Diane Eblin is the author of The W.H.O.L.E. Gang blog, The Gluten-Free Diner cookbook, and C.O.O. of The Eblin Group, an executive coaching firm she runs with her husband, the executive coach and author, Scott Eblin. Passionate about food and cooking, Diane is sharing her personal gluten-free story today because she wants to get others excited about the food in their lives. She wants you in the kitchen doing more than opening a box to cook. Her motto is Good Food No Matter What!™ That means no matter what ingredient you are leaving out: dairy, gluten, nuts, meats, soy, sugar or whatever; your food should taste good and make you feel good. And now, let’s hear from Diane.
Diane Eblin’s Personal Gluten-Free Story
I remember when I was first told that gluten was most likely making me sick. I had kept a food journal and shared all of my blood tests and symptoms with a doctor. That didn’t get me very far with that doctor. But he did send me to a nutritionist. She picked up on the issue with gluten right away. So my homework assignment was to not eat gluten for 30 days and then eat something containing gluten like a piece of bread and see what happened. When she told me that gluten was in wheat, barley, rye and usually oats (due to cross-contamination), I thought well, that’s not so bad. How much of that food am I really eating? And then she told me where you really find gluten.
At that point in my life, I was feeling really bad and was ready to stand on my head on top of a pineapple if it helped me get better. She gave me a list of safe and unsafe foods. Also a list of long chemical names if I was to read labels that could contain hidden gluten. I stopped at my doctor’s office on the way home to be tested for Celiac Disease. Best to be tested before you go off gluten.
I had felt good so far that day. I had only eaten an egg and some fruit. I got home and really didn’t know what to eat. I was a little panicked but stuck to real food ingredients I had on hand. It was a small lunch. I realized I had not taken my vitamin so had that too. Within 5 minutes I was bloated, aching all over again, foggy brained and a few more bad things to boot.
I couldn’t figure out what was wrong. I was following what she said. Then I remembered the vitamins. I grabbed the bottle and read the label. Wheat! My vitamins had gluten in them.
I won’t tell you what came out of my mouth or how far the bottle went flying. I ended up in a heap on the floor crying. What was I going to do when I couldn’t even take a vitamin? What was I going to eat? I was going to starve there on my kitchen floor.
After 20 minutes or so, I got up and grabbed the materials she had given me. Found a list of resources of books and started searching for them and more online. I read through what she had given me with a little understanding of what was required, but not an understanding of how I was going to live like this. I found only a few blogs online including Gluten-Free Goddess and Gluten-Free Girl. I gorged myself on any information on gluten-free living I could find. Compared to what’s out there now, it didn’t take too long to read them all.
By the end of that first day, I had gone through everything in my pantry, refrigerator, and freezer. If it was safe I marked it with a big GF with my black sharpie. If it wasn’t I’d circle the culprit ingredient. It took forever because we had a lot of processed foods.
I went and bought myself my own jars of things that others might cross-contaminate and marked them as “mom’s, keep clean.” I moved all of the GF things to one shelf. I didn’t have very many. I was actually shocked at how much of the foods we ate contained gluten.
My nutritionist kept telling me to eat single-ingredient foods. I thought she meant one at a time. I thought that was horrible and immediately went out to buy gluten-free packaged foods. I thought it would make it easier to live gluten free.
I started feeling better and during this time I kept planning what my gluten “test” food was going to be when the 30 days was up. I thought heck, a slice of bread, I’m eating cake, the really good chocolate cake from Wegmans. Once in a while, I would get a little gluten from cross-contamination.
Boy, would I get sick. All of those really bad symptoms would come back in a blink of an eye. Well by the end of those 30 days you could not have paid me any amount of money to eat gluten. I could tell it was the problem. Don’t eat it and I start to feel better and allow my body to heal. Eat a crumb and the results are almost instant, severe, and last outwardly for a week.
That was February 2007 and I have not willingly eaten gluten since. Sure, there have been instances of cross-contamination which I pay dearly for, but there is no way, and under no circumstances where I would eat gluten. I think of it like poison because that is how it acts in my body. I describe it to people who want to have me over to eat or try to bring it into my house as E. coli. You wouldn’t dream of knowingly touching something with E. coli with anything you were preparing food with, cooking the food, or eating the food. You would get sick.
