I realized that I hadn’t shared any new pumpkin recipes yet this fall, so just last night I decided to do a pumpkin series this week. So I’m kicking off my Pumpkin Pie Plus … series with a Pumpkin Pie Smoothie topped with Honey Cinnamon Whipped Cream!
I adore pumpkin pie but making a pumpkin pie can be dangerous, you know?! This Pumpkin Pie Smoothie is the perfect solution in lieu of pumpkin pie.
I had one for breakfast right before I headed out the door to work this morning. Perfect for a Monday morning or any morning … or a snack .. or a dessert. You get the picture—enjoy!
Pumpkin Pie Smoothie Recipe
I absolutely love pumpkin pie, but I don't always want pie. This Pumpkin Pie Smoothie does the trick for me though! Top with Honey Cinnamon Whipped Cream for the ultimate treat. This smoothie recipe was inspired by a recipe from the Mother Nature News Network. That recipe used pumpkin, evaporated milk, and yogurt only. This smoothie recipe is more allergen-free and also packs more of a nutritional punch while still offering a luscious pumpkin pie-flavored treat. Note that I used fresh pumpkin puree, which is lighter in color than canned pumpkin. Fresh pumpkin puree also has a higher moisture content than canned pumpkin, so if using canned pumpkin, you may need to add additional water to get your smoothie to the right drinking consistency. (FYI---I baked my sugar pumpkins whole this time, following the method that clever Kelly of The Spunky Coconut uses. Baking via that method yields the very beautiful pumpkins shown in the series badge.) Chia seeds can be used instead of hemp seeds. I used hemp because it is less noticeable in the mixture. If serving this smoothie to children, hemp seed might be preferable. If your ingredients for the smoothie aren’t already chilled and your banana is not sliced and frozen, just add several ice cubes when blending to achieve the same effect. However, Honey Cinnamon Whipped Cream does require chilling of coconut milk at least overnight, preferably longer, so plan ahead. Be sure to dip your glasses into date sugar (or coconut sugar) and cinnamon to keep this smoothie refined sugar free.Pumpkin Pie Smoothie
Honey Cinnamon Whipped Cream Recipe
Honey Cinnamon Whipped Cream
This Honey Cinnamon Whipped Cream is the perfect dairy-free topping for not only smoothies but pie, ice cream, and much more!
- 1 cup of coconut “cream”
- ¼ cup honey (or slightly less maple syrup)
- ½ tsp cinnamon, to taste
- The day or night before preparing, chill one can of coconut milk, your mixing bowl, and beaters in refrigerator. (I try to keep 2 cans of full-fat coconut milk in the refrigerator at all times for making ice cream and whipped cream.)
- Skim about one cup of the “cream” off the top … that’s what I’m calling the thick, non-liquid substance that forms when you refrigerate full-fat coconut milk for at least 24 hours in the coldest part of your refrigerator.
- Add the coconut cream to a chilled bowl.
- Whip coconut cream with chilled beaters until it reaches its whipped cream state.
- Gradually add honey (or maple syrup), then cinnamon. Whip again until it turns to whipped cream with at least soft peaks remaining when you stop whipping.
Chill whipped cream if you are not going to use immediately.
More Pumpkin Smoothie Recipes from Gluten-Free Friends
~ Healthy Pumpkin Shake from Healthy Green Kitchen
~ Paleo Pumpkin Coconut Smoothie from Cook Eat Well
~ Paleo Pumpkin Persimmon Smoothie (or Pudding) from Tessa, the Domestic Diva
~ Pumpkin Banana Smoothie from Against All Grain
~ Pumpkin Spice Smoothie from Tasty Yummies
More Gluten-Free Pumpkin Recipes on gfe
~ Best Pumpkin Pie Ever (it just happens to be gluten free; no crust to make either!)
~ Pumpkin Mochi Muffins (gluten free and dairy free)
~ Pumpkin Pecan Pie (best of both worlds!)
~ Slow Cooker Pumpkin Butter (great for gifts!)
Originally published October 25, 2010; updated November 1, 2021.
