I’ve been gathering the best gluten-free tortilla recipes and gluten-free wrap recipes for some time and some amazing tortilla recipes continue to be shared in the gluten-free community. With National Soft Taco Day on October 3 and National Taco Day on October 4, it’s time to remind you of this phenomenal roundup!
These tortilla and wrap recipes are sure to become part of your regular gluten-free recipe arsenal. I love that there are so many options here—“just gluten free,” grain free, dairy free, egg free, and/or vegan/plant based—so that nobody with special dietary needs is left out! (Note that many of these recipes are also nut free, soy free, corn free, etc., but I have not labeled them that way as I have not personally verified the “free” status of individual ingredients in these recipes.)
Here’s Part 4 of A Bountiful Bread Basket series, Top 30—No, 40 Now!—Best Gluten-Free Tortilla and Best Gluten-Free Wrap Recipes! (Note: When reader reviews of these recipes are available, I’ve included them as well.)
And Now the Best Gluten-Free Tortilla Recipes and Gluten-Free Wrap Recipes!
(All photos are reprinted with permission of the individual authors/photographers.)
~ 2-Ingredient Coconut Flour Tortillas from Power Hungry ~ gluten free, grain free, dairy free, egg free, sugar free, gum free, yeast free, paleo, primal, keto, vegetarian, vegan
Reader reviews: “Amazing! I made them first time and forgot to add salt, so they really didn’t taste like much but had a good texture. I have since made a batch every week and even invested in a tortilla press. The only thing I add is salt and I feel keeping the recipe simple means these can be made to be either sweet or savory, depending on how you use them.” and “I will admit I was skeptical these would hold together without egg, but they did perfectly! I was looking for a less expensive alternative to almond flour tortillas and these are it!” and “These are the most amazing breads ever! Fluffy like naans!!!”
Two-Ingredient Coconut Flour Tortillas from Power Hungry
~ Baked Paleo Tortillas from Predominantly Paleo ~ gluten free, grain free, dairy free, egg free, yeast free, xanthan gum free, paleo, primal, vegan
Reader review: “These are ridiculously brilliant!!! Soft taco goodness!! The picky one even downed them!!!! (Aka my carbaholic)”
Baked Paleo Tortillas from Predominantly Paleo
~ Brown Rice Flour Tortillas from Nourishing Meals ~ gluten free, dairy free, egg free, sugar free, xanthan gum free, yeast free, vegtarian, vegan
Reader reviews: “Hello Ali, thanks so much for posting a GF flour tortilla!! I just made it and they are delicious with no after taste as sometimes some GF flours have and I followed your instruction and did cover them and they are soft and pliable!” and “I halved this recipe exactly as written and made some tortillas to go with last night’s dinner. They turned out wonderfully! I was so impressed by the end result. They were pliable and so completely delicious! I wish I would have made the full recipe! I will never go back to store bought! Thank you for this recipe!”
~ Buckwheat Wraps/Tortillas from Gluten-Free Gobsmacked ~ gluten free, dairy free, egg free, sugar free, xanthan gum free, yeast free, vegan
Gluten-Free Buckwheat Wraps from Gluten-Free Gobsmacked
~ Chickpea Flour Tortillas from Gluten-Free & Paleo Travels ~ gluten free, grain free, dairy free, egg free, sugar free, oil free, yeast free, xanthan gum free, vegetarian, vegan.
Chickpea Flour Tortillas from Gluten-Free & Paleo Travels
~ Chickpea Flour Wraps from Everyday Gluten-Free Gourmet ~ gluten free, grain free, dairy free, egg free, sugar free, oil free, yeast free, vegetarian, vegan
Gluten-Free Chickpea Flour Wraps from Everyday Gluten-Free Gourmet
~ Chocolate Tortillas from Fork and Beans via Real Everything ~ gluten free, grain free, dairy free, egg free, refined sugar free, yeast free, xanthan gum free, vegetarian, paleo, primal, with vegan option
Paleo (and Vegan Optional) Chocolate Tortillas from Fork and Beans
~ Coconut Flour Tortillas from Cotter Crunch ~ gluten free, grain free, dairy free, egg free, sugar free, yeast free, xanthan gum free, vegetarian, vegan, paleo, primal
Reader reviews: The reviews average 5-stars. Here’s one: “These are fantastic! Mine turned out purple though and I found out it was from the brand of ground psyllium that I use. I asked my husband if I should find a different brand and he said no – he likes them purple!”