Well, I will get sick if I eat gluten. When I say sick I’m talking about the outward symptoms I can see and feel. I’m not even talking about the internal damage that is being done to my body. The damage that takes longer than a week to heal from.
So as time went on I went from a pantry having one shelf of gluten-free foods to a few shelves to all of them. The same thing was true in the refrigerator. Then I had my family tested and found out they had reactions to gluten too. So far none of us has ever tested positive for Celiac Disease, but don’t tell my body that. It reacts in the same way as if it did.
Bacon-Wrapped Barbecue Jalapeno Poppers
Now our house is completely gluten free. After the first year of living gluten free, I was realizing I didn’t feel that great. I could notice more things going on in my body. I then discovered that dairy was a problem for me too and rice. Well, when I found out I couldn’t eat rice I was forced off almost all processed gluten-free products. It is the BEST thing that ever happened to me.
I was now forced to eat single-ingredient items, real food, whole foods, foods you have to wash (Melissa’s saying from Gluten Free For Good), naked foods, or however you want to describe those ingredients you use from nature to make recipes. Once again I had to go through my pantry to mark what contained rice.
Here is my one wish for anyone making the shift to living gluten free and the one I wish I had understood in February 2007. Save yourself a lot of time and especially money and don’t make the same mistake I made. Don’t jump from gluten-filled processed foods to gluten-free processed foods. I can’t even tell you how much money I wasted. How much time I wasted! My local homeless shelter was happy to get the foods I tossed and I was happy to get rid of them. But really, what was the purpose of buying them? Why did I buy them?
The answer is FEAR. I was so afraid of eating the wrong thing that would make me sick that I went right for something that had the gluten-free stamp. It never crossed my mind that when I walked into the produce section of the grocery store that it had a huge gluten-free stamp on it, the same thing with fresh seafood and meats. All I really needed to do was look for organic.
Buying meats that were given no antibiotics or hormones makes it easy. Not the chickens that are injected with seasonings or flavors, but fresh organic chickens. How much easier that would have been. Instead of spending 3 hours grocery shopping for a basket full of processed foods that I would spend so much time and effort reading, I could have been in and out of the store in no time.
Roasted Red and Yellow Beet Salad with Avocado, Oranges, Red Onion, and Toasted Pine Nuts
Now the body’s healing is a long process, especially for someone my age who has been slowly driving it mad with those foods it does not tolerate. I’m like an onion with many layers. I keep finding new things that my body doesn’t like. The best part is when I remove them I feel amazing. Yes, some are harder than others to give up. But once you give up gluten and you realize life goes on, anything is now possible.
The Steps I Took In Making the Transition to Living Gluten Free:
- Identified everything in my house that contained gluten and marked it
- Separated out the foods that were gluten free
- Made a list of all of the foods that are naturally gluten free when not processed
- Tried some new foods. If I can eat it, I’ll give it a try even if it’s something in the past I would not have touched with a 10-foot pole (Brussels sprouts and beets)
- Got back into the kitchen and started cooking, instead of just heating and eating
- Gathered support from my immediate family
- Gathered support from the blogging world and the gluten-free community at large
- Gradually learned how to eat out again
Now I also:
- Plan my menu for the month
- Buy 95% non-processed foods
- Eat more raw foods in my smoothies
- Keep track of my recipes and what I learned on my blog
- Keep meeting more and more wonderful gluten-free friends
- Have people over to eat who know I live gluten free and dairy free but never miss it
- Cater parties gluten and dairy free
- Teach others how to live gluten free
- Give others ideas on how to eat real food
- Started 30 Days to a Food Revolution
- Cook from single-ingredient real food and freeze the leftovers for my fast meals
- Eat out often but at restaurants that create their own dishes from real food
- Always learning more and more along the way
- Eat more local produce and what is in season
- Don’t make decisions based on fear, but hope and joy!
Shirley’s Double Clementine Cake (which I made using my Vitamix)
Shirley, here: Many thanks to Diane for sharing her journey and lessons learned as one of the guest posts here at gfe for Celiac Awareness Month (or “Celiac Plus” Awareness Month, as I like to call it)! Read the personal gluten-free story of others shared on gfe via the links below:
~ Dr. Delise Dickard: The Beer That Saved My Belly
~ Gluten-Free Homemaker’s Personal Gluten-Free Story
~ Healing Crohn’s Disease Using the Specific Carbohydrate Diet
~ In Defense of the Medically Necessary Gluten-Free Diet
~ You’re Not Crazy, You’re Sick and You May Have Celiac Disease … Ginny’s Story
Not just gf, but gfe!
