It’s been a good while since I last shared a GFE Virtual Gluten-Free Support Group (VSG) post. If you’re new to gfe, these are the posts where I recap one of the meetings of the actual gluten-free support group I lead here in Virginia—as a “virtual” support group meeting. Do you remember my post from the July Self-Care Retreat on Saying No with Unexpected Wonderful Results? I talked about how I’d decided to take a break from being the one to host all of the meetings of my gluten-free support group and how several members of my group had graciously stepped up to the plate. Well, I took the same sort of hiatus from my VSG. It’s been a great break, but I’m ready to share some of the wonderful meetings and presentations that we have enjoyed the last several months.
I’m starting with Sunny Busby’s, the author of And Love It, Too!, presentation to my group and I’m also making a few changes to my VSG format. I will continue to share the food, the presentation, and the giveaway, but I’m no longer going to commit to hosting a linky within the VSG post each time. I might include one from time to time when we have a special food theme for my “real” support group meeting but, otherwise, I’ll leave the linky part to all the expert bloggers who host a gluten-free linky event each week.
The food at our gluten-free support group meetings is always the very best! Our meetings are potluck events and as I said, we sometimes have food themes, sometimes not. Not having one allows members to make dishes based on local seasonal ingredients and many of them have their own vegetable gardens, grow their own herbs, etc. All of these folks really do use the gfe approach. That means they focus on real food/whole foods and recipes made from them first and foremost, then mainstream foods that are gluten free and, finally, a few gluten-free specialty items. You can really see that by looking at our “spread” below.
Amazing Food Following the GFE Approach
The Food: Kathi’s Great Salad; Carrot and Red Cabbage Salad; Sweet Potato Chili; Green Garden Salsa and Tortilla Chips; Chicken Curry Balls; Grilled Pizza Chicken; Brownies; Peach Cobbler; Perfect Pound Cake (made by one member as a birthday cake for her husband—see photos); Deanna’s Snickerdoodles; Pumpkin Bars; Assorted Complimentary Treats from Lucy’s Cookies (e.g., Brownie Snacks, Chocolate Chip Cookies); and an Edible Arrangement (also for the birthday celebration; read Edible Arrangements FAQ).
We Have Such a Good Time at Our Meetings!
The Presentation:
Sunny Busby, the very sweet genius behind the blog And Love It, Too!, was our guest speaker via Skype. Sunny hosted the Healthy Lunchbox series on her blog for two years, so having her speak to my group at the beginning of the school year seemed ideal. But, healthy lunchboxes are always needed and even if we gathered great ideas at the start of the semester, right about now we’re in need of some new inspiration. In fact, National School Lunch Week was just held recently. We all know that it can be really easy to get into a rut with lunches and when busy even to skip them. Having a Healthy Lunchboxes approach can help you avoid doing both.
Per my request, Sunny first told us about the meaning of her blog’s name. Her motto is: “Don’t just have your cake and eat it, have your cake and love it, too.” Simply put, she wanted gluten-free cake, dairy-free cake (and any other food/recipe) to taste great enough for you to not just “have it,” but for you to love it, too! She talks about the meaning of her blog’s name and her overall philosophy in her “three-year blogiversary” post. There truly is no deprivation with Sunny’s gluten-free, dairy-free (and “more free”) creations.
Sunny’s well known for re-creating old favorites (and always welcomes reader requests for those). Her re-creations also include knockoff recipes for the key components of so many recipes. For example, she created gluten-free, dairy-free, refined sugar free, and vegan Sweetened Condensed Milk so she could replicate a “safe” version of her Chocolate Pecan “Toll House” Pie.
I always ask our speakers who are gluten free to tell their personal stories—at least in way of introduction if it’s not the focus of their presentation. I am convinced that personal stories lead individuals to diagnosis and/or going gluten free more than any other single method.
Sunny shared that she had once weighed 300 pounds, but in a matter of months she was down to 115 pounds. Like many of those who go gluten free, her journey to health took a number of twists and turns. She was first diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) in 1999 and with celiac disease 10 years late, in 2009. Sunny pointed out that PCOS has only been defined as an autoimmune condition within the last 5 years. She said that had she known that PCOS was an autoimmune condition, she would have started much earlier in her quest for health and wellness. Sunny also has had symptoms of Hashimoto’s disease, an autoimmune thyroid condition.
Sunny’s daughter had been diagnosed at 17 months old with a severe dairy allergy. This diagnosis led Sunny to “engulf” herself in all things nutrition education and learned the “power of food,” both to harm and heal. Therefore, she was able to recognize when her youngest who was still nursing was having negative reactions to the foods that she herself was eating. When Sunny’s own chronic illness was becoming overwhelming, she decided to go on an elimination diet, and with clear indications that she reacted adversely to gluten (and more), she pushed to be tested for celiac.
Sunny Busby (And Love It, Too!) Via Skype
Sunny shared that she was gluten free first; then gluten free and then dairy free; then gluten free, dairy free, grain free, and refined sugar free; then paleo; and was (at the time of the support group) following the autoimmune paleo protocol (AIP) (to determine any other possible food sensitivities). She explained that the AIP adds nightshades, eggs, nuts, and seeds (optimal) to the list of foods to be eliminated, in addition to what the traditional paleo diet eliminates—grains, dairy, sugar, and legumes. Sunny’s weight is getting close to her ideal and she’s feeling great these days. She looks fantastic, too, although admittedly the Skype screenshot I’v shared does not do her justice.
