We actually made our Mother’s Day visits a day early. I made this Easy Gluten-Free Apple Pie recipe—which is crustless and fantastic–for both my mother and my mother-in-law.
I wanted to deliver the pies while they were still warm. Neither complained about me doing that, of course! They were happy to start celebrating a little early and receive an apple pie while it was still warm. Plus, both will still get plenty of attention today.
My sister and her family will be visiting my mom this afternoon. And, my mother-in-law is being taken out to lunch and visited later by my husband’s siblings and their families.
I’ll get to have my own day doing whatever I decide. My son won’t be home today, but we spent several hours together last weekend, so I’m okay with that. For the most part, we, moms, are an understanding, reasonable bunch. 🙂
When I think of paying tribute to my mom on this day, I have to pause. No matter what I write about her, the words will fall way short of the wonderful mom she is.
I think about all the special things she’s done for me through the years, how she’s always been there for me and I am extremely humbled. I try to be the same kind of mom for my own son, but I’m pretty sure I’m not as patient or as understanding as mom has been for me throughout my life.
Thinking back on all mom has done for me, seemingly random things pop into my head. There was the time she surprised me with a new dress for a dance when I was in the 8th grade.
Picture multicolored large flowers and a very big bow—I can still see that dress so clearly in my mind! Oh, my goodness, it seems garish now, but it was right for the day and I loved it!
There was the time when I was a teenager in misery from an infection on Christmas Eve. She raced to the pharmacy a half hour away to get my prescription. She got her one and only speeding ticket that evening, but we didn’t find out about it until years later.
There were the letters she sent me when I was homesick my first semester of college. Written on notebook paper and sharing what was going on back home, they meant the world to me. I eagerly traipsed across campus to the post office each day hoping to find one of those letters.
Often there were also packages of Mom-made goodies—the best (I get my baking gene honestly). It was not that long ago that my sister told me that my mom suffered greatly during that time, too. Her words were “I didn’t know if she was going to make it.” The mom-child bond runs deep.
Mom continues mothering me even as an adult. If I get sick, she calls to check on me and offers to run errands or bring over a meal. I’m lucky she and dad live only 8 miles away and we call whenever the mood strikes either of us. It’s okay if our conversation lasts 5 or 40 minutes. Mom makes life easy that way.
As a grandmother, she’s top notch, too. She’s genuinely interested in her three grandchildren, and more recently her new granddaughter-in-law.
When my son was upset with my decisions as a youngster, he’d go to my mom and vent. She was always willing to just listen, but when he wanted advice, she’d offer it. Sometime he wrote letters to me at her urging and they helped us have discussions that would not have been as productive if we’d tried to barge into them without contemplation.
Mom remembers her grandchildren throughout the year and always makes them feel special. That is what everyone wants in a grandmother and she’s beloved by all her grandchildren.
So how can you adequately thank a mom like that on Mother’s Day? The answer is you can’t, really. So, you do something that you think will make them smile or provide a little happiness, and, of course, that’s all moms really want or need. Good moms are usually very easy to please.
My mom has pretty much everything she needs and wants. Still I picked up a few small things I knew she’d enjoy and decided to bake this Easy Gluten-Free Apple pie for her.
I’ve been making this apple pie for a long time, but hadn’t shared it with mom yet and she’s an apple pie fan. My sweet friend, Claudia, had passed on the recipe to me.
It’s another “regular” recipe that I easily adapted to be gluten free. The crust is not made in the traditional sense, so I usually refer to it as my crustless apple pie.
That label tends to confuse people a bit though because as you are eating it, you realize that it actually does have a crust—and a really good crust at that! But the fact is that the batter for the crust is poured over the apple mixture and oozes down between the apple slices to make a pie that has a bottom and a top crust, without all the work.
I make this apple pie with whatever type of apples I have on hand. Yesterday, I used half Pink Lady and half Golden Delicious. Previously, I’ve used all Golden Delicious apples, some Golden Delicious with Gala, some Rome, some Red Delicious, some Jonathan, some Ginger Gold, and so on. Others have used Granny Smith and various combinations.
When I posted this recipe on the celiac listserve, folks told me about all the different apple combinations they had used for best flavor and juiciness. Most importantly, they all gave the recipe glowing reviews.
One of our gfe friends/readers, Brenda, stated that she didn’t even like apple pie before she made this recipe, but now she’s a convert! By the way, I hope Brenda will weigh in because she also makes her version dairy free and reduces the sugar a bit. Oh, she also leaves the skins on her apples for extra fiber and nutrition. UPDATE: Brenda stopped by and graciously shared her version—gluten free, dairy free, lower sugar, and more fiber. Check it out in her comment below! You can also check out my “new and improved” grain-free, dairy-free, refined sugar-free Crustless Apple Pie. Caramel lover? You’ll want to try my Crustless Caramel Apple Pie!
Mom and Dad really enjoyed their pieces of pie yesterday evening. I had taken pictures of the whole pie before we left, but wanted a picture of a slice, so I was snapping photos left and right. It was a little challenging to get a perfectly cut piece because the pie was still very warm.
Mom was puzzled at all my picture taking. She asked if I was entering the pie in a contest or something. I reminded her about my website.
Mom doesn’t have a computer and has no interest in getting one, but when I explained that I had to try different settings to get the best picture, she joined in the fun. The photo of the partial whole pie and the piece in the pie stand was actually mom’s idea. She also had me placing the pie near her collection of teapots, on different dishes, etc.
I told mom she was a natural food stylist. Mr. GFE agreed and piped in that I should hire her. Mom laughed, but beamed. When we finally got to the eating part, Mom absolutely loved the pie. It was a really nice Mother’s Day visit. Happy Mother’s Day, Mom—I love you!
Happy Mother’s Day to all of the mothers reading who do their best day in and day out! I hope someone makes your day special and thanks you for all you do.
Maybe you’ll even get a special homemade treat like this Easy Gluten-Free Apple Pie … if not, make your own. You’ll be so happy if you do Here’s a step-by-step pictorial with the recipe below.
