Warning: This post is long, but there are a lot of photos, photos of beautiful quiches, so that should help, right?
When I say quiche, what do you think? Ponder that for a moment. We all have preconceived notions. Thankfully, going gluten free has gotten rid of many of my preconceived notions as many of them were about various foods, and in many cases, foods I’d never even tried, but decided I didn’t like. One of the gifts of going gluten free is focusing on real, whole foods and finding out how many more foods I absolutely love. Yes, it’s the preconceived notions that can hold us back on so much in life. Even with quiche. Yes, quiche. I bet that when most of you thought about quiche just now, you instantly thought rich, heavy, too much fat, too much work, special occasion, or expensive to make. Perhaps many more labels popped into your head. Most of these labels were probably not positive either. What a shame. Quiches are some of the most versatile and frugal dishes, and despite their reputation, they can be super healthy, too.
With Hallie’s (Daily Bites) Build a Better Breakfast event occurring and Maggie’s (She Let Them Eat Cake) theme of Springtime Brunches for this month’s Go Ahead Honey It’s Gluten Free carnival, it’s time to talk about quiches. Quiches are really perfect fare for breakfast, brunch, lunch, or dinner. Let’s start out by dispelling a few of the myths about quiches—those preconceived notions—shall we?
First, do you think that a quiche requires a ton of eggs?
Not true. Angel food cakes, sponge cakes, and the like all usually require 8 eggs and more, but not quiche. Typically only 3 to 4 eggs are needed for a quiche. When you consider that a quiche can serve four (or more), that’s perfectly reasonable. And an important side note … the poor egg itself, it’s been so unfairly maligned. That’s actually one food product where the food industry got it right—“the incredible, edible egg.” Eggs are a complete source of protein, containing all the vitamins except Vitamin C. I won’t get into the unfair press about eggs and cholesterol much except to say that it was when I started eating gluten free, dairy free, and sugar free and using more of a paleo diet approach that my cholesterol levels became “perfect” in the words of my shocked family care physician. My diet was more than about eggs, but I re-embraced eggs. Do the research. Not all eggs are created equal, of course. You want the eggs that come from those happy free–range chickens. Ethics considerations aside (and those are many, too … watch Food, Inc. to find out how chickens are routinely treated in the food industry), the eggs from the free-range chickens are vastly better for you.
Second, do you think all quiches are rich, heavy, and contain too much fat?
That is entirely dependent upon ingredients and you’re in control of them. Wonderful quiches can be made that do not contain such ingredients at all (like the quiche I’m featuring today), but even when you’re using cheese, milk, and more, the amount per serving is very reasonable with the formula I’m sharing. And there is such a thing as good fat. (That’s a topic covered far better by many others. Do the research.)
Third, if you think quiches are “too much work” or are only for “special occasions,” that’s simply not true.
They are actually super easy to make when you follow today’s directions. Crustless quiches are by far the easiest to make, but I give you several options. As far as only being served for “special occasions,” I used to think this way, but found that a quiche is a great, “I’m not sure what to make” or “clean-out-the-fridge” meal any time. They are an especially great way to start the day, too. We’ve been trained that unless we’re home and not heading out to school or work each day, that cereal, frozen waffles, and protein bars should be our breakfast choices. However, a newbie to my group shared her approach on making a breakfast casserole on the weekend, so she and her family could enjoy servings for breakfast for a few days. This is an approach, she’s always taken and while she was struggling with knowing how to make them gluten free, she had the concept down. Quiche is actually perfect for her approach! Cut a slice and take to work for breakfast there or quickly heat it up at home and enjoy. I’m all about smoothies for breakfast (you’ll find several in my recipe index), but having a piece of ready-made quiche is a great option for all. Then we’ll all feel special and have a great start to our days!
Fourth, quiches are not expensive to make.
They can be one of your most frugal meals, especially if you use ingredients on hand, like the “clean out the fridge” option I mentioned or pulling bits of this and that from the freezer. I’ve mentioned my “Everything” Soup many times (and many of you have gotten into the habit of making it and enjoying it). But guess what … when you’re not in the mood for soup, you can drain off the liquid from your freezer container of bits of meat and veggies and use them in quiche instead. You’ll just add ingredients per the Build a Quiche guidelines below and you’ll be good to go. It works very well. The freezer can also be the source of your crust material, too, if you decide to use one. Leftover rice can be saved in the freezer to make a rice crust. If you have a bag of frozen hash browns (last I checked Ore-Ida brand was gluten free), you can use them for a potato crust (see directions further below). While traditional pastry crusts are usually not my thing, I love this No-Fail No-Roll Press-In Pie Crust. But if you’re a traditional pie crust person, check out these pie crust recipes. And did you know that you can freeze pastry crust scraps? When your container of scraps is full, thaw them out and roll out your crust.