Sunny told us that her husband has been eating the paleo way as well. He’s lost weight and has much more energy. At one point, he decided to re-introduce dairy in his diet and quickly determined that his body could not handle it.
Sunny and her husband have five children—both biological and adopted—two 14-year old sons, a 12-year old daughter, a 9-year old daughter, and a 7-year old daughter. Sunny’s life is full of children as she’s also a teacher by trade. At the time she spoke to my group, she taught 380 students each day.
Sunny is also the originator of the fabulous Healthy Lunchboxes series, which was one of the reasons I invited her to speak to my support group as the school year began. Observing children’s lunches daily, she saw the need for healthy lunchboxes and she was looking to both give inspiration to and get inspiration from her readers. Sunny told us about the daily lunch of one of her students—a Dr. Pepper with a Pop Tart. She never saw him eat either fruit or vegetables. He was overweight and had learning difficulties. She would have liked to have been able to “help” in some way but, as Sunny stated, she couldn’t advise him or his parents in her position as his teacher.
Healthy Lunchboxes from And Love It, Too!
Sunny’s and her husband’s success were certainly exciting to hear about it, but it was probably her one son’s—her oldest child—health changes that surprised our group the most. He had been diagnosed with ADD and had severe vision issues and his vision issues kept getting worse. At age 11, he was diagnosed with borderline glaucoma, and then later he tested positive for glaucoma. There was no history of glaucoma in her family. With the help of her optometrist and her son’s psychiatrist, Sunny discovered something very interesting. All kids with ADD and ADHD who are on medications have some added pressure to the eyes. It was this added pressure that was creating such an issue with her son’s vision and his prescription glasses were getting stronger and stronger.
She wanted to get him off medications and stop the damage to his eyes, so she knew it was time to pursue dietary changes for him. As Sunny and her daughter were both on a gluten-free, casein-free diet and had both seen great success, she suggested to her doctor that her son should go on the same diet to treat his glaucoma. His doctor’s response was: “It will never work.” Oh, but it did. Sunny put her son on a gluten-free, casein-free diet and after only 18 months, he no longer tested as a definite positive for glaucoma, he only tested “borderline” for glaucoma and his prescription actually improved. He was still considered “at risk” for the glaucoma at the time, but was no longer on any prescription medications and was doing well (getting As and Bs) in school.
Sunny later shared a fantastic update with me. As of August 2013, her son no longer tests positive for glaucoma and is no longer even considered “at risk”! She reported: “While his prescription increased since last year, it was a minimal increase versus the large jumps his prescriptions had previously and his eye pressure now falls within normal range! He is no longer on any prescription medication, follows a refined sugar-free, dairy-free and mostly grain-free diet and is still getting A’s and B’s in school. There is no doubt that food is power.”
Sunny’s 7-year old daughter doesn’t test allergic to anything, but she has never enjoyed gluten-filled snacks like her classmates. When I asked Sunny for more details, she shared that her daughter had gotten gluten-filled treats in her first-grade class (last year). “She told me that she didn’t like eating the crackers and cookies the other kids brought to share because they made her belly ache. Up until this time, she had eaten gluten-free foods for more than a year. Despite the fact that she has not tested positive for any food allergies at this point, it is obvious that she can’t tolerate processed foods like many other children. This may be a byproduct of eating a diet rich in whole foods or it may be symptoms of sensitivities that have yet to fully reveal themselves. Either way, I was proud of her for telling her teacher that she didn’t want the cookies or crackers being shared. She would rather have whole fruits and vegetables and spent the remainder of her first-grade year encouraging her classmates to bring and share healthy whole-foods to class. Truly a girl who is wise beyond her years.”
With a subsequent diagnosis of candida, Sunny and her middle daughter’s journeys to good health have continued on. (She talks about their journey more here and here.)
Sunny Emailed Me Her Healthy Lunchbox Handouts Before Our Meeting
Healthy Lunchboxes are Simple
Sunny first urged us to start with a good lunchbox. She said that Sistema lunchboxes have been readily available at Old Navy and are a good choice. She says that water is the best drink for lunch and recommended small Lifefactory beverage bottles. These are glass beverage containers housed in a silicone sleeve to prevent breakage. (I’m a fan of the Lifefactory bottles as well; here’s my midnight blue one.) Sunny also advised the use of little metal thermoses. Her favorite lunchboxes are the Sistema lunchboxes, specifically the Sistema Klip It Lunch Storage Cubes (which are made of BPA-free plastic) and Tiffins (which are made of stainless steel). (Interesting note: Apparently, Tiffins have gone pretty mainstream, because I saw that there’s even a Hello Kitty tiffin!)
Sunny reminded us of the old, but good advice, to Keep It Simple, Silly. As she said, “a balanced meal of protein, whole fruits and vegetables doesn’t have to be complicated.” As an example, she shared one of her favorites lunches: hard-boiled eggs, blueberries, grape tomatoes, carrots and celery slices paired with a side of Roasted Red Pepper Paleo Hummus.
