I know that many of you have been waiting for the latest GFE Gluten-Free Virtual Support Group (VSG) post. My actual gluten-free support group decided to take a break in July, and although I didn’t announce that info here I decided to follow suit for my Virtual Support Group. (VSG events are never real time anyway, with my sharing post always being at least a few weeks behind the actual support group.) So here I am squeaking in the last week of the month to share the latest VSG featuring Stacy Toth and Matt McCarry of Paleo Parents, their three boys (Cole, Finian, and Wesley), and their very popular cookbook, Eat Like A Dinosaur: Recipe and Guidebook for Gluten-Free Kids. Stacy and Matt actually presented to my group in June, but as the saying goes, “It’s better late than never.” Right? Nod your head. Thanks!
If you’re new to the GFE VSG, this event is simply a way for me to extend the reach of my actual support group and share great food, info, and giveaways with you, all of which you can enjoy from the comfort of your own home on your own schedule! I know that many of you would love to participate in a good support group if available, so I hope that the VSG will help fill that need until you find one or perhaps “supplement” the real-life support group in which you already participate. Here are some of our previous VSG posts if you’d like to “catch up”: Gluten-Related Ob/Gyn Issues (and more), Gluten-Free Watchdog (what testing of gluten-free products really shows), and Healing the Gut. The next VSG will focus on Thermography.
Back to Paleo Parents … I’ve written about Stacy and Matt before when I adopted them for Adopt a Gluten-Free Blogger; you can read that post here. I’ve been a big fan since almost the very moment I first “met” them. We’ve had many online interactions over several months and then, finally and happily, I met them in person at my house right before my group’s picnic event. Stacy and Matt have consistently awed me by being the genuine, blatantly honest, and caring people that they are. Their posts like What Losing 100 Pounds Look Like, Fattest People in Paleo, and more recently, What Losing 135 Pounds Looks Like, just blow me away, and I can tell by the hundreds of reader comments on each, that I’m far from alone. And I haven’t even gotten to their amazing recipes, yet … fantastic recipes that show people they can “do” the gluten-free, grain-free, dairy-free, refined sugar free, legume-free diet.
Stacy and Matt have quite literally changed lives—and that, of course, includes their own lives and their sons’ lives—by inspiring others to make changes in their lives in what they eat (first and foremost) but also in their activity levels (e.g., head out to a U-Pick farm with the kids versus “veg” at home), and to keep making those changes, “tweaking” as needed all along the way. For example, Stacy is now following the Paleo Autoimmune Protocol—which she shared in this post initially and later in this podcast of The Paleo View that Stacy now co-hosts with Sarah of The Paleo Mom—to improve her health even more. Now I’ll admit that I’ve been dilly dallying on this post and a review of their cookbook for a while. I don’t think that I truly ever have writer’s block, but some folks do humble me in such a way that I feel like I can’t do an adequate job of sharing a post on them (or their cookbooks, etc.), so I delay my writing hoping that inspiration and all the right words will eventually come. In some cases, enough of the right words really don’t come to me and I just have to “go with it” or ask for others’ help. I have done both for this post.
The Paleo Parents spoke at my support group’s third annual picnic event. This event was held at one of our member family’s farms, Biota. The Padovan-Hickman family—Steve, DeLaura, Tara, and Maren—who calls Biota home are a family that lives “off the grid”—which mostly means they live without electricity. Their home is a log home that was built from trees right on their property that Steve and friends helped turn into suitable logs for framing a house. Almost all of the home’s construction was done by Steve, DeLaura, and friends using the most “green” and economical materials available. Even Mr. GFE got involved with several aspects of their home project. For example, he installed the hardwood flooring in their home as their wedding present. (Steve had salvaged it from an early 1900s industrial building.) True to my nature, I remember showing up as “support staff” a few times with brownies in hand. The Padovan-Hickman family have a gas stove for cooking and two woodstoves for heating, but they decided to live without a refrigerator when their gas version died several years ago. After a few months of living refrigerator free, they found out that it was not the big deal that they had anticipated. They came to realize that they do a better job planning their meals for immediate consumption and have less waste without a refrigerator. (During warm months, they rely on a cooler and ice for perishables.) They also raise chickens, goats (there were new babies on hand this time; DeLaura makes fantastic yogurt and chevre), and they also grow organic fruits and vegetables. All the family members play integral roles in our community, too—ensuring the success of our award-winning farmer’s market (DeLaura is the manager and Maren is the gluten-free baker); conducting activities in the local, state, and national music scene (Steve is a renowned fiddler, but the whole family plays instruments, and participates in music camps and other events); and they do much more, too. In summary, they are a very cool family and it’s always both energizing and relaxing to attend events at their home and farm!