Build a Gluten-Free Quiche Guidelines
Crust or Crustless?
For crustless quiche: Add ¼ cup gluten-free flour to your quiche recipe. (You can use a gluten-free flour mix or a single gluten-free flour–even coconut flour works and will give you a grain-free version.) If you are using another quiche recipe that already calls for flour, substitute gluten-free flour for that amount and add ¼ cup gluten-free flour. (Note: If it’s a crustless recipe already, just use gluten-free flour for the amount of flour required.)
For a potato crust: Grate 2 – 3 cups of peeled potatoes and mix with small amount of oil in pie plate, or just grease pie plate well and press grated potatoes into pie plate. Bake for about 15 to 20 minutes at 425 degrees. (While crust is baking, you can prepare your filling.) I actually like my crust really crisp so I either just grease the crust and use less potatoes for a thin layer and quicker pre-baking or I bake the thicker crust mixed with some oil longer. Sometimes I even broil the crust for a minute. If the crust isn’t browned and crispy, it can become soggy from the filling. Note that you can use a food processor or grate your potatoes by hand using a simple metal grater. Hand grating is actually pretty quick and I like the process. You can also choose to use ready-to-go frozen hash browns if you’d rather … just be sure to thaw them out ahead of time.
Note the ugly semi-grated potato chunk in the middle. I am sooo not about perfection!
For a rice crust: Mix 2 cups of cooked rice, 1 ½ tbsp of grated cheese or more (dairy or non-dairy), 1 tbsp butter (dairy or non-dairy, optional), and one beaten egg together in medium-sized bowl. You can also add seasonings if you like, and back off on adding much seasoning to quiche filling. Then press mixture into greased pie plate. Bake at 425 degrees for about 15 minutes.
For a more traditional crust: You can use my press-in pie crust or another one of the fabulous gluten-free pie crusts in this gluten-free pie crust recipe roundup.
Additional notes on crusts: Remember that you can make crusts ahead and have them ready to go in your freezer for a quicker meal. However, most of these crusts come together so easily that, personally, I don’t think that’s necessary.
Eggs: Again usually you’ll use 3 to 4 eggs. However, when I made the dairy-free recipe I’m sharing with you today, I used 5 eggs. I used that fifth egg to help supply the needed liquid for my recipe because I wasn’t using milk of any kind (dairy or otherwise) and my eggs weren’t very large. You will really see the difference from using eggs from free-range chickens in a recipe like quiche. Those beautiful, bright yellow-orange yolks not only provide gorgeous coloring, they also supply much more in the way of nutrition. I’m not a nutritionist, so again, please do the research.
Cheese: Usually 1 to 2 cups of cheese will work well. Harder cheeses are preferred, because soft cheese may not allow the quiche to set up. The most inexpensive cheeses to use are Swiss, cheddar, and Monterey Jack (even though a block might seem costly, you can get a lot out of it), but other cheeses like feta (goat feta is nice) can be used. Some of the cheese can also be Parmesan and Romana (or a mix of the two), but that’s up to you. For the specific recipe below, I used Daiya cheese and used slightly less than the amount called for because I’m still adapting to the taste of Daiya and I wasn’t sure how much liquid, if any, it might add to the recipe.
Liquid: Traditional quiches call for 1 to 2 cups of dairy liquid, like milk, half-and-half, heavy cream, or evaporated milk. Those are all options, and “creamier” dairy products like cottage cheese, sour cream, and yogurt can fulfill part of the liquid measurement. For the dairy free folks, non-dairy versions of those ingredients can be used. Consider your non-dairy products like the various milks, cashew cream, coconut cream, etc. Last, you might even skip adding a dairy liquid or dairy substitute and go with the liquid from your veggies. In the recipe below, I used the liquid created by sautéing mushrooms and onions in olive oil as my liquid, but in a much smaller amount. (Note: This liquid is not nearly as thick as any of options mentioned above; that’s why a smaller amount must be used.) Purists might say that makes my dish a frittata rather than a quiche, but all I care is that it tastes good. Quichetata anyone?