Easy Gluten-Free Apple Pie Recipe
I call this Gluten-Free Apple Pie a Crustless Apple Pie because you don't actually make or use a crust. In this recipe, you create a batter and pour the batter over the apples. When baked, the batter becomes both a top and bottom crust. The crust tastes like a cookie and the whole pie is simply delicious! I’m sure you could make this in an 8-inch square casserole dish or something similar if you don’t have a deep-dish pie plate. I used 4 1/2 apples yesterday--that's all that was needed to fill my pie plate, yet leave enough room to pour over the crust. If you're using Earth Balance instead of butter, I recommend the soy-free version in the pink/red tub. Spoon into glass measuring cup and melt, adding more if needed to get to the 3/4 cup measurement. If you're using Earth Balance sticks, measure the same way. Disregard the cup measurements on the sticks. Also, for you folks who don't use gums, I’ve made it without xanthan gum successfully as well.Easy Gluten-Free Apple Pie ("Crustless")
H.Peter says
Great words. happy Mother’s day.
“There were the letters she sent me when I was homesick my first semester of college. Written on notebook paper and sharing what was going on back home, they meant the world to me. I eagerly traipsed across campus to the post office each day hoping to find one of those letters.”
Above quote is my favorite, because we can relate. Letters, they meant so much.
Shirley says
H.Peter–Thanks so much! I know you and the girls gave Victoria a lovely day. 🙂
I am so glad the letters from home resonated with you. I would re-read those letters until I got home for the next visit. Letters have always been special to me. And, I still write letters the old-fashioned way sometimes. But, even when I don’t, I sort of feel like emails can be the modern day equivalent and I still get frustrated when I get short communiques. But, I’m like that about books, too. If I can read it in the blink of an eye, it’s too short! LOL
joy says
What kind of apples are we suppose to use in this recipe?
Will gala apple work?
Shirley Braden says
Hi Joy–Any apples will work just fine. I use whatever I have on hand. Enjoy!
Gluten Free Steve says
What a great posting. And what an easy recipe. I am going to have to try this recipe. The only thing missing is some vanilla ice cream to go along the side! Thanks for sharing this recipe and Happy Mother’s Day to you!
Shirley says
Hi, Steve–So good to see you! Thanks so much for the very kind words and the Mother’s Day wishes. Hubby and I had a lovely day even though our son coudn’t make it home. However, our son and I chatted earlier and that was good. 🙂
Make that recipe—it’s good!
Shirley says
Steve–I forgot to add that you are right about the ice cream! Mom and Dad had butter pecan ice cream on their slices of pie. Hubby and I shared a piece topped with some ice cream as well. It was very good!
Lorna says
Have you tried other fruit like peaches or pineapple.
Shirley Braden says
Hi, Lorna–It looks like you’re new here! Welcome to gfe. 🙂 The peach version is here. It’s the same, with peaches subbed in for apples. I have not tried pineapple. I also have a raspberry version here. Readers have made versions with peaches and blueberries, blackberries, and more. Please report back and let me know about any new versions you try! Fingers crossed. 😉
Therese says
Beautiful post, Shirley. I see the apple didn’t fall far from the tree. (forgive me…)
You always send such nice notes and great emails, I see that you learned from the best. Your dear Mother really does sound extra-special. How nice that you are still learning new things about each other. Mom has photo design flair, who knew?
This is a lovely tribute to an obviously extraordinary Mom. You are a fortunate daughter and I think she’s a pretty lucky Mom, too.
Shirley says
Good morning, Therese–Thank you, dear. You are funny 😉 and very sweet. Mothers are such blessings in our lives. I am definitely a fortunate daughter.
Thanks so much. Hope you had a fabulous Mother’s Day! After 10 days of rain here, yesterday was truly a day made to order. 🙂
V-Grrrl says
A lovely tribute to your mom…It is hard to put into words what our moms mean to us. Like you, I really appreciated my mom’s letters when I left home. I still have them all and would like to reread them some day when I’m in the right mood, when I know they’ll make me happy, not sad.
Is that your blue and white china dish or hers? I have a few plates like that, purchased at a church bazaar…
Shirley says
Hi, V–Thank you. I’m not sure I do have my mom’s letters somewhere, but it’s okay if I don’t. It’s mainly the spirit of them and how they made me feel that is firmly fixed in my mind … so warm and comforting. I think of you and all my friends who have lost their moms and can’t imagine how hard it must be without them. I’m not sure that I could ever separate the loss and sadness from the joy of remembering my mom if she passed away.
That’s mom’s dish! How wonderful that you have some like that—I think they are really lovely. I’m a huge fan of blue as you can tell by the photos of my pottery, stoneware, etc. Mom’s plates are rather dimunitive, too. I like smaller plates for desserts or just a few bites of a savory food.
Hope you had a special Mother’s Day! I saw you were camping. I hope there were s’mores involved!
Emilia says
That pie looks so good! I also love the simplicity of it, I am going to try this out, maybe with some almond flour mixed with quinoa flour.
Thanks for participating in Go Ahead Honey, It’s Gluten-Free!
Shirley says
Hi, Emilia!–Thanks! I’m all about simple dishes. Why make anything hard–even gf? 😉 Please report back on your success (hopefully!) … I know a lot of folks prefer almond flour and other flours like quinoa. I would think they would work if they are finely ground.
I’m looking forward to the roundup at the end of the month. Fruit desserts should get a lot of folks submitting entries!! So many possibilities … lemon, strawberries, rhubarb, blueberries … yum. 🙂
It’s good to see you hear at gfe—thanks again!
Diane-thewholegang says
This sounds like a wonderful day with your family. Great story and delicious looking pie. What a wonderful daughter you are.
Shirley says
Diane–Thank you, my dear. The pie is delicious indeed. I must work on the dairy-free version for you in the future. 😉
Heather @ Life, Gluten Free says
You see, it is really wrong to create something like this and post pictures without giving us a sample to eat!! Of course, I couldn’t sample it anyways because I can’t have eggs or dairy. But it is just the principal of the matter really. This looks really good, Shirley! I love pies 🙂
Shirley says
Hey, Heather–Nice to see you again. 🙂 I’m so sorry to taunt you with this pie. How about if I promise that some time in the future, I’ll look into a dairy-free/egg-free version for you? Ali does egg free all the time. Hopefully, I’ll learn some tricks from her. I actually used to do egg-free in the past by using soy flour and water, but I don’t do soy much any more. Anyway, pies are irresistible I think. Some people go for cake, but I’ve always been a pie and cookie girl myself. 😉
Thanks so much,
VIKKI says
Ground flaxseed blended with water can be used as an egg substitute. I don’t remember the proportions but I should be able to find it.
