Who’s in the news of late? Well, for starters, me, and my support group! I admit I’m thrilled about that first news tidbit. It’s an exciting time to be gluten free … especially the gfe way. Please read on.
~ Yes, my support group and I recently made the front page of our local newspaper, award-winning The Free Lance-Star! I still can’t believe it. The article was published two days before the government almost shut down, so I’m still surprised this story got top billing and with color photos no less! I am humbled and grateful, and frankly, blown away by the response to the article to date.
I’ve been happily inundated with visits to my blog and personal emails and calls, from folks who discovered the article themselves and others from far and wide who had the article sent to them by more local family members and friends. Support group members are reporting that their family members and friends are looking at them in a different light now. Suddenly, they are no longer the object of frowns and suspicion—woohoo! Other folks are wondering if their histories of ongoing issues have been caused by celiac/gluten sensitivity. Newly diagnosed individuals are contacting me to learn about the gfe approach. It’s all good! Read the article here and see the photos here. I want to extend my thanks not only to The Free Lance-Star staff members, Cathy Dyson and Reza Marvashti, but also to all those in the gluten-free community who shared their input with Ms. Dyson and/or have shared this article online and sent their congratulations. Also, in response to an earlier interview with Emily Battle of the FLS on her blog, The Front Burner, some of these same folks took the time to leave lovely, supportive comments. You know who you are, and I appreciate your kind and generous words more than you can possibly imagine. Let’s all keep working together to get the growing number of folks with celiac and non-celiac gluten issues diagnosed and eating well and healthy!
Photo by Reza Marvashti reprinted courtesy of The Free Lance-Star
~ Have you been visiting the new gluten-free blog over at the Mother Earth News site? My dear friend and fellow blogger, Wendy Gregory Kaho (Celiacs in the House), is the author and host of Gluten-Free Foods and Recipes Blog. All the posts to date have offered so much of value … from cookbook reviews to terrific recipes to helpful tips on pressure cooking to gardening news. The topics have really been such a great mix! For example, did you know you can grow your own gluten-free grains? Read Linda Simon’s (Kitchen Therapy) post there to learn more. Recently, Wendy put the spotlight on my Easy Pot Pie (Chicken, Turkey, or Vegan). (Admittedly, I’m a bit biased, but you can read testimonials in comments on my original post here.) And here’s a recipe for Beef Pot Pie, which uses Jeanne’s (Art of Gluten-Free Baking) crust and Wendy’s filling. It got rave reviews from Wendy and her family. Have you made a gluten-free pot pie yet? Now’s the time … before the heat of summer is here and you wouldn’t dream of turning on your oven!
~ At o’dark thirty most mornings, I make a green smoothie. (Hence the lighting, but I wanted to show how I wake up with a green smoothie!) A few days ago, I made a dairy-free version of Lynn’s (Lynn’s Kitchen Adventures) Pineapple Orange Smoothie, substituting coconut milk for vanilla yogurt. I also added some of Ricki’s (Diet, Dessert & Dogs) Sweet Almond Sauce and three dates (shades of Maggie’s Almond Dream Shake) to tone down the tartness of the pineapple (I added more than Lynn advised!). Finally, I threw in a handful of mixed greens. The combination made for a great smoothie! I drank part of it after my yoga and then drank the rest on the way to work. Use a great “base” recipe and get creative with your smoothies!
~ Now you’re asking, “Hey, where’s the link for Ricki’s Sweet Almond Sauce?” Well, there is no link because that recipe is in her new cookbook, Good Morning! Breakfasts Without Gluten, Sugar, Eggs, or Dairy. I’ve used that recipe three different ways … so far! I’ll have a review of Ricki’s cookbook soon, but here’s a tantalizing photo of one way I used her Sweet Almond Sauce below. I should add that my inspiration came from Alta (Tasty Eats at Home) who shared the suggested combination on Facebook. (If you’re ever short of food ideas, just hang out with your buddies on Facebook or Twitter. Seriously.)