Meat/Seafood/Veggies: This part of your quiche filling is where all those bits and pieces in your refrigerator can come into play. Usually 1 to 2 cups is what you want to add, and I tend to use the upper limit and go even higher sometimes, again breaking a few quiche rules. Options include cooked bacon, sausage, seafood (crabmeat, shrimp, lobster, crawfish, tuna), chicken, and ham. I’ve never been a fan of beef in my quiche, but you might be. Veggies can be just about any steamed or cooked veggies, and sometimes raw veggies as they will be cooked some when the quiche is baked. For any of these ingredients that you’ll be adding, make sure to drain and squeeze out ALL liquid unless you do what I did and use that liquid as part of your liquid portion. For my meat and veggies for my last quiche, I totally went with what I had in the refrigerator (see recipe below). And yes, I ate this veggie-lovers quiche for breakfast … well, actually brunch—my individual Springtime Brunch, you might say—as I ate it at my desk at work midmorning. I planned to eat another serving for lunch today, but Son stopped by last night and after he ate two pieces and raved over it, I sent the remainder home with him. That’s what moms do, right? He just called to tell me, “Mom, that quiche is great!” as he prepared to heat some up for lunch.
Seasonings: Seasonings will vary according to ingredients and personal preferences. In most quiches, you’ll definitely want to add some salt and pepper. In others, like the one above, a touch of cayenne pepper was just right. Old Bay seasoning would be great for a seafood quiche. Dry mustard might be perfect for a ham quiche. Lemon juice might be lovely for a chicken quiche, and so forth. I usually add about 1/2 teaspoon of salt and similar (or smaller) amounts of other ingredients. I’d rather have too little than too much. Also, it’s important to note that if you are using meat, seafood, veggies, etc. that you’ve saved from leftovers, they are already seasoned, so less may be needed.
Directions: Prepare crust if using one. Grate cheese and prepare other ingredients as needed (by dicing, cooking, etc.). Beat eggs, milk (or similar), and seasonings together. Mix meat/seafood/veggies ingredients and pour into crust (or pie plate alone if going crustless). Top these ingredients with your cheese and then pour egg/milk mixture over all but not all at once. At this point you can tell if you don’t have enough egg/milk mixture and can add more, or if you have too much. You can hold back on some of the egg milk mixture and save it for another baking recipe, or simply for scrambled eggs or an omelette. (I do this kind of thing all the time; one of the eggs for my latest quiche was salvaged from accidentally getting yolk into an egg white when I was making Lemon Sponge Cake the other day.) Bake for 10 minutes in an oven preheated to 425 degrees. Then turn the oven down to 350 degrees for an additional 30 to 45 minutes. The time period can vary, of course, depending upon if you’ve used the upper level of the ingredient amounts or not. The quiche will be golden brown when it’s done, puffed, and look set. Test with a toothpick or a knife. Remove from oven and let cool a few minutes before cutting and serving.
I’ll be making another quiche for Easter dinner. I’m trying to mix Easter dinner up a bit this year as I think that will be a nice way to introduce other family members to some new dishes. My mother has never made quiche. Son is learning to cook actual recipes these days. He’s always been great at cooking “meat and potato” type dishes, but now is trying new things and even baking. For example, he just made my Flourless Peanut Butter Cookies using natural peanut butter and coconut sugar. He brought some home for us to sample—delicious! My nephew and his wife, still pretty much newlyweds, are always looking for new recipes. I think I’ll make one of these classic Crustless Quiches that are shown above and below. If you take a look at that recipe, you’ll see that it follows the Build a Better Quiche proportions shown above.
Now you might be thinking, but Shirley, there’s such a wide variance between 1 to 2 cups of “this” or “that” in the proportions. True. This is a concept and you’ll learn to “eyeball” the mixture to determine if you need to add a little more of “this” or “that” to make your quiche thick enough to set up. You can start out by using existing quiche recipes as your guide. You’ll soon become comfortable at throwing together the ingredients to make outstanding, “spur-of-the moment,” “clean-out-the-fridge” quiches for family breakfasts, special brunches (like Maggie’s springtime brunch), or simply lunch, or dinner. The really cool thing is that because so many have preconceived notions about quiches, they’ll think that you really went all out for them and that they are special!
Clean-out-the-Fridge Veggie-Lovers Quiche (Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Refined Sugar Free, Soy Free & More)
Quiches are an excellent and easy, delicious way to clean out your fridge and have a delicious, economical meal!