Another option she offered was: lettuce wraps with wild-caught tuna salad, uncured turkey (or uncured bacon), tomato, and homemade mayonnaise. Sunny said to “fill the rest of your lunchbox with in-season fruits and vegetables, making sure to always have a few cucumber slices to finish your meal and you’ll never go hungry!” (Read why she recommended cucumbers, in general and as the “finish” to one’s meal.)
Sunny likes to use the mayo recipe from Melissa Joulwan’s Well Fed cookbook, both of which are favorites of mine as well! She also relies on her dehydrator for making healthy dried fruit and beef jerky.
For great sources of real food, Sunny cited CSAs, local farmer’s markets, and Bountiful Baskets. The latter is a volunteer-based organization, which is always looking to expand. (Note that there are many states and areas it is not available in yet.) The quality is great and the cost savings is significant. She told us that she spends about $60 to $100 for $200 to $300 worth of produce through Bountiful Baskets. The savings can vary according to the individual items in the basket, but she said the savings are always very worthwhile. One of her favorite produce items is Hubbard squash. Huge in size, but sweet like other squashes, such as pumpkin, she says that these squash are a great value because they are pretty inexpensive from the start and they offer two to three more times the meat/flesh of a regular pumpkin. She’s been known to get exceptional bargains on Hubbard squash at her farmer’s market.
For ready-made gluten-free (not paleo) bread products, Sunny highly recommended Local Oven, which is based in Dallas, and offers their products for sale in a number of grocery stores, restaurants, and online. Most of Local Oven’s products are dairy free as well. Sunny told us that their products are not only excellent but also reasonably priced.
Sunny’s family’s grocery bill is around $1000 a month, but for a family of seven that works out to be less than $1.50 per meal. And that’s for meals that focus on grass-fed meats and organic fruits and vegetables.
Healthy Lunchboxes are Fun
Sunny emphasized that “treats are okay!” She lets her kids take treats at least once a week. She admitted that her treats are much healthier than what many might consider to be treats though. The vanilla cupcakes—a well-known staple for school treats and parties—that she sends to school with her kids are not your usual sweet treat by any means; they’re actually Yellow Squash Vanilla Cupcakes.
Sunny shared another recipe with my group that she had not yet published on her blog at the time of our meeting, her new grain-free, nut-free, sugar-free, and nightshade-free granola. Now you can find her recipe for Paleo/Autoimmune Granola here.
Like Sunny told us, one would never guess that any of her goodies are no sugar (or low sugar), high in protein, and packed with nutrition. Those are the best options for healthy lunchboxes for sure!
Paleo Autoimmune Protocol (AIP) Granola from And Love It Too!
Read more of Sunny’s thoughts on a healthy lunchbox in her kickoff to the latest Healthy Lunchbox series and see all 31 contributions to the series in the final roundup, Healthy Lunchbox The Ultimate Collection. She summarized her previous series and shared all the posts in this Healthy Lunchbox Roundup.
Incidentally, I was happy to participate in all of Sunny’s Healthy Lunchbox events to date, sharing “The Cagey Old Bachelor” Philosophy … A Tapas Approach to School Lunches” in the first series and more tips (you won’t want to miss the apple rubber band trick) and a recipe for Chocolate Nut Butter Oat Cookies in the second series.
Many, many thanks to Sunny for being willing to share her family’s story, her terrific Healthy Lunchboxes, and her overall excellent presentation!
The Giveaway:
UPDATE: This giveaway is now closed. Winners are shown below and will be contacted via email.
As always our giveaway is a mix of items related to food from the actual meeting and/or the presentation.
~ Lucy’s Cookies—As indicated in the menu above, Lucy’s Cookies sent my group some of their products to sample at this meeting. If you’re not familiar with their products, they are gluten free, vegan, peanut free, tree nut free, non-GMO, all natural, ingredient tested, and made in a dedicated facility. Sunny and one of her daughters eat gluten free and paleo, but four of her kids do not. She said: “Lucy’s Cookies have been a favorite of all of theirs.” Lucy’s Cookies include bean flour and soy, neither of which I usually eat, but I thought the Maple Cookies tasted great. And while I have not eaten Lucy’s cookies very often, I’m pretty sure that Lucy’s Cookies saved my life once while I was on travel. I was famished and exhausted after an early morning wake-up call, a cross country flight to Seattle, a train ride, and pulling my suitcase up several hilly blocks when my friend Diane and I ventured into a Starbucks. I’m not a coffee drinker, but I spied Lucy’s Cookies and enjoyed several in rapid succession as I also rehydrated with my favorite beverage, H2O. So I’m happy to say that Lucy’s Cookies is giving one reader five boxes of their cookies—Sugar, Maple Bliss, Oatmeal, Ginger Snap, and Chocolate—a $25 value. Please leave a comment if this prize is the one you’d like, telling me which flavor of Lucy’s Cookies that you’d like to try or which flavor that you already love. (This giveaway is sponsored by Lucy’s Cookies; however, the opinions expressed are strictly my own.)
~ Well Fed: Paleo Recipes for People Who Love to Eat by Melissa Joulwan–I purchased this book for myself when it first came out. It’s terrific! It has 4 ½ star ratings on both Amazon and Goodreads and on each has over 700 reviews! Just so you know, the less positive reviews come from folks who don’t like Melissa’s love of spices (cumin is her favorite and it’s mine, too!), others who point out issues with the book binding (many early copies had physical quality issues, but those have been resolved), and another group of folks who think she’s too snarky. However, I like her honest and entertaining writing and appreciate her telling her personal story, which includes a family life that centered around food and a thyroidectomy before learning about the value of food in her own health journey.
