Here I am with the Top 10 gfe discussion posts. These are non-recipe posts for the most part, although a few do include recipes as you can see from the titles below. One was even included in my earlier Top 10 gfe recipe posts listing.
If you’re new to gfe or missed these the first time around, I think they’re worth a read. They cover a variety of topics: the gluten-free version of the “teach a man to fish” parable, my trip to the Betty Crocker kitchens for the General Mills Gluten-Free Bloggers Summit, thoughts on how to treat restaurant personnel when eating out, a reminder that spelt is not gluten free (no matter how vehemently others tell you that it is safe for those on a gluten-free diet), a plea to take eating 100% gluten free very seriously, a discussion on some of the “atypical” symptoms of gluten issues, my celiac gene testing results, and, of course, personal stories … four very eye-opening and inspiring ones I might add.
The latter came from gluten-free reader and blogger friends—all such different stories, yet all so similar in the lack of a “straight and narrow path” diagnosis, but positive and encouraging in each individual’s amazing strides to health on a gluten-free diet.
While I do have my favorites of these posts, I’m sharing them in no particular order. If you take the time to read them, please also take a few moments to read the comments. The comments of gfe readers add valuable points to the discussion. Oh, of course, somef folks just like to drop in to gfe to “stir things up,” but lively discussions are almost always a good thing! If you have other favorite gfe discussion posts, please note them in comments.
Incidentally, I’m actually on another road trip with Mr. GFE at the moment. This one is probably the most epic of our lives to date, and that includes all of our multi-state, multi-day motorcycle trips (like this one). Here’s our mode of transportation below. That “Gentle-Ride Van” description on the side of the truck … uh huh … that would be a ride all the way to the chiropractor and/or massage therapist. We’ve been alternately referring to this truck as The Monster Truck or The Beast 2 (The Beast 1 was a rental van in Bonaire years ago). The vibration in this truck is so severe that the bag of potato chips that was in our parcel of food on the floor of the cab was pulverized after only a few hours. (They’d be perfect for using to make my Crispy Chicken Nuggets, but somehow I don’t think I’ll save them for the return trip.) And, I got glutened on Day 1 (yeah, no fun although it could have been worse as I shared on my gfe Facebook page. But on the bright side of this trip, we’re helping out some very old friends, we’re traveling through states we’ve never been in before, we’ve crossed the Mississippi (only done that in a plane in the past), and we’ll get to meet up with some more dear friends at the end of the trip before we fly home!
Monster Truck or Beast 2 (and perhaps a few more names)
The tasty and innocent-looking dish that contained gluten–aaargh …
A peach water tower? Must be in Georgia, right? Nope, the Peachoid is located in Gaffney, SC, and was created to show that SC produces more peaches than GA.
Here are my favorite discussion posts with some additional links from other gluten-free blogger friends below these:
1. Chicken (or Turkey) Enchilada Casserole and Some Non-Standard Symptoms of Celiac
2. Flourless Oatmeal Cookies (includes discussion on certified gluten-free oats)
3. How Hard Is It? A Short, Sad Story
4. Guest Post from Diane Eblin (The Whole Gang): I Can’t Eat What and It’s Where?
5. Guest Post: Dana (Home*School*Home), My New Gluten-Free Life
6. Guest Post from Debi Smith (Hunter’s Lyonesse)—My Journey Back to Healthy Living
7. Guest Post from Linda Etherton (The Gluten-Free Homemaker)
9. MyCeliacID—Literally (Part I) (which reminds me I still have to share Part II!)
10. My Trip to General Mills, a.k.a. Betty Crocker Central
11. Stop the Madness
Originally published January 18, 2011; updated June 5, 2024.
Debi says
That did not look like a peach to me in that picture, Shirley. Gave me a good laugh! Thank you for sharing my guest post in your top 10. I’m honored!
I hope the rest of your road trip goes without incident.
Shirley says
Hey Debi–Well, I was in transit so the photo probably wasn’t taken from the best angle and other conditions weren’t optimum. I wouldn’t say it was a perfect peach. It made me laugh, too. ๐
I was happy to share your terrific and inspiring write-up in my Top 10! I know it will help many.
One more day of driving The Beast 2 before we get a rental car for a day and then fly home on Friday. Thanks for the good wishes, dear!
Hugs back ๐
Erin Elberson says
What an awesome trip! I can’t wait to hear all about it. I’m so glad you did this round up of your posts, you have so much awesome information here. Thanks for adding my list as well!
Continue having a great time, and hopefully no more glutening. What a bummer.
The broccoli looks really good, too.
Shirley says
Hi Erin–Today was one of our best days of the trip so far. It’s been quite an experience. We’ll feel better about it all when we successfully survive the driving of the monster truck and “hand it over” to our friends. ๐
Thanks for the kind words on my listing, and I was so happy to include yours!
Re: that broccoli, I keep wondering if it wasn’t suspect. The server said that it was just steamed with minced garlic added, but it was right after eating several pieces that I started feeling funky. So I wonder if perhaps it could have been steamed in water used for pasta or something … one just never knows.
