says
I follow GFE on twitter
SunnyB @ andloveittoo says
I shared on FB (and am about to share again)
SunnyB @ andloveittoo says
I shared on twitter (and am about to tweet it again)!
Thanks, Shirley!
Laurel says
Now you’ve gone and done it two of those books have been on my wishlist for well over a year (Rachel Matesz) and Ricki’s since it came out. So I want all three! I’d flip a coin but I don’t have any that are three sided! :-))
Shannon says
I dont think I can choose:) Facebook
Emily T says
I would love Gluten Free Cupcakes!
Meghan says
Obviously I’d love them all but The Gluten-Free Asian Kitchen seems up my alley
Cindy Padgett says
I have The Gluten Free Asaian Kitchen on my birthday list. I would also love Good Morning or The Cupcake book. I have a copy of Gluten Free in Five Minutes and love it! Thanks for setting up this giveaway!
Cindy Padgett says
I like you on Facebook.
Sandy says
Hi Shirley,
I heard about your website from Sunny B @ andloveittoo. Thank you so much for sharing your talents, information and GF experiences that benefit me and so many others!I would be grateful to win any of the books since I do not have them. If I had to narrow the choices, then it would be ~ The Garden of Eating by Chef Rachel Albert and ~ Good Morning! Breakfasts Without Gluten, Sugar, Eggs, or Dairy by Ricki Heller.
I also LIKED You on Facebook! ☺
Blaine says
I’ve just decided to go gluten free, so any of them would be great!
LisaB says
My son was recently diagnosed and is bound for college next year. Gluten Free in Five Minutes– microwave recipes? Heck, I can’t wait to win this cookbook, I need to buy it *right now*!! We would love any of these cookbooks.
Sandra says
I’m another follower on twitter
Nigel says
The Gluten Free Asian Kitchen seems interesting, but winning any of them would be nice!