I still have not tried all the recipes in this book and I believe my copy (which is also our support group’s copy) is currently out on loan, but my favorites are the Olive Oil Mayo (yes, it’s easy and so good!), the Cumin-Roasted Carrots, the Caramelized Coconut Chips, and a few others which I can’t remember without the book in front of me! By the way, Sunny did a review of Well Fed, and even shares Melissa’s delicious recipe for Country Captain Chicken (with permission, of course). And FYI, now there’s a sequel out! Check out Well Fed2: More Paleo Recipes for People Who Love to Eat! Finally, I’m giving away one hardcover copy and two Kindle copies of the original Well Fed. If you’d like to win this prize, please leave a comment telling why this cookbook interests you and if you’d prefer the hardcover or Kindle version. Note that you don’t have to have a Kindle to use a Kindle version; they also will work on your smartphone and your computer. (This giveaway is sponsored by me/gfe.)
~ Lunchboxes: Sistema Klip It Lunch Food Storage Cubes—Made in New Zealand from BPA-free virgin polypropylene, these lunch containers are very popular. Many of my blogging friends recommend them! Each lunchbox separates into two sides. Side 1 is partitioned into two sections and is great for smaller food items and snacks. Side 2 will hold something larger like a sandwich or wrap. These lunchboxes are also dishwasher safe, microwave safe, freezer safe, and airtight (but not liquid tight).
GFE VSG Disclaimer: Please understand that I, and others whose advice is cited here, have no expertise when it comes to your personal medical issues. Some who are quoted here do serve as medical professionals, but they have no knowledge of your specific medical needs and situation. Please consult your own health care professionals for medical guidance as needed.
Originally published November 1, 2013; updated March 4, 2024.
Kim H says
Thank you for all the awesome info! I would like to win any of the prizes – Lucy’s cookies are great – I particularly love the Maple Bliss! The Well Fed cookbook sounds great – I do prefer my cookbooks in hardcover.
Suzanne R says
We just finished a box of Lucy’s Cinnamon Thins & loved them. Would love to try the chocolate ones next.
Cindy W. says
Thanks for the virtual support group sharing, Shirley. I am always amazed how much food plays a part in our health. The story Sunny shared about her son’s vision was amazing. So happy to read he is doing well.
I can’t pick a favorite Lucy’s – sadly for my waistline – they are all awesome! I have been trying to cook Paleo once or twice a week so the hardcover version would be wonderful. Lastly, I pack my lunch everyday during the work week so the storage cube would be handy and cut down on my baggie use (even though I do reuse them – I’m a penny pincher (: ). Thanks for the giveaways!
Cathleen Smith says
Hi Shirley-
We are a fairly new GIG group in Charlottesville and I wanted to know if you would consider speaking sometime in the new year for our group. I love your attitude. In this day and age of Hollywood, Celebrity, GF crap, you are a breath of fresh air. The food industry has created GF junk food so we can all be as unhealthy as the rest of America on our specialty diet! I look forward to hearing from you-
Shirley says
Hi Cathleen–Thanks for all the kind words and welcome! It’s nice to know that my gfe approach is appreciated. 😉 I have spoken to the celiac group that meets at UVA hospital in Charlottesville, but am not sure I knew about your group. So great to hear of all that support for the gluten-free folks in your area! Of course, I would be happy to speak to your group. Feel free to email me ([email protected]) when you have possible dates and we can work out a plan. 🙂
Vicky says
I think this story is one of the best healing stories I’ve read! How wonderful that Sunny’s son no longer tests positive for glaucoma – I’m always fascinated to read how changes in diet can have such positive outcomes! It must have been such a very interesting presentation.
I would like to be entered for the cookbook Well Fed. I’ve recently seen it on Amazon and added it to my ever growing wish list. Many of the recipes look suitable for our diet and it looks so interesting and easy to read! I don’t own a kindle and would prefer the hard cover should I be so lucky to win.
Thank you for the opportunity to win a copy Shirley 🙂
Stephanie says
Thank you for sharing the story of your & your family’s journey toward health. I sent a link to this page to each of my friends who struggle with gluten sensitivities or other food allergies. Hooray for your son!
Please enter me to win a food storage cube. I own the Well Fed cookbook and refer to it often. Whenever I fly I make sure to bring a bag of Lucy’s cookies with me so I never have to feel deprived when everyone else is snacking away.
Thank you again for sharing your story.
Patti Patti says
Thank you for sharing this story How amazing that Sunny’s son’s diagnosis of glaucoma was aided by dietary changes. I had never heard of this.
I would like a copy of Well Fed. I’ve heard good things about it and would love to own the Kindle version.
lymieeatingcoconut says
I want to try ginger snap Lucy’s cookie
lymieeatingcoconut says
favorite lunch is hummus wrap and veggies
Gwen Ziehl says
Thank you for your informative information and the opportunity to win a prize.
I would love to win a hardcover copy of “Well Fed”. I am particularly interested in the olive oil mayo recipe you mentioned; I’ve been looking for a gluten free mayo recipe for a long time, but due to various allergies, the few I’ve found always have ingredient(s) that prevent me from using them. The book will be very helpful in helping me to go paleo.