Shirley says
Hi Vikki–Welcome to gfe! 🙂 Thanks so much for replying to Heather! While I use flax eggs in many forms of gf baking, I’m not sure if they’d work in this recipe. If you try it, please let us know how it works–thanks!
Brenda says
Shirley mentioned me in her blog about the Easy Apple Pie and asked me to enter my dairy free version of her recipe (see below)
1 9″ pie plate, greased with Crisco (not buttery)
5 unpeeled Gala apples cored & cut up
1/2 c. Smart Balance margarine, melted (be sure it has the parve symbol on tub; it IS gluten free)
3/4 c. white granulated sugar
3/4 c. Authentic Foods superfine brown rice flour
1 tsp. McCormick’s Apple Pie Spice
1 TBSP white granulated sugar
1 large egg, beaten
1/4 tsp. sea salt
Put apples in pie plate and sprinkle with Apple Pie Spice and 1 TBSP sugar mixed together. In a bowl, mix 3/4 c. white granulated sugar, superfine rice flour and melted butter (the butter will have separated into a watery bottom layer and a buttery top layer). Blend in egg and salt. Mix well and pour over apples. Sprinkle with more Apple Pie Spice and bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes in middle of oven.
Note – Shirley Braden has given me a number of really wonderful gluten free recipes! Any recipe she lists will be delicious!!
Shirley says
Hi Brenda–Thank you so very much for stopping by and sharing your recipe with all of us!! I know your dairy-free modification will help so many readers here. 🙂
Thanks also for your endorsement … that’s just so sweet of you!!
Many hugs,
Amy Kate says
So happy for the dairy free version. Thanks so much!!
Shirley Braden says
Hi Amy Kate–Welcome to gfe! You can also make this recipe dairy free simply by subbing in melted Earth Balance for the melted butter as shown in my recipe in this post. I made it that way just yesterday and it was so delicious! By the way, I also have a grain-free, dairy-free version here. This latter version uses coconut oil in place of the butter. Hope you enjoy the dairy-free version soon! 🙂
glutenfreeforgood says
Oh my gosh — I didn’t comment on this?!
Shirley, you’re totally messing me up with that FaceBook thing. Did I comment there? I came back here to read your response to my comment and, what do you know, no comment from me to begin with. Guess you can’t follow up unless I actually comment. Geez…
Anyway, this is (was) a lovely tribute to both you and your mom. Sounds like you have a great family, and I can understand why, just from knowing you in the blogosphere.
Oh, and I love your apple photo! Beautiful!
Shirley says
Hey there, Melissa–Sorry to have confused you! I promise I didn’t mean to … I know what you mean though with info coming from all angles and mulitple blogs. Sometimes I get confused myself. And, it’s not just online either … once I went to pick up a prescription I’d never called in. I had thought about calling it in, didn’t that count? :>0
Your comments are so sweet and thoughtful—I truly appreciate them.
I have to confess … that apple photo was a bit of an accident. It was actually part of the background of a photo that I took of one of my quiches a while back. Isn’t it funny how objects in photos sometimes turn out better when you aren’t focused on them? 😉 I love keeping that basket filled with apples. I have another one on my desk at work!
Ali (Whole Life Nutrition) says
Oh wow, Happy belated Mother’s Day! What a lovely post Shirley.
Your pie reminds me of apple cobbler. It looks great! And so simple.
-Ali 🙂
Shirley says
Hi, Ali!–Thank you for the Mother’s Day greeting and very kind words! I hope your youngsters and hubby made your day special, too.
This pie (cobbler, whatever you want to call it LOL) is really delicious and can be adapted several ways as you can see from Brenda’s dairy-free, lower sugar, more fiber version. I bet you could make an egg-free version as well. 😉
CoconutGal says
Yes, Happy Belated Mother’s Day!! What a lovely post about your mom as well 🙂 You’re making everyone wish they had such a creative cook as their daughter!
I have an apple pie recipe I am posting soon, granted– I can eat it, so it won’t have all the yummy things this one has in it, but it still cures the craving.
Hugs Shirley!
Shirley says
Hey, CoconutGal!–It’s always good to see you here! Thank you so much for the Mother’s Day wishes and your other very sweet comments. 🙂
I’ll look forward to your apple pie recipe. Even though you use different ingredients, I always think your recipes look terrific. I stil have to get some coconut milk to make your banilla nut ice cream. I think once I start making that recipe, I’ll never ever have an excess of bananas again! LOL, but true! I was wondering what you added to make your last batch chocolate … cocoa nibs?
CoconutGal says
Cocoa powder! Nibs would probably do the trick but they might be gritty. If you have powder I’d do that. I add agave when I add the cocoa too since it’s bitter. I have a huge sweet tooth 😀
Shirley says
Thanks, CoconutGal! I love using cocoa powder in recipes. No other ingredients to worry about, I always have it on hand, it’s less expensive, more pure chocolate flavor, etc. Sadly, my grocery store doesn’t even have coconut milk though. I looked again today. Rice milk, soy milk, and goats’ milk, but no coconut. I’ll definitely have to get some the next time I am near civilization. 😉
I’ve been thinking about making a chocolate syrup and swirling it through cookie batter vs using chocolate chips to get the chocolate flavor and, again, avoid the other issues for chocolate chips.
Thanks for letting me know the scoop 😉 … I have no knowledge of the nibs, so that info is helpful, too. Sounds like they are related to most gf flour with the grittiness factor. LOL
Nance says
What a warm and lovely post. It really brings your blog to life even more. I enjoyed it thoroughly. It was like sitting right down at the table with you both. Thank you.
Shirley says
Nance–I’m so delighted that this post spoke to you and others. I have to give mom the credit. I simply wrote about her and how much I love her. She’s such a warm and loving person. I’m grateful she instilled that spirit in me, and I’m so happy the feelings came through in my post.
Thanks very much for your words,
Sophie says
I love a good apple pie, especially a hearty one like this :)!
Shirley says
Hey, Sophie!–Welcome to gfe! Thanks so much! 🙂 I’m still drooling over your gf sticky apple carrot pudding cake with apricot caramel sauce!! That photo was awesome!
Arwen from Hoglet K says
It’s so nice of you to deliver the pies warm. It would be a wonderful gift to receive a hot pie – I can imagine the fresh baked smell! I like the nifty idea of no crust to roll either.