Grain-Free (and More) Tortillas from Cotter Crunch
~ Corn Tortillas from Fearless Dining ~ gluten free, dairy free, egg free, sugar free, gum free, yeast free, vegetarian, vegan
Gluten-Free Corn Tortillas from Fearless Dining
~ Easy Flour Tortillas from GF Jules ~ gluten free, egg free, yeast free, vegetarian, with dairy-free, vegan option
Reader reviews: “Ok. I’ll admit it. I thought “Tortillas? No way! Disaster waiting to happen. Waste of flour. Time consuming and messy, etc, etc.” I am still very new to cooking gluten free so I am still skeptical about some things. Well, I was wrong. Your tortilla recipe is fantastic! My daughter has been missing a yummy “flour” tortilla. Sometimes a corn tortilla just is not what she wants. Wow. These are great.” and “This recipe is fantastic and FUN! My husband and I had a wonderful time making tortillas together! The best part was how delicious they were! It was such a treat having burritos with soft flour tortillas. Thank you!!”
Easy Flour Tortillas from GF Jules
~ Easy Flour Tortillas (Five Ingredients) from The Loopy Whisk ~ gluten free, dairy free, egg free, sugar free, vegetarian, vegan
Reader reviews: “I made these yesterday and they turned out perfectly!” and “There are a lot of things you give up when you have to eat gluten free. For me, one of the hardest was quesadillas. Store bought gluten free flour tortillas are truly terrible and so expensive. I made these today and had a simple cheese and salsa quesadilla for the first time in more than 10 years. I could cry with joy. They are so, so good.And they are far better than any wheat flour tortilla I remember. I AM SO HAPPY!” and “I tried these a couple of weeks ago when i made butter chicken and loved it. Such a great recipe. “
Easy Gluten-Free Flour Torillas (Five Ingredients) from The Loopy Whisk
~ Eggplant “Tortillas” from Oatmeal with a Fork ~ gluten free, grain free, dairy free, egg free, sugar free, xanthan gum free, yeast free, paleo, primal, vegetarian, vegan
Eggplant “Tortillas” from Oatmeal with a Fork
~ Egg Wraps (with a Spinach Wrap option) from The Big Man’s World ~ gluten free, grain free, sugar free, low carb, keto, paleo, primal
Reader reviews: “I just made a wrap following your recipe- it was fantastic and I am now very full! Filled my wrap with cheese, cream cheese, ham, avocado and spring onion. So good!” and “Made these egg wraps; didn’t know they were that simple to make and I had all the ingredients on hand. I added spinach to mine. Great recipe, thanks!” and “I made the spinach version, and I was so pleasantly surprised at how they held up and weren’t overly eggy to use as a wrap!!! I love that I’m not eating any type of flour, getting way less carbs and greens too! Thank you for sharing!”
Gluten-Free Egg Wraps (Zero Carbs) from The Big Man’s World
~ Flour Tortillas from Let Them Eat Gluten-Free Cake ~ gluten free, egg free, vegetarian, with dairy-free options
Reader reviews: “A big hello from Australia! A few weeks ago someone kindly posted a link to your website on the Gluten Free Sourdough Facebook page so I immediately clicked on it and, oh boy, am I glad I did. I have just made a batch of your tortillas which we had for dinner tonight with chicken souvlaki. They are absolutely the best wraps we have ever had. My fussy husband and son loved them and my Coeliac daughter couldn’t believe how good they were.” and “I thought I’d never eat decent tortillas again. These are like a taste of home. This recipe has restored to me something I thought I’d lost forever.”