Heidi says
What would I do without your wonderful Top 10 and roundup posts Shirley? I’ve not been on the computer much lately…either I’m napping or taking abusive “yoga” classes, LOL!
Okay, time to catch up ๐
Shirley says
Hey there Heidi!–I’m glad you are getting some “offline” time for yourself, but do find another yoga class that nurtures you instead of beats you up. ๐
Hope you enjoy the posts when you get to read them! xoxo,
Maggie says
Hope you’re having a great trip Shirley! Did you pup come for the ride? Sorry to hear you were glutened ๐ Hope you’re feeling better!
Shirley says
Hi Maggie–Thanks, dear! The pup stayed home with my SIL. We called to check on him today. He got an excellent report! We both can’t wait to see him when we fly back on Friday. ๐
I’m happy to report that I’m feeling just fine now … thanks.
Kim - Cook It Allergy Free says
Shirley, this road trip sounds crazier and crazier by the moment. I hope that you are not too “rattled” by the time you make it to AZ!! Yikes! I can only imagine the stories you will have. And I have been off of the computer so much while we are skiing that I did not even know that you had been glutened! POOP!!! (although, I hope not literally). I hope you are feeling better!
Ummm…and my first thought was not that that looked like a big peach. LOL I thought it looked like something else.
Cannot wait to see you – if you ever make it before your flight leaves on Friday! ๐
Shirley says
Hey Kim–Only one more day and we’ll have this truck delivered! However, we’re so behind schedule that you guys are the only friends we’ll get to see before we fly out. Not at all what we planned, but things happen. I’m feeling pretty much fine now … thank goodness.
Uh, yeah, on the peach. LOL Probably not the best photo, but I wonder who approved that design. ๐
So glad you’ve been skiing away and enjoying yourselves! Talk to you and see you soon! xoxo,
Gluten Free Diva says
Love round-ups Shirley! What a great way to be introduced to other people’s blogs. Thank you and travel safely my friend!
Shirley says
Hey Ellen–Great to see you! Thanks. I love roundups of any kind it seems. ๐ Glad you do, too. ๐
Thanks so much for the travel wishes, too … I do appreciate them very much!
nicola @ gfreemom says
Glutened by broccoli. Wow. That is awful. So glad to see that it’s not spoiling your trip. Impressed that you still managed to put up such a great post while on the road. Take care! Nicola xo
Shirley says
Hey Nicola–Well, I’m not 100% sure on the broccoli, but you know how that goes, sometimes one never knows for certain what the culprit was. I am happy to be feeling fine now. Maybe the super vibrating truck vibrated the remaining gluten out of me! Kidding, of course, but I do feel like my body has detoxified from the experience. Many thanks on the comment on the post! It wasn’t super long (at least by my standards LOL) and I did it in bits and pieces. ๐
Linda says
Another great round up Shirley. Thanks for including my guest post and year end round up. I hope your trip goes well. That’s really funny about the potato chips, but I’m sure it’s not funny to your body! I’m so sorry you were glutened. ๐ Road trips can be great fun, but there is that risk involved with all the eating out. Hopefully there won’t be any more accidents. Have fun!
Shirley says
Hi Linda–Thanks, and I was happy to include your roundup. ๐ I love all your discussion posts of late! We stepped out of The Beast 2 yesterday at 3:00 and our bodies are reacclimating themselves to “non-vibrate mode.” LOL As I said to Nicola, maybe the vibrational factor helped me detox from the gluten though. Who knows? But I do feel pretty good! And, we’re having fun and eating well now, visiting friends in Phoenix since yesterday. And, we’re heading to Kim’s (Cook IT Allergy Free) today, so I know it will be smooth—and delicious—sailing there! Then there’s just the whole airport challenge … due diligence will be exercised and fingers will be crossed. ๐
Ricki says
So sorry to hear you were glutened! And I can’t imagine what could have contained gluten in that dish–did you find out??
I also love this post. Some of these I’ve read before and some are new–as in, I cannot believe all those weird symptoms that can be attributed to gluten! Very scary. And thanks for taking on the issue of spelt, too. When I used to use it (I’m sensitive to gluten but not celiac), people would always remark how it was gluten free, and I’d have to go into a long explanation (besides, anything that bakes like AP wheat flour can’t have gluten!) ๐
Hope you’re enjoying the trip and seeing your friends. ๐
Shirley says
Hey Ricki–All in the past now on the glutening … the only lingering effect (that I am aware of anyway) is some brain fog moments, which are never fun. No, I never found out for sure what the culprit one. That’s often the case though.
Thanks for you feedback on the roundup and the individual posts. Just trying to get the word out. As you shared, we are still often unaware of the symptoms caused by gluten (and I keep chastising myself for not being on top of my game … forgetting that I was just glutened) and rumors persist on spelt being gluten free.
The last two days of the trip were the best by far. So glad we got to visit with Kim and her family (she, her hubby, and two boys are all such fun to be with!) and another couple whose company and historic home we truly enjoyed! In some ways the trip dragged on … in other ways, it was a whirlwind!