~ When someone is called a goddess, there is usually a reason, and a very good one at that. It’s not a title that is bestowed lightly. Karina Allrich has earned the title Gluten-Free Goddess. She has been dispensing delightful gluten-free recipes and sage gluten-free musings for several years now. (Even posts in the latter category always include a scrumptious recipe.) Be sure to check out her post on baking well gluten free and another on some of the more unbelievable challenges of being gluten free. Karina’s baking recipes always thrill me and save many who are gluten free, but it was her Asparagus with Maple Tahini Dressing that made my family happy last week. Sweet and tart and lingering on the tongue just enough, it made a lovely, flavorful topping for asparagus. Later, the leftover dressing made a wonderful “real food” dressing for Son’s midnight tuna and green salad this past weekend. I used the last of Karina’s dressing to make a Spicy Sugar Snap Peas stir fry, a bit of inspiration and deliciousness from Kalyn (Kalyn’s Kitchen). (Karina’s dressing and some hot sauce subbed nicely for soy sauce, Sriracha sauce, and a few more ingredients that I did not have on hand.)
~ Oh, wait … back up the car! … speaking of asparagus, that’s the ingredient for the April SOS Kitchen Challenge, the monthly event hosted by Ricki and Kim (Affairs of Living). Make an asparagus recipe that fits the rules and share it! Read more on event specifics here.
~ Elana’s new cookbook, Gluten-Free Cupcakes: 50 Irresistible Recipes Made with Almond and Coconut Flour, which will be released next week, is getting early rave reviews on the interwebs. I shared Marble Cupcakes with a Vegan Chocolate Frosting option—recipes included—here. I’m not confessing how many I ate, but Heidi (Adventures of a Gluten-Free Mom) did, when she shared Elana’s Lime Cupcake and Vegan Coconut Frosting recipes here. Ellen made marble cupcakes, too, but she also shared the recipe for Elana’s Strawberry Cupcakes—a recipe she feels is fit for a bride. Look at the photo and I think you’ll agree!
~ Do you know Gluten-Free Gigi? Gigi’s a warm, friendly, and passionate soul who is out in the community helping others as well as blogging gluten free, of course. Currently, Gigi’s sharing a full month of dinner recipes and ideas on her blog. Her series, Now Gigi Serves Dinner, shows folks how to come up with their own gluten-free meals. All her posts in this series (and she’s posting others during this time, too!) have been great, so be sure to head over to Gigi’s to see her recent British Twist and Southern Slander dinner and check out all her posts for this event.
~ Carol Kicinski’s (Simply … Gluten-Free) new cookbook, Simply … Gluten-Free Desserts, is now officially out! Woohoo for Carol, and for us! You can see the video of Carol with her cookbook and so many of her desserts on QVC here. I have Carol’s book and I’ll go ahead and tell you that it’s wonderful, but I’ll also be sharing a review in the future. Read about the “birthing process” and see several of Carol’s gorgeous photos here (she took all the photographs in her book!).
~ I just shared my entry for the April in the Raw event, Frozen Orange Kiss Desserts. April in the Raw is the event being hosted by Brittany of Real Sustenance. It’s a month of raw food recipes. Now for some of you, that may seem too alternative, but I think you’ll be surprised by the posts to date and wouldn’t turn any of the recipes down if offered. Take Debi’s (Hunter’s Lyoness) Peppermint Mocha Truffle Cake, for example, or Bean’s (Without Adornment) Tropical Carrot Cake with Cheesecake Icing.Heidi just made Raw Sweet Potato Chips—gorgeous and good for you. There are just so many wonderful recipes begin share for this event. But it was Maggie’s Chocolate fRAWstie (or Fudgesicle) that got made immediately in my house. I split the recipe so I could enjoy the fRAWstie and Son could enjoy the fudgesicle version. We were both very, very happy with these raw creations of Maggie’s.