Gluten-Free Flour Tortillas from Let Them Eat Gluten-Free Cake
~ Flour Tortillas from No Gluten, No Problem ~ gluten free, dairy free, egg free, sugar free, yeast free, vegetarian, vegan
Reader reviews: “These were so delicious, I ate a whole one plain. They look, feel, and taste just like the ones I used to make with wheat flour and vegetable shortening! I made mine with grapeseed oil for a nice light buttery flavor. … They were … difficult to flip over or lay in the pan flat. It was so much easier in the griddle.” and “I made these last night. They were great! Great taste, flexible, etc.”
Flour Tortillas from No Gluten No Problem
~ Flour Tortillas from Faithfully Gluten Free ~ gluten free, dairy free, egg free, sugar free, yeast free, vegetarian, vegan
Flour Tortillas from Faithfully Gluten Free
~ Flour Tortillas from Cybele Pascal ~ gluten free, dairy free, egg free, sugar free, yeast free, vegetarian, vegan
Gluten-Free Flour Tortillas from Cybele Pascal
~ Flour Tortillas—Gluten Free—from Art of Gluten-Free Baking ~ gluten free, egg free, sugar free, yeast free, vegetarian
Reader reviews: “Have been putting off making these since I never have had success with a GF tortilla, or at least one that I liked. Made them last night for enchiladas! GREAT! Need to invest in a press someday, but these were easy and very, very good.” and “This recipe is so amazing. Thank you! I made it just the way it is posted. The only thing I didn’t do was put the flour on my tortilla smasher. If you cut 2 circles (bigger than the smasher) out of a produce bag. Place one on the bottom and place one on top of your ball of dough. Put down your top. Pull down your handle. The dough will not stick to the bag. Less mess.”
Flour Tortillas from Art of Gluten-Free Baking
~ Foccacia Wraps from Gluten Free Spinner ~ gluten free, dairy free, vegetarian
Reader reviews: “I made these as soon as Shirley(gfe) shared them on Facebook and spent almost an hour trying to track them down tonight because I couldn’t believe that I hadn’t printed/saved them. They were amazing … perfect for sandwiches and easy to make. Thank you for sharing this recipe! These will be a monthly, possibly weekly, addition to our lunch menu.”
Foccacia Wraps from Gluten Free Spinner
~ Gluten- and Corn-Free Tortillas from Worth Cooking (this site is no longer active so I have included the link from the Wayback Machine) ~ gluten free, dairy free, egg free, sugar free, xanthan gum free, yeast free, vegan
Corn-Free and Gluten-Free Tortillas from Worth Cooking
~ Gluten-Free and Vegan Spinach Tortillas from Allergy Free Alaska ~ gluten free, dairy free, egg free, nut free, sugar free, xanthan gum free, yeast free, vegan
Reader reviews: “MEGAN. THESE ARE SO GOOD. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I love them!!!! Today I ate them with chipotle mayo, white beans, kale and green onion. So GOOD.” and “Well, I just ate my first defrosted wrap and they held up fine. I ended up with 20 shells using a small tortilla press.”
Gluten-Free and Vegan Spinach Tortillas from Allergy Free Alaska
~ Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free, and Vegan Tortillas from Mama Knows Gluten Free ~ gluten free, dairy free, egg free, sugar free, yeast free, vegetarian, vegan
~ Gluten-Free Vegan Tortillas from Flo and Grace (via Fork and Beans) ~ gluten free, dairy free, egg free, yeast free, vegetarian, vegan
Gluten-Free Vegan Tortillas from Flo and Grace (formerly Lexie’s Kitchen)
~ Gluten-Free Wrap Sandwich from Gluten Free Gobsmacked ~ gluten free, dairy free, vegetarian
Reader Reviews: “WOW I just made this and it is AMAZING! Finally I can have a sandwich!!!!” and “I made these yesterday and they came out fantastic! AND they are still good today! Thanks so much! I used a wet spoon to spread the mixture and it worked great. I can think of all kinds of things to add like seasonings and such to change them up a little. This is a new favorite!”