Allison says
Hi Shirley, my husband and I use to drive by “the big peach” when we drove home from Atlanta to Charlotte to see our parents. For six years now we have been living in a foreign country and miss home terribly. Your blog site is fabulous and I just wanted to say thanks for posting some of your favorites. I am so very new to living gluten free (less than 2 weeks in fact) and what an encouraging site. As soon as I can get to the store I am going to try your flourless pizza and flourless chocolate cake. I look forward to spending a lot more time here at gfe. Have a safe and enjoyable trip.
Shirley says
Hi Allison–Welcome to gfe! ๐ What a wonderful comment to receive on my blog—thank you so very much!! You made my day. You are wayyyy new if you are only 2 weeks gluten free. There’s no reason to get discouraged by being gluten free. It’s just different, but can be every bit as tasty as our previous life and can mean huge improvements in our lives. So glad that you feel that by just looking around gfe! I can’t wait to see what you think of the pizza and the cake, and I look forward to seeing you more here! Oh, and I’m glad that the peach was a welcome, if bittersweet, sight for you. Yes, being away from home can be a wonderful thing, but a hard thing, too.
Thanks so much for taking the time to leave such a heartfelt comment! Hugs,
Allison says
Hi, Shirley. I got the very kind comments you left on my blog just as I was pulling the flourless pizza crusts from the oven. How’s that for timing?! They smelled wonderful! I was so excited about the final results. The pizzas tasted great. Would you mind if I do a post about the rave reviews the pizza got from my family? I’ll let you tell them exactly how to make it though; I followed your instructions just as you have on your recipe page. The pizzas really were a big hit. The only problem was I didn’t get to test it cold – there was not even one piece left.
I know this comment might be left at the wrong place. I wasn’t sure if I should post a new comment on the pizza post or reply here. Thanks again for being so sweet to me.
Shirley says
Hi Allison–Oh, gosh, no, I wouldn’t mind if you shared the reviews on the pizzas–woohoo! And, thank you, dear! Oh, there’s no wrong way to leave a comment here at gfe! ๐ You’re welcome to comment on the pizza post, too … even link back to your post when it’s up if you’d like. ๐
Happy to have you and your blog, Simple Joys of Home, spreading gluten-free goodness! We can’t have enough awareness. Hugs,
glutenfreeforgood says
The “gentle ride” truck with a T-Rex on the side? Doesn’t conjure up “gentle ride” images, does it?! Maybe it’s a Steven King/Jurassic Park truck. Sorry you got zapped. That is such a drag and you just never know where gluten is lurking (as hard as you try).
Can’t wait to hear the juicy details of this trip!
Peace, love and gentle rides (for real).
Shirley says
Hey Melissa–I was wondering if anyone would comment on the T-Rex on the side! I’m not sure what kind of truck it was, but I do now we were thrilled in the “over the top” way of Stephen King/Jurassic Park when we got to drop it off! LOL
Yes, I was sorry I got zapped too. Thank you, dear. Only a few lingering effects still. Nothing major thankfully, although I know getting gluten out of the body takes longer than we actually have symptoms.
Not too many juicy details to share … just great fun at the end when we hung out with friends in the Phoenix area including dear Kim of Cook IT Allergy Free and her beautiful family.
InTolerantChef says
You poor thing getting sick. In our (commercial)kitchen, we have a big pot of water on the stove that everything goes into for steaming or heating, be it pasta, dumplings or broccoli. There is no thought for cross contamination at all.(but I work to educate them everyday!!!) I bet that’s what happened. Im glad you enjoyed the rest of your trip.
Shirley says
Hi InTolerant Chef–Welcome to gfe! ๐ Thanks so much for the sympathy on my gluten incident. Yes, I suspect that scenario occurs a lot and without being right in the kitchen, one never knows what happened. Woohoo on you educating, too! We truly can’t have enough of that.
Diane-thewholegang says
Wow that is some monster truck. It even has one on the side! I think that totally stinks about your innocent looking meal that had gluten. I used to work in a restaurant and sometimes we used to steam veggies like broccoli over or using the pasta water. I always ask when then want to offer me veggies WHERE and HOW do they cook them.
Shirley says
Hey Diane–I shouldn’t do my comment replying in short sessions. It means that I inevitably miss replying to someone. ๐ But, here I am finally. Yes, monster truck several times over. So glad it’s in the past! Must write a post on our experience, but you know how I am about summarizing trips in a timely fashion. Not good. I will always ask now about how veggies are cooked, even to that necessary level of detail. Thanks for sharing your restaurant knowledge … it might just save me next time! ๐
Alta says
Good Top 10! I love it. Have fun on your trip!
Shirley says
Hey Alta–The trip’s behind us and other than getting to visit some fab friends, that’s rather a good thing. Words of advice–don’t take your vacation by driving a massive U-Haul truck across country! Glad you like my Top 10 discussions. ๐