When Naomi, our lovely friend across the pond and creator of Go Ahead Honey, It’s Gluten Free, asked for this year’s hostesses, I volunteered with the theme Dishes So Simple, No Recipe Required. I’m talking about simple, real food options for breakfast, lunch, dinner, or even a snack or appetizer. Have you ever gone to a restaurant and ordered an appetizer that was just a few ingredients and then been blown away by how good it was? You thought to yourself, hey, why didn’t I think of this? That happened last year when my sister and I had lunch at one of my favorite local restaurants. After perusing the menu, we each ordered the same appetizer as our meal—half an avocado stuffed with micro greens, crabmeat, and pine nuts, and drizzled with olive oil. Oh my goodness was that a perfect lunch! In fact, I could eat that for any meal. And clearly no recipe was needed.
My dear friend, Ann, was visiting our area from Florida recently so we spent the day together. It was a very hot day, but a good one! Our first stop was at a restaurant that was formerly a very popular crabhouse right on the water. Crabhouses are famous for tables lined with brown paper, accessorized with crab mallets, and abundant paper towels, and then topped with mounds of steamed crabs. But this restaurant has gone upscale. I’m not even sure they serve steamed crabs any more, but they do serve lots of lovely seafood still, including my favorite—crabmeat. Ann and I could not resist the crab, avocado and tomato stack. Look at it … that’s so simple, it definitely does not need a recipe. All one needs is the three main ingredients, a dash of seasonings, a dish to use as a mold before making the final presentation, and a drizzle of colorful and flavorful topping perhaps. This creation happened to be topped with basil vinaigrette dressing, which was particularly nice and the perfect complement to the colors already in the dish. However, any simple dressing could have been used or none at all. Maybe instead of tomato, pico de gallo could have been used. Maybe instead of a dressing, a few herbs and spices could have been added to the simple mix. There are many wonderful possibilities with these ingredients and this concept, but none of them really require a recipe.
This week, Mr. GFE and I enjoyed rumaki, one of our faves. If you’re not a liver lover, you’re going “Ewww” right about now. But a piece of chicken liver and a water chestnut wrapped in bacon is a heavenly bite to us. Three ingredients. No recipe required.
When I do my gfe presentations and individuals invariably ask what I eat when I’m out running errands, they seem supremely disappointed when I tell them that I always carry apples and nuts with me and snack on those if necessary. They are looking for that perfect gluten-free snack or in-between meal that they can purchase on the run. I suspect that they’d be far happier with me if I said I run into at a convenience store, grab a sports drink and a gluten-free protein bar and then handed out a listing of gluten-free protein bars. Hmmm, a sports drink and a protein bar, but not some nuts and an apple. I’ll readily tell you that an apple and a handful of nuts are far more appealing to me than the aforementioned option. Simple. Easy. Satisfying.
Many like the simplicity of breakfast meals so much that they often opt for breakfast for dinner. Breakfast meals are usually ones that don’t require a recipe: eggs in all shapes and forms, and with various toppings; toast; yogurt; fruit; simple cereals; or mix and match combinations … you know. Again, no recipe required.
We all have them in our repertoire … those meals that are so simple, they come together without a recipe. A lot of my meals are made that way. Sometimes I have to “work” to develop an actual recipe to share. Often I’m cooking using a method or basic series of steps. Sometimes I don’t even follow those in order, but if the recipe is simple enough, it really doesn’t matter. Some other favorite appetizers and meals of mine that are simple that they really don’t require a recipe are the following. Of course, these do have recipes, but they are really only guidelines to be used for inspiration.
The World’s Easiest and Most Delicious Pulled Pork
Will you submit a real food, gluten-free meal that doesn’t really require a recipe this month? Please share the ingredients and give us the general idea of how your meal comes together in just a few steps. It can be a longtime favorite or a meal that you just created when inspiration struck for Go Ahead Honey. Go Ahead Honey has a history of getting folks to think outside the box. This time I’m asking you to think outside the recipe box. Are you up for the challenge? Oops, I mean non-challenge of this month’s Go Ahead Honey event because I really don’t think this will be a hard one for folks, and we’ll all benefit sharing our simple meal ideas. August has a reputation for getting a bit crazy towards the end of the month with folks heading back to school/college and all that entails with purchasing school supplies, moving kids back to campus, shuttling non-drivers to sports activities, etc. These simple meal ideas could be a wonderful thing for all of us!
For future planning, take a look at the rest of the hosts and themes for Go Ahead Honey on Naomi’s blog, Staight Into Bed Cakefree and Dried. And for fun, you can read the amazing adventure that we had with Go Ahead Honey, the last time I hosted. It was summer then, too, and the theme was Make Me a Happy Camper. Check out that roundup here. Last, but not least, don’t forget to check out Diane’s (The Whole Gang) roundup from last month—It All Ends Here … recipes to end a meal … a roundup with a decidedly, “deathly hallowish” flavor!
Kalinda says
Yay! My kind of cooking, the kind that doesn’t really involve thinking. Of course I’ll have to brainstorm to come up with the perfect non-recipe. Heh. 😉 Guess I’ll go start working on that.