~ By the way, Brittany is now presenting a cooking demo at the Gluten-Free and Allergen-Free Expo in Lisle, IL at the end of this month. Yep, now that’s NEXT week! If you recall, I’m also presenting and will be demonstrating how to make two gfe recipes. Of course, since they are gfe, they barely need a demonstration so I’ll be sharing my gfe approach during and after I do a little mixing and baking. The Expo event just keeps growing and growing, and the important news for you to know is that there are still tickets available. If you’re new to gluten free, this event is an especially good way to “get your feet wet.” The cost and time for a weekend in Lisle, IL (one flies into Chicago and stays in discounted room at the Wyndham) is a small price to pay to learn how to live gluten free well and avoid a few months of cooking challenges. So many gluten-free experts will be there sharing their knowledge, best recipes, tips, and of course signing and selling their cookbooks. You can read more on who they are in this post, but I’m also excited that gfe readers and Facebook friends like Summar Evans and Carol Stapleton will be attending. Summar will actually be one of the volunteers for the event. Can’t wait to see everyone there!
~ Hallie Klecker (Daily Bites) is another gluten-free blogger who will be at the Expo! She’s hosting an event this month called Build a Better Breakfast. Coming up with gluten-free breakfasts is often a challenge to the “newbies” I counsel as a support group leader, so I think the roundup from this event will be a much needed resource. I’ll be contributing a clean-out-the-fridge recipe, so please stay tuned to gfe. I like being able to accomplish two tasks at once and my contribution for Build a Better Breakfast will also work for Maggie’s theme of Springtime Brunches for this month’s Go Ahead Honey, It’s Gluten Free event. (Follow those links for deadlines!)
~ So many who have gone gluten free have found the unexpected blessing of actually learning what’s in their food and, in the end, shifting their focus to real food, whole foods, if you will. That’s the gfe approach and it’s also the focus of Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution. The second season just started this past Tuesday. Two of the eye-opening demonstrations that Jamie shared were on the pink “stuff” (and that’s my euphemism) that’s allowed in ground beef and sugar in milk. Diane did a nice summary of the show here on her Changing My Life Journal and Melissa addressed the nutritional concerns of the “food” that Jamie highlighted in his opening show. I think you might agree with the sentiments she shared at the end of her post.
~ Jamie Oliver is looking at milk from the perspective that it should be consumed “as is,” with no chocolate flavoring added. I won’t disagree with the chocolate flavoring aspect, but I do wonder if cow’s milk should be consumed at all. Its effects on me and my son are obvious. And what does “as is” really mean? One of my area’s family care physicians made the case for looking at milk more closely in this article. It’s a very worthwhile read. Did you know there’s a correlation between the presence of milk antibodies and diabetes? That’s one of the facts shared that Alison (Sure Foods Living) commented on when she read the article after I posted the link on Facebook.
~ Incidentally, Alison just shared a very compelling post: Can Your Food Allergic Child Be Trusted? Check it out and be sure to read comments. Many of Alison’s readers shared stories of experiences with their own children. Handling food allergies, particularly life threatening ones, can be a very emotional topic and, of course, a challenge for both parents and kids.
~ Spurred on by her own frustration, Katie Chalmers, author of the acclaimed Mommy, What is Celiac Disease?, recently took on the task of deciphering the various terms that apply to those who follow the gluten-free diet: celiac, gluten intolerance, and gluten sensitivity. What do they all mean? Read Katie’s comprehensive post and her conclusions here. Incidentally, Katie also has a free 12-page ebook on her site in which she shares her family’s favorite gluten-free recipes. I could go for one of her corn tortilla pizzas right about now!