Mir says
We are huge smoothie fans AND I have a new workhorse of a blender, so I know exactly what we’re having for breakfast tomorrow! 🙂 Thanks, Shirley!
Shirley says
Hi Mir!–I surre hope you all enjoyed your smoothie. I’m wondering if you left out the almond flour and chia and if it had too strong a banana taste as a result. I was just discussing that possibility with some others. Might have to add a note to the recipe. Let me know if you get a moment … be honest, too. 🙂
Johanna B says
Can’t wait to try this tonight. All the ingredients are waiting in my kitchen. Also, we’re having the “Special Turkey Breast” again this TG. My family is already asking for it.
Shirley says
Hi Johanna–Great to see you again! My mouth started watering when you mentioned the Special Turkey Breast. I’m not cooking Thanksgiving dinner this year, so I might have to make that just for us beforehand. 😉 I love that your family asks for that recipe. People who love it really love it!
Hope you liked the smoothies! Let us know if you made them just as described (even with almond flour and chia seed) and what you thought.
Sophie says
Waw, Shirley!! I am so going to make these tomorrw!! I love these healthy shakes!
Shirley says
Hi Sophie!–Thanks. 🙂 Waiting on your feedback on these delish healthy shakes. 😉
Zoe says
This looks marvelous, Shirley! 🙂 It looks and sounds like a healthier, maybe breakfast version, of Starbucks’ pumpkin spice latte. Wil have to try it sometime!
Shirley says
Hi Zoe–Sure, a cold latte without the coffee? 😉 That works for me since I don’t do coffee except IN desssert usually. I bet this concoction would be good heated up, too. Hmmm, must try that soon … I can never get enough pumpkin!
Zoe says
Without the coffee! Whenever I have coffee, it’s always decaf but I don’t need it per se: it’s just something nice to have, once in a while.
Also – for some reason, I’ve been getting your email updates twice, sometimes within the same day you’ve posted something new. It doesn’t bother me by any means, though I thought I’d just let you know that. 🙂
Shirley says
Hi Zoe–I’m big on decaf … caffeine and I don’t do well together. I save my small tolerance for the caffeine in chocolate most of the time. 😉
I subscribe to my own feed so I see what goes out. I’m pretty sure that the ones you’ve seen twice are ones where I’ve edited the post title. Sometimes I do that when I forget things like the Honey Cinnamon Whipped Cream for the Pumpkin Pie Smoothie. (I mean that’s important info, right? LOL) Other times I edit the title intentionally so the feed will go back out, like when a giveaway ends. I remove the word giveaway which no longer “flags” the post as a giveaway so no false advertising there, but the feed goes back out and folks can easily see that the winner has been announced. Usually these title changes don’t happen often, but sometimes they can be close togeher. Thanks for the alert though! Since I had serious feed issues about a month ago, I do need to know if there are problems.
Maggie says
Oh my Shirley this is incredible! And I love the recipe for honey whipping cream using COCONUT milk! I can’t wait to try it. I always have two cans of coconut milk in the fridge – ever since I read one of your summer ice cream posts!
Shirley says
Hi Maggie–This tasted so good to me and was a great way to start the day with the almond flour and chia included. 🙂 The coconut whipped cream is just the best. So easy to make and so many variations. I’m already thinking of some new ones as we speak. 😉
Valerie @ City|Life|Eats says
Oh wow – this smoothie looks amazing 🙂
Shirley says
Hi Valerie–Thank you so much, dear! Seeing you here makes me realize that I’ve been neglecting you and your blog … oh, no! Do you have email subscription? RSS feed is lost on me … I must have that email reminding me to come visit. 😉
Alisa - Frugal Foodie says
Oh Shirley, I looooove pumpkin pie smoothies! Love the honey cream addition, a perfect topper.
Shirley says
Hey Alisa–They are irresistible, aren’t there? 😉 Only a little dollop of the honey cinnamon whipped cream is needed, but it does elevate this smoothie to the super irresistible level. LOL, but true!
Kelly says
Lovely, Shirley! You know I *love* all these ingredients! 🙂 Also thanks for the shout-out! Hugs!