This picnic event was held at the tail-end of my gfe retreat at which I hosted several of my gluten-free blogger friends for a long weekend. Only Debi (Hunter’s Lyonesse) and Heather (Gluten-Free Cat) were still with me on Sunday afternoon, but they were excited to attend and meet my support group members and Stacy, Matt, and their sons. As I said, all of our picnics at Biota to date have been great fun with delicious fare, but this one was even more special with Stacy, Matt, Cole, Finian, and Wesley presenting and doing a book signing, and Debi and Heather joining in!
Food ~ As one might expect, our food theme was paleo picnic food and my group members easily supplied lots of paleo-style items, with a few non-paleo, but of course still gluten-free items added to the table. DeLaura made a great cucumber salad using her goat’s yogurt and beverages (and probably much more that I can’t recall right now) and Steve grilled fish for us (spot and croaker—tasty!). We ended up with a bit of seafood theme going for our main dishes as I brought a half bushel of steamed crabs. Plus, there was bacon, pasta salad, quinoa tabbouleh, fruit salad, bean salad, watermelon, cantaloupe, zucchini chips (dehydrated), muffins, and fruit pie. We also really enjoyed Samoa Brownies, courtesy of our guest speakers. And one of our group members, Megan, made Matt and Stacy’s Anytime Cookies (recipe is in Eat Like a Dinosaur). Clearly, we had a feast of fantastic gluten-free picnic food!
Presentation ~ As I’ve already shared and many of you already knew, in addition to being the bloggers behind Paleo Parents, Stacy and Matt are also the authors of the recent cookbook, Eat Like a Dinosaur (affectionately called ELaD). Intended for children and families, this cookbook presents eating healthy real food, like that which a dinosaur would have eaten (meat, veggies, and fruit), in a friendly, super approachable way. The intro shares how Stacy and Matt together lost over 200 pounds in little over a year and resolved all types of health problems for themselves and their boys. Their story is very compelling and their recipes are simple to make and delicious.
Stacy started the presentation by telling her and her family’s story. She did all the talking with some occasional help from Finian and some solicited interjections know and then from Matt. But mostly Matt and the boys were off checking out the farm critters and the trampoline while she filled us in on their path to health including both her and Matt’s impressive weight loss (Stacy was recently featured in Woman’s World) and Cole’s transformation (from a little guy who was about to be kicked out of school for his aggressive and uncontrollable behavior to the calm, peaceful child who is now one of the best behaved, most focused kids in class); presented many of her resources (those are all Matt and Stacy’s books in the wagon that DeLaura “loaned” them); shared tips on buying grass-fed meat (e.g., split a large order with a friend, determine your local resources, consider using cuts that are not the high-priced ones); which wraps are paleo (they say that Pure Wraps rule); and handling school situations like lunches and parties with their oldest when nobody is else is eating paleo, gluten free, etc.
Because it was an informal, carefree picnic event, I was not in my usual note-taking mode. So while Stacy gave a great presentation, when it came time to write up what she actually shared with us all, I was at a bit of a loss for all that she shared. I reached out to several of my support group members and my blogger friends, Debi and Heather, for their thoughts. Thank goodness they helped me out!
Jennifer ~ “My son, Ryan, was very excited to meet the Paleo Parents and their children – and thrilled to get them to autograph our copy of their book. He read the story in the book a few times later that day.”
Megan ~ “I took away a lot from Stacy and Matt’s presentation. Listening to them only reiterated why I adopted the Paleo lifestyle, but what really opened my eyes was hearing how much it has improved the lives of their children. It fascinated me to hear that their children made significant health and behavior strides just by eating Paleo. It just reinforces the fact that food is medicine!!
I LOVE “Eat Like a Dinosaur;” it is most definitely one of my favorite gluten-free/paleo cookbooks, and I don’t even have any kids!! I have made several recipes which were all simple to make and delicious!!!: 50/50 Bacon Burgers, Pork Roast with Squishy Squashy Apples, Spaghetti with Meatballs, Sweet Potato Fries, and their Anytime Cookies, to name a few.
I must not forget to mention the Paleo Samoa Brownies they made and served at the picnic. WOW. So good!!! I have since made them, and they are a big hit with everyone, regardless of their dietary lifestyle.”