~ Two gorgeous, jaw-dropping blog carnival roundups were just posted. Whether you need “every day” or “sure to impress” recipes for Easter or Passover, take a few minutes to check out Sea’s latest Adopt-a-Gluten-Free Blogger roundup and Kelly’s The Spunky Holiday roundup. Do you love your crockpot? Steph O’Dea (A Year of Slow Cooking) has got you covered for Easter with her slow cooker recipe listing—even desserts! Elana gives you options for both Easter and Passover (and even explains how it’s determined when Passover is observed). I’m hosting Easter dinner for my family. Mom is bringing the ham (I ignored her suggestion on cooking a turkey–sorry, Mom!) and her Deviled Eggs, I’m waffling on other main fare, maybe Susie’s Crab Casserole, but I’ll probably make Great Salad, Classic Corn Pudding, Popovers, one of my crustless pies (most likely Coconut), Lemon Sponge Cake, and my Brown Sugar Chocolate Chip Cookies (folks are not happy if I don’t make the latter, and one birthday “boy” will get his own special tin of them). I’m always up for last-minute inspiration and changes, so I won’t know everything that I’m serving until we’re all sitting down at the table together!
~Last, please don’t forget about the Gluten-Free Labeling Summit 2011 being held in Washington, DC, on Wednesday, May 4. Event “instigators” (and I mean that in the best possible way in this case!), Jules Shepard and John Forberger, have brought in the foremost supporters of those who are gluten free to help in the effort to get Congress and the FDA to finally pass the law for “gluten free” labeling. “It’s a Big Deal” and to prove that point, the tallest gluten-free cake ever is being built. The public is welcome, but if you can’t attend in person, be sure to follow the cake-building event on the website. Head over to the site—1in133.org—to send those in Congress your request for action and to also send a letter to Secretary Kathryn Sebelius (Secretary of Health and Human Services, who oversees the FDA), requesting that this much overdue need be met. If you can give a donation to the cause, that’s even better. Organizers are asking for amounts that fit the event title (e.g., $11.33, $133), but any amounts are welcome. Should any money be left over after the event, it will go to the American Celiac Disease Alliance (ACDA). The ACDA was a major driver behind the Food Allergen Labeling and Consumer Protection Act that went into effect in January 2006 and ensures that the eight major allergens—including wheat—are shown on the label of most food products (I say most because there are some foods that are not covered by FALCPA, like meats; they fall under the USDA’s purview). They and everyone else in the gluten-free community want to see a gluten-free labeling law passed. Check out all the organizations who are supporting the 1in133 event here and show your support here. Remember to share the latter link with friends and family (yes, phone a friend!). Everyone can show their support for this gluten-free labeling law!
glutenfreeforgood says
You absolutely and totally amaze me! Seriously, do you EVER sleep? How you find the time to put together such stellar wrap-ups of everything under the sun, I have no idea!
GFE is such a great source of information and you are the best hostess anywhere around. Southern hospitality at its best! And thanks so much for the link. I really do appreciate it.
And congratulations for the article. Definitely well deserved!!
Shirley says
Hi dear Melissa–LOL … I do sleep! Sometimes not enough though. Working on that. Thanks for all your super sweet comments! I love periodically sharing all the good that’s going on. When I see all the info compiled and get to spread the word, it makes me very, very happy. 🙂
Ina Gawne says
Shirley, bless your heart, and congratulations! You are a true inspiration to the Gluten Free Communities, in the States and Canada! Thank you for all that you do! 🙂
Shirley says
Hi Ina–Thank you so much, dear! I’m truly honored by your words.
Kristina @ spabettie says
Congrats again, my friend!! that is so very exciting, and well deserved!
that pie looks delicious!
Shirley says
Hi Kristina–You’re very sweet and I appreciate you! 🙂 Despite the slightly crackled top crust, that pot pie is the best. 😉
Wendy @ Celiacs in the House says
This post is why your blog is “the hub of an international gluten-free community.” Wow. There is so much going on and it is all pretty wonderful. Thanks for the shout out on the Mother Earth News blog and for joining me. Can’t wait to see you at the Expo!
Shirley says
Oh, Wendy, first you utter those famous words and they get printed for all the world to see (well, close)! Then you come back and share them again—thank you so much. “Pretty wonderful” is right and I hope that the more the good news gets shared, the more good news there will be to share. 😉
Happy to share the latest on your Mother Earth News blog and all that you are sharing there!