I also enjoy the Maple Bliss and Chocolate cookies, and would like to try the Ginger Snap cookies.
Thanks again.
Emily says
PB&Banana on “multigrain” gf bread with a side of carrots and ranch!
jacqui says
Thank you for sharing Sunny’s story! I love it when someone else finds out food is healing!
We love Lucy’s cookies! as we have multiple allergies/sensitivities, we don’t have many things everyone can have.. Lucy’s is one of the few! We love the oatmeal the best!
I would also be interested in entering the contest for the lunchbox. My 5 year old requested sauteed zucchini and red peppers for lunch tomorrow. Along with some chicken and dried cranberries for a treat.. it’s one of her favorites!
chris schrum says
I have not tried Lucy’s cookies but would love to try the Maple Bliss. I use and love my kindle therefore would prefer the kindle version of this book
Aliza Chana says
I would love to win a storage cube or the chocolate or sugar Lucy’s cookies. Yum!!
LeAnn Stowell says
I love Lucy’s cookies. I am a sugar cookie fan. I love cookbooks and have been trying to incorporate more Paleo type recipes into our diet. I would prefer the hardcover.
Jennifer C says
I’d love to win any of the prizes, but especially the Lucy’s cookies. I have tried one flavor, and they were so good! My gf daughter also loves them,
Melissa says
Great post! It’s always fun to drop in on your gluten-free support groups. I just wish I didn’t have to lurk from afar! I’d love to be there in real time.
No need to enter me in the contest, but I did want to say that my kids (4) brought their lunches every day of the school year. I love all these great ideas! My daughter (Tevis) brought almost the same thing every day. A rice cake (because those didn’t make her sick — ugh, wish we had known then, what we know now) with peanut butter and bananas, some carrot sticks, celery, cucumber (something like that), a small carton of yogurt, and maybe a homemade granola bar. She always brought water. She graduated from high school in 1998 and I don’t think she ever bought her lunch.
Great give-aways, Shirley!
Alisa says
I ate a big lunch, but this post is still making me hungry! I love Sunny’s motto.
Kate {Eat, Recycle, Repeat} says
Yay Shirley & Sunny! You guys make a great team!
Marianne @ Ragdoll Kitchen says
Sounds like you had a great meeting! I’d love to be there:)
Judy says
I’d love to win these prizes. Constantly looking for more help with our new gluten free dairy free lifestyle. Thank you so much for everything you do to help others.
Christin Fern says
I would like to win all three 🙂 I’m a newly diagnosed Celiac & would love a hardback copy of the cookbook! I am trying to find good recipes that help me not feel as though I’m always missing out. I’d love to try to chocolate cookies! Who wouldn’t 🙂 Also, I don’t have any children but I do pack my own lunch every day & the container would be vary handy! Thank you for all you do to help out! 🙂
Deborah S says
Have never tried Lucy’s cookies, but would love to..Newly gluten free due to Hashimoto’s disease.Would love a hard copy of the cookbook!
Angela says
All the prizes look wonderful and I would love to win anyone of them. However, I do seem to collect cook books…. 🙂
Christy Fralin says
This is a great giveaway! I love all of these prizes. I could use that cookbook to try some new recipes and my daughter could use the healthy lunch box. Thanks for this giveaway!
Emily c says
I’ve seen the well fed cookbook and it’s awesome, I’d also love cookies!
PattyBoots says
I would love to win the Lucy’s cookies. The ginger snaps are delicious, but they’re way too pricey for my wallet!
Or, I’d settle for the cookbook; one can’t have too many cookbooks, IMHO!
The lunchbox would be great to win to send my husband’s lunches to work with him. He’s got a dreadful new job (although in this climate ANY job’s a good thing), and it would be nice to have it all contained instead of a several containers in his lunchbox!
Gina says
I have been gluten free for about a year for health reasons. Interested in going Paleo and taking the family with me 8) The Well Fed book would be so helpful and I love Lucy’s cookies but have a hard time finding them. The lunchbox is very cool. I think it’d be a great gift for my daughter or son to start them on their Paleo journey. I love your blog. Thank you for all the recipes and info. Pick me. Pick me.
Sheila Mcsweeney says
Would like the lunch tote to secure my lunch, the kindle version of well fed & either chocolate or cinnamon cookies. Thank you!
Dana Coughlin says
I would love to win the hard copy cookbook. We are just starting to try to eat more Paleo meals, my daughter and I have celiac and my husband is diabetic.
Christine A. Einoris says
I would love the Well Fed cookbook! After being diagnosed with Celiac disease, I panicked (what in the world can I eat?!?!?!) and ate too many gluten free packaged foods and went from anorexic (hadn’t absorbed nutrients for years and years and had osteoporosis among a long list of other things) to needing to lose weight for the first time in my life as I did pay attention to the fact that gluten free processed items were more calorically dense….so I have been transitioning to a paleo diet and need some fabulous recipes 🙂 I would prefer a hard copy as I still enjoy the feel of real books in my hands
Christine A. Einoris says
* as I DIDN’T pay attention to the fact that gluten free processed items were more calorically dense (oops)
Tiera says
Thanks for all the information that you supply on a regular basis. I’ve tried quite a few of the recipes since we’ve gone gluten free due to my youngest son’s diagnosis of Celiac.