Gluten-Free Sandwich Wraps from Gluten-Free Gobsmacked
~ Grain-Free and Vegan Almond Flour Tortillas from Allergy Free Alaska ~ gluten free, grain free, dairy free, egg free, sugar free, xanthan gum free, yeast free, vegetarian, vegan
Grain-Free Vegan Tortillas from Allergy Free Alaska
~ Grain-Free and Vegan Cassava Flour Tortillas from Fork and Beans ~ gluten free, grain free, dairy free, egg free, vegetarian, vegan, paleo, primal
Reader reviews: “OMG! I almost ate the entire batch! Plain! Wow! Amazing! No funky texture, flavor or methodology.” and “I just tried this recipe. I didn’t have olive oil so I used coconut oil. These are delicious. I will see definitely be making these again, but with olive oil.” and “I just made this for the first time and I couldn’t believe how effortless this recipe was and I was so happy! We haven’t had tasty tortillas like this in a long while!”
Grain-Free and Vegan Cassava Flour Tortillas from Fork and Beans
~ Grain-Free Coconut Flour Tortillas from Against All Grain ~ gluten free, grain free, dairy free, sugar free, yeast free, xanthan gum free, paleo, primal, vegetarian
Reader reviews: “Made these this morning – delicious!” and “Made these today to satisfy the little people now that we are dropping grains out of our family’s eating. Used the crepes in a lasagne. HUGE success.”
Coconut Flour Tortillas from Against All Grain
~ Grain-Free Crepes (Tapioca Flour ~ Three Ingredients) from Vibrantly G-FREE ~ gluten free, grain free, sugar free, yeast free, xanthan gum free, vegetarian, paleo, primal
Jamie says: “I first made tapioca flour crepes as a gluten-free bread replacement. They’re affordable and super easy to make, which means you’ll make them all the time!” I bet she’s right! She shares the benefits of these crepes and adds: “And to top it off, these Tapioca Flour Crepes use only 3 ingredients, 1 bowl, and take 20 minutes of your time. What’s not to love?”
Three-Ingredient Crepes from Vibrantly G-FREE
~ Grain-Free Tortillas from Cassidy’s Craveable Creations ~ gluten free, grain free, dairy free, sugar free, yeast free, xanthan gum free, paleo, primal, vegetarian
Reader reviews: “Thanks very much for this recipe. We loved it!” and “Oh boy do we Love these. I make them all the time now in big batches as they save so well. And they are soooo versatile, I ran out of arrowroot and used 1/2c potato starch and 1/2c tapioca starch and they were just as good. My daughter loves to spread dairy free butter on them and sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar, I use them to replace all other tortilla or crepe needs and can’t thank you enough. I currently have all the ingredients for your chimichangas, ohhhh can’t wait.”
Grain-Free Tortillas from Cassidy’s Craveable Creations
~ Grain-Free Tortillas/Crepes from Against All Grain ~ gluten free, grain free, dairy free, sugar free, xanthan gum free, yeast free, paleo, primal, vegetarian
Reader reviews: “I tried these this afternoon and can’t wait for my husband to try them tonight…delicious. First time ever making crepes and they turned out beautifully. I was even able to toss them and turn. 🙂 It was fun and delicious.” and “This recipe is awesome. You are a genius! I used (carton) coconut milk because that’s all I had and they turned out awesome. Thank you so much. These are going to go great with the leftover shredded pork I have in the refrigerator.”
Grain-Free Tortillas/Crepes from Against All Grain
~ Grain-Free Taco Shells/Tortillas from Predominantly Paleo ~ gluten free, grain free, dairy free, egg free, xanthan gum free, yeast free, paleo, primal, vegtarian, vegan
Reader reviews: “I made these a few nights ago (using olive oil as I didn’t have any avocado oil handy) and the flavor was AMAZING!”
Grain-Free Taco Shells from Predominantly Paleo
~ Jicama Tortillas/Tacos from The Whole Gang ~ gluten free, grain free, dairy free, egg free, sugar free, yeast free, xanthan gum free, paleo, primal, vegan
Reader reviews: (This happens to be my own personal review! “These jicama tortillas are the best. They have the right flavor and crunch and are amazingly pliable. You can fill them with anything. I like them far better than any grain-based tortilla. If there was ever reason to buy a mandolin, these jicama tortillas/tacos are it!”