Just over a week to the Expo … it’s been too long!
cheryl says
what an amazing cornucopia of everything gluten free! Kudos to you for putting all of that together in one spot.
Enjoy the Expo!
Shirley says
Hi Cheryl–I’ve always loved cornucopias! 🙂 Thanks very much, dear … on both counts.
Alison St. Sure says
Way to go Shirley — that looks like a GIANT picture in the paper! Thanks for sharing my post too. Food allergies are emotional indeed.
Shirley says
Thanks so much, Alison. I still can’t believe that front page story really happened. It was definitely a big spread. 😉 I’m very grateful to the newspaper and its staff!
I think you do such a great job covering allergies/intolerances when it comes to children. (And others, too, but I especially enjoy your posts regarding children.) And I always applaud you for being willing to share your own family’s experiences to educate others. It’s validation that you are not alone and offers the same validation for others—very important.
Debi says
Amazing round-up post, Shirley. I can’t believe we’ll be in one place in a little over a week. I can’t wait!
Shirley says
Debi–Thanks, dear! I know … a week from tomorrow we’ll all be together—woohoo!!!
Ricki says
Shirley, I just don’t know how you do it–but I am glad that you do! First up, congrats again on the feature article–so well deserved! And kudos for getting the word out.
And the word about so many other activities, publications and events in the GF community! Amazing. I always learn something when I read one of your roundups, too. And I loved “o’dark thirty”! 😀 (Plus the view through that window–can I be your neighbor? Pretty please???).
Hope you and yours have a wonderful Easter together. And you will knock their socks off at the GF Expo! Can’t wait to read your recaps and see all the photos of what goes on! 😀
Shirley says
Ricki!–I think that you saying that is like “the pot calling the kettle black”! LOL You have the most engaging and entertaining posts (and several of them) week in and week out; you always amaze me. But thank you, dear.
Would love to have you as my neighbor! You mean everyone doesn’t use the expression “o’dark thirty”? We have so many expressions like that in our household. 😉
Thanks for the Easter wishes! I hope you have a lovely Passover … I know you’re ready with recipes. 🙂 I certainly appreciate you being such a great cheerleader. I’ll share all later. Hope I do get to take a bunch of photos! I mean there are so many gf celebs there, somebody has to play the paparazzi, right? 😉
Brittany @ Real Sustenance says
Oh Shirley. What would this Gluten Free Community do without you? I mean honestly. I have NOT come across a single blogger that does not know and adore you!!
Thank you SO much for putting this together- for the mention and for everything that you do!
We LOVE YOU Shirley!! See you in 10 DAYS!!!
Shirley says
Hey Brittany–Oh my goodness, dear … you’re way too sweet, and I love you for it! 🙂 Happy to mention all that meets my “newsworthy” requirements. 😉
Soooon, dear, soooon,
Iris says
Wow! You are amazing. And might I say, “o’dark thirty” is the best phrase I’ve heard in a while. That really made me smile. 🙂
Shirley says
Hi Iris–You’re a doll … as always! 🙂 Can’t believe that several of you aren’t familiar with “o’dark thirty”! I’ve got more where that one came from. LOL It’s not unique to me … wonder who did invent that expression? Always happy to inspire a smile!
Maggie says
Okay, you must sleep so well after writing these posts 🙂 Another AMAZING job Shirley. Thank you so much for being our one-stop spot for all news gluten-free. I am so happy that you and Son loved my raw creation so much! Thanks for the mentions throughout your post. It means a lot to me! And thanks for including a pic of your newspaper spread. I wished that I could see it – and now I have! See you oh so soon!
Shirley says
Hi Maggie–I laughed when I read your comment! I did sleep well last night. 🙂 Thanks for the great feedback … just gotta spread the news when it’s this good, you know? 😉
Happy you enjoyed my quick snapshot of the front page! There’s actually another photo in the post now. I got permission. 🙂
Sooooooon … so sooooon!