- 1 tbsp olive oil
- 8 ounces mushrooms, sliced
- 1 small onion, diced
- 5 eggs, beaten
- 2 strips of bacon, cooked and crumbled (optional; omit for vegetarian version)
- About 1 cup of steamed broccoli, drained (small pieces work best)
- 2/3 cup of Daiya “cheese” (or dairy cheese if you eat dairy; I used a mixture of cheddar and mozzarella)
- ½ red bell pepper, finely diced (raw)
- 1 packed cup of fresh, raw spinach, stems removed* and cut into strips with kitchen shears
- ¼ tsp sea salt (add more if you omit the bacon)
- ¼ tsp fresh ground pepper
- ¼ tsp basil
- ¼ tsp oregano
- ¼ cup gluten-free flour mix (like my Best Two-Ingredient Gluten-Free Flour Mix) if making your quiche crustless (use sifted coconut flour for a grain-free option)
- If using a potato or other crust, bake crust (see directions above) while preparing filling ingredients.
- Saute mushrooms and onion in olive oil in a small skillet over medium heat for a few minutes until mushrooms release their liquid and onions are translucent. Do not discard resulting liquid.
- In large bowl, beat eggs. Add all other ingredients. Mix.
- Pour into greased pie plate or prepared pie crust. Bake at 425 degrees for about 10 minutes. Then reduce oven temperature to 350 degrees and bake for an additional 25 to 30 minutes. (Mine was done in 35 minutes.) Let stand for a few minutes before cutting and serving to ensure quiche sets up properly.
*I threw my stems into a green smoothie. (I always use spinach---stems and all---in my smoothies, but thought they’d detract from this quiche. Still, I didn’t want to waste them.)Using a deep dish pie plate/pan (or even a casserole dish) is always the safest way to go. There's nothing worse than mixing your ingredients and pouring them in only to find out your pie plate is too small. Go big!
Finally, here are some other crusts and quiche recipes that you might like:
Heidi’s Green Eggs and Ham Quiche
Sea’s Cheddar Asparagus Red Pepper Quiche
Stephanie’s Crockpot Spinach and Feta Quiche
Kelly’s Broccoli Quiche
and if you’re a fan of Elana’s, you’ll want to get her Gluten-Free Almond Flour Cookbook, just so you can make her Savory Vegetable Quiche; it’s that good!
AndreAnna says
Wow, what a great post! Quiches, fritatta, egg bake, whatever you call them, we love them! Even the kids eat the (once I slather it in cheese and bacon!)
Shirley says
AndreAnna–Thanks so much, dear! I realized after you commented that I hadn’t added the part about seasonings or the directions to my post. LOL Now it’s even more of a lengthy treatise on quiches, but hopefully, it will help folks. Bet you can keep upping the veggies in your quiches and the kids will still love them. 😉 You’re right though … cheese and bacon are “transformers”! 🙂
Sharon says
Wow those look sooo good! Quiche is one of those things I forget about because no one but me would eat it in my house. I love the idea of baking one on a Sunday afternoon and then having it for breakfast all week! I’ve been trying to make my breakfasts ahead of time. With 3 small kids I have very little time for my breakfast and find having something made ahead of time to heat up is a huge timesaver (and saves me from being starved and grabbing a cookie or something like that). Awesome, Shirley!
Shirley says
Hi Sharon–Nice to see you again! 🙂 I think it’s easy to get in a rush in the mornings and not eat the best breakfasts, and that’s without any kiddos at home (since my son is now grown). With 3 little ones, you really can be scattered and struggling to properly take care of mom. Hope this new plan helps, dear! 😉
Kay Guest says
Hey Shirley! Thanks for this great post! I like to call myself the Quiche Queen since I like to make them so much. Hmmm….I think it is interesting thank you have your oven at a higher temp and then you turn it down…never tried that before but I will try it now! I think that this is perfect for Easter. LOVE YOUR BUNNIES!
Happy Easter!
Shirley says
Hey there, Kay!–Thanks, dear. Ah, another title for you as if being Captain of the gfe cheerleading team wasn’t enough! 😉 I’d say that Quiche Queens rule though. 🙂 Quiches are basically custards like custard pies … pumpkin, for example. The idea of the higher temp initially (I believe) is to set the custard and ensure also that the crust won’t be soggy. Then one lowers the temperature to keep all from burning. 🙂 Works well, but there are times when I have used lower temps throughout. I guess it’s another intuitive type cooking thing. 😉 Thanks regarding the bunnies! I have lots of bunnies … I’ve been weak for bunnies all my life! LOL
Happy Easter to you, Kay! Thanks!