Originally published May 14, 2010; updated December 8, 2021.
Deannna says
Excellent post! I’m so thankful for all the people that have already paved the way for us newbies.
Diane-The WHOLE Gang says
Deannna- I think we’re all paving the way for each other and can learn from each other. I’m glad you enjoyed the post.
H.Peter says
You gave all your processed GLUTEN FREE FOOD to the local homeless shelter?
I am sure some peeps moved back on the streets after THAT experience.
The smoothies I think are one of the best things we can make.
We finally bought a VITAMIX and even I am on track for a raw smoothie a day.
Diane-The WHOLE Gang says
H.Peter- Yes, I hate to throw food out so I give it away to those who need food or already eat that way. But once you don’t eat that way it’s hard to go back.
I love my VITAMIX too. I feel so much better eating a smoothie and getting all of those great enzymes. What’s your favorite mixture?
Shirley says
H.Peter–I can always count on you for a laugh. 😉 And, woohoo for green smoothies! Love them. If you lived next door, I’d come over to use your Vitamix. LOL Instead of having a coffee klatch, we could have a green smoothie klatch. 🙂
GWSharp says
Thanks Diane and Shirley for all you do for others. And today giving me hope and direction, showing me I can have a real life and heal. I sure needed help and a boost of encouragement. Life has really been ruff lately due to my food choices. Felt like I was living in a black hole with no light or hope in sight getting weaker every day. Thanks for sharing your experience and giving me strength, I just didn’t have at this point. You are making such a difference. Have a great life
Diane-The WHOLE Gang says
GWSharp-I’m glad to hear this post helped. I know exactly what you mean by a black hole. It can be so overwhelming. Just take little steps and grab a hold of all the support you can from those who are already loving living gluten free. Then, you need to go share what you learn with others. It’s the best medicine!
Shirley says
Hey GWSharp–Thanks for saying such nice things, my friend! We’ll get you out of that black hole … little by little. Again, so glad you came to the tea party last night. I hope you feel better today as a result. 🙂
Many hugs,
Maggie says
Great post! And a great story Diane. I totally agree with you about getting rid of processed foods. So bad for us. You’re both doing amazing things for celiac and I am so thankful I have found your blogs!
Diane-The WHOLE Gang says
Maggie- Thank you! Giving up the “ease” of processed foods can be a difficult step. But once you do, it’s hard to go back when you learn what food is supposed to taste like. Glad to hear you’ve made that switch too.
Shirley says
Hey Maggie–Such a sweet thing to say! We’re all fighting the good cause together though. 😉 Every great blog and supportive reader does their part … that includes you, dear! 🙂
Alta says
A big thank you to Shirley for having Diane guest post, and thank you to Diane for sharing your story. I think hearing these stories helps a great deal – especially in your case. Some of us go gluten-free and feel better, but then discover that we’re still not 100% – not until we figure out what ELSE is giving us troubles. I’m in that phase right now – and it’s great to know I’m not alone. And what a wonderful transition you’ve made – eating whole, healthy, unprocessed foods…you’ve undoubtedly added years to your life and I’m sure you feel great because of it. And I love that you posted that beet salad pic again…that recipe makes my mouth water.
Diane-The WHOLE Gang says
Alta- Thank you. We really are all in this together. It’s a process to figure out what our bodies are not tolerating but it’s worth it. I’m still working on it and when I hit days where I’ve taken away something that’s bothering me, I feel amazing. That’s what keeps me searching. Never give up!
Shirley says
Hi Alta–I’m so glad you approve of my guest blogger choice! 🙂 Diane has always been an inspiration to me and I knew she would be to the rest of you as well. It’s all about the individuals and their stories. We just can’t learn from a list of symptoms that may or may not apply, or only partially. And to hear that folks feel the same despair, but get past it to thrive is huge, isn’t it? Many of us are on that later level of healing and figuring out what’s next. We’ll do it though.