Shirley says
Hi, Arwen–Welcome to gfe! Thanks so much for you lovely comment. 🙂 I think delivering hot pies comes under the category of “do unto others, as you would have them do unto you.” 😉
Oh, and no rolling of pie crusts for me. Thare are so many other options for gfe pies. I make most of mine crustless actually, by just adding 1/4 cup of gf flour to the normal recipe. This method works great for pumpkin, coconut, vinegar, buttermilk … just not heavier pies like this one. For some pies, I mix my crust right in the pie plate and then press and smooth to fit the pie plate.
Thanks again for stopping by! I’m off to check out your blog now … 🙂
Diane-The WHOLE Gang says
Still think this is great. Thank you for sharing it on Friday Foodie Fix.
Shirley says
🙂 Glad to have a contribution for the Friday Foodie Fix. You ended up with some really great recipes!
Jessie says
Shirley, who knew it would be so easy? I’m trying out a new crust recipe I found and was looking for a filling only plan but this looks so easy I’m going to have to try it too. Oh darn! 😉
Shirley says
Hey Jessie!–You know me … I love easy! I don’t think you can go wrong with this pie. Please report back after you give it a try. 🙂
Thanks so much for taking the time to comment!
Chaya says
After, I try the pumpkin, this is on the list. I have a pumpkin mousse which is on the top of the list. If it comes out, I will share.
I love how you refer to other bloggers. That is true respect.
Shirley says
Hey Chaya–This is a great pie for sure! I have to confess that I didn’t even like apple pie before I made this recipe. Sounds hard to believe, but it’s true.
Ah, pumpin mousse … that sounds lovely. I hope it turns out so you can share!
Thanks very much for your kind words. I believe that all of us have something to share and the more you spread the joy, the more joy there is. 🙂
Jenn/CinnamonQuill says
Wow, I can’t even imagine how good this tastes. Do you suppose I could use almond flour? Amazing!
Shirley says
Hi, Jenn–It’s truly a gem of a recipe. A wonderful crust without any of the work! I wish I could tell you that almond flour would work, but I don’t think it would substitute one for one if you could use it all. I love almond flour, but it does behave differently than an all-purpose gf flour mix most of the time. I tried my pumpkin squares recipe with almond flour this evening and while they taste fabulous, they didn’t come out like squares/bars. The pan is about the thickness of pie crust. But, still, give it a try if you want. The worst that could happen is that you have a very tasty dish that you have to spoon into a bowl versus cut into pie … not a bad thing. 😉 But, of course, if it turns out or comes close, you’ll be very happy or can tweak it a little next time. Experimentation can be fun as long as the worst case is something you can deal with. 🙂
Erica says
You have the BEST recipes- book marking this to make it.
Shirley says
Hi there, Erica!–Wow, that’s such a nice thing to say—thank you! This one is a family favorite. My 20-year old niece just emailed me to tell me that she’s made it twice for her college roommates and friends and everyone loves it! I hope you will, too. 🙂
Jessica, MA says
This crustless apple pie is the best gf our family has tasted!! Thumbs up for this recipe! My 11 year old said it simple “It tastes good”!!!
Shirley says
Jessica–Thanks so much for sharing your daughter’s comment. I believe that all food should taste good whether we are gluten free or not. We don’t need to settle for “okay” or “not bad” gluten-free food. Thank you for the great feedback—it makes my day!
Pam says
Wholly YUM…..you are the crustless queen!
Shirley says
Pam–I didn’t realize that you hadn’t found this particular crustless dish of mine yet! Yes, I’ll happily wear the crustless queen crown. 😉 Expect more crustless and flourless recipes here at gfe! Now you need to try this pie out. 🙂 I never even liked apple pie before I made this recipe. Other readers and support group members have told me the same thing. We’re all converts.
Thanks for stopping by and commenting, Pam!
Mir says
I’m working my way through your archives, Shirley. 😉 Happy to report this comes out beautifully with Georgia peaches. Yum! Thank you!
Shirley says
Hi Mir–You’re a doll to come back and tell me about your successful peach pie version! It sounds divine. There are few things better than Georgia peaches. 😉
If you make it again and would be interested, feel free to email me a photo or post one on my Facebook page letting everyone else know. I’m sure other gfe readers would be interested in making an easy, “crustless” peach pie. 🙂 I know I’m going to give it a try myself, and, I can’t wait to see what else you reinvent from the archives!
Giuliana says
I am allergic to dairy and don’t have any xanthum gum in the house- do you think that instead of using Earth Balance or something like that I could just use Bob’s Red Mill Vanilla Cake Mix in lieu of the gf-flour, xantham gum, and butter?
Shirley says
Hi Giuliana–Sorry that I’m just checking comments for the first time today. I think your idea should (key word there) work. However, you will need to make some slight modifications because I just took a look at the BRM cake mix ingredients. The first ingredient is sugar. That means you shouldn’t need to add sugar when you make your pie. The BRM mix also contains baking powder and baking soda. I’m not sure how that will affect the pie if at all. Just in case it makes it bubble/rise up a lot, I’d put in a larger pie plate if you have one AND place a cookie sheet under the pan … just in case. So I’d do the latter, use the Earth Balance in place of butter, and use a total of 2 cups BRM mix (hopefully, it has that much), plus the tbsp of cinnamon and tbsp sugar for sprinkling and the egg. Does that make sense? Of course, this is just me “guesstimating” the conversion, so I hope it works. Let me know please … fingers crossed for you!
Shirley says
Giuliana–Forgot to say welcome to gfe … so glad you are here! 🙂
Giuliana says
Thanks so much! One last question- since I don’t have any Earth Balance do you think that it would work with the BRM mix? It’s designed to not need butter, which is why I thought it might work. If not, I just have to cave and buy some!
Shirley says
Hi again Giuliana–Just reread your original comment. Sorry I misunderstood. I have no idea if this pie will work without some type of shortening/fat. I don’t see any ingredients in the BRM that really make up for that. From reviews on their site, it looks like you add oil to the recipe when you make it as a cake. So you’d have to add some type of shortening/oil here, but I don’t know if you’ll end up with a pie. You could certainly try it knowing that it might not work. The worst that could happen is that you’d have some apples with a tasty topping, but not apple pie. And, then if that did happen, you could try it the next time with Earth Balance. Again, I’m just guessing here. Good luck … whatever you decide to do!