Heather (Gluten-Free Cat) ~ “One thing that really impressed me were the stories about how they help their children feel normal at school. As a teacher, I know that school is a sugar culture. There are birthday parties and other special events weekly that revolve around some sugary treat. I love that Stacy and Matthew have developed sugar free recipes so they can send in goodies to replace the treats that are shared during special events. But I was challenged as a teacher to find other ways to motivate students besides sugar. (You wouldn’t believe how motivating a single Skittle is to a five year old!) In Kindergarten, we use food almost on a daily basis. What do you think we use during “M Week”? M&Ms of course! “C Week”? Cookies! I don’t have answers yet, but I’m going to make a serious effort at limiting the unhealthy, sugary treats in my classroom this year.”
Debi (Hunter’s Lyonesse) ~ “So funny, Shirley. I was planning on finally doing the review of their book this week. 😀 (Shirley here: Debi got her review done long before I got this post done, you can read Debi’s review of ELaD on her blog, Hunter’s Lyonesse.) I’ve made so many things (some of which you saw in that blog post in which I did a quick nod to them) from their book.
Those of us who already eat a whole foods diet (as well as gluten-free and whatever-free we need to include) already know the health benefits of a diet like the Paleo diet. What I took from the presentation is the experience they had with Cole’s behavior changing just from a change in how they ate. Having worked with kids for years in mental health, it was a joy to hear about behavior modification simply from changing the food the kids were eating. It confirmed my suspicions that behavior can be changed by food and not just therapies and medication. It was also a joy to see the kids playing at your house and at the picnic and being typical kids.”
Debi and I had an email exchange while I was soliciting her input and we ended up talking about how calm and polite Cole was at my house and at the picnic. I stated that it was so hard to imagine him as he was before the dietary changes. Debi responded:
“I know. He is so different from how they described him from before and how the story in the book portrays him before. Having worked with kids who have made dramatic behavioral changes, it wasn’t too hard to imagine for me. But, it was heart warming to know it was all because of the food he was eating.”
Teri (who just started a new blog, Real Food Geek) ~ “I have made quite a few recipes as well: 50/50 bacon burgers, pulled pork (This was my first time every doing a pork shoulder on the grill. It was quite easy and very tasty!), Fool’s gold (Chicken nuggets): even my 20-year-old son thought they were good! I am planning on making 4 other recipes this week. I agree with Megan about the Paleo Samoa Brownies. Wow. When I made them, I didn’t have enough ingredients to make the caramel sauce and they were just as good without it. (I posted on Stacy and Matt’s blog the day after the picnic. They were that good!) Oh, and I bought the book for myself. My boys are 21 and 20 so if they’re at home, they eat what I serve.”
After our meal and their presentation, Paleo Parents entire family participated in signing their very popular new book, Eat Like A Dinosaur: Recipe and Guidebook for Gluten-Free Kids. Note that everyone at our meeting was buying these as the audience is not just limited to kids. Both singles and families love this cookbook as you could see from some of the input I received above.
Personally, I’ve made the following:
50/50 Burger (shown on a gluten-free, vegan Brazilian Un-Cheese Biscuit, you will never need to use another burger recipe … ever!)
Hissin’ Chicken (so simple and easy, yet so good; you can make many variations, too)
Carrot Rounds (they remind me of my Candy Carrot Coins, but are even healthier)
Sweet Potato Fries (I could eat their version for dessert, but there’s no sugar added)
Bone Stock (similar to what I make, but has at least one surprise ingredient … to me anyway)
And I still want to try so many other recipes in ELaD, like Frozen Waffles, Shepherd’s Pie, and Honey Nut Ice Cream. I’ve tried other recipes from their blog like Dark Chocolate Banana Bites (as good as they look!) and the Samoa Brownies that the other attendees raved over (they are justified in their raving!), and they’re all excellent. Paleo Parents excel at simple and delicious recipes that work for the paleo lifestyle, which means they work for all of us who are gluten free, plus others who might be any one of (or all) of the following: dairy free, refined sugar free, peanut free, and bean free.
But don’t just take our word for it, you’ll find many rave reviews of Eat Like a Dinosaur online. It even has a 5-star rating on Amazon. I understand that rating because when I first received Eat Like a Dinosaur and read it, I thought “This book is simply wonderful … it has everything!” From a Foreword written by my good friend Elana (Elana’s Pantry, Gluten-Free Almond Flour Cookbook, and Gluten-Free Cupcakes), to the family’s personal story (with a appealing cartoon-style depictions); to information on their ingredients and tools; to symbols that quickly convey their meaning (e.g., a hand symbol beside a recipe indicates that a child may help with the step, a crab symbol highlighted on the right side of a recipe alerts you that the recipe includes shellfish); to recipes that cover all the required areas; to on-page “post-it notes” for you to add your notes (e.g., try with peanut butter vs almond butter next time) to a section on packing lunches; to a food projects section (for those recipes that don’t always contain the same ingredients or fit into a pretty recipe card format); to info on U-Pick Farms, Farmers Markets, and gardening; Eat Like a Dinosaur really is one super packed, wonderful book. In fact, of all the dinosaur books in the Braden household, Eat Like a Dinosaur comes out on top!