Kay Guest says
Oh Shirley, I just noticed that I misspelled “that” but perhaps it is just as well since I spelled out “thank” instead…that means that I really should always THANK you for all your great recipes!! I am going to try and use your method of a lower temp to begin with and let you know. As always, you are the best!
Shirley says
Kay–Dear, you are too much … always, and I love you for it! You start the quiche out at a higher temperature and then reduce it for the bulk of the baking time. Happy successful quiche baking! 🙂
Tina @madame gluten-free vegetarian says
What a beautiful quiche Shirley! I love that it’s bursting with veggies. I am still “adjusting” to the taste of Daiya, so you’re not alone. 🙂 Tina.
Shirley says
Hi Tina–Thanks, dear! I was really, really pleased with the explosion of colors and flavors. 🙂 I think I’ll keep using Daiya in small amounts, but will also try some other options, too. Did you see Lexie’s (Lexie’s Kitchen) nacho “cheese” dip that she made from cashews and a red pepper recently? I want to try that next! 😉
Mary says
Cannot wait to try some quiches! Once we had to give up dairy and soy, I assumed quiche was out. Hooray for Daiya! Thanks for the great post.
I think I saw you post something about a dairy-free crustless pizza recipe recently? Did I just dream that :)? If not, I’d love to see your recipe!
Shirley says
Hi Mary–Nope, no need to give up quiches or much of anything really … just have to figure out a new game plan! 😉 Sorry to tell you that I haven’t come up with a worthy dairy-free flourless pizza option yet. I’m still trying, but I have high standards. I did try using Daiya for the mozzarella and cashew cream for the cream cheese, but just wasn’t pleased with the results. Alta just made a gf/df/vegan pizza crust using quinoa that looks wonderful. Check that out here. She used the nacho cheese sauce from Alisa of Go Dairy Free for one of her toppings. 🙂 I’ll keep playing with my ideas though and will post immediately when I strike gf/df flourless “gold.” ;-0
Sarena (The Non-Dairy Queen) says
We are a quiche loving family! This looks absolutely amazing and I love all the vegetables you put in it! I am so with you, when you have to start changing your diet for dietary restrictions for allergies or intolerances, whole foods are the way to go!
Shirley says
Hi Sarena–Thank you, dear! I was tickled pink (or should I say tickled in rainbow colors?) at how this combo of what I had on hand came out so well. I don’t think there’s such a thing as a bad quiche, and it’s fun to come up with different combos of whole foods. 🙂
Wendy @ Celiacs in the House says
Quiche has saved the day and the dinner when it seemed there was nothing in the fridge to make a meal. All the those bits and dribs and drabs can make a beautiful quiche–as you’ve shown. Great post.
Shirley says
Hi Wendy–I think once we learn to fall back on quiches, cleaning out the fridge becomes a delightful endeavor. 🙂 Of course, creating different types of hash, soups, and stir fry dishes with those same ingredients can be fun, too. I think I just love “dribs and drabs” cooking. 😉
Thanks so much!
Heidi @adventuresofaglutenfreemom.com says
Your quiche is absolutely gorgeous Shirley, all the colors just POP! If Luke continues to do well with eggs in muffins/cupcakes, I will be trying your quiche next. YEA, I’m so excited!!!!
See you in 5 days!
Shirley says
Hi Heidi–Thank you! I have to admit I was delighted with the colors in this combination. 🙂 Hope that Luke will continue to do fine with eggs. It definitely makes our cooking/baking lives easier, and they do offer so much in the way of nutrition. I’ll bet you’ll come up with some fabulous quiches in the days ahead!
5 days??!!! Holy moly! How can that be? I really can’t focus on it until I get through Easter and support group Tuesday night. That doesn’t leave me much time to get ready, does it? Ahhh, such is life. Somehow it all comes together and all works out, right? 😉 Can’t wait to see you!
Ina Gawne says
Beautiful looking quiche! I could not agree with you more…quiche is the best, so healthy, so versatile, and sooo yummy with or without a crust!
Shirley says
Hi Ina–Thanks, dear! I’m particularly fond of the crustless quiches, but Son really enjoyed this one with the potato crust. 😉 I just liked the filling with all the various flavors and textures. 🙂
Ricki says
What a great tutorial on quiches, Shirley! I still do think of quiche as egg-full and creamy, even though I don’t eat them that way any more. 😉 And the first quiche I ever ate was as an undergrad–my roomie’s friend brought all the ingredients in a backpack and mixed it up in our dorm room. I’d say that had to be pretty easy! I love potato crusts, too. I have a vegan quiche recipe on my blog that uses a millet crust, and it works beautifully (and makes me think of that quinoa pizza crust I’ve seen everywhere lately!).