Stephanie says
Thanks Shirley!! I needed something sweet to serve some “Southern” friends who were visiting last week and I made this pie for the first time. It was wonderful and no one would ever know that it was gluten free, until they saw I was eating it too…that’s a giveaway 🙂
Shirley says
Hi Stephanie–Thanks so much for taking the time to provide this wonderful report! Reading your news totally made my day yesterday! 🙂 That is one of the things that gfe recipes are about … nobody ever knowing that they are gluten free because they taste so good. And, you get to enjoy that same great taste, too–safely and usually very economically. 😉
Stephanie says
Hey Shirley! I’ve been wanting to try your “New and Improved” version of this pie, but liked the original so much that I compromised. I used 1/2 cup almond flour and 1/2 cup GF AP Flour. For everything else, I followed the new version here https://glutenfreeeasily.com/grain-free-dairy-free-refined-sugar-free-egg-free-crustless-apple-pie/
This pie is incredibly delicious and so easy to make. It’s my new favorite apple pie 🙂
Shirley says
Hi Stephanie!–You always know how to my brighten my day! Or really I should say days, as I read this last night and just re-read and was thrilled again to hear that your new “half and half” version is your new favorite apple pie! 🙂 I have a friend who always adds at least 1/2 cup of almond flour to all her recipes to add some more nutrition and bring down the glycemic index for recipes. Many like the texture of the combination better than either alone. 🙂 Anyway, I’m so glad you’ve found a new favorite and I so appreciate you telling us all about it!
Have a good week, Stephanie!
Tia says
OK, I showed the pictures to Sam, and he said we “HAD” to do a dry run before we took it to Thanksgiving dinner. Kind of defeating the purpose of using up the old apples in a pie FOR Thanksgiving dinner. Now we have to buy more.
BTW, I used 1/2 almond flour and 1/2 sweet rice four. I also used 1/2 regular sugar and 1/2 palm sugar to cut down the G.I. just a bit. Tastes great!
Even passed the test of the 19 y.o. boy my husband plays hockey with. Sam said it was the best apple pie he has ever had, and he is an officianado.
Big thumbs up!
Tia 😛
Shirley says
Hi Tia–Love the enthusiastic feedback and your modifications! 🙂 This is a recipe that I have not gone back to make a bit healthier yet, so thanks for doing the work for me. 😉 BTW, Elana told me she makes my recipe with all almond flour and I believe agave as the sweetener. I don’t know what proportions she uses though. I’m feeling pretty good right now since it passed the test of you, your friend, and your apple-pie loving hubby. LOL
Thanks! xo,
andrea says
Just made this today for christmas using Brenda’s variation. I made it eggless using 2 flax eggs but when I went to mix it up it was too doughy & not runny enough to pour so I added 1/2 cup coconut milk. I could then spread it over the apples and baked for 45 minutes. It came out yummy with vanilla rice ice cream!
andrea says
I forgot to add that I used Earth balance so the pie is vegan.
Shirley says
Hi andrea!–It looks like you are new to gfe–welcome! 🙂 Thanks so much for sharing your success with your adaptation of Brenda’s version. I love that you just added a little coconut milk to make the topping spreadable and that you made the pie vegan, too. That’s such helpful info for others who’d like to make this treat … and topped with vanilla “ice cream” … very nice! 😉
Merry Christmas!
Susan says
Shirley, I read this recipe after purusing your camping posts. We too are campers and serious About our camp meals. I am thinking of trying this as a Dutch oven cobbler. I think the additional of a little Sierra mist natural to the apples in the bottom would make this a moist and tasty apple cobbler for fall camping, or spring, or summer…. I will have to try it out as soon as Illinois warms up.
Shirley says
Susan–Yippee for a fellow camper! Dutch ovens (and baking in the coals in any form IMHO) produce heavenly foods. Now I’m curious to try this recipe just as is in a Dutch oven. It comes out just like a regular apple pie. So yummy. Anyway, next camping trip! Usually that’s April or May for us. 🙂
Susan says
I’m with you, Camp food is wonderful. We make a lot of cobblers and I’m going to have to work on revamping those recipes so I can share the fun with the family and my Girl Scouts. My husband says we eat better at camp than we do at home, which is probably true! 🙂 Last May was our first GS outing and it was a whopping 39 degrees overnight, I’m buying a better sleeping bag for this year!
Clare says
Shirley! Come over for dinner. We had your GFE pizza and this apple pie. It was sooo good. My favorite part is where the crust is caramelized. Yum! Your recipes are so easy and delicious!
My next experiment will be to make this in individual muffin tins for more caramel goodness.
Shirley says
Hey Clare–Oh, I wish I’d been able to join you! I’m so happy that you found a winning gfe dinner combination. 🙂 That apple pie is a great dessert. If you’ve read comments, you can see that other readers have also used other fruit in this pie. Just food for thought for the future. I sooo appreciate your kind words on my gfe recipes! Let me know when you make the individual apple pies … I’ll be over for those. 😉
April says
This is amazing!!! We use Bisquick Mix and half the sugar for the flour topping! Thank you for sharing!
Shirley says
Hi April–That’s fantastic news! Thanks so much for the feedback!
Sarena (The Non-Dairy Queen) says
This looks so good! It reminds me of the cobbler I make. I think this needs to go on the Thanksgiving list!
Shirley says
Hey Sarena–Thanks! This pie is one of my most popular recipes. I never even liked apple pie until I started making it. Seriously.
Hope you enjoy it if you get to make it! Hugs,
katrina says
I’m running out of Jules flour and it’s too late to order. So, any recommendations/thoughts for a different all purpose mix? Thanks in advance!
Shirley says
Hi katrina–You should have success with any gluten-free all-purpose flour mix. I used my mix of Asian white rice flour and cornstarch to make this pie whenever I make it. I mention this info in notes for this recipe, but I mix 3 parts (usually 3 lbs) of Asian white rice flour and 2 parts (2 lbs) of cornstarch gently in a large container. Then I use that any time I need gf all-purpose flour. If I’m converting a gluten-full recipe to gluten free, I also add some xanthan gum. You should have great success. 🙂 Let us know!
Megan R says
I am making this right now!! It smells yummy!! I can’t wait to try this!
Shirley says
Hi Megan–Wellll, what’s the verdict? Are you a fan? 😉 Holding my breath with fingers crossed …
Megan R says
I am a fan!!! 🙂 LOVE LOVE! My husband says it is the best apple pie he has ever had!! I made it dairy free as well.. I added an 1/8 of a teaspoon of nutmeg and 2 TBS of brown sugar! Yum!! This is a keeper!