Johanna B says
When my mother was first diagnosed with Celiac none of this wonderful information was available. She was alone in learning what she could and could not eat. I am so happy that in 2010 there is more good info than I would be able to read in a lifetime and I don’t have to make all the mistakes because others have already made them and learned from them. Thanks for this great post.
Diane-The WHOLE Gang says
Johanna B- It’s amazing to me how much more information there is even since I found out in 2007. It’s great that everyone it talking and sharing. I’m glad you liked the post.
Shirley says
Hi Johanna–Thank you for taking the time to comment and share your mom’s and your own story a bit. Your mom was a pioneer by necessity. Of course, one could always eat gluten free naturally, but sometimes that “leap” does not happen immediately. It is wonderful to have the resources now and, most of all, the support. 😉
stephanie @ glutenfreebynature says
wonderful post Diane & Shirley. I find it so inspiring hearing other peoples stories. What a journey that was! And what a journey it continues to be:) Thank you so much for sharing this.
Diane-The WHOLE Gang says
Stephanie- You used a great word, journey. Life is all a journey and I sometimes get too focused on the destination. The destination is the same for all of us, it’s our journey that makes our lives. Learning to enjoy all parts of the journey, even the difficult and frustrating parts is hard to do, but key to learning which direction to go next. I hope you enjoy your journey.
Shirley says
Hi stephanie–I’m so happy that Diane was willing to share her story with everyone. 🙂 Life is all about the journey, isn’t it? We all think ours are very different, but what’s actually surprising is how similar they are. It’s great to have each other to figure it all out!
Jennifer says
Great post. Wish we could get it on Dr. Oz!!!
Diane-The WHOLE Gang says
Jennifer- Thank you. Let me know what Dr. Oz has to say when you share it with him.
Shirley says
Hey Jennifer–We need to start a Dr. Oz campaign! That short segment he did with Dr. Green and Hasselbeck was a start, but not enough. We should do it on Facebook as was done for Betty White to get on SNL. Maybe we shoud make it Oz and Oprah! 🙂
Cathy says
Thank you Diane and Shirley for such a wonderful post. I needed the encouraging and hopeful words as it is very confusing and none of my friends seem to understand. I have done most of the things cleaning out my kitchen and appreciate all of the tips you have given us.
I have been sick for so long, I can’t even imagine feeling well….It is a wonderful thought.
God bless you all..
Diane-The WHOLE Gang says
Cathy- It does take time but don’t give up. Keep learning all you can about hidden sources of gluten that are easy to miss. And grab yourself some more friends in the gf community. Read as many blogs as you can and books. Go to the library and check out every one on the topic in there. Find out which ones are the most helpful and then buy them. Underline, highlight and make notes in them. Contact the authors and ask questions. Most of them are on facebook and have blogs. Just don’t stop and don’t expect those who do not have to live gluten free to ever understand. Would you have before? Not me. I had a friend living gluten free and I had no idea of all the precautions that went into living in a dual home with gluten and gluten free. Just keep those friends to have fun with and bring your own food!
Shirley says
Hi Cathy–Our pleasure. Thanks for the kind words. Have you checked to see if you have a support group in your area? Making friends with other gluten-free folks can be huge. Many find that the healing seems to come without immediately realizing it. I seemed to make big leaps every quarter. I’d suddenly realize that I hadn’t had symptom X in a long time, or symptom Y only happened occasionally (probably when I’d been accidentally glutened early on and didn’t realize it). Your healing will happen though. Those of us who have been sick for a very long time and so surprised at how good normal can actually feel! 🙂
Gluten-Free Weekly says
Diane and Shirley – Thanks for that post! We agree with your thoughts on cooking and eating unprocessed foods and on planning meals ahead! We take the chore out of planning by providing 5 dinner recipes and the shopping list weekly to our subscribers. A celiac/gluten intolerance diagnosis is an OPPORTUNITY to cook more meals at home and eat more meals together!
Diane-The WHOLE Gang says
Gluten Free Weekly- I think that is a great service, especially to those who are just making the shift to living gluten free and those who have not cooked much unprocessed foods in the past. Great idea.
Shirley says
Hi Gluten-Free Weekly–It sounds like your service could be a big help to some folks, especially those just starting out. I’ll have to check it out. Meals at home and meals together are good for everyone, but especially those who are transitioning to gluten free.