Shirley says
Hi Kelly–Oh, you’re always so sweet, dear. This does sound like a perfect smoothie for The Spunky Coconut family! Hey, I had to give you a shout out … if I hadn’t used your method, I wouldn’t have gotten that beautiful photo to use as my series button. 😉
Linda says
Sounds delicious, Shirley! Coconut milk is a sure winner for the dairy free diet, and I bet it’s great paired with pumpkin. One of these days I need to try it in my pumpkin pie recipe.
Shirley says
Hi Linda–Thanks! Coconut milk is perfect in this treat for sure, and you’re right it’s been a lifesaver to me for eating dairy free. I haven’t tried it in my pumpkin pie yet either, but a lot of folks have … with great success, I might add. 🙂
Celiacs in the House says
Just got over my green smoothie fears and am now addicted. Is this the next phase? I do love pumpkin.
Shirley says
Hi Wendy–LOL … it’s a side phase … just for October. 😉 I actually took my leftovers from this smoothie and threw in spinach this morning. Even better. Green, but still tasted like pumpkin pie! I love all kinds of healthy smoothies. 🙂
Kim @ Cook It Allergy Free says
Well, you have just inspired my breakfast for us all tomorrow morning. I told Lexie the other day that as long as I call it a Pumpkin -Pie Milkshake my kids will drink this right up! I love adding some almond flour. That is a great idea!
Shirley says
Hi Kim–Ha ha … yep, “pie” and “milkshake” make almost anything acceptable. 😉 This is good though, and while I said the almond flour and chia were optional, I do feel that you might taste the banana too much with the other ingredients. That wouldn’t be a bad thing, but it would detract from the pumpkin pie vibe! I often add a little almond flour to my smoothies … to get in some protein and good fat. 🙂
Ricki says
Sounds delicious, Shirley! I actually bake all my squashes that way–it’s just so much easier (and I am rather lazy). 😉 Looking forward to more of the Great Pumpkins!
Shirley says
Hi Ricki–Thanks! I’m a member of the lazy club, but have only recently started cooking pumpkin and squash that way. I think I’m afraid that I’m going to waste some if I do it the lazy way. You know … the scraping and peeling after the fact that can pull away valuable “meat.” Maybe I just need more practice. 😉
Today’s pumpkin post will be up later this evening. My baking plans for this morning did not go well. LOL
Hallie @ Daily Bites says
This looks beautiful and delicious!
Shirley says
Thanks so much, Hallie! They came out pretty well. I had enough left over for one this morning and upped the nutrition by adding in spinach. It was no longer orange … in fact, it was very green, but it still tasted like pumpkin pie. 🙂
Christy says
what a wonderfully healthy and delicious smoothie – I know my kids are going to love this – a perfect afterschool treat! I love to make coconut whipped cream but have never added honey – I can’t wait to taste it! Thanks for sharing this with us at the Hearth and Soul Hop!
Shirley says
Hi Christy–I hope this smoothie is a hit at your house! Note that if you don’t include the almond flour or chia, it might have a stronger banana flavor. You might have to up the pumpkin pie spice or something. I need to add that info to the recipe, so folks will know. The coconut whipped cream is delightful with honey and some cinnamon. It’s a versatile topping. 😉
Thanks for allowing me to join in the Hearth and Soul Hop. 🙂 There are some fantastic recipes there!
Jennifer R. says
Yum-o!! Definitely printing this one out 🙂 I know my kids will love it. And yes, I always have cans of coconut milk in the back of my fridge too.
Shirley says
Hi Jennifer R.–You’re such a good mom to have coconut milk at the ready for ice cream, smoothies, etc.! This is yummy for sure. I know you’ll include the almond flour and chia, so I won’t tell you that it might taste too banana-like (perhaps) without those two ingredients.
Laurie says
Thanks for sharing! This looks yummy. 🙂
Shirley says
Hi Laurie–Thanks so much! 🙂 My pleasure to share … always, and welcome to gfe!