Shirley says
Hi Megan–Thanks so much for reporting back! I’m thrilled that this pie has now become a new family favorite in your house! 🙂 I love the changes you made, too–YUM!
Trish says
I made this yesterday for our Fourth of July dinner. It was fantastic! I also made coconut milk ice cream d/f to go with it. I used Earth Balance soy free buttery spread in the pie instead of butter and it worked fine. Thanks so much for sharing this recipe with all of us.
Shirley says
Yippee, Trish!! Thanks so much for reporting back to us all, too! 🙂 I love that you topped your pie with some dairy-free ice cream and that the soy-free Earth Balance worked just fine. That’s much needed info for many. 😉
So glad you had a sweet 4th!
Leana says
I’m going to try and make this today… went apple picking with the kids a few days ago and got about 20lbs of apples…
As my son is gluten and dairy free… this is perfect… wish me luck!!!
Shirley says
Hi Leana–Here’s a bit of a belated, but still sincere welcome to gfe! 🙂 Apple picking with your family is awesome. 😉 And 20 lbs of apples? Nice! So did you make this recipe with non-dairy butter? How did your pie turn out? I’ve actually made this pie using coconut oil and also a mixture of coconut oil with some EVOO. At the same time, I substituted almond flour for the gluten-free all-purpose flour and used coconut sugar as the sugar, so I’m not sure how that substitution would work by itself with the gf ap flour. Fingers crossed that you had success! 😉
Leana says
Thanks Shirley 😀
I didn’t have any Xanthan Gum 🙁 BUT, it still turned out REALLY good (I couldn’t stop eating it, LOL!) So, I made two and they turned out more like Apple Crisps (but, my son chowed ’em down!!)
Thanks Again!!
Shirley says
Hi again, Leana–I’m so glad to hear that you had such success! I think that the flour mix, xanthan gum, and moisture level in the apples determine how pie-like this recipe turns out. The Asian white rice flour/cornstarch mix with xanthan gum and mix of apples I usually use provide pretty much “no fail” results. But if you all enjoyed your Apple Crisps, I’d say there’s no complaining. 😉
Vicky says
Shirley! This looks awesome! It reminds me of Eve’s Pudding which has to be one of my most favourite desserts!
I love the fact that you used any apples! My pies and crumbles are always made with the odd apples no one seems to want to eat! I think they make the best apple pies!
Shirley says
Hi Vicky–I am always learning from you! I had never heard of Eve’s Pudding before, but I can see why this pie would remind you of that dessert now that I know what is is. 😉 As far as the fact that any apples work, well you know me … I’m not one to make “fussy” recipes! Btw, I’ve made this grain free, dairy free, and refined sugar free, too. All versions have been delicious thus far!
Linda says
I don’t think I’ve seen this recipe before. It looks great, and I’m glad you linked up an older recipe. It does look easy and delicious.
Shirley says
Hi Linda–It bothers me so when I don’t have a new recipe ready to share for your wonderful Gluten-Free Wednesday event. So I had to think of an older recipe that I hadn’t shared previously, and luckily with the apple season in progress, I remembered this one. 😉
amber says
Hi Shirley,
Thank you for sharing one of your favorite recipes. And I can see why it’s such a family favorite. It looks wonderful, Shirley. As always,thank you for sharing with us on AFW. Hope to see you again this week.
Hope you’re well lovely lady.
Shirley says
Hi Amber–I always try to join in AFW; it’s such an amazing weekly event! When I have no new recipes, I’ll try to reach back in the archives to pull out a crowd pleaser. 😉
Busy, but well here, dear. Hope you are, too! xo,
Anna says
Thank you so much for this delicious recipe! I just made it for thanksgiving and was so happy with how good it turned out. Since going gluten-free I never thought I’d be able to taste good apple pie again. Thank you!
And beautiful post about your mom-it’s nice to know there are other people who love their mom’s as much as I do!
Shirley says
Hi Anna–Welcome to gfe and I’m so happy that you enjoyed my apple pie recipe! Woohoo! I love it when folks find out they can still have fabulous recipes after going gluten free. 😉 Thanks, too, on the words on my mom. She’s super special as I’m sure your mom is, too!
Katie says
This looks delicious!! Seriously cannot wait to try it!!
Shirley says
Hey Katie–Welcome to gfe, living gluten free (saw your first gf Thanksgiving post!), and blogging! 🙂 Please let me know what you think of this recipe after you make it. 😉
Happy Holidays!
Lynne says
We LOVE this recipe! I make it for thanksgiving and everyone thinks its delicious. It’s also such a easy recipe. We really appreciate you posting it!
Shirley says
Hi Lynne–Welcome to gfe! 🙂 Your review of this apple pie recipe makes my day—thank you so much! I hope you will check out all my other crustless pies and lots of other easy and tasty gfe recipes.
Happy Holidays!
Tracie says
My daughter made two of these delicious pies for Christmas Eve. They turned out wonderfully. Thank you for sharing!
Shirley says
Hi Tracie–It looks like you are new here–welcome to gfe! 🙂 I’m so happy that you all had such success with my apple pies! I really appreciate you taking the time to comment and give us your review!
Happy Holidays!
Rose says
I just copied this down and I am planning to do this for my girls on their spring break! My daughters will love this recipe! Can’t wait to feed them!… I am already checking my cupboards to see if I have all the ingredients!!! I am so excited!
Suzanne says
The Crustless Apple pie is in the oven now!!
Thank you!!
Shirley says
Hey Suzanne–Are you going to share your results with us? Fingers crossed and waiting patiently. 😉
Stephanie says
I’m curious, how do I know the pie is done. Excited to try this. I’m gluten free but not grain free so the original crustless pie recipe is just fine.
Shirley says
Hi Stephanie–Welcome to gfe! 🙂 When the crust is golden and looks done, the pie is done. You can also stick a butter knife in the center if you wish, similar to the toothpick testing approach, and see if the apples “give” (i.e., the knife easily goes through them). If the crust is done though, the pie will be done. The only reason that I could imagine that the pie would not be done at that time would be if the apple slices were cut too large. Give the recipe a go! I think you’ll enjoy it. 😉
Stephanie says
Thank you. We made this & enjoyed it. I forgot the pinch of salt for the crust batter but it turned out fine. My son thought it tasted like a snicker doodle cookie on top of an apple pie.
