Happy Eat a Peach Day, folks! Eat a peach! Now, doesn’t that sound like a great idea? While many will argue that the act of eating a fresh, juicy, sweet peach is truly one of the ultimate pleasures of summer—and I can’t disagree there—it’s fun to make gluten-free peach dessert recipes as well!
And, boy, are my blogger friends creative with their peach desserts! In fact, they have as many gluten-free peach dessert recipes on their sites as they have zucchini dessert recipes! I’ve got over 70 of them in today’s collection. As usual, there are entries in every dessert category from beloved cakes to pies (my personal fave!) to ice cream to muffins to smoothies … you get the picture!
Gluten-Free Peach Dessert Recipes
Most of these recipes use fabulous, fresh peaches, which are, of course, always the best option, but a few of these recipes use canned peaches, peach jam/preserves, and the like, so you can enjoy peachy goodness even when peaches are not in season! So “eat a peach” year round and enjoy!
Gluten-Free Peach Cake Recipes
~ The Best Gluten-Free Peach Cake from My Gluten-Free Kitchen ~ gluten free, vegetarian
~ Caramel Peach Angel Food Cake from No Gluten, No Problem ~ gluten free, vegetarian
~ Easy Peach Cupcakes from Fearless Dining ~ gluten free, vegetarian
~ Fresh Peach Cake from Art of Gluten-Free Baking ~ gluten free, vegetarian
~ Incredible Peach Cake from Fearless Dining ~ gluten free, vegetarian
~ Peach and Cardamom Breakfast Tea Cake from Gluten-Free A to Z ~ gluten free, dairy free, egg free, vegetarian, vegan, with refined sugar-free option
~ Peach Cake from Gluten-Free Goddess ~ gluten free, dairy free, egg free, vegan
~ Peach Coffee Cake with Cinnamon Streusel Topping from Gluten-Free Goddess ~ gluten free, dairy free, vegetarian
~ Peach Pudding Cakes from Gluten Free SCD and Veggie ~ gluten free, dairy free, refined sugar free, vegetarian, SCD
~ Peach Upside Down Cake from Gluten Free Easily ~ gluten free, vegetarian
Gluten-Free Peach Bar and Cookie Recipes
~ Georgia Peach Pie Cookies from The Non-Dairy Queen ~ gluten free, dairy free~ Peach Pie Bars from Lynn’s Kitchen Adventures ~ gluten free, vegetarian
~ Peaches and Cream Oatmeal Breakfast Cookies from Lynn’s Kitchen Adventures ~ gluten free, vegetarian
Gluten-Free Peach Muffin Recipes
~ Peach Muffins from Gluten Free SCD and Veggie ~ gluten free, grain free, dairy free, refined sugar free, SCD, paleo/primal
~ Peach Muffins with Almond Flour from Gluten-Free Goddess ~ gluten free, dairy free, egg free (or not), vegan
~ Peach Paleo Muffins from Cook Eat Well ~ gluten free, grain free, dairy free, refined sugar free, paleo/primal
Gluten-Free Peach Donut Recipes
~ Peach and Toasted Coconut Donuts from Edible Perspective ~ gluten free, dairy free, refined sugar free
Gluten-Free Peach Cobbler, Crisp, and Crumble Recipes
~ Fresh Peach Cobbler from Fearless Dining ~ gluten free, vegetarian
~ Grain-Free Peach Crisp from Elana’s Pantry ~ gluten free, grain free, dairy free, egg free, refined sugar free, vegetarian
~ Paleo Peach Cobbler from Fearless Dining ~ gluten free, vegetarian
~ Paleo Peach Crisp from Elana’s Pantry ~ gluten-free, grain free, dairy free, egg free, refined sugar free, vegetarian
~ Peach and Apricot Crisp (use gluten-free granola like this one) from Cookistry ~ gluten free
~ Peach and Cherry Cobbler from Gluten-Free & Paleo Travels ~ gluten free, egg free, vegetarian, with dairy-free options
~ Peach Cobbler from Against All Grain ~ gluten free, grain free, dairy free, egg free, refined sugar free, vegetarian, vegan, paleo, primal
~ Peach Cobbler from Faithfully Gluten Free ~ gluten free, vegetarian
~ Peach Cobbler from Gluten Free Easily ~ gluten free, egg free, vegetarian, with dairy-free, egg-free, vegan option