Checked out your latest post very quickly. I love reading how others spend their days! Will definitely be back when I have more time. 😉
Kay Guest says
Hey Shirley! Wow, these photos of the smoothies actually made me lick my lips and say “mmmmm”…
🙂 Great recipe & photos! Kay
Shirley says
Kay–Now that’s a very nice compliment–thanks! These smoothies are pretty yummy if I do say so myself. Pumpkin doesn’t have to be reserved just for pies. 😉
Lisa says
What a delicious way to use pumpkin.
Shirley says
Hi Lisa–Thanks! Yes, pumpkin doesn’t have to be in a baked good or savory dish to be consumed. These smoothies are quite nice. 🙂
Andrea says
I am drinking one of these right now! This is really good! I am pretty new to being gluten and dairy free, so I’m still learning a lot of stuff. Making whipped cream out of coconut milk never even occurred to me until I read this post – thank you so much! Now I’ll still be able to have whipped cream with my (gluten-free) pie this Thanksgiving. 🙂
Shirley says
Hi Andrea–First, it looks like you are new to gfe, too–welcome! 🙂 Second, your comment made my day yesterday! Nothing is better than getting feedback, especially positive feedback. I’m so glad that you found your gf/df pumpkin pie smoothie so tasty. As far as the original whipped cream concept, that came from my dear friend, Diane, over at The W.H.O.L.E. Gang. I’ve just taken her whipped coconut cream idea and made different variations. It’s so easy. I love being able to whip up simple and healthy df whipped cream on the spot. 😉 I’m so happy you’re going to have whipped cream on your pie at Thanksgiving now!
Butterpoweredbike says
Holy cow, these look like a decadent dessert treat. I’ll tell ya, I just can’t get enough pumpkin. Thanks for sharing with the Hearth and Soul hop.
Shirley says
Hi Butterpoweredbike–Well, they have a decadent taste for sure, but they are pretty healthy. One only needs a little pint jar full though. The second day I added spinach and had a green pumpkin pie smoothie … so delish. 🙂
I’m so happy to join in the Hearth and Soul hop!
kristen says
Newbie here!
I cannot wait to try this out!! I’ve been dairy-free for about 7 mths due to my son’s dairy allergy. This fall I have craved pumpkin milkshakes, pumpkin blizzard, etc etc but have gone without – Now I finally have a dairy free recipe that sounds absolutely freakin’ awesome! Thank you! I will rush to the store tomorrow to get coconut milk. I think I’m going to be using a lot of it in the future. (thanks for the info on coconut whip cream, too!)
p.s. is the full fat coconut milk the same thing that’s sold in the milk section at the store? They have original, unsweetened, sweetened coconut milk versions I think. Is that what I should get or is the full fat coconut milk typically found in another isle at the store?
— sorry, a newbie to coconut milk products. 🙂
Shirley says
Hi Kristen–Welcome to gfe! 🙂 I think this smoothie will satisfy your pumpkin beverage craving nicely. Note that if you are not adding almond flour and chia seed, you might want to up the pumpkin pie spice or add a tad more pumpkin to balance the banana. The banana provides great thickness and texture, but without the almond flour and chia, the smoothie might taste too banany. As far as the coconut milk, I’ve only used the canned coconut milk, which is on the same aisle in my store where the condensed milk, evaporated milk, etc. are displayed. I *think* that the So Delicious coconut milk in the refrigerator section is thinner and less coconut tasting. So I suspect that if you want to use that, you could just use that instead of both the full-fat coconut milk and water. Please let me know how it turns out and which route you go! Fingers crossed that you will love your new dairy-free pumpkin beverage. 😉
BTW, just took a look at your blog … belated happy first birthday to your son. Such a momentous occasion! And, your cake looked delicious to me. 😉 If you let him do the classic first BD thing of grabbing a handful or two, he “destroyed” it anyway. LOL
kristen says
Finally got to try this recipe today and YUM!
Made a few changes based on what I had on hand & could find in the store easily. Used canned coconut milk but accidentally got the low-fat can.
Instead of water, I used So Delicious coconut milk. Couldn’t find almond flour so I skipped it. I added a ton more pumpkin spice since I like the flavor. Also used 2 tbsp of honey. Used a fresh pumpkin puree that I made a while back — it didn’t come from a pie pumpkin so not much flavor in the sweetness department hence the reason I think I needed more honey.