I suspect it might be tops in the following homes as well. Well, if they’re cool and have dinosaur books.
Giveaway ~ This giveaway is now closed. Well, it seems obvious what this month’s giveaway will be … copies of Eat Like a Dinosaur, of course! FIVE of them! One each for FIVE lucky winners! One copy was generously signed by Stacy, Matt, and their crew. The other four copies (again, five in total) won’t boast signatures, but as I’m sure you’ve figured out by now, the content can’t be beat!
Enter the giveaway by simply leaving a comment sharing your thoughts on Paleo Parents, paleo-style eating, or telling what you would have brought to our picnic if you could have been with us. If you’d like, you may share the giveaway via Twitter and Facebook for additional entries and you can also get additional entries for subscribing to gfe (via reader or via email), subscribing to Paleo Parents, “liking” gfe on Facebook, or “liking” Paleo Parents on Facebook. Be sure to leave a comment for each so that you will get the maximum number of entries with the “Pick a Giveaway Winner” tool that I use! The giveaway will end Sunday, September 9, midnight EST.
5 winners!
Linky ~ Please link up to three of your very favorite paleo recipes (gluten free, dairy free, refined sugar free, legume free; and include a link back to this post in each of them). If you want to share a paleo picnic type recipe, that’s all the better! The linky will remain open through Wednesday, September 5, midnight EST.
Full disclosure: Two of the Eat Like a Dinosaur cookbooks—one that I reviewed and another that is included in this giveaway were provided for free by either Victory Belt Publishing or the Paleo Parents. (Sorry, I can’t remember which.) However, the opinions expressed in this post are strictly mine and that of the other individuals as noted. The other four copies of Eat Like a Dinosaur were provided by gfe. As stated in my disclaimer, some links are affiliate links and purchasing through those links will not increase your cost, but will help support gfe—thanks!
gail says
would bring sweet potato fries
gail says
liked you on fb
gail says
liked them on fb
The Celiac Husband says
That looks like an amazing event.
Chapeau, Madame!
Melissa says
Just venturing into Paleo from gluten free, but love finding new recipes to try.
Beth says
We’ve been gluten free for about 5 months now.
My 7 yo son was recently diagnosed with diabetes and is now dairy free as well. My question is, How does the paleo diet affect a person with diabetes? If you don’t know, could you direct me to someone who would? His doctors and nutritionist subscribe to the conventional way of thinking (low fat, increase carbs, don’t eat too much protein).
I love reading your blog and using your recipes.
PS. We’d love a copy of the book.
Stacy says
Because Paleo focuses on removal of grains and beans and white potatoes, it’s a naturally low-carb diet. Since it also focuses on eating whole sources of natural sweeteners only (no refined sweeteners or processed foods) it helps to reduce A1C levels and regulate blood sugar naturally. I’ve had the pleasure of getting quite a few e-mails from parents who’ve seen awesome positive results from adopting this lifestyle with their diabetic children. I also have seen great success stories on robbwolf.com and marksdailyapple.com
Best of luck!
Erin says
I love Paleo Parents!! totally inspirational!!
Cindy says
We love eating paleo and have been wanting this book for forever. I would have brought a recipe from Everyday Paleo cookbook, which is a coleslaw made with purple cabbage, cucumbers, mangoes and olive oil. Yum!
Cindy says
Like Paleo parents on FB
Cindy says
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Cindy says
Shared on FB
Erica says
Wow – what an awesome picnic that would have been to attend! 🙂 I would have brought sausage stuffed dates wrapped in bacon! 🙂
Cindy says
Subscribed via Google Reader!
Kara Klett says
I have this book on my Christmas wish list!!! I have done paleo before and loved what affects it had on my body. Recently started picking it back up more strictly. After the first day, I could tell such a big difference!!! I love paleo eating and I’m still working on getting the whole family on board!!
Kara Klett says
I also liked both on Facebook!
Jennifer says
I’ll be honest. We are new to Paleo and still learning… and trying to figure out how to get the kids on board! I love the title of ELAD! I think my boys would love it and be more likely to follow it!
Jennifer says
Liked Paleo Parents on FB!
Jennifer says
Liked GFE on FB!