Shirley says
I’m so glad, Stephanie! I think that salt is one of those ingredients that you often don’t miss when it’s a small amount, but when you add it, there’s a bit of “punch” or “brightness” that’s nice. 😉 Your son is not the first one to say that this recipe is like a cookie on top of apple pie! LOL I think others have said it tastes like a sugar cookie on top, but there’s not much difference between a sugar cookie and a snickerdoodle except the cinnamon, which this one definitely has. 🙂 I prefer snickerdoodles, so please thank him for the compliment! 🙂
Perla says
Hello Shirley, Thank you for sharing this recipe. My husband and I went to visit our daughter in Burlington, Vt this weekend and went apple picking after a morning hike. She’s attending UVM for her Masters in Social Work and I miss her terribly! Then today,after coming home from a very challenging day at work, I needed to busy myself to refocus on what’s important in my life- and came across your “crustless” apple pie recipe. It’s in the oven now- I used sugar in the raw which looked a little crystalline in the dough, I’m hoping it will dissolve and add a nice molasses flavor to the crust and pie. As the dough was a little thick, I pressed it between two sheets of wax paper before placing it on top of the cut up apples. I also cut some vents just in case to allow any steam to escape. Rachel is coming home to New York for Thanksgiving and I hope to share this new treat with her and the rest of my beautiful family. Thanks again for sharing your recipe!
Shirley says
Hi Perla–I just found this very lovely comment from you. I am so very sorry I missed it earlier. I hope this pie turned out fine with sugar in the raw. It sure sounded good. I love molasses flavoring! This pie doesn’t normally need vents but that’s with the pour-over crust and some of the “batter” trickling down to form the bottom crust leaving natural venting on the perimeter. And now it’s time for your daughter to be home for Thanksgiving—how wonderful! I hope you all can enjoy this pie again and have a very, very special Thanksgiving together. 🙂
Becca says
Just came across your website yesterday looking for a gluten-free apple pie recipe for my son who is 5 and wanted to make one for the first time. Made it today for Thanksgiving, but it looked so delicious that we all couldn’t help but dig in this afternoon! It could not have been more delicious! Two big thumbs up from the gluten-free son and the non-gluten-free daughter! 😉 It made the entire house smell delicious, and my mom said it reminded her of the apple crisps of her childhood. Made it dairy-free as well and served with coconut milk ice cream – it was perfect. SO excited to have found your site. Can’t wait to try more recipes. Many thanks!
Shirley says
Hi Becca–Welcome to gfe! 🙂 Your comment made me smile big. 😉 I’m thrilled that you and your son made this pie and it was an irresistible hit with all! It does make the house smell heavenly. It’s easy to make dairy free for sure and can be made even “more free” if needed. Thanks for all the kind words! I hope you all have a very lovely Thanksgiving!
Valerie Haight says
Hey Shirley, I wanted to let you know that I tried your Easy Crustless Apple Pie recipe for Thanksgiving. OMG – it was sooooo easy, tasted wonderful, and is now in my permanent recipe list!!! Can’t wait to try this with other fruits as well. BTW: Yes, my non-gluten free friends loved this! Thank you so much!
Shirley says
Hi Valerie–Welcome to gfe! 🙂 Thanks so much for being willing to share your review here after letting me know about your success on FB! Reviews like yours totally make my day! I’ve made the recipe using peaches (and actually have it here on gfe as a separate recipe), but I’ll be anxious to hear what other fruits you try. 😉
Thanks again,
Margaret says
Hi Shirley,
Just found your website. I’ve recently gone GF and looking forward to trying this very unusual apple pie!
Quick question regarding your own GF all-purpose flour mix. Could I just use plain white rice flour (vs Asian kind) and tapioca starch (or combination of tapioca starch and cornstarch) for that? I’m still learning about substitutions so I figured I’d ask before wasting expensive ingredients 🙂
Joanne says
I am looking for a gluten free recipe for Olive Garden soup
Using chizsorso sausage to go with these yummy bisquits
Shirley says
Joanne–I replied to your other comment on the Garlic Cheese Biscuits post. Hopefully you’ll find the recipe you need via the link I shared there. 🙂
Joanne says
Thank you so much for your prompt reply
I am new to gluten free and find I am much healthier and more conscious of my eating
This is a fabulous soup and cheese biscuits are yummy
Thank you again for your link
Shirley says
You’re welcome, Joanne! Congrats on living gluten free and having such a terrific attitude, too. Hope you have the great soup and biscuit combo soon. 🙂
Morgan says
Just pulled this beautiful dessert from the oven and had a small taste (I couldn’t wait…it smelled so delicious!). It tastes like a slice of cinnamon heaven! I used raw coconut sugar instead of regular sugar to make it with a lower glycemic level and less calories. I also used coconut oil instead of butter and it is absolutely delicious. I love how easy it was to make and how it literally took me five minutes to prepare but looks and tastes like I slaved preparing a true pie for hours!
Give it a try…I don’t think you will be disappointed. Thank you for sharing this Gluten Free, easy to make, always delicious dessert!
Shirley says
Hi Morgan–First, welcome to gfe! 🙂 Second, I’m thrilled that you made this recipe work for you and enjoyed it so much! Btw, I actually have another version of this pie that uses coconut sugar and coconut oil, and is also grain free here. Thanks so much for taking the time to leave your wonderful review. I wish everyone would try this recipe because I do think it’s a gluten-free game changer. 😉
April J Harris says
What a lovely gift your Crustless Apple Pies make! They sound absolutely delicious. Pinning and sharing. Thank you for being a part of the Hearth and Soul hop, Shirley.
Shirley says
April–I always think homemade baked goods make a wonderful gift. 🙂 Thanks for the kind words, dear, and all the shares! I appreciate Hearth and Soul as well as you and Swathi!
Linda Baird says
Your crustless apple pie recipe is to die for. But we just bought and froze 10 pounds of Cherries, can I use the same recipe for the Cherries as the Apple recipe, or do you have a Gluten-Free with no sugar added recipe.
Linda Bard
Shirley Braden says
Hi Linda!–It looks like this is your first time commenting. So happy to have you as a gfe reader! 🙂 I’m thrilled you love the Crustless Apple Pie so much! To be honest, I don’t have a lot of experience baking with cherries. I am concerned that cherries will not work in this recipe because of how much juice they contain. You’d probably have better luck subbing cherries in my
No-Bake Blueberry Pie recipe
. It’s designed for juicy berries! If I ever experiment with cherry pie, of course, I’ll post my recipe here on gfe. Sorry I can’t be more helpful right now. By the way, there are crustless cherry pies that are really clafouti recipes. Most are naturally gf. Also, there are lots of great cherry pie recipes that can be made gf simply by using a gf crust. Here’s
my roundup of gf pie crust recipes
. Good luck!