Grain-Free Jicama Tortillas/Tacos from The Whole Gang
~ Homemade Corn Tortillas from Edible Perspective ~ gluten free, dairy free, egg free, sugar free, yeast free, xanthan gum free, vegetarian, vegan
Reader reviews: “You are incredible! Homemade tortillas…I died!” and “I made these over the weekend for tacos and just posted them on my blog. I loved them and found them much easier to make than I anticipated. I can’t wait to have them again!”
Homemade Corn Tortillas from Edible Perspective
~ Keto Tortillas (or Wraps) from Beauty and the Foodie ~ gluten free, grain free, sugar free, yeast free, xanthan gum free, keto, low-carb
Stacey says these are “soft, foldable, bendable, low-carb tortillas or wraps that are simple to make and ready in 6 minutes. Perfect for low-carb tacos, burritos, quesadillas, enchiladas, and also for sandwich wraps.”
~ Millet Buckwheat Wraps from Gluten-Free Goddess ~ gluten free, dairy free, refined sugar free, yeast free, vegetarian, with egg-free, vegan option
Reader reviews: “I made these tonight and they are so great!” and “You hit it out of the ball park with these. I love them!!! I have not any bready product so wonderful in a long time.”
Gluten-Free Millet-Buckwheat Wraps Gluten-Free Goddess
~ Paleo Coconut Flour Wraps from Gluten-Free and Paleo Travels ~ gluten free, grain free, dairy free, sugar free, yeast free, xanthan gum free, paleo, primal, vegetarian
~ Paleo Tortillas from Paleo Spirit ~ gluten free, grain free, dairy free, sugar free, yeast free, xanthan gum free, paleo, primal, with vegetarian option
Reader reviews: “These are outstanding! I made them for verde enchiladas-they held up and my husband and I both loved them! 5 stars!!” and “What a great recipe! I loved the result, got about a dozen tortillas, excellent texture and taste, my family loved it!”
Paleo Tortillas from Paleo Spirit
~ Paleo, Vegan Tortillas from The Spunky Coconut ~ ~ gluten free, grain free, dairy free, egg free, sugar free, yeat free, xanthan gum free, vegetarian, vegan
Reader reviews: “Kelly, your tortillas are great! I do not have to do gluten-free, but I love your recipes. They are so much more tasty and satisfying than the ‘regular’ stuff. These tortillas are amazing – I don’t think there are any in the grocery store that can come close to these.” and “I have to tell you that I LOVE LOVE LOVE this tortilla recipe! I love it so much that I even bought a tortilla press because I am going to be making a lot of these! Thank you so much I am so happy!”
Grain-Free Tortillas from The Spunky Coconut
~ Paleo Zucchini Coconut Waffle Wraps from Your Fairy Angel via Gluten Free Easily ~ gluten free, grain free, dairy free, refined sugar free, yeast free, xanthan gum free, vegetarian
~ Plantain Taco Shells from Tessa, the Domestic Diva ~ gluten free, grain free, dairy free, egg free, sugar free, gum free, yeast free, xanthan gum free, paleo, primal, vegetarian, vegan
Reader reviews: “I made these the other day filling them with the instant pot carnitas, lettuce, avocado, and green onion. They were such a huge hit in my family that I will definitely be putting these on our regular rotation!”
Plantain Taco Shells from Tessa, the Domestic Diva
~ Plantain Tortillas from Zenbelly ~ gluten free, dairy free, grain free, sugar free, yeast free, xanthan gum free, paleo, primal, with vegetarian option
Reader reviews: “I made these last night and OMG, they were delish! My flour tortilla-loving husband even approved. Thanks for a great recipe!” and “These were so amazing! I used a blender, since I don’t have a food processor. It came out a little chunky, but still held together. I just started a GAPS diet, so I made it with an egg substitute, which worked great. This is a game-changer for my restricted diet. I plan on making many and freezing them. Thanks for this delicious recipe!”