Brandy says
I found Matt and Stacy’s site trough another site and am so glad that I did. I think they are so down to earth and love reading their posts. I would love a copy of the book. Oh and if I came to the picnic I would have brought some gluten free, dairy free banana bread! BTW I love your blog too!
christopher sorel says
love the book and would bring some pulled pork I have make with paleo spice rub
Jen T says
My SIL is a huge paleo parents/eat like a dinosaur fan. We made the Kale Chips last time I was at her house & have been addicted. I’m ready to make the lifestyle change for myself & my family & would LOVE a copy of Eat Like a Dinosaur!!
Jen T says
I like Paleo Parents on facebook.
christopher sorel says
like glutenfreeeasily on Facebook
christopher sorel says
signed up for email
christopher sorel says
like Paleo Parents on Facebook.
Jen T says
I like “gfe” on facebook.
christopher sorel says
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christopher sorel says
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christopher sorel says
tweet https://twitter.com/cjsorel/status/240906305550835712
Jen says
We would have brought lentil hummus.
Jen says
I like Paleo Parents on Facebook.
Heather says
Already like you on FB:)
Heather says
I like Paleo Parents on FB
Loretta E says
I actually just got this book from the library, and decided I need to own it!
Loretta E says
I like you on Facebook.
Loretta E says
I also like Paleo Parents on Facebook.
Heather says
The paleo diet has been very inspirational in my life. It helped me transition from a processed food diet to a whole foods diet. My family and I have strayed a bit from paleo but still employ a lot of the principles. Hearing amazing stories like the Paleo Parents’ reminds me of the power of food.
Jen says
I subscribed to GFE via email.
Jen says
I like GFE on facebook.
Annette says
Eating paleo is easier than I thought it would be. I liked both on Facebook.
Denise M says
I am trying to move the family towards a Paleo way of eating but it has been tough. My husband is pretty ingrained in his food and my 2 year old is starting to get picky. I read the Paleo Parents site to get ideas
Denise M says
i subscribe to GFE through google reader
Denise M says
i subscribe to Paleo Parents via google reader and email
Elizabeth G says
I am very interested in this book as we have just started my daughter on a gf diet for behavior reasons.
Elizabeth G says
I subscribe to gfe in Google Reader.
Denise M says
i like GFE on Facebook
Denise M says
I like Paleo Parents on Facebook
Stefanie says
Due to health reasons a few years ago I began eating the Paleo way and also have my daughter who just turned 4 eating the same way. Everyone is amazed as to how well she eats and chooses to eat because I always educate her. I would love to win this book for my daughter so that it can reinforce what she has already learned and help us to educate some friends that we are slowly converting to the Paleo way : )
Stefanie says
Due to health reasons a few years ago I began eating the Paleo way and also have my daughter who just turned 4 eating the same way. Everyone is amazed as to how well she eats and chooses to eat because I always educate her. I would love to win this book for my daughter so that it can reinforce what she has already learned and help us to educate some friends that we are slowly converting to the Paleo way : ) .
Linda says
I forgot you had this event on Sunday after the retreat. That’s cool that Heather and Debbie could be there, and I spotted Jennifer too. No need to enter me in the giveaway. Just wanted to say thanks for introducing us to Paleo Parents. I’m doing a similar diet these days and benefiting from it. I linked my low carb meatballs which I ate on spaghetti squash so I think it’s all paleo.
Kate says
a copy of this book would be such an inspiration to this don’t-know-what-to-cook paleo wannabe…
Kara Klett says
Also shared the give-away on Facebook!
Britney says
I have been eating mostly paleo for 4 months and would love this cookbook to learn some new recipes-especially some my almost 3 yr-old could help with!
Britney says
I like Paleo Parents on fb!
Kate @eatrecyclerepeat says
Shirley – I shared two recipes, is that ok?? Otherwise I’ll save one for next time!
This meeting looked so amazing. Such inspiring people and what an incredible location! I love the community connections we can make around health and food. Thanks for the virtual meetup!
Suzanne says
I’d love to win a copy of this book to share with my niece and her children. I believe it would go a long way to improving their overall quality of life.
I’ve liked both gfe and Paleo Parents on FB.
Elizabeth says
Great post! I enjoy the Paleo Parents website and would love the book.
Ina Gawne says
Shirley – what a fabulous post! As always great information, and most amazing looking food! Wow to live off the grid like that has always had a certain appeal. Sounds like that farm is gorgeous and and great place to hold such an event. Thanks for sharing!