Malia says
I don’t know if anyone else has made this variation but I love dark brown sugar with apples so I swapped it out! I also doubled the cinammon and sprinkle more dark brown sugar on the top for a coating. I’ve made this for the holidays for the last two years and it’s amazing. My family has stopped eating regular apple pie and just eats this gluten free version! My dad is usually really picky about eating gluten free foods, so this is the ultimate winner for everyone. 🙂
Shirley Braden says
Hi Malia–It looks like this is the first time you’ve commented even though you’ve been around for a while. I’d like to officially welcome to gfe! I’m so happy to hear that this apple pie is such a big hit in your entire family and I love the idea of your dark brown sugar version! I will have to give it a go for sure, as well as share your tip and review with all my gfe readers. 🙂 Thanks so very much for taking the time to share it with us!
Bethany says
This looks delicious!
Shirley Braden says
Thanks, Bethany. This recipe surprises everyone! In a good way! 🙂
Sharon says
I’ve been making this pie since I was diagnosed with celiac in 2009 and it is a family favorite but in this past year my youngest has been diagnosed with multiple allergies (gluten, dairy, egg, soy and nuts). So I’m trying to remake our recipes so he can enjoy them as well. I remade this using Earths balance soy free butter and energy egg replacer and it worked! Granted your original recipe is better but it still totally works with the substitutions. I added extra cinnamon to the top also because without the eggs it’s white not golden. Now I’m off to try your dairy free best pumpkin pie recipe without the eggs. Eggs seem to be the trickiest to replace. Wish me luck!
Shirley Braden says
Hey Sharon–It’s good to “see” you here at gfe again! And I love hearing that you’re still making this recipe work–even for multiple allergies. 🙂 I’ve made the pumpkin pie using flax gel eggs before but I bet the commercial egg replacer will work even better. Commercial egg replacer seems to be the egg replacement method that works most of the time. I like using egg replacers like flax gel eggs, applesauce, pumpkin puree, bananas, etc. but not one of them works universally. You kind of have to know (after trial and error or seeing others’ egg-free recipes) which egg replacement works best with other ingredients. Good luck! Btw, I do have quite a few egg-free recipes here on gfe.
Angele says
I just made this today using your flour blend and a mixture of Granny Smith and Gala apples, couldn’t figure out how to post a picture but it turned out great!
Shirley Braden says
Hi Angele!–First, it looks like this is your first time commenting here at gfe. Welcome! 🙂 Second, I’m so happy to hear your wonderful review! Please feel free to email me your photo at [email protected] and I’ll definitely share it on social media with your review–if you’re okay with that of course.
Thanks so much for taking the time to leave such a lovely comment!
Angele Wilson says
I sent a picture and another note about how wonderful this pie is! Mmmm I will be making this again for sure! I also made your pound cake but for some reason mine turns out a little flat but still tastes fine. I am using one of them to make a trifle, in fact, it is in the fridge coated in Port, setting the jelly now.
Shirley Braden says
Thanks so much, Angele! Your pie looks super yummy to me!
As far as the pound cake, do you use any ingredients that are not exactly what I call for? For example, do you use canned full-fat coconut milk? Canned light coconut milk or coconut milk in the carton won’t yield the same results. Also, have you tested your baking powder to make sure it’s working properly? It can go stale if you’ve had it a while (or it was sitting on the grocery store shelf too long as well). You can test it by using 1/3 cup of hot water and 1 tsp baking powder. Pour water into a bowl (or larger measuring cup) and add the baking powder. If the baking powder is still good, the mixture will fizz/bubble vigorously. The baking powder will also dissolve instantly when it’s still fresh. If few or no bubbles are produced when you add the baking powder to the hot water and/or it doesn’t dissolve in the water, it’s time to replace your baking powder. I’ve never had anyone report the Perfect Pound Cake turning out flat before so I hope that old, less effective baking powder is the reason you had that issue.
Angele says
My baking powder is fine and I used full fat coconut milk from a can. This was my second attempt because the first one I did turned out like gelatin lol. I think it might be the fact I hadn’t done the mixing exactly like you describe. However, this time I did everything just as you instruct and it turned out much better but still not as fluffy looking as yours. I will keep trying because it tastes wonderful.
Shirley Braden says
Angele–Hmmm. That’s so odd. I’ve never heard of anyone having those issues with the pound cake recipe before. When using wheat-based flour, overbeating the batter can be a cause of a cake not rising properly but that shouldn’t normally be an issue with gluten-free flour. And you’re using my gluten-free flour mix? Or are you using another, store-bought gluten-free flour mix?
Mary L Bergland says
Haha…. we shall see … apparently I used too SMALL a pie plate, for not 10 minutes in the oven it poured out all over !! Thank the Lord I had it on a sheet to catch any drips !! I’m leaving it to finish baking , so I dont waste … Im sure it will TASTE good !!! LOL !!
Shirley Braden says
Hi Mary–It’s good to see you here! 🙂 Yeah, you can’t use a shallow pie plate for this recipe. You’re adding a lot of apples and other ingredients so a deeper pie plate is needed. I’ll go back and add that note to the recipe and/or the post if it’s not there. I’m sorry you had issues with overflow but I’m really glad you had your pie on a baking sheet. Hope you really enjoy all of it, even the baked drips!
Brenda McKinley says
This apple pie is so delicious. My husband loved it. I will be making it often.
Shirley Braden says
Hi Brenda!–It looks like you’re new here. Welcome to gfe! 🙂 And thanks so very, very much for taking the time to leave this wonderful review! I’m thrilled you all enjoyed this recipe so much! You may want to check out the equally easy and equally delicious caramel version, which requires no caramel sauce or wrapped caramels, just basic ingredients.
Thanks again! Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving if you’re celebrating tomorrow!
Jo Ann F Redding says
This pie was absolutely delicious. I used 2 pink ladies and 2 honey crisp apples!!!
Shirley Braden says
Hi Jo Ann–I’m thrilled to hear you had such success with this pie! You made great choices on your apples. 🙂 Thanks so much for taking the time to leave this wonderful review!