Shirley says
Hi Kalinda–It seems like many of us cook without recipes. 😉 Don’t overthink it. 😉 Looking forward to what you come up with. 🙂
Jenn says
Ha this has been my cooking for most of the Summer!! What a PERFECT theme, LOVE it!!!!!!
Shirley says
Hey Jenn–So happy to hear your enthusiastic response! I think it will be so much fun to see how folks are cooking and creating sensational without recipes. 🙂
Sweets By Vicky says
This is when I say…baking without a recipe is difficult!!! 🙂
Shirley says
Hi Vicky–If you’re making cupcakes and cakes … yep, probably so, but fruit dishes and super simple desserts might work with this. I challenge you to come up with something! 😉
glutenfreeforgood says
I’m definitely a “no recipe” kind of cook. I also do that thing you mentioned – “hey, why didn’t I think of that.” Especially when it’s something like that crab, greens, pine nuts stuffed in the avocado dish. It does sound delightful. Perfect for hot summer days. Now I’m thinking of all the things I could fill an avocado with. What a great idea. And yes, why didn’t I think of that?!
Perfect theme, indeed!
Shirley says
Glad you like the theme, Melissa! Avocaods are wonderful serving vessels. I filled one with crabmeat and other goodies w while back–tantastic! 🙂
Zoe says
What a great theme, Shirley! 🙂 This is often the same approach I have when doing everyday cooking (baking is another matter, of course); mine is often intuitive, generally without measuring except by feeling (thinking of Julia Child’s philosophy that everything should be measured).
I’ll think of what I can contribute for your theme, Shirley! 🙂
Shirley says
Hi Zoe–Yes, everyday cooking lends itself well to this approach, but alas baking is more challenging. Don’t rule it out though. Can’t wait to see your entry! 🙂
Tall Clover Farm says
Um um um, you’re making me hungry at 6:00 am in the morning. Is that too early for crab cakes? Heck no! Nice “not-recipes” inspiration!
Shirley says
Hi Tom–Glad to see a west coaster who shares our love of crab cakes! 🙂 Nope, never too early for a crabcake for me. 😉
Sharon M. says
We are crab lovers in our house as well! Love, love,love them. I too carry snacks with me when I am on the go. Usually some home thrown together trail mix with whatever I have in the pantry or I make a foamie in a “to go” cup. I really like your new gfe heading. Perfect. Take care and enjoy the remaining weeks of summer.
Sharon M.
Shirley says
Hi Sharon–Crab lovers rule! 😉 Your “on the road” snacks sound wonderful to me! 🙂 Thanks so much for the great summer wishes! Same to you, dear! 🙂
Linda says
That avocado stack looks great! This is a great idea for a theme, and I already have an idea of what I’m going to post.
Somehow I missed the fact that you ride a motorcycle with Mr. GFE! We have two dirt bikes that all my guys enjoy riding on my parents’ property. My husband would love to get a street bike, but I’m not sure that’s going to happen. My dad used to ride a motorcycle and since my mom couldn’t drive due to poor eye sight she had to ride to work on the back. I always loved riding with my dad, I haven’t been brave enough to try the dirt bikes though. I’m afraid I’d end up hurting myself. 🙂
Shirley says
Hi Linda–I agree on the avocado stack! It delighted us both. 🙂 How cool that you already have an idea for a dish that doesn’t need a recipe–can’t wait to see it!
I’m on the back of the bike, too. I like it back there. 😉
Ricki says
Great, Shirley! I am determined to play along this month!
Shirley says
Hey Ricki–Oh how wonderful that you will be joining us this month! Can’t wait to see a non-recipe from you! 😉
InTolerantChef says
Mmmmm I love the look of the crab stack! Great idea as so many meals are favourites, but so easy that no recipe is needed. Lots of inspiration out there!
Shirley says
Hi InTolerantChef–Happy to hear that you’re another no-recipe-needed chef! Hope you’ll join in! 🙂
Jen @ The RA Vegan says
Yum. I Shirley, would you like us to come up with a whole meal or just a recipe? I made a nice side dish for a party tonight and thought “This would be perfect for August Go Ahead” but in reading your post it looks like it should be a whole meal. So just clarifying to make sure I don’t make a mistake! Looking forward to this one!
Shirley says
Hi Jen–Oh, gosh, no, just a dish is required! And it could be any kind of dish … appetizer, side dish, entree, etc. Sorry for any confusion. Can’t wait for you to join in! 🙂
Iris says
I completely forgot about GAHIGF until a reader just e-mailed me and asked how she could join in (which of course reminded me that I’m hosting next month!). Hopefully I can come up with a simple recipe in the next couple of days. Would hate to miss one of my favorite bloggers’ lineup!
Shirley says
I know you can come up with something, Iris! I’m so glad you were reminded of the event by a reader. Hope she’s joining in, too! 🙂
Ricki says
I know it’s too late, but I just posted a recipe that’s perfect for this event. . . linked up! 🙂