Chelsey says
What a story of freedom, Dianne. I feel the same way when I cut something out that I know my body doesn’t like. I keep finding more and more things too, just like you. At first it is hard, because I am almost addicted to them, but when I start feeling better, that’s when the real magic begins. Freedom. It’s a little taste of bliss!
Diane-The WHOLE Gang says
Chelsey- I love the way you describe it as freedom. That’s perfect. Sometimes it’s easy to think exactly the opposite. Bravo!
Shirley says
Hey Chelsey–As my one “miracle” doctor said to me, “we crave what we are allergic to.” I’ve heard that disputed, but I, and many others, find it true. Real magic. Freedom. Bliss. All things we want in our lives, and to think heeding how our body reacts to food will bring them to us! Thanks so much for sharing your inspiring thoughts with us, Chelsey! 🙂
Clara says
This post about your experience almost made me cry! I am at the beginning of my journey. My doctor recommended a few days ago that I go off gluten and dairy “strictly and permanently”. I am still trying to wrap my mind around what that means exactly. It’s hard not to focus on the things that I CAN’T have anymore, but I keep reminding myself of the things I CAN have. A few days ago I did the same thing that you described. I bought gluten-free cookies, crackers, and energy bars. I think it came from a rebellious place in me… like “nobody had better tell me that I can’t have these things!”. Things I’m grateful for right now? The endless amount of information online, though is can be overwhelming at times, and also having a supportive husband who is actually excited that we’ll be having less pasta and bread.
Diane-The WHOLE Gang says
Clara- You are starting on a journey to feeling better and being healthier. Try to enjoy the journey. There is a lot of information available now so soak it up like a sponge. Start with the meals you already like to eat, and make them gluten and dairy free. And if you want pasta, make it yourself, it’s so easy and tastes amazing. Every step you take will be a victory and your body will celebrate. And give that husband an extra hug. That support is key and will take you a long way. And please, don’t fall into the trap of eating bland boring foods. Gluten free and dairy free foods taste amazing when made with real foods. One more thing, my favorite gf df buttery spread is from Earth Balance soy free version. Tastes like real butter to me!
Shirley says
Hi Clara–All of us struggle with what our “special” diets mean at first. It will get easier as time goes on. Once you take those foods out of your diet, your body won’t want them any more. Try to take in the information a little at a time. I always recommend that folks start looking at all the foods and meals that they love that are naturally gluten free or easily made gluten free. Love barbecued chicken? Yep, you can still eat that. Steamed artichokes? Yep. Maybe with a little seasoned olive oil or non-dairy butter. I bet you can come up with a list much longer than you think right away, Clara. And, bravo for that dear husband of yours! 🙂
Hugs to you,
Sarah says
I sympathize with your struggles at first, but I find myself in your same position now. Processed foods are going to harbor something – if it’s not gluten i’ts GM corn or soy or MSG or dairy derivatives… Best to just avoid it!
Diane-The WHOLE Gang says
Sarah- Great way to put that. You just never know what they have added to those foods. If you make it yourself, you know and I doubt you add in MSG just for kicks. I’m with you, avoid it.
Shirley says
Hi Sarah–So many of us find the gluten-free diet focused on real food to be a godsend to keep us away from all the evils in processed foods. It’s such an eye opener to see what is in the processed foods.
Christa says
Last fall, I went through a similar process when I found out that I have candida and a host of food allergies, including wheat gluten. It’s been a steep learning curve with mistakes along the way, but I’m glad I’ve learned so much! Now I’m working on eating mostly grain-free, and I spend a lot of time cooking, but it’s worth it to feel so much better.
Diane-The WHOLE Gang says
Christa- Good for you for sticking with it and taking the steps to learn what you need to do that is best for your body.
Shirley says
Hi Christa–Welcome to gfe! 🙂 Thanks for sharing your own experiences with us. Grain free is something I’m aspiring to more and more. It’s wonderful that you are feeling so much better! I really love hearing that! As times goes on, we learn ways to spend less time in the kitchen (e.g., my gfe approach), but even when we do I still think it can be quality time and relaxing.
glutenfreeforgood says
Very nice post, Diane. Loved reading about your journey. But I have to say, you and Shirley are hard to keep up with! I need to take a few days vacation and catch up on both your blogs. Great stuff going on in this little corner of the blogosphere!