I would love to try the cookbook as I don’t have any but the traditional cookbooks that all use wheat flours and such in the recipes. I’m not confident enough to try to switch things up yet.
I also wouldn’t mind a sample of the cookies. I am currently struggling with what to send to school for the little guy’s safe treats for when there are birthdays. He’s already been left out of one birthday treat day and I felt so bad for him. 🙁 Having some decent cookies to send along would be lovely. I don’t think those cookies are even available around here. Cinnamon or Chocolate would probably be a big hit here.
Thanks again for being a small island of calm in the craziness. I was very overwhelmed and still occasionally struggle with feeding my family of 5 meals that they aren’t going to turn their noses up at.
Jennifer K says
Would love to win the cookbook Well Fed or the lunch box. Between dairy allergies and the awful quality of school lunches, he much prefers his own lunch!
Elaine O says
I would love to try the Maple Cookies. As to the cookbook, I would have to go with a hard copy, since I am kindle-less. 🙁
My daughter loves to take baby carrots and dip in her lunch. That divided box would work beautifully!
Arleen says
Hi Shirley! I would love to win a copy of Well Fed in hardcover! I have been Paleo since 1999. New recipes are always appreciated!
Keri says
I would love to win the cookies or well fed lunch boxes. I find that I eat too many of the same foods over and over again since I have been gf. It would be nice to have more variety.
Alisa joy says
hi Shirley,
have I mentioned, lately, how much I appreciate all the you do for the gf community? because I do.
I would love a hard cover copy of well fed. I have a kindle version but I’d like one that I could lend out to others.
my second choice would be the lunch box. I grew up taking my lunch to school every day and have continued that well into adulthood 🙂
Vanessa says
I want to win them all!!! All sounds great. I prefer hardback book. Thanks!
Stephanie says
Fascinating story about the improvement of her son’s glaucoma! Once again it demonstrates there is *nothing* in our bodies not affected by the food we eat.
I would love to have the Well Fed book. I most enjoy flipping through real pages, so would prefer the hardback, but I do have Kindle for Mac. And, the maple or ginger cookies look yummy! 🙂
Shea says
Thank you for all of the great information. I would love to have any of the items. My daughter has celiac, so she takes her lunch to school everyday. We love the Lucy cookies. I am always looking for new foods to eat.
Theresa Grist says
I’ve tried Lucy’s Cinnamon Thin Cookies and they were amazing! I have never tried any of the others but would love to! I have been gluten free for almost 2 years…I would love a hard copy of the book to expand my families food options. We have 4 picky kids under the age of 9!
Diane M. says
I love Lucy’s cookies, the oatmeal ones are my favorite!
Deanna says
Let’s see – for cookie flavors, I’m thinking chocolate or maple bliss. (I’ve had the chocolate and they’re yummy.)
Kiddo’s favorite lunch is what he calls a “mixed up lunch” – which is a bit of this and a bit of that. But, the fav sandwich is (of course) pb & j on gf bread. 🙂
Nisha says
One day I will make it to one of your support group meetings I live in northern VA).
I tried paleo and loved it, then got distracted and lost my way a bit. I really want to get back on the wagon. I saw Well Fed at a bookstore once and really would love to own a copy…in any form. 😀
jan says
We love apples in the lunch! thanks!
Judy Bell says
These are for Mom! Judy she loves them dearly 6-10 boxes a month! And they are helping to heal her brain by eating no gluten! She loves cinnamon sugar, maple bliss, sugar, chocolate, chocolate chip and I love the ginger!
Melanie Binkley says
Shirley I would love to win for myself the Well Fed cookbook. As I continue on my Paleo journey feeling better all the time I spend hours learning more and more things to cook as food has always been my family’s thing so the more I learn the more “well fed” in a healthy and sustainable way the happier more productive people we get to be! Thanks for listening!
Amanda says
I would love the Lucy’s cookies. Sounds like a lot of people enjoy them!
Jodi says
I love, love, love Lucy’s cookies. The ginger flavor would be perfect his time of year.
Simi Silva says
What an awesome story! Thank you for sharing it with us. I would love to win either Lucy’s cookies or the lunch box. 🙂
Mona K says
Hi I would enjoy reading the kindle version and getting good ideas. MAPLE cookies sound yummy 🙂
Shannon McKenty says
Much as I’d love to try Lucy’s chocolate (of course!) cookies, I’d like to win the lunch kit the most. For lunch, I like beef jerky, nuts, veggies, and a couple of cookies. 😉
Karen Harmon says
I would love the well-fed. Our family has taken on the paleo lifestyle to hopefully help with an unspecified autoimmune issue in our teen daughter. I need more ideas on what to prepare and more variety.
Cheryl K. says
I would love to win the Well Fed cookbook because I want to do more to make myself and family healthier.
Stacia says
I would love to win the cookbook please
jody estabrook says
Well Fed unless the Lucy’s cookies are grain free, then I will take them. Thanks for the giveaway!
Julia Younkins says
Lucy’s cookies!
Erin B says
those chocolate cookies have my name on them~~ yumm
Shawna S says
Think its all awesome. Would love any of it!!!
Erin B says
i’ve heard that there are some good recipes in well fed, and i’m always looking for more ideas on paleo meals! I’d prefer hard copy but could also use the ebook just fine!