Moriah says
Already follow gfe
Moriah says
Liked Paleo Parents on FB
Moriah says
Already like GFEon FB
Melissa @ glutenfreeforgood says
Gosh, I don’t even know where to begin, so I’ll keep it short and simple (famous last words). Thank you for officially introducing me to Stacy and Matt of Paleo Parents. I just checked each link you provided to their blog, read their heartfelt (and honest) stories, and am inspired by their journey to better health. Way to go Stacy and Matt! BTW, that photo of Stacy (on Paleo Parents via the link you provided, Shirley) holding the camera is absolutely stunning. I’m going to buy the book because I’m interested in their story and fascinated by different food paths and our biochemical uniqueness. I’m not much of a meat eater (for a variety of reasons) and won’t be taking up Paleo eating anytime soon, but the basic premise of real food, vegetables, fruit, etc. is what I advocate as well. As you know, Shirley, one of my mantras is, “We’re all in this together.” We truly are, even with our differences. I’m inspired (and humbled) by what Matt and Stacy have accomplished (and endured). And to you, for your VSG and efforts to help others. You’re providing help to so many people through examples like this.
Peace, love, and huge congratulations to the Paleo Parents!
Thanks, Shirley.
Moriah says
I love how Stacey and Matt’s family is a living testimony to “let food be your medicine,” and they are sharing their experience with others 🙂
CatieP says
Honestly, I know very little about the Paleo diet – so it seems to me that a children/family cookbook would be an excellent place to start.
Also, I’m subscribed to your feed.
Megan @ Allergy Free Alaska says
Hi Shirley!
No need to enter me in the giveaway, I just wanted to leave you a note. 🙂 I love all of your pictures – it would have been FUN to be at that picnic!
I shared my chocolate chip cookie bites and garlic lover’s roasted cauliflower recipes at your linky party. Thank you for hosting!
PS- If I would have come to the picnic, I would have brought two Paleo recipes (that I’m saving for the cookbook). One is a muffin, and one is a cookie… and one of them is peppermint chocolate! 😉
Kirstie says
I “like” GFE on Facebook
Kirstie says
I “like” Paleo Parents on Facebook
Kirstie says
My son is almost 2, and loves to help in the kitchen! Having a cookbook with healthy recipes targeted towards children, that we can prepare together as he grows, would be wonderful to have.
I like that paleo eating promotes feeding our family whole, unprocessed foods.
Brandae says
What a fun blog post to read tonight! I’ve made several recipes from ELaD when I’ve borrowed the book from the library or have seen some great online recipes from their site. My boys loved the 50/50 burgers. I’d love to have our own copy to use more often! And I must try those samoa brownies! Brandae
Amy M says
Thanks for the giveaway. I had the honor of checking out “Eat Like a Dinosaur” through our library system. I did not want to give the book back! My favorite recipe which I’ve made over and over is the 50/50 burgers!
Amy M says
I like Paleo Parents on FB.
Amy M says
I like GFE on FB.
Maryn says
My son who has Down syndrome was diagnosed celiac three years ago. In eliminating gluten he lost almost 40 pounds and has more energy and interest in the world around him. He went from his favorite foods pizza and burgers to a vegetable vacuum. He’s 30 but the dinosaur book is exactly what would appeal to him (and me).
Claire says
I am new to the whole gluten free thing and do intrigued by paleo- would Iove to learn more about it. Also love cooking with my girls!
Claire says
I liked paleo parents on fb
Caitlin Leyden says
I have to go gluten free a few years ago and am now trying to rid my diet of the other processed foods. I’ve heard of this book a few times and am rather curious about it.
Sophie says
Waw! What a great & tasty event!
Lovely to see so many people really connecting through food, laughter & friendship!
Saundra says
Looks like a fun summer picnic … with food I could eat!! Summer BBQ’s are very limiting in what. I can put on my plate.
Saundra says
I have been intrigued by this book. And their story.
Lexie says
What a grand old time you all had!!! xoxo
amber says
Hi There Shirley,
What a fantastic support group post. WOW! I felt like I was right there with ya.
I’ve shared 3 healthy recipes.
I am going to opt out of the giveaway, as I already own this cookbook. 🙂
Thanks and have a fantastic weekend.
Karen G. says
I liked Paleo Parents on FB
Karen G. says
I also subscribed to Paleo Parents blog.
I Love the resources you provide via your VSG!
Cindy W. says
This looked like such a fun meeting. I love to hear how behavior can be changed by diet. I have made a committment this school year to doing more to teach my preschoolers about healthy living and eating and have asked my preschool families to support our efforts by sending in even healthier snacks than they have in the past.
Cindy W. says
I subscribe to your blog via email.
Cindy W. says
I signed up at Paleo Parents to received their blog via email.
Alisa says
You always do the most amazingly complete recaps Shirley! Love the photos too.
I’m going to need to trial those 50/50 burgers!
Jen (yup, another one) says
I would have brought shrimp cocktail! 🙂
Jen (yup, another one) says
I liked the Paleo Parents on FB.
Jen (yup, another one) says
I liked GFE on FB.