Thank you for sharing your story and tips.
Diane-The WHOLE Gang says
Melissa- Thank you! I’m just keeping up with Shirley.
Shirley says
Hi Melissa–Hmmm, pot meet kettle, kettle meet pot, black, black … I don’t think any of us are slackers. 😉 Seriously, thanks for all the very kind words! I’m grateful that Diane shared her hard-earned wisdom with us all! 🙂
Kelli says
I loved reading about your story.
Diane-The WHOLE Gang says
Kelli- Thank you!
Shirley says
Hi Kelli–Looks like you are new to gfe–thanks so much for taking the time to comment so positively. 🙂
Linda says
I’m finally getting around to reading this. You have a great story, Diane. In the past couple of days I have started a dairy free diet. It’s a hard one for me, but I’m hopeful that it will make a difference. The many gluten-free, dairy-free people out there, like you, give me hope.
Diane-The WHOLE Gang says
Linda- the first part of making a shift like giving up dairy is always the hardest. Looking for things that will help you create the recipes you were used to making. There are lots of products out there to help, just make sure you read the ingredients. Good job on giving it a go.
Shirley says
Linda–So glad you appreciated Diane’s story, too. I am fascinated by everyone’s story. Diane’s story and her transformation are very inspiring. Sounds like we are all going to be in the gf/df thing together. It’s hard for me, as well. Much harder than gluten for me, but just as worth it.
GWSharp says
Thanks for everyone feed back. It’s been really nice to hear from everyone that understands how hard it can be in the beginning. You all missed a wonderful meeting at Shirley’s home tonight. It was just plain good old fashion fun with people that are brave and don’t give up sharing the joy of getting healthier. Sharing what works and hasn’t along their Gluten Free journeys and of course lots of wonderful tasting food. Loads of smiles and encouragement for those of us that aren’t there yet. Just wanted to say thank you to one and all.
Shirley says
Hey there, dear–You are such a sweetheart to take the time to make this comment! Thanks for all your help in the kitchen last night. It really made a huge difference. You were definitely head tea brewmaster! 😉 It was a great event for sure. 🙂
carrie says
Oh my gosh I am drooling at the site of that cupcake!!! I’ve been craving cupcakes all weekend! Lovely post from Diane!
Shirley says
Hey Carrie–Yes, Diane certainly took my Clementine cake recipe and her Vitamix and ran with it! And, if you had that cupcake, you’d think you’d died and gone to heaven. It was one good cake so in Diane’s cupcake form, it would be just perfect. 🙂
Thanks for taking the time to comment! I’m so glad Diane shared her story with us, too.
Delise says
You actually made me cry because I’m just newly gluten free (Thanksgiving 2010) and did just exactly what you did — down to the black marker. I have a cabinet full of those gluten free flours and mixes that I’ll never use. I felt so alone in my struggle and it is so healing to read about others who have traveled this road. I think we are all realizing that there are many more people suffering who don’t know it. But once you feel that good feeling of pure good health…WOW. When I see a donut now I only see two weeks of pure misery. I wouldn’t touch it.
Diane-thewholegang says
Delise thank you for your comment. I think we find that so many of us have very similar stories and paths. Taking that journey one step at a time is what it’s all about and recognizing that each step we learn something new. For instance if you had not felt so bad you wouldn’t recognize what feeling so good is all about or that donut would have a stronger hold over you. What you have given yourself is freedom. Congratulations. Keep up the good work and always think about anything that touches or passes those lips. You’re a wonderful person for taking this journey.
JeanneG says
I can totally relate to your frustrations! My daughter (who is 18 now) was diagnosed over 2-1/2 years ago and still struggles to maintain a 100% gluten-free diet. Before she headed off to College, things were more manageable at home where we kept separate containers, toasters, etc. But, issues with cross contamination occurred frequently when she ate out at different restaurants or her friend’s house.
When selecting a college, we carefully considered gluten-free food item availability. However, even with a gluten-free chef in the kitchen and the fact that she is attending a large university that prides themselves on maintaining a high quality of food service for students with a variety of food allergies, cross contamination still continues to be an issue. For example, a gluten-free tortilla being warmed in a pan that was previously used to warm a flour tortilla. With this disease, the silly mistakes that we make can yield very serious consequences.