Julie Lewis says
I love your blog and refer to it daily! I love cookbooks and finding new recipes the meet all of my family’s needs and preferences. I am gearing up to do a “food challenge” at home to attempt to eliminate all processed food and this cookbook, “Well Fed”, would help with coming up with some new options. I prefer the hardcover, but ok with the kindle version as well.
Lisa Rogers says
Would be fun to try some of the cookies, I haven’t tried any of them yet. And I love cookbooks and trying new foods as many cookbooks give me inspiration to create my own GF foods and recipes. 🙂
Barbara Westfall says
I’m not sure if this is open to Canadians, but I’d love to try Lucy’s Ginger Snaps. Ginger Snaps are a favourite of mine, and it’s nice to find brands that make some I can actually eat. I DO bake, but as I live alone, I don’t do it too often, especially when it comes to things like cookies that are easy to eat too many by oneself.
Shirley says
Hi Barbara–My giveaways (with only one exception to date due to customs laws) are always open to all. If you’re a reader I believe you should be included, no matter where you are! Just wanted to clarify that and will update the post to show it, too. 🙂
Kristy McHale says
I would like anything you would like to give me. Our family is new to the gluten free world so any advice/freebies would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!!
kristin says
Any of the prizes would be awesome!! Living with celiac is a big learning curve!!
Janice Marela says
I would love Lucy’s cookies. I have tried the Chocolate chip and Ginger. Really think the maple ones sound awesome.
Corissa Palfrey says
Would love to win the hardcover cookbook. Being new to gluten free/paleo a cookbook would be helpful. I enjoy all the recipes online but there’s something about looking in a cookbook that I just love!
tina says
I would love a Klip it! My daughter is a toddler and I end up sending a million tiny containers of fruit, veggies, leftovers, etc. and this would make a lot more sense.
Valerie says
Would love to win the cookbook! We are gluten free and dairy free and are trying to be healthier in our food choices.
Wanda says
I would love a copy of your cookbook, I have been GF for awhile now but never make anything fun because it all seems so complicated and overwhelming.
Frankie franks says
Gosh! The Lucy Cookies would be wonderful as my daughter and her family eat gluten free! I would enjoy the cookbook Well Fed as I enjoy cooking healthy meals. The lunch box sounds pretty neat as for my favorite lunch bag special? Hmmm. Usually leftover dinner, cheese slices on zucchini, a salad. Today’s salad was leftover French Bistro without the poached egg on top. Thanks for the opportunity! I have a Kindle, though in cookbooks I do like hardcover. Either would work though!
Betty says
My goodness, the choice is hard but I’d have to say I’d love the cookbook.
Beverley Chura says
My husband and I are gluten free, and I love cook books and trying new ideas. I don’t have a Kindle, so would need the hard back book; however, all of the prizes look great!
Molly b says
I would love, love, love the lunchbox and cookbook!!!! I pack lunch for my 5 year old & husband everyday and cook breakfast and dinner everyday for my family too!!!
Molly brown says
I would love, love, love the lunchbox and cookbook!!! I pack lunch for my 5 yr old and husband everyday as well as cook breakfast and dinner for us!!! All Great prizes!
Jodie Grosskreutz says
Wonderful story. With 2 ceoliac children it’s alsways interesting trying to fill their lunch box with healthy food they enjoy to eat. Love hearing about Sunnys stories of her family. Such a positive to know we can change with just our diet. Thank you got sharing.
Serina says
Thank you so much for your blog! I am very recently diagnosed as gluten and wheat intolerant. I have Lupus and this felt like one more blow! I have been gluten free for 2 weeks now and still struggle to learn. I would love to try Lucy’s cookies, I’m really missing comfort foods!
Your blog has been my lifeline right now, thank you so much!
Linda S says
Hi Shirley! The Well Fed Cookbook sounds really good and prefer a hard copy still over the Kindle version. I guess I’m old-fashioned in that respect until I get a tablet & can have everything organized, I guess. Lucy’s cookies don’t sound too bad, either! 🙂 Thanks for all you do!
Luci says
I would love to win any of these prizes. My 13 year old is gluten intolerant and I’m always looking for great tasting alternatives for the things she loved before her diagnosis as well as good GF recipes.
Michelle W says
I have never tried Lucy’s cookies, but my fave cookie flavor is sugar or choc chip! I would love the Well Fed Paleo book in physical book form, this book looks like it would have many recipes to fit my special allergen-free diet! Fave lunch: grilled cheese!
Debbie says
I would love to win Lucy’s Cookies! The Maple Bliss sounds amazing, already say that Ginger Snap is the best I’ve had… G-f or not.
Deb says
thanks for a great blog! i’d love to get a copy of the cookbook, as I have an autoimmune issue and am just thinking about branching out to Paleo – this looks like it might cushion the change 🙂
L Montoya says
Well Fed Cookbook. I am new to Paleo cooking and this cookbook will be great
Tammy Chulyak says
Would love to win the lunch box. I have been unable to find one that fits my needs, but this seems to be the one!
Dee Bonn says
The Oatmeal cookies look great if I must choose only one :).
My 11 yr old is learning her way through her disease which requires A very strict diet. So she’d love to have the hard copy of The Well Fed cookbook. Looks amazing.