Jen (yup, another one) says
tweeted it!
Jen (yup, another one) says
Subscribed (email). Thanks so much!
Jen (yup, another one) says
Subscribed to PP via Google Reader.
Heather @CeliacFamily says
Looks like good times and good information, too! My daughter had “Eat Like a Dinosaur” in her room for weeks because she loved to read the story at the beginning of it. Now for cooking some of those recipes…. We’re doing a Paleo theme for the GF Menu Swap next week.
Yardana says
I would love to win a copy. I have liked both pages on facebook for an extra chance. The picnic looks lovely, if I’d been there I would have brought a huge bowl of my paleo avocado BLT salad. Yum 😀
Adriane Munger says
i wouldn’t know where to begin to explain how Paleo has changed my life. I’ve been following Stacey & Matt for months now and i love their blog:) AND their kids are adorable!!
If i came to the picnic i would have brought NO potato salad made with cauliflower and some chocolate zucchini muffins for dessert:)
Margaret says
I would love to win – and like both you and paleo parents on Facebook already (for 2 extra entries). The paleo lifestyle has pretty much given me my life back after 6 years of chronic chemical sensitivities and most recently fatigue so severe I could barely make it to work every day. I’m still struggling a bit to find the underlying health problems that caused everything (my doctor has been very unwilling to help) but I could never go back to eating the way I was before. I can make it through the day now, sleep soundly, not have an immediate migraine/asthma attack just from going grocery shopping and encountering someone wearing perfume, and for the most part the depression and anxiety that have stuck around for most of my life are gone. It’s pretty amazing what food can do! 🙂
Danika says
I love Paleo Parents! In our family we have sensitivities to eggs, dairy and grain so I love that many of the recipes from their site are egg free. I’ve been wanting to get my hands on this book for awhile!
Danika says
I like Paleo Parents on fb.
Carolyn says
I am loving the Paleo lifestyle and the many recipes I find out there.
Danika says
I like gfe on fb.
Carolyn says
Shirley – I love following you on FB and your website.
Carolyn says
I follow Paleo Parents on FB.
Jovana says
Brand new to Paleo.
Kelli says
Kale chips!
Kelli says
Like GFE and Paleo Parents on fb!
Christina says
I love Paleo Parents! Stacy is so honest and real. I love that. I would love one of these books!
Miranda says
I have been trying out Paleo recipes and I love the idea of a healthy cookbook for kids! I hope I win 🙂
Miranda says
I like paleo parents on fb.
Miranda says
I like GFE on Facebook!
Heather @Gluten-Free Cat says
I can’t believe I visited your blog one day after the linky expired! But what a great presentation by the Paleo Parent. I am so honored to have been there to meet them and to be your special guest! Honored, honored, honored! 🙂 I’ve been diving into their cookbook lately. I’m a girl of extremes. Just jumped from 28 days of raw to a paleo diet! Yes, I’m eating meat again! (Still can’t do crabs though. 😉 ) Love you, lady!!!
Heather @Gluten-Free Cat says
Thanks for opening the linky!!!
Karen Pinco says
We’re getting a lot of positive effects in our family by eating a gluten free Paleo diet.
Ben says
My family and i are just starting our paleo lifestyle and you are making it easier for us , thank you !
Margaret says
Just noticed to leave a separate comment for each entry. I like GFE on facebook.
Margaret says
And I like Paleo Parents on Facebook (Margaret Karen is the name on there)
Dawn Burgess says
My thoughts on the Paleo Parents are that I am so grateful for their blog and their recipes. I have been trying desperately to transition my children and myself to a paleo lifestyle and it has been difficult and frustrating to say the least. My kiddos will hold out for meals at a time to avoid eating the healthy goodies I spend so long in the kitchen making. I love the way the Paleo Parents lay out their recipes with a symbol to show you which steps would be great to get the kids involved with. Bringing my children into the kitchen and engaged in making our meals has helped them to get more interested in a variety of foods and to try new flavors. They particularly loved the autoimmune version of the pumpkin pucks that we made last night. I’m very grateful and would love to get my hands on a copy of the book because right now I use the website as my primary resource. Thanks for the chance!! :o)
Dawn Burgess says
I shared the giveaway via facebook (Dawn Burgess-Scott)
Dawn Burgess says
I liked GFE of facebook (Dawn Burgess-Scott)
Dawn Burgess says
I liked the paleo parents on facebook (Dawn Burgess-Scott)
Dawn Burgess says
I follow the paleo parents on Twitter (@djb6486)
Dawn Burgess says
I shared the giveaway on Twitter (@djb6486)
Sara Stewart says
Liked gfe on Facebook!