Deanna says
Another great synopsis of the gluten-free world! Thank you! And congratulations on your article. Very nice.
Shirley says
Hi there, Deanna–Thanks for the compliments! They are much appreciated. 🙂
Gigi says
Shirley, ditto everything said in the previous comments, and more! You have no idea what a boost such a post is to us all. This is such a positive indicator that many dedicated people are doing their part (and more!) to spread the word about gluten-free allergy-aware living. Everyone brings a little something different, and I feel honored for the mention among such a talented group of bloggers. Thanks so much for that, and for all that you do to help so many!
Shirley says
Hi dear Gigi!–You’ve said it beautifully regarding so many folks doing their part; I couldn’t agree more. 🙂 We are all critical players in getting the word out and helping folks live gluten free. Hopefully, our readers consider themselves to be the same and are spreading the word, too. We want to get that diagnosis rate up and let people know they can live gluten free easily and well! And you’re very welcome, dear. You’ve sent lots of love my way, too! 😉
Carol, Simply...Gluten-free says
You are such a gluten-free rock star! No one is more well deserved than the attention than you are, you do sooooo much for the gf community! Thanks for the shout out and kind words.
Shirley says
Hey Carol–I can’t believe you are taking the time to comment with all you have going on with your new cookbook, Simply … Gluten-Free Desserts! YOU are the rock star, woman … with your regular gluten-free tv show, recent appearance on QVC, and so much more. 🙂 But, I’ll happily take the stage with you for just a little bit. 😉 Thanks, dear!
Lynn says
What a great list of information and resources.Thanks for all the time you take in putting these together. I am so glad that you enoyed the smoothie and your variations sound great. I agree, you can take a great smoothie base and get so creative. And also make it different every time.
Shirley says
Hi Lynn–Thanks so much! You have so many great recipes on your blog that I love when I get to try one here and there. 😉 Smoothie creations make for a fun, tasty, and healthy way to start the day for me. 🙂
Kalynskitchen says
Very fun post (and I’m definitely wondering how you have time to keep up with all this news! I feel like I’m always behind on reading other blogs.)
Shirley says
Hi Kalyn–Thanks! I’m a sponge for all that’s going on. LOL Seriously, I get excited to see all the great news, recipes, etc., and can’t help but share them periodically. I know the “behind” feeling too, though. Sometimes, I just can’t make my rounds, so I try to make up for that with these types of posts. 🙂
Kim (Cook IT Allergy Free) says
What would we do without you ? (don’t answer that, I do not EVER want to find out). You are AMAZING!! I do not even know how you can find the time to come up with a post like this. Seriously. I have been out of the loop this last week. I think I just caught on EVERYTHING right here!!
Thanks, my friend!
Shirley says
Oh, Kim, you excel in making a girl feel good—thanks so very much! No plans on stopping my “everything but the kitchen sink” posts. LOL I admit this particular post took longer than most of this type, which I actually think is phenomenal because it does indicate how much good is going on right now—love that! 🙂
Kathie says
You ROCK, Shirley. Keep up the good work. So glad I follow you on a regular basis!
Shirley says
Hi Kathie–Gosh … thanks so much for these words and being such a loyal gfe reader! I am grateful for YOU. 🙂
Carole says
Shirley says
Hi Carole–Thanks so much for taking the time to comment and give me that feedback! I really appreciate it so much, as well as your congratulations on the newspaper article! 🙂 It was quite a pleasant surprise for both me and my group to get that much, and such nice, coverage!
Alta says
I am always impressed that you manage to gather so much news about everyone here. My monkey mind can’t keep up with it all. And you’re making me crave another sweet potato…yum!