I am now sharing this smoothie with my 1 yr old in hopes of sneaking in more tasty nutrients into his little body! (He loves most of the smoothies I make him – typically he’ll drink a sippy cup full a day. Makes this momma happy!)
BTW So Delicious coconut milk IS watered down & hardly tastes like coconut milk at all! (I bought both this and canned coconut milk so I could do a taste test.) I think it would probably taste alright as milk for cereal or in baking but if you want the full coconut taste, canned coconut milk is by far the better choice.
p.s. My son didn’t do the whole cake smash thing. He got some on his hand and hated it! LOL! I don’t think he liked the stickiness of the icing.
Shirley says
Hi Kristen–Your version sure sounds like a winner to me! I always just sort of go with what I have on hand or what is available to me. I certainly wouldn’t buy almond flour just to add to my smoothies, but I almost always have some so I add it. 😉 I love that your son is enjoying this smoothie with you–woohoo! 🙂
I’ve heard that about So Delicious coconut milk, but haven’t found it to try myself. I like the coconut milk for the lusciousness it adds. I don’t think it tastes too coconutty, but I think I’m used to it.
LOL on your son being different with his BD cake … I don’t think my son went wild over the cake smash idea either. 😉
Jenna @ Newlyweds says
Oh this looks delicious!! I am hosting a pumpkin linky this week on my blog, I would love for you to join in.
Shirley says
Hi Jenna–Thanks on both counts! Will check out your linky! 🙂
Jennifer says
This looks so good! Almost too good for breakfast 🙂 I will definitely be trying this out soon!
Shirley says
Hi Jennifer–Looks like you are new here–welcome to gfe! 🙂 Thanks, and you can enjoy them any time you want. 😉
Alta says
This looks really, really good! Making really soon!
Shirley says
Hi Alta–I think you’ll love this pumpkin pie smoothie! I might make my green version tomorrow morning. I just add in greens to it. The taste is virtually the same, so I get the pumpkin pie taste while getting the greens and green look. 😉
Tammy says
this looks delicious! Only problem, i hate coconut! Is the taste really strong or does the banana and pumkin override and hide it? Does anybody know something else that could be used in place of the coconut milk?
Shirley says
Hi Tammy–I don’t think the coconut flavor is strong, but I’m used to coconut milk. If you’re dairy free, you could also use either almond milk or rice milk. I just used coconut as a non-dairy milk. If you are not dairy free, you could use cream (or some yogurt with water for proper consistency). Let me know what you try and how it works out! 🙂
p.s. Welcome to gfe!
Nancy @SensitivePantry says
Mmmm. This looks delicious! I hope I have some pumpkin in my cupboard. I was looking for it today at the store and they didn’t have any (in cans). 🙁 If I find some I’m going to stock up. Guests coming in a few weeks and this might be a good to add to the breakfast menu! 🙂
Shirley says
Hi Nancy–Thanks! These smoothies are a real treat for the eyes and every other part of the body. 😉 I have no pumpkin in my cupboard and there’s none still at my local store, but I know the upscale store in town had organic canned pumpkin last time I was there. I will need to stock up the next time I get to shop there. And I just love that you take care of your guests so well! 😉
Kelly Smith says
I made this with molasses instead of honey and some stevia and ground crispy pecans instead of almond flour. YUMMY!
Shirley says
Hi Kelly–Your version sounds terrific, too! I love all those ingredients, too. And isn’t is just plain fun to be drinking a pumpkin pie smoothie? 😉
April J Harris says
What a lovely treat, Shirley! I love the smoothie and the honey cinnamon whipped cream – oh my! It’s so nice that something this delicious is so wholesome. Sharing. Thank you for being a part of the Hearth and Soul hop.
Shirley says
Thanks, April! This recipe is one of my favorites of all time for sure. 🙂 I’m always happy to take part in the Hearth and Soul hop!
Have a good week!
Tessa@TessaDomesticDiva says
I want this! Pinning to my smoothie board and featuring your recipe this week! Thanks Shirley!