~ Peach Cobbler from Gluten-Free Goddess ~ gluten free, dairy free, egg free, vegan
~ Peach Cobbler from Mama Knows Gluten Free ~ gluten free, egg free, with dairy-free, vegan options
~ Peach Cobbler from The Non-Dairy Queen ~ gluten free, dairy free, vegan
~ Peach Cobbler from Sarah Bakes Gluten-Free ~ gluten free, egg free
~ Peach Cobbler Dump Cake (use your favorite gluten-free yellow/vanilla cake mix) from Lynn’s Kitchen Adventures ~ gluten free
~ Peach Crisp from Eat Good 4 Life ~ gluten free, dairy free, egg free, vegan
~ Peach Crisp from Gluten-Free Goddess ~ gluten free, dairy free, egg free, vegan
~ Peach Oatmeal Cookie Crisp from My Gluten-Free Kitchen ~ gluten free, dairy free, vegetarian
~ Slow Cooker Peach Crisp from Kalyn’s Kitchen ~ gluten free (use gluten-free option), refined sugar free, vegetarian
~ Summer Peach Pie Crumble (be sure to use certified gluten-free purity protocol oats) from Chocolate-Covered Katie ~ gluten free, dairy free, refined sugar free, vegan
Gluten-Free Peach Ice Cream/Frozen Treat Recipes
~ Grilled Peach and Ginger Ice Cream from Real Everything ~ gluten free, grain free, dairy free, egg free, refined sugar free, paleo/primal, vegan
~ Peach Almond Ice Cream from Elana’s Pantry ~ gluten free, grain free, dairy free, egg free, sugar free, vegan, paleo/primal friendly
~ Peach Cherry Yogurt Pops from Flo and Grace ~ gluten free, grain free, dairy free, vegan
~ Peach Ice Cream from Cookistry ~ gluten free, egg free, vegetarian
~ Peach Melba Spoom from Z’s Cup of Tea ~ gluten free, grain free, dairy free, refined sugar free, SCD, paleo/primal
~ Peach Pie Ice Cream (choose gluten-free option; here’s my favorite ice cream cone) shared by Hannah Kaminsky (author of My Sweet Vegan, Vegan Desserts, and Vegan a la Mode) at Go Dairy Free ~ gluten free, dairy free, egg free, vegan
~ Peach Sorbet from Gluten Free Easily ~ gluten free, grain free, dairy free, egg free, refined sugar free, vegan, paleo/primal
~ Peach Sorbet from Savory Simple ~ gluten free, dairy free, egg free, vegan
~ Roasted Peach and Lemon Thyme Paleo Ice Cream from Paleo Spirit ~ gluten free, grain free, dairy free, refined sugar free, paleo/primal
~ Strawberry Peach Ice Cream from Gluten Free SCD and Veggie ~ gluten free, dairy free, sugar free, vegan, paleo/primal, SCD
~ Vegan Peach Ice Cream from Gluten-Free Goddess ~ gluten free, dairy free, egg free, vegan
Gluten-Free Peach Pastry/Quick Bread Recipes
Gluten-Free and Vegan Peach Bread from Healthful Pursuit
~ Almond Peach Bread from Healthful Pursuit ~ gluten free, dairy free, egg free, refined sguar free, vegan
~ Peach Pie Scones with Cinnamon Vanilla Glaze from Better Batter (via The Wayback Machine) ~ gluten free, vegetarian
Gluten-Free Peach Pie/Tart Recipes
~ Easy Crustless Peach Pie from Gluten Free Easily ~ gluten free, vegetarian, with dairy-free option~ Paleo Plum and Peach Pie from What Runs Lori via Go Dairy Free ~ gluten free, grain free, dairy free, egg free, refined sugar free, vegan, paleo/primal
~ Peach-Pecan Pie from Art of Gluten-Free Baking ~ gluten free, vegetarian
~ Peach Pie from GF Jules ~ gluten free, vegetarian, with dairy-free, egg-free, vegan options
~ Perfect Gluten-Free Peach Pie from Let Them Eat Gluten-Free Cake ~ gluten free, vegetarian
~ Rustic Glazed Peach and Mascarpone Tart with Oatcake Crust from Ricki Heller ~ gluten-free, dairy free, egg free, refined sugar free, vegan
~ White Peach Bourbon Pie from In Johnna’s Kitchen ~ gluten free, vegetarian
~ Vegan Rustic Peach Pie from Sarah Bakes Gluten-Free ~ gluten free, vegetarian
Didn’t find what you were looking for? Check out more delicious gluten-free peach pie recipes.