Your pics look lovely and very veggie-full. . . just the way I like my quiche. 🙂
Shirley says
Hi Ricki–Thanks so much! This post is a compilation of ideas from various sources and what I have learned over the years. Dorm-room quiche … now that’s good eating! (I am not sure college kids suffer nearly as much foodwise these days. LOL Many of them might not be impressed, but I am.) I’ve made a “quiche-to-go” kit for travel with girlfriends before and it worked well. 😉 The millet crust sounds great. 🙂 And yes, that quinoa pizza crust is making the rounds and looks like a must try! Yes, this quiche was indeed veggie full. I think I surprised myself how much it was that way. Son, who has amped his veggie intake way up, really appreciated it.
Linda says
Shirley ~ First, thanks for the reminder about Go Ahead Honey. I knew in the back of my mind when I put up my hot cross buns post that there was a brunch event but just couldn’t put the two together. When I read this it jogged my memory and I went back and added a link and submitted it.
Second, I love quiche, but often forget to make it. I haven’t made a potato crust in a long time, but my favorite quiche recipe before going gf used one. You did a great job here highlighting why quiches are great.
Third, I completely agree about eggs. They are a terrific food as long as you aren’t allergic to them. I keep trying to convince my sister in law that they don’t cause high cholesterol. I know free range are better, but I have not been good about buying them since our family goes through about 4 doz. a week including what I use for baking and the 5 egg whites I use in pizza crust. I would like to start buying better ones to use for our breakfasts and maybe buy the cheaper ones for baking. Great post dear!
Shirley says
Hi Linda–It’s hard to keep all these great events in mind, so happy to jog your memory! Your hot cross buns will be a great addition to the roundup. 🙂
Thanks for the nice feedback on this post and your thoughts on eggs, too! They are indeed wonderful foods for those who are not allergic. If you start buying the better eggs for your breakfasts, Linda, you will have to have them for your baking, too. They can be very reasonable if you have a good source. I paid $3.00 a dozen for my friends’ eggs and even if we consumed 4 dozen a week (that is impressive!), that’s only $12 or $48 a month. I think it’s a great expenditure and when you consider the difference between the two, it may not seem like that much after all. You might do a trial run. BTW, I don’t trust all the store eggs that say cage free, etc. Sometimes cage free only means there’s a 4 x 4 open enclosure that the chickens can crow into from time to time. It’s not at all the same as free range like all my friends have, where the chickens roam eating naturally (grass, bugs, etc.) and are gathered up when night falls. Food for thought.
Linda says
Shirley ~ I’m looking into getting organic produce as well as some meat and eggs from Quail Cove Farms which has a drop off point not too far from me. I agree on the store bought cage free eggs, so part of my problem is not wanting to go out of my way just to find eggs. Also, I have had true cage free eggs from a friend and have bought good ones at the health food store, and I can’t tell a bit of difference! I know other people do, and I’m sure there is a difference, but I can’t tell when I eat them. If I could, I’m sure it would motivate me more. I think I’m going to make quiche tonight!
Shirley says
Linda–Coming back to catch up on my comments finally … I know a lot of of folks who enjoy getting food from Quail Cove Farms, so I hope you really enjoy yours. 🙂
Hope you made quiche and enjoyed it! You have made so many other great recipes lately–like the enchilada casserole–that I’m not sure how you fit anything else in. 😉 Plus, I’m so happy you were able to make it to the Gluten-Free Labeling Summit on Wednesday. Thank you for representing those of us who couldn’t make it!
Gretchen says
Thank you for commenting on our asparagus post which led me to your quiche. Quiche is a personal favorite and just as versatile as you have so beautifully presented. Suddenly I feel the need to make one this week!
Shirley says
Hi Gretchen–Welcome to gfe! 🙂 Your asparagus looked delicious! Hope you get to make quiche this week … perhaps with some lovely asparagus bits included? 😉
Thanks for stopping by and the nice words!
Alisa Fleming says
The potato crust is brilliant Shirley! And I love the way your quiche is so dense with goodies.
Shirley says
Hi Alisa–Well, the potato crust is not my original idea. 😉 I like them if they are crispy, not soggy. I’d like to try a sweet potato crust at some point. This quiche was dense with goodies–thank you! I was surprised at it, but really pleased. 🙂
Karen@Cook4Seasons says
Your post may be long but as always, full of delicious facts and photos. I adore eggs – esp. with veggies – and while I usually make frittatas, I am going to try this potato crust.