The Klip lunchbox would be great for her to pack herbals she makes for herself. She must have her food with her 100% of the time and this would be fun for her.
Thank you for all the wonderful opportunities. , Info, insight etc.
Now she’s off to check if the I gradients in the squash cupcakes are ok for her to have. I have one brave, strong, courageous kid!!!
shastina says
Thank you for sharing your story! My 9 year old daughter and myself are both dealing with Lyme Disease which has caused several autoimmune problems. We do gluten free and I try to stay more Paleo. Both of us feel so much better eating this way.
I would love to win the cookbook as I love to try new receipes. The Lucy’s Cookies would also be a special treat for my daughter 🙂
Carole says
While any of the prizes would be amazing, I love cook books. I am not a great cook but have allergies to gluten, dairy, soy, tomato, pineapple, strawberry, kiwi, nuts and coconut. My 3 year old daughter is the same, plus she is sugar sensitive. This makes meals a challenge and we are always looking for new ideas.
Kristi Zemas says
The cookbook in hardback would be wonderful to help get me baking and cooking my own gf stuff, helping to stop relying on prepackaged stuff. The lunch box would make packing my own stuff easier and safer away from non gf items in my home.
Thank you for all you do!!!
Nicole Sloan says
The Well Fed Cookbook would be a winner in my house. I love cooking, getting my kids involved, and along the way teaching them about nutrition. I can not do gluten and my daughter can not have dairy or soy, so I pretty much make everything from scratch. I’m always looking for new gluten free recipes and anything that has dairy in it can be easily modified.
Laura says
Lucy’s Cookies are so yummy! Well Fed is a cookbook I’ve had my eye on for some time… I can’t choose! Either would be most welcome. Thanks so much for all you do for us… You are a marvel! 🙂
Deb Wildish says
I would love a copy of the Well Fed book. In a family of 6, we have 2 on gluten-free/low sugar diets, 1 on low dairy/low sugar and 2 which can’t stand all these “restrictions”!! Husband just eats whatever is put in front of him!! I never imagined we would be one of “those” families but we are! I need all the help I can get!!
bonnie says
great information, I would love the cookbook, I am gluten free going toward paleo
Jenni says
I have recently learned that I cannot eat gluten-containing foods. It is challenging to learn a new way to eat, but I am beginning to feel alive again! Please enter me in all 3 drawings. I have not tried any varieties of the cookies yet. I would probably prefer chocolate. I also prefer cookbooks in hard copy, but the Kindle version would work as well. Thanks!
Melona Gallagher says
The cookbook would be a wonderful tool in my newly diagnosed house!
Samantha Simmons says
I would love to get the book Well Fed! I am very interested in learning more about this lifestyle change!!! My daughter has to eat Gluten Free but I feel like we all could be more healthy!
Randi Albertsen says
Hi Shirley! I would love the Well Fed Paleo cookbook on kindle. I have been GF for the past 4 years. I suspect that I have another food allergy or sensitivity, but I haven’t quite figured it out. I have been dabbling with Paleo eating to reduce my exposure to GMOs, and other potential food irritants.
[email protected] says
How would I start up a support group in a small community?
Shirley says
c.farley–Carrie of Ginger Lemon Girl did a post on this topic a while back. I contributed my thoughts to her write-up. I think you will find that post, which you can find here, very helpful. Feel free to email meif you have more specific questions, of course. 🙂 It’s awesome that you want to start one. We need more gluten-free support groups for sure!
Serina says
Thank you so much! I cannot wait to try the Lucy’s cookies. I truly appreciate all you do for us!
Shirley says
Congrats, Serina! Hopefully your package will arrive shortly and you’ll get to do some tasty sampling. 😉 Thanks so much for the kind words, too! 🙂
LeAnn Stowell says
I am so excited!!! I won a copy of Well Fed. Can’t wait to try the recipes and incorporate healthier meals into our lives. THANK YOU!!
Shirley says
Yay, LeAnn! I love excited winners! 🙂 Look for your book to arrive soon. 😉
Luci Rigsby says
I am so excited!!!! I won a Systemica lunch box. My daughter will be so excited to use it!!!
Shirley says
Hi Luci–Congrats again! So happy to share this special lunch box with you and your daughter! 🙂
Wanda says
I’m excited to read your book Well Fed, I have been eating GF but could use more ideas. Thanks so much for picking me!
Shirley says
Congrats, Wanda! I’m sure you will enjoy Melissa Joulwan’s Well Fed cookbook. 🙂
Sheila says
Thanks for all the info
Shirley says
You’re welcome, of course. Congrats again, Sheila! 🙂
Keri Binkley says
I’m so excited to win the gf lunchbox. I never win anything so it was extra exciting. :). Thanks so much.
Shirley says
Hey Keri–It’s fun to win every now and then. 😉 Congrats again!! 🙂
Stephanie says
Thanks so much for the lunchbox! It’s fun to win something!! 🙂 And thanks for your great posts and the recipes you share. I always enjoy them.
Shirley says
You’re welcome, Stephanie! Your lunchbox got shipped out today. 🙂 Thanks so much for all your kind words!
Stephanie says
Love this site! It’s info has helped me transition into the Gluten Free World more easily. Can’t wait to try out these products!
Shirley says
Thanks so much, Stephanie! I love hearing your feedback! Your lunch box was shipped out today. 🙂