Plantain Tortillas from Zenbelly
~ Quinoa Tortillas from The Gracious Pantry ~ gluten free, dairy free, egg free, sugar free, vegetarian, vegan
Reader reviews: “These have been such a life saver for me and my family! We cannot live without these in the fridge/freezer at all times. lol We do not have a tortilla press, so we roll ours out on parchment paper with some brown rice flour so they don’t stick. We fry them in coconut oil….some lightly so they are more pliable, others longer to make them nice and crunchy. We then salt them generously with Real salt immediately after being removed from the skillet. We eat them as tacos, with huevos rancheros, with avocado egg salad and just on their own like chips. I don’t know ANYONE who doesn’t love these (even people who don’t like quinoa!) My husband even used the dough to make egg rolls. I really can’t thank you enough for this recipe!!!!!” and “Made these today and they were amazing, added some cumin for some extra flavour but otherwise they worked out fine, thank you!” and “I made the tortillas. They taste is amazing and they will be a lifesaver!”
Gluten-Free Quinoa Tortillas from The Gracious Pantry
~ Quinoa Tortillas from Simply Quinoa ~ gluten free, dairy free, egg free, sugar free, sugar free, yeast free, xanthan gum free, vegan
Gluten-Free Quinoa Tortillas from Simply Quinoa
~ Simple Paleo Tortillas from Steph Gaudreau ~ gluten free, grain free, sugar free, vegetarian, with dairy-free option
Reader reviews: “I made the tortillas tonight and they were delicious.” and “I tried these tonight and they rock! I made the citrus-garlic marinated meat too, wrapped in the tortillas. It was very much like eating good Indian roti.” and “Just made these…. FANTASTIC!!”
Simple Paleo Tortillas from Steph Gaudreau
~ Spinach Tortillas from Fork and Beans ~ gluten free, grain free, dairy free, egg free, sugar free, vegetarian, vegan, paleo, primal
Spinach Tortillas (Gluten-Free, Grain-Free, Vegan, and Paleo) from Fork and Beans
~ Whole Grain Mock Lavash Sandwich Wraps from Gluten Free Gobsmacked ~ gluten free, egg free, with dairy-free vegan option
Reader reviews: “This is absolutely delicious and so easy to make!!! I am so excited, and it came at the perfect time – I’ve been dying for a wrap and these are going to make this week’s lunch 10x easier than a basic sandwich.” and “I finally got around to making this today. I was having one of those “I can’t eat like a normal person, why don’t I like food anymore, everything gets me sick” moments, and I tried this wrap. It literally brought a tear to my eye because, for the first time in a long time, I remembered that I am going to get through this tough stage of learning to be gluten-free and taking charge of my health. I remembered what truly excellent food tasted like.”
Gluten-Free Mock Lavash from Gluten-Free Gobsmacked
~ Whole Grain Tortillas from Flo and Grace ~ gluten free, dairy free, egg free, sugar free, vegetarian, vegan
Whole-Grain Gluten-Free Tortillas from Flo and Grace
~ Whole Grain Tortillas from Tessa, The Domestic Diva ~ gluten free, dairy free, egg free, sugar free, yeast free, xanthan gum free, paleo, primal, vegan, with grain-free option
Reader reviews: “Thank you so much for this recipe. I have been searching for a Paleo tortilla for so long, and this one is great! I use konjac powder instead of xanthan gum, so it will be totally wheat and corn-derivative free, and it turns out great. I just use a little more than the 1/4 tsp.”
Gluten-Free Whole Grain Tortillas from Tessa The Domestic Diva
You don’t even have to make these Best Gluten-Free Tortilla Recipes and Gluten-Free Wrap Recipes to be impressed, right? These all are fabulous recipes and again, I love that there are options for everyone, not simply those who are “just gluten free.” Every time I’ve eaten a homemade gluten-free tortilla or wrap, I’ve been amazed at just how good they are compared to store-bought options. I highly recommend that you give one or more of these recipes a try!
And by the way, please don’t forget to check out the previous parts of this ongoing gfe series, which features the very best bread and “bready” recipes from my super-talented blogging friends!