Wish I could go to Chicago but hope to see you this fall.
Happy Easter! XO
Shirley says
Hi Karen–You say the nicest things … thank you! Frittatas are so easy and delish, too, but sometimes I like the more elegant look and taste of a quiche. 😉 Hope you enjoy the potato crust, dear. I know you’ll come up with your own delightful version. 🙂
We’ll miss you in Chicago, but yes, I hope to see you in the fall, too! Happy Easter back, albeit belatedly now. Ours was lovely … hope yours was, too.
Carol, Simply...Gluten-free says
This is a quiche primer, great! Never thought of making a potato crust for quiche but that is genius! So looking forward to seeing you in Chicago!
Shirley says
Hi Carol–Thanks, dear! Not my genius idea on the potato crust. Many others have had it … I’m just passing it along to you guys. 😉
Will see you in just a few days … now that’s exciting! 🙂
Kim (Cook IT Allergy Free) says
I make quiches ALL of the time. I use whatever veggies I have on hand, and right now lots of them are coming from the garden. Every time that my neighbor drops off her in-laws farm fresh eggs on my doorstep, I make a quiche. We actually eat them for dinner more than we eat them for breakfast!
This is an awesome post, Shirley! You never cease to amaze me, my friend!
Shirley says
Hi Kim–I keep forgetting how much further along you guys are in the season. It’s so awesome to use your own veggies and farm fresh eggs to make a quiche. I love them for dinner, but Mr. GFE can’t eat breakfasty type dishes for dinner as often as I do. So I satisfy my quiche need with occasionally making one for breakfast for me. 😉 Thanks so much for the sweet words, dear! See you in two days at the Expo!!
Maggie says
Wow! Now you’re also the quiche queen Shirley. This is a great everything-quiche post, I love it! I used to love making quiche. They’re so simple and so beautiful. I love the looks of the one that is jam-packed with veggies. Sooo tasty. By the way, I am sooo not a perfectionist either. I’d definitely have a big hunk in mine too. Yep, we’re long-lost sisters I think. See you in 4 sleeps. And thanks for the link love. xoxoxo
Shirley says
Hi Maggie–Catching up on the comments on this post … Yes, “everything quiche”—great way for making quiche. LOL on not being a perfectionist and having big hunks, too. Long-lost sisters … love the sound of that! I’m so honored to be thought of that way. I feel the same, especially after we got to see each other. Such a special treat for me to finally meet you AND your family! 🙂
glutenfreeforgood says
During the summer when my CSA deliveries really kick in, I make lots of frittatas or quiches. I get eggs from the farm and with all the veggies, there’s nothing better than mixing them together. Plus, they’re easy to make and the clean-up is quick. That photo of the colorful GF quiche is gorgeous. Makes me want to make one for breakfast today.
Another great crustless creation from the queen of crustless creations!
Shirley says
Hey Melissa–Catching up with comments still … I bet quiches and frittatas are the best for delightfully using all your CSA ingredients. Would love to enjoy some with you one day! Thanks for your very nice words on my quiche. I was pretty thrilled with how colorful and appealing it turned out. 🙂 It goes to show that healthy ingredients working the “eat a rainbow” line of thinking can definitely be super appetizing!
I love being the queen of crustless! LOL xoxo,
InTolerantChef says
Quich is such a great standby, These look so yummy, I don’t know which one I love the most!
Shirley says
Hi InTolerant Chef–Sorry I’m just getting to reply … thanks so much for you kind feedback on all my quiches! I bet you make some lovely and tasty ones, too. 🙂
Gigi says
I read the entire post! (In 3 sittings, but that still counts!).
I am a huge fan of quiche – the entire family is. The shredded potato crust is one of my favorites, and potato & egg just go together to me.
When I have quiche for dinner, I always sneak out a slice for next morning’s breakfast for myself. Kind of the “cook’s treat”. 🙂
Shirley says
Gigi–Haha! Three sittings … okay, it was a long quiche primer. 😉 One day I might be a lot more concise in my posts. I thought about breaking it up into parts, but wanted all the info in one post so it could be printed out and used easily.
I like your cook’s treat idea a lot. Leftover quiche is even better than quiche the first time it’s enjoyed. That whole melding of flavors thing. Nice to have your potato crust feedback, too. Have you made one with a sweet potatoe crust? I’d love to try that.
Sweets by Vicky says
I’ve never tried the salted caramel hot choc from Starbucks!! But I’m heading to NYC soon so maybe I’ll get to try some other seasonal flavour huh!