DebinNC says
I just found the Paleo Parents website a week ago and found it loaded with info. Their parent’s guide is excellent.
DebinNC says
I am subscribing to your email.
DebinNC says
I have “liked” you on facebook.
ElisaB says
Liked GFE on Facebook. Thanks!
ElisaB says
Already liked Paleo Parents on Facebook. Thank you!
ElisaB says
Subscribed to GFE.
ElisaB says
Subscribed to Paleo Parents.
ElisaB says
Started doing Paleo lifestyle a little while ago along with a gluten free diet. So far so good for myself and my family. Thank you!
Ina Gawne says
Hi Shirley…I just realized, I might have just posted an actual Paleo meal? Not sure though, as I do not know a lot about the Paleo diet? Otherwise I would do a link…what do you think? I would be happy to share if my dinner was in fact a Paleo meal.
stacy says
Liked you on FB! Would bring grilled prosciutto wrapped asparagus…yummy.
Ina Gawne says
Thank you Shirley for the information. I updated the post with a link back to you! 🙂
Tessa@The Domestic Diva says
We did a month long trial of Paleo and loved the way we felt….the trick is keeping it going most of the time!!
Christie B. says
Well, I *did* go to a picnic (not yours, of course, but a lovely one none-the-less), and I took Paleo strawberry cupcakes. I also took some “bacon burger” meatballs, with pickles, lettuce, and cherry tomatoes.
Christie B. says
I like Paleo Parents on FB
Christie B. says
I shared this on FB
Christie B. says
And I now like you on FB. 🙂
Christie B. says
I subscribed to Paleo Parents via email.
Christie B. says
I subscribed to gfe via email.
Sarah @ Celiac in the City says
I know I’ve said it before, but I REALLY wish we lived closer to each other! Someday we will me in real life, I just know it. In the meantime, I’ll be here virtually. 🙂
What a fun picnic!
I am in the process of doing a post on their book and I LOVE it. Everything about it. We’ve made their choc chip cookies, fools gold chix nuggets, fruit/nut bars — any of which would have been great for this paleo-style picnic!
Hope you are well and enjoying your getaway!
Cherie ~Our Gluten Free Life says
I think this book is amazing! Little Miss Abigail is a little cave girl….she only likes meat on the bone! 🙂
Stephanie says
Our family went Paleo in February, and since then, my husband has dropped 50 lbs. We are always looking for new recipes and would love to win this book!
Stephanie says
Liked gfe on Facebook!
Shannon McKenty says
I would have loved to be there, to meet you and the Paleo Parents! Since I wasn’t, I’d love to win a cookbook!
Shannon McKenty says
I ‘Like’ Paleo Parents on FB.
Shannon McKenty says
I ‘Like’ GFE on FB.
Stephanie says
I have loved eating Paleo for the past year, I’ve felt really good about the food I’ve been able to enjoy, and learning more about how to take care of my body and my family. I am so excited to get my hands on this cookbook!
Stephanie says
I like GFE on facebook.
Stephanie says
I also like Paleo Parents on FB.
Ann Stark says
I liked GFE on fb
Ann Stark says
I liked paleo parents on fb
Kathy says
Paleo is what made me discover that I was gluten sensitive, I am so ever grateful! Thank you
Christine B says
I love that paleo is grain free. Since I’m allergic to corn, it’s difficult to find recipes that don’t contain one corn ingredient or another. Corn is off-limits for paleo, so I love that I can use paleo recipes without having to substitute.
Mary LaFayette says
I have liked Gluten Free Easily and Paleo parents on FB for quite a while now. We started off gluten free then progressed to Paleo. My daughter bought “Eat Like a Dinosaur” for her daughter, loaned it to me, I loved it and lent it to a friend whose daughter was just diagnosed with Celiac. It is such a great book with great recipes! I need another copy!
Christine B says
I like GFE on FB.
Christine B says
I like paleo parents on FB.
Christa says
I like GFE on FB.
Christa says
I like Paleo Parents on FB.
Christa says
I have spent chunks of time eating mostly paleo because of my own health needs…but I would really like some tasty recipes so I can bring my whole family on board instead of cooking different meals. My son loves cooking with me, and he LOVES dinosaurs right now, so it would be a fun book to have. 🙂
Robin says
I’m really wanting my whole family to join in eating like a dinosaur and this book would be the perfect start!
Robin says
I like Paleo Parents on FB.
Robin says
I like gfe on FB.
Amanda says
I’d bring the paleo coconut chocolate cookies I just made this morning – YUM!
Amanda says
Subscribed to your blog.
Amanda says
Liked Gluten Free Easily on FB.
Amanda says
Liked Paleo Parents on FB