~ Part 1: Top 20 Gluten-Free Bread Recipes—Loaves
~ Part 2a: The Best Gluten-Free Rolls
~ Part 2b: The Best Gluten-Free Biscuits
~ Part 4: Top 40 Best Gluten-Free Tortilla and Wrap Recipes (this post)
~ Part 5: Top 30 Gluten-Free Hamburger, Hot Dog, and Sandwich Bun Recipes
~ Part 6b: The Best Gluten-Free Focaccia Recipes (Over 20 Recipes)
~ Part 7: Top 50 Gluten-Free Bagel, Breadstick, Croissant, English Muffin, and Soft Pretzel Recipes
~ Part 7a: The Best Gluten-Free Bagel Recipes (30!)
~ Part 7c: The Best Gluten-Free Croissant and Crescent Roll Recipes
~ Part 7d: The Best Gluten-Free English Muffin Recipes
~ Part 7e: The Best Gluten-Free Soft Pretzel Recipes
~ Part 8: 65 More of Best Gluten-Free Loaf Bread Recipes
~ Part 8a: 20 Gluten-Free Cinnamon Raisin Bread and Cinnamon Swirl Bread Recipes
~ Part 8b: The Best Gluten-Free French Bread Recipes (Including Baguettes)
~ Part 9: Top 20 Gluten-Free Challah Bread Recipes
~ Part 10: Over 20 Gluten-Free Irish Soda Bread Recipes
~ Part 11: The Best Gluten-Free Sourdough Bread Recipes (and More Sourdough Goodness)
Originally published May 4, 2014; updated October 19, 2024.
April J Harris says
I love tortillas and wraps and there are so many deliciously different varieties here, Shirley! I can’t wait to give some of these recipes a try. Pinned and will share. Thank you so much for bringing this great post to Hearth and Soul!
Shirley says
April–The best part about this roundup is that it shows gluten-free folks how much better we can do than the ready-made wraps available. Some of these recipes are just so easy to make, too. Gotta love that! Hope you enjoy whatever you try. 🙂 Thanks for the H&S shares!
Have a great week!
swathi says
Shirely we have some flat bread recipe made with rice flour, love this gluten free tortillia recipes, thanks for shairng with Hearth and soul blog hop, pinning.
Shirley Braden says
Hey Swathi–Must have read this comment from long ago, but forgot to reply. I’m wondering if that gluten-free flatbread recipe is on your blog. I will take a look. 🙂 Thanks for all the sharing you do each and every week!
Natalie says
Thank you for all these recipes! I have recently decided to go wheat and grain free for health reasons. I realized I wasn’t feeling great after eating normal breads, pastas, etc., plus I have stage 4 breast cancer, and have already altered my diet of everything else. I was missing being able to eat sandwiches/wraps. A few of these recipes keep me grain free, while still being healthy and filling. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!
Shirley Braden says
Hi Natalie–Welcome to gfe and thanks so much for the kind words on gfe! I’m so very happy that you’ve found some grain-free options here that will help you in your personal journey. Every time I look at these roundups I’m amazed at all the choices and love that there are wonderful grain-free recipes as well. 🙂 Sending tons of good healing energy your way, Natalie! I do believe dietary changes play a huge role in such healing.
Deb says
Do you have a recipe for steel cut oatmeal tortillas?
Shirley Braden says
Hi Deb–Welcome to gfe! 🙂 I don’t have a recipe and don’t know of one, so I can recommend searching online to find one. Is there a particular reason that you’re searching for that type of recipe? Have you enjoyed tortillas made from steel cut oats before?
linda grimshae says
How can I buy this cookbook
Shirley Braden says
Hi Linda–There’s actually no cookbook associated with this post. The recipes are on the individual websites via the links provided.
Judee says
Thanks Shirley,
This is just what I needed to make my own. so many to choose from . Thanks
Shirley Braden says
Thanks, Judee! I really love the variety of these recipes and that I get to keep adding new tortilla and wrap recipes as they’re created in the GF community.