Shirley says
Alta–I think it’s actually my monkey mind that allows me to pick up on all this news! LOL But thank you, and gosh, I wish I’d thought of the sweet potato I had when packing my lunch this morning. I’ve got a baked Russet potato instead. Still good, but it’s nice to get that natural sweetness from a sweet potato. Love Ricki’s sauce on them for a totally different flavor, too. I’m so glad you posted that on FB that day! 😉
Linda says
Woo hoo! Congratulations on that newspaper article! How exciting. Thanks for all the other news too. Going to check out growing gf grains now.
Shirley says
Hey Linda–Thank you! It has been very exciting indeed. I am truly so happy about the response. So many people say they are coming to our meeting next week … hoping I have room! 😉
I bet you enjoyed Linda’s guest post on Wendy’s Mother Earth News blog. There’s nothing better than learning from someone who has already tried it in real life (IRL, as they say!). 🙂
Kay Guest says
Hey Shirley! So happy to see that you and your group made front-page news. I love that you have so much info on this post, especially since there may be many who are finding you for the first time. If anyone is reading this comment, please do yourself a favor and read all of Shirley’s recipes… they are the BEST (just like Shirley!)
You see, there will be a HUGE cheerleading squad for you!! Love from the CAPTAIN of the Shirley cheerleaders, Kay.
Shirley says
Hi Kay … oh, I mean Captain … LOL … you’re the best! I truly appreciate all your nice words and spreading the word about gfe! I’m just visualizing that huge cheerleading squad … think I’ll keep that image in my mind for those days when it’s too quiet here at gfe or when life gives me more challenges than I’m ready for. 😉
Sarena (The Non-Dairy Queen) says
This is an amazing round up! Thank you for all of the information! Congrats on the article! That is great that they featured your group. Now I have to go back through all those links! I can’t wait to read more from them.
Shirley says
Hi Sarena–Thank you! And congrats to you on being a speaker at BlogHer Food this year–wow! Oh how I wish that I could be there to hear (and be with) you and Alisa, and so many others. 🙂 Will have to meet you one day in the near future though! 😉
Tiffany says
Wow! Shirley that is so wonderful that you made the front page of the newspaper! Congratulations on being a major leader in your own gf community and way beyond!
I know if I need to catch up on the whirlwind of gluten-free news I can always come here to do it! In fact, until I saw this post, I didn’t even realize Elana wrote the cupcakes cookbook that came in the mail a couple of weeks ago. I just stacked it up with other books to review without looking at it. Now I can’t wait to check it out!!!
Thanks for the informed and entertaining gf news wrap-up!
Shirley says
Hi Tiffany–It’s great to see you, and thanks so much! I do appreciate your lovely words. 🙂
I’m very happy that I enlightened you on Elana’s new book! I know you are not much of a baker (per your own words … not mine), but get some almond flour and/or coconut flour and get busy. You will LOVE Elana’s recipes!
Debbie says
Wonderful info all in one place! Shirley you are the Goddess! I look forward to the day when I have energy like you!
Shirley says
Hi Debbie–Thank you, dear! While I have to rebut your statement and say that Karina is the Gluten-Free Goddess, I do love your generosity. 😉 I have to say that nothing energizes me more than sharing this type of info. 🙂 Oh, and remember my son is 23, so I have more “free” time on my hands than most of my fellow bloggers and readers.
Tina @madame gluten-free vegetarian says
Hi Shirley!
You’re amazing! And so is everyone in your newsworthy post! I don’t know how all of you find the time to do so much and be so creative — it’s inspirational. I always look forward to your posts, “kitchen sink” and all. 🙂 Tina.
Shirley says
Tina–Thanks, dear, and I agree … so many great folks! And hey, you’re in the mix, too. I’m sure I’ll be sharing one of your posts soon. 🙂 LOL on the kitchen sink … good to know!
Alisa Fleming says
Wow, so much awesomeness packed into one post Shirley!
You are really setting a good example for the free-from community – it is fantastic!
Shirley says
Hi Alisa–Thank you!!! It’s nice having you as a gfe/free-from cheerleader! 🙂