Speaking of seasonal, nothing gets me more excited about the fresh new breeze Spring and Summer bring than GREEN VEGGIES!!!! And I love how your quiche is brimming to the heavens with it. I’m in love!~
Shirley says
Hi Vicky–Like I said on your blog, I don’t think you’ll find the salted caramel hot chocolate now, but I hope you find some tasty hot chocolate or lovely coffee beverage. 🙂
I’ve been in the green veggies mode a lot of late. It feels good and right, doesn’t it? 😉 Thanks so much for the feedback!
Chaya says
This is one colorful quiche and it looks tasty. We are just beginning to eat “real food” after Passover and I am hoping to stay away from meat. We ate much too much meat for the holidays.
This would make a perfect meal and guess who has tons of extra vegetables to use up? Yes, me. You may have solved, at least, part of my problem.
This is my new gluten-free blog. I closed down the old Comfy Cook and opened Comfy Cook’s Kosher Kitchen. I hope to handle it differently.
Shirley says
Hey Chaya–Still playing catch up from the week before the Expo! Wow, a new blog!? Guess I missed your Let’s Do Brunch event … I’m so sorry. Thanks for all the kind feedback, dear! You’re so sweet. 🙂
Chaya says
I am back. Would you link this up on My Sweet and Savory, Let’s Do Brunch. You have so much info and great photos, I want to share it with others.
Thanks for considering it.
Tressa @ Hecka-Good Recipes says
This quiche looks so yummy…and healthy. I love healthy lookin’ foods. 🙂 Thanks for the great tips and info. 🙂
Shirley says
Hi Tressa–Welcome to gfe and thanks for kind feedback! 🙂 Foods have to appeal on so many levels, don’t they? Healthy looking and healthy in reality makes for a great combo. 😉
Alta says
That veggie lovers quiche NEEDS to be my breakfast for next week! I love quiche, especially lighter, veggie-full versions like this.
Shirley says
Hi Alta–Playing catch up still … I hope you made some healthy, super veggie-packed quiche for yourself. 😉
Tom @ Tall Clover Farm says
Okay, the use of hash browns as crust, nothing short of brilliant!
Shirley says
Hi Tom–Welcome to gfe! 🙂 Well, a hash brown crust is certainly not my original idea, but I’ll tweak it to my satisfaction for a great gluten-free quiche or pot pie crust any time. 😉
Love your blog! You’re in a very beautiful spot and you, your dogs, and your farm have such charm! Thanks for taking the time to stop by and comment,
Di says
Thanks so much for this. There are recipes out there for gluten-free/ lactose-free, but not so many that explain all the various options in quiche. This is wonderful– very helpful as I’m learning what I can eat these days!
Shirley says
Hi Di–You commented here so long ago and somehow I missed replying. 🙁 I’m so sorry! I’m grateful to have you as a gfe reader. I hope you enjoyed some of these quiches and are thriving living gluten free/lactose free these days! 🙂
Tamara says
Thanks for publishing this. I am new to gluten free living and happy to find something that both my family and I can eat. I love the idea of a potato crust. Going to the pantry now!
Shirley says
Hi Tamara–Welcome to gfe! 🙂 I hope you and your family will enjoy one or more of these quiches. Or maybe you have already … fingers crossed!
Anna says
I was just wondering if you ever make these ahead and freeze them… WOndering what the thaw and cooking instructions would be… Cheers. Love this!
Shirley says
Hi Anna–Quiche will freeze beautifully. I would just cook it maybe 15 to 20 minutes longer after pulling it out of the freezer. If you thaw a bit beforehand, you might get away with adding a little less time on this quiche.
Thanks for the sweet feedback!
Jennifer says
This quiche looks AMAZING cannot wait to make this one!! Thank you for sharing.
Shirley Braden says
Hi Jennifer–I know you left a comment on this post long, long ago. Somehow I missed replying to it. 🙁 I don’t know if you’re still here, but I appreciate you being a gfe reader. Hope you had great success with this quiche! 🙂
Sherry says
This is EXACTLY what I was looking for. I have never made a quiche before. I have a ton of food sensitivities so I can never follow a recipe exactly. This recipe is designed to be utilized by anyone!!! Thank you!!!!
Shirley Braden says
Hi Sherry–Yay!! I’ve designed this tutorial to be used by all readers. I hope that you have great success and fun with this “one size fits all” recipe. 🙂 And, last but not least, it looks like you’re a new reader here—welcome to gfe!