Gluten-Free Peach Spread Recipes
~ Peach Apple Butter from Sarah Bakes Gluten-Free ~ gluten free, dairy free, and egg free, vegan, with refined sugar free optionGluten-Free Peach Beverage/Specialty Drink Recipes
~ Boozy Peaches and Cream Milkshake from Savory Simple ~ gluten free~ Homemade Peach Milkshakes from Lynn’s Kitchen Adventures ~ gluten free, egg free
~ Jalapeno Peach Smoothie from Spabettie ~ gluten free, grain free, dairy free, egg free, sugar free, vegan, paleo/primal
~ Peaches and Cream Frozen Cocktail from Dine and Dish ~ gluten free, egg free
~ Peaches and Cream Smoothie from Tasty Yummies ~ gluten free, grain free, dairy free, egg free, refined sugar free, vegan, paleo
~ Peach Coconut Smoothie from Cook Eat Well ~gluten free, grain free, dairy free, egg free, refined sugar free, vegan, paleo/primal
~ Peach Mango Smoothie from Angela’s Kitchen ~ gluten free, grain free, dairy free, egg free, vegan
~ Peach Smoothie shared over at Go Dairy Free by Shirley Plant, author of Finally … Food I Can Eat! ~ gluten free, grain free, dairy free, egg free, vegan, paleo/primal
~ White Peach Sangria from Jeanette’s Healthy Living ~ gluten free, dairy free, egg free, vegan
Other Simple Gluten-Free Peach Dessert Recipes
~ Grilled Peaches with Blueberry Sauce from Hunter’s Lyonesse ~ gluten free, grain free, dairy free, sugar free, vegan, paleo/primal~ Grilled Spiced Peaches from Civilized Caveman Cooking ~ gluten free, grain free, dairy free, refined sugar free, vegetarian, paleo/primal
~ Peaches and Cream from Z’s Cup of Tea ~ gluten free, grain free, dairy free, egg free, sugar free, vegan, paleo/primal
~ Slow Cooker Peach Compote from A Year of Slow Cooking ~ gluten free, grain free, egg free, vegetarian
~ Steamed Ginger Peaches with Greek Yogurt from Jeanette’s Healthy Living ~ gluten free, dairy free, egg free, vegan
Don’t have time to make these recipes using all those delicious fresh peaches right now? Follow Edible Perspective’s tutorial on freezing peaches.
Originally published June 28, 2105; updated November 18, 2024.
Jeanette says
Wow, what a collection of peach desserts! They all sound and look so good! Peaches are definitely one of my favorite summer fruits.
Shirley says
Jeanette–These were so much fun to check out and gather all together! From simple and delicious ones like yours to elaborately good ones. 🙂 Everyone is lamenting the end of summer peaches! 🙁
Linda says
What a great collection! Something for everyone. By the way, last link on how to freeze peaches has an extra letter at the beginning.
Shirley says
Hi Linda–Thanks! I’m so happy I could add yours to the mix. 🙂 Many, many thanks for the heads up on the broken link! Ideally, I test them all out, but sometimes the urgency to publish has me hitting the button all too soon. 😉
Lexie says
Superb list of peachy recipes. I needed some inspiration … we’re loaded down here 🙂
Shirley says
Yay for loads of peaches, although you’re so creative, Lexie, that it’s hard to believe that you ever need outside inspiration. Can’t wait for your cookbook, dear! 🙂
Vicky says
I can’t get over the number of recipes you’ve gathered Shirley, you are such a gem!! I especially like the peach spread – such a lovely recipe and so easy to convert for the SCD!
Thank you so much for sharing my recipes. I’ve pinned and shared on my Gluten Free Afternoon Tea FB!
Vicky xo
Shirley says
Awww, Vicky, you’re too kind!! You folks give me so many amazing desserts to choose from … like your Peach Pudding Cakes. Brilliant! 🙂 That peach spread is a winner, too, though, I must admit. 😉 I do appreciate the pin and sharing on your lovely Gluten Free Afternoon Tea Facebook page. Every time I look at it, I want to take a break and have tea and goodies. 🙂
Alisa says
Delicious round-up Shirley! I’m supposed to be starting dinner soon, but all I want is dessert now!
Shirley says
Alisa–That happens to me … A LOT! 😉
Beth says
All of these recipes look amazing. Now, if only peach season would last all year…but I guess you’ve already started on collecting apple recipes, now, huh? ; )
Shirley says
Beth–Thankfully, there are some recipes that give you the peach without fresh peaches and for others, there are always frozen peach options. No, I haven’t started collecting apple recipes yet, but I need to get on it, don’t it? 😉
Sarah says
What a beautiful round-up of peach recipes! Can’t wait to give some of them a try!
Shirley says
Sarah–I hope you do! 🙂 Love your peach apple butter recipe. So simple! 😉
amber says
I can’t believe this fabulous round up!! Thank you for all your hard work putting these recipes together. And thank you for featuring my smoothie! What an honor to be included.
Shirley says
Amber–Thanks, dear! It was fun putting it together! I bet the peach is just lovely in that healthy smoothie of yours. Smoothies and ice cream are two of my favorite ways to use peaches. 🙂
Angela says
Thanks for all the hard work you do! I so appreciate it! I think of it in these terms: that’s 2 months’ worth of peach desserts! Whow! How awesome is that! I’ll have to get started this weekend 😉 – well, at least one or more……….I am a sucker for coffee cakes and crisps and cobblers especially, but won’t turn down anything peachy –
Shirley says
Haha, Angela! Now you’re not supposed to look at it that way. 😉 You’re just supposed to pick and choose one or two! 🙂
Enjoy being peachy!
Angela says
🙂 🙂 🙂
Cassidy @ Cassidy's Craveable Creations says
Thanks for another great roundup 🙂
Shirley says
Thanks, Cassidy! I could really go crazy with this updated roundup, but restrained myself for now. 😉
Cindy (Vegetarian Mamma) says
I love peaches! GREAT roundup! Thanks for linking up at our Gluten Free Fridays party! I have tweeted and pinned your entry to our Gluten Free Fridays board on Pinterest! 🙂 I can’t wait to see what you share this week! Its LIVE!
Shirley says
Thanks, Cindy! I think most everyone loves peaches as this roundup has been pretty popular for a while now. 😉 Thanks for sharing it on the GFF Pinterest board and letting me know that this week’s event was live. Already linked up! 🙂
Happy weekend!
Sharon @ What The Fork Food Blog says
Thanks for including me in this glorious peachy roundup!
Shirley says
Wow, you were quick with your response and sharing, dear! Always happy to include your lovely recipes in these roundups, Sharon. 🙂 Thanks so much for sharing the roundup!
Nancy says
Shirley, What a fabulous collection of recipes! I tend to substitute mangoes for peaches but I think that would work with all of these. Thanks for all the wonderful ideas! Nancy
Shirley Braden says
Thanks, Nancy! And I love the idea of using mangoes instead of peaches! They’re more readily available than peaches and available year-round as well. Plus, I prefer them to peaches if I’m being honest. If I can remember this brilliance, I’m going to be making a whole bunch of “new” recipes using mangos. Thank you so much! 🙂
Nancy says
Thanks for adding my cobbler to your wonderful peach lineup! Typically, peaches in Florida are just not up to par and I love mangoes. I think you’ll be delighted with this substitution!
Shirley Braden says
You’re welcome, Nancy! I love having some recipes that include both peaches and another fruit as yours does!
I totally believe you plus, I find mangos more delicious and easier to deal with than peaches. 🙂
Judee says
What a wonderful collection of peach dessert recipes. I definitely saw quite a few that looked really good to me especially the photo of the peach pie. Freezing peaches is such a good idea to use in a future smoothie to other dessert.These gluten free round ups are so valuable. I think I can find almost any kind of baked good or dessert here on your blog. Thank you Shirley for providing this resource. Also, thank you for including my GF peach cardamom cake in the round up
Shirley Braden says
Hi Judee–So glad you enjoyed the collection! I love including your recipe. I don’t think that cardamom gets enough attention so I hope cardamom lovers